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QEMM General Troubleshooting
Quarterdeck Technical Note #241 Filename: TROUBLE.TEC
by Michael Bolton CompuServe: TROUBL.TEC
Last revised: 2/11/96 Category: QEMM
Subject: A step-by-step guide for troubleshooting conflicts
related to QEMM, providing reliable troubleshooting
techniques and references to more specific technical
This is a very general guide to troubleshooting QEMM Version 8.0
with any version of DOS, and with any version of Microsoft
Windows or Windows for WorkGroups up to 3.11.
This troubleshooting guide may appear to be long; however, you
will find that reading this note and following its methods is
fast and easy. In the main, this note provides either quick
fixes or references for additional information. It does not
provide the detail available in the QEMM manual, which you should
also consult. The troubleshooting section in Appendix A of the
manual has many quick fixes for common problems. If you haven't
looked at this section of the manual, you may save considerable
time by doing so now. Similarly, the README and PRODUCTS.TEC
files that accompany QEMM contain the resolution to common
problems, and answer to frequently-asked questions.
As you proceed through this guide, please record carefully the
results of each step. This is important; Quarterdeck Technical
Support may need this information, and if you can provide a record
of it, we can address your problem much more efficiently. In any
case, you will find that good record-keeping saves you time and
trouble in further troubleshooting.
If your problem is related to... ...you may also wish to
consult the Technote
Product-specific conflicts PRODUCTS.TEC
Exception #6, #12, #13 EXCEPT13.TEC
Microsoft Windows WINFLOW.TEC
High RAM Conflicts EXCLUDE.TEC
"Cannot find ROM Handler for INT ??" XSTI.TEC
Bus-mastering devices or SCSI hard drives BUS-MAST.TEC
Getting more memory MAXMEM.TEC
Parity Errors PARITY.TEC
Resource Manager RSRCMGR.TEC
Processor Exceptions occur due to a wide variety of causes, almost
all of which are treated here. If you wish to learn more about
what the Exception reports mean, refer to the technote "EXCEPTION
Consult the note CONTACT.TEC or the Passport Support Brochure that
accompanies your copy of QEMM for more information on contacting
For the purposes of this troubleshooting guide, the DOS portion
of QEMM is comprised of the QEMM386.SYS driver (which provides
EMS, XMS, VCPI memory management, High RAM, and miscellaneous
other services) and three other significant features, installed
as separate DOS device drivers. These are:
Feature Driver
Stealth D*Space ST-DSPC.SYS
Again for this purposes of this guide, the Windows 3.1 components
of QEMM are comprised of three significant features, as follows:
Feature Driver
Resource Manager RSRCMGR.DLL
Of these drivers, FreeMeg and Resource Manager are installed
on the drivers= line in the [boot] section of your SYSTEM.INI
file. MagnaRAM is installed as a device= line in the [386Enh]
section of your SYSTEM.INI file.
QSETUP and Manifest should be very helpful in the unlikely event
that you need to troubleshoot the QEMM package. Manifest
provides detailed reporting on various aspects of your system's
configuration, and, on its Hints / Overview and Hint / Detail
screens, suggestions for improving your system's use of memory.
To run Manifest, change to the QEMM directory and type MFT,
followed by the Enter key, or click on the Manifest icon in the
Quarterdeck QEMM program group in Windows.
You may use QSETUP to review or change QEMM parameters, to enable
or disable the other drivers that come with the QEMM package,
and/or to edit CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT. We will use QSETUP
in many of the steps below. To run QSETUP, simply change to the
QEMM directory, and type QSETUP at the DOS command prompt.
QSETUP can also be run as a Windows program; select QEMM Setup
from the Quarterdeck QEMM program group.
OPTIMIZE's /RESTORE parameter will allow you to restore past
configurations quickly and easily. See the QEMM manual for more
If your system will not boot normally after installing QEMM, begin
with Section A below. If your system does boot normally, but you
experience problems later on (including problems with Microsoft
Windows), begin with Section B below.
Section A -- Recovering Easily from a System Failure
If your machine fails to boot properly to the DOS prompt after
QEMM has been installed, you may recover easily.
1) Reboot your machine. Use the power switch if necessary.
2) Wait until you hear a beep; then hold down the Alt key until
the boot sequence stops. If your system does not beep on
bootup, hold down the Alt key after you hear the floppy drive
being accessed. When the boot sequence stops, you will see a
message from DOSDATA or from QEMM. If the message is from
QEMM, proceed directly to item (4) below. If the message is
from DOSDATA, proceed to item (3).
3) If the message is from DOSDATA, prepare to hold down the Alt
key again. Tap the Escape key to unload DOSDATA, and
immediately hold down the Alt key again.
4) You will see the following message "QEMM: Press Esc to disable
QEMM or any other key to continue with QEMM." Press the Escape
key. Your system should then proceed with the boot sequence.
QEMM will not be loaded, and no programs will be loaded into
High RAM. You will likely see messages noting that there is
not enough room to load your programs high; these messages are
expected and no harm should result to your system as a
If your system became unstable during the course of the
OPTIMIZE process, you will want to ensure that your
configuration files have been restored to their pre-OPTIMIZE
state. Change to the QEMM directory, and type
Proceed to Section B.
Section B -- QEMM/OPTIMIZE Stealth Testing
QEMM and OPTIMIZE's Stealth Testing process is the best way to
ensure both maximum memory and maximum compatibility with your
system. To take advantage of this feature, make sure that you're
starting from a stable, bootable QEMM configuration. Typically
the line
will allow you to boot your system safely. From this, you may
run OPTIMIZE's Stealth Testing procedure in the following way:
1) At the DOS prompt, type
This will remove LOADHI commands and parameters from all of
the lines in CONFIG.SYS, AUTOEXEC.BAT, and any batch files
called from AUTOEXEC.BAT.
2) Edit CONFIG.SYS and remove all parameters except ON from the
3) At the DOS prompt, type
The OPTIMIZE process will reboot your machine three or more
times. When the OPTIMIZE process is complete, attempt to
reproduce the problem. If the problem has gone away, you are
finished with this technical note, and you may optionally proceed
to Section G below. If the problem persists, more detailed
troubleshooting is called for; proceed to Section C.
Section C -- Determining if QEMM is the Problem
The first thing to determine is whether your difficulty is
associated with the QEMM package at all. There are two lines in
your CONFIG.SYS that read:
DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS [parameters]
Using QSETUP, Manifest, or a text editor, disable QEMM entirely by
placing the word "REM" before the word "DEVICE" on each line.
Add the line
immediately after the QEMM386.SYS line. Reboot your system. It is
likely that you will see messages from QEMM's DOS-Up and LOADHI
programs, informing you that DOS-Up could not not be installed,
and that no high memory is availale. This is normal, and will
cause no further problem; your TSRs and device drivers will load
normally and in conventional memory.
When your system is booted, try to reproduce the problem. If the
problem persists in exactly the same way as it always has, you
can be reasonably sure that QEMM's DOS component and its
associated drivers are not the cause (since QEMM and its drivers
are completely inactive at this point). Make a note of this, and
contact the vendor of the faulting application for assistance.
If this does relieve the problem, note that the problem does not
persist when QEMM's DOS components are inactive, and proceed to
section D.
Section D -- Conflicts with QEMM's Windows Components
If you are having a problem with Microsoft Windows, or one of the
programs that runs in the Windows environment, continue with this
step. If your problem is not related to Windows, proceed
immediately to Section E below.
1) In order to determine whether the problem you are experiencing is
related to one of QEMM's Windows components, see if the problem
persists when Resource Manager, FreeMeg, and MagnaRAM are
disabled. If you are unable to start Windows successfully,
proceed to Step 3 below. If you are able to start Windows
successfully, continue with Step 2.
2) Run the QSETUP program by clicking on QEMM Setup in the
Quarterdeck QEMM program group. Choose the "Windows" tab, and
make sure that the checkboxes for FreeMeg, Resource Manager,
and MagnaRAM are UNCHECKED. Click on Save at the bottom of
the Windows, and then on Restart to restart Windows with
QEMM's Windows features disabled. Proceed to Step 4 below in
this section.
3) If you are unable to start Windows, and you suspect that the
problem may be related to QEMM's Windows features, edit the
Windows SYSTEM.INI. In the [boot] section, find the drivers=
line; this will typically appear in a format as follows:
Make a copy of this line immediately below it. Disable the
first instance by adding a semicolon to the beginning of the
Remove the QEMM programs from the second instance of the line:
Now move the the [386Enh] section of the SYSTEM.INI file, and
look for a line in the following format:
Disable this line by placing a semicolon at the beginning of
the line:
Save the SYSTEM.INI file, and start Windows by typing WIN at
the DOS prompt. Continue with Step 4 below.
4) If your problem persists (or if Windows still fails to start),
the problem that you are experiencing is not related to QEMM,
since all of its features -- both DOS and Windows -- are
currently disabled. Contact Microsoft or the vendor of your
computer for further assistance.
If Windows starts now where it did not before, or if your
problem is no longer reproducible, it is likely that one of
QEMM's three Windows features is in conflict with your system
or something on it. Determine which QEMM component is a party
to the conflict by re-enabling each feature one by one, then
restarting Windows and testing for the problem after enabling
each feature. If the problem re-appears after you have
enabled a particular feature, you know that the feature in
question is in conflict with something on your system. Leave
this feature disabled.
You many now re-enable all of the other features of QEMM that
you disabled by reversing the steps you took in this section
and in Section B above. If you have determined that Resource
Manager is a party to the conflict, obtain the technical note
RSRCMGR.TEC for further troubleshooting information.
Otherwise, proceed to Section G below.
Section E -- Conflicts with DOS-Up, QDPMI, and Stealth D*Space
1) Remove the REMs in front of the DOSDATA and QEMM386.SYS lines.
Disable the DOS-Up, QDPMI, and Stealth DoubleSpace features if
any of them is active. Do this by running QSETUP, going to
the main menu, and selecting each feature in turn. Answer
"No" when you are asked if you would like to enable each one.
Note that you should choose "No", and not "Partial" in
response to the DOS-Up option. Note also that if you are not
using DOS 6's DoubleSpace, the option to enable or disable
Stealth D*Space will not appear. Return to QSETUP's main
menu, and select S for Save Configuration and Quit. If you
are offered the opportunity to run OPTIMIZE, do NOT do so at
this time. Reboot your machine without running OPTIMIZE.
2) If your problem is now solved, one of the QEMM features you
have just disabled is likely in conflict with some other aspect
of your system. Re-enable each feature, one at a time, and
write down which feature you are enabling. It is likely that
your system will fail before you re-enable the last feature.
Write down the one that appeared to cause the failure; it is
likely that this feature is the cause of the conflict. To be
sure of this, re-eanble all features except the one that seems
to be causing the conflict. Write down the results of this
testing, and then proceed to section G below.
3) If your problem persists, but was solved by disabling QEMM in
Section B above, the problem is likely related to the
QEMM386.SYS driver. Write this down, and proceed to Section F
Section F -- Troubleshooting with the QEMM386.SYS Driver
Again, in your CONFIG.SYS file, there is a line that reads:
DEVICE=C:\QEMM\QEMM386.SYS [parameters]
Steps 1-5 in this section involve editing the [parameters] on this
line, and nothing else. You may use a text editor such as DOS'
EDIT, or the CONFIG.SYS editor in Manifest or QSETUP to make these
changes. Every time you change the parameters on this line, you
must reboot your computer for them to take effect. Write down the
results of each step.
1) If there is a Stealth parameter ("ST:M" or "ST:F"), remove it
and reboot. If this solves your problem, refer to the QEMM
parameter STEALTHROM for an explanation of the parameter, and
then refer to the technote "STEALTH TROUBLESHOOTING" (under
the filename STEALTH.TEC) and follow its instructions. If
removing the Stealth parameter fails, note the failure and
proceed to Step 2.
2) Add the parameter "DB=2" to this line and reboot. If this
solves your problem, refer to the QEMM parameter DISKBUF, and
to the technote "BUS-MASTERING DEVICES AND QEMM" (under the
filename BUS-MAST.TEC) for an explanation. If adding the DB=2
parameter fails, note the failure and proceed to Step 3.
3) Add the parameter "X=A000-FFFF" to this line and reboot. If
this solves your problem, it is likely tha there is a conflict
between QEMM's placement of High RAM and some piece of
hardware on your system. To resolve the problem, refer to the
QEMM Analysis Procedure (page xxx), or refer to the technote
("EXCLUDE.TEC" and follow the instructions for the Analysis
procedure. If this EXCLUDE parameter fails, note the failure
and proceed to Step 4.
4) Remove all the parameters on the QEMM386.SYS line and add:
then reboot. (Note that all of these parameters should be on
the same line, the QEMM386.SYS line.) If this does not solve
your problem, go to Step 5.
If this does solve your problem, it is probable that one (and
only one) of the parameters above is required. All of these
parameters, even taken together, do not seriously handicap the
usefulness of QEMM. All together, they cause QEMM to use only
2K more conventional memory, 116K more extended memory, and
will not cause QEMM to be any slower, except on a Pentium. You
can find the one(s) you need by eliminating some and retaining
others, noting the changes that you make each time. An
efficient way of doing this is to remove half the list,
writing down the parameters that you have removed. If the
problem returns, one of the parameters that you have removed
is the likely solution. If the problem does not return, one
of the parameters still on the line. Continue to remove and
restore parameters in this manner until you find the one that
is required to solve your problem. When you are finished, you
may consult the parameters section of the QEMM manual for an
5) If your system is still not working properly, add the
parameter "NOEMS" and reboot. If this does not solve your
problem, proceed directly to Step 7. If this solves your
problem, some program that uses expanded memory is probably
misbehaving, since this parameter causes QEMM to cease
providing expanded memory. Write this information down, and
go to Step 6.
6) In order to verify that the problem is with a program that is
abusing expanded memory in general, try to reproduce the
problem with DOS' memory managers. Add REM to the beginning
of the QEMM386.SYS line in CONFIG.SYS, and add the following
three lines immediately beneath the QEMM line:
Reboot your system, and try to reproduce the problem. If the
problem recurs, the problem is unrelated to QEMM, but instead
is caused by some program that is mishandling expanded memory
in some way. Note this important information, and contact the
vendor of the faulting application.
7) Rename your AUTOEXEC.BAT to TEST.BAT, and copy your CONFIG.SYS
file to another called C.SYS. Edit your new CONFIG.SYS with
just the QEMM386.SYS line and "FILES=40", then reboot and
attempt to reproduce the problem. If this solves the problem,
run TEST.BAT. If the problem recurs, there was a conflict with
something in your old AUTOEXEC.BAT. If the problem does not
recur after you run TEST.BAT, there was likely a conflict with
something in your old CONFIG.SYS. Restore all of the file
that WASN'T a party to the conflict, and then restore, one
line at a time, the lines in the file that WAS a party to the
conflict, rebooting and testing after adding each line. You
should be able to determine quickly which line was causing the
It is possible that in this section, various elements of your
system may not work properly, since there may be drivers in
both CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT that are essential for the
operation of a given device. In this case, restore the lines
necessary for the device in both CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT.
In any case, if you have not found a solution to the problem,
check Step 8, and then proceed to Section G.
8) It is possible that you have more than one problem, and that
consequently you may need more than one of these solutions.
When you have solved one problem, and are still having others,
keep that solution and start over.
Section G -- If You Have Not Yet Resolved the Problem
Quarterdeck Technical Support is willing and ready to assist you
with any compatibility problems that you might experience.
However, you can help us to help you better by making sure that
you have clear notes on all of the steps you have taken above.
Even if these steps did not solve the problem for you, a record of
your troubleshooting will put you in a much better position to get
help, and will save you time.
If you are calling from the United States and you have a touchtone
phone, we suggest you try 1-800-ROBOTECH, Quarterdeck's toll-free,
automated technical support hotline. 1-800-ROBOTECH can assist
with the most common technical questions and offer a variety of
solutions. Navigation through 1-800-ROBOTECH is accomplished by
pressing numbers on your phone's keypad to jump directly to the
topic that you are interested in hearing about. The system will
instruct you every step of the way. Call 1-800-ROBOTECH
(1-800-762-6832), toll free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
including Holidays.
If you contact us by mail, fax or on one of our BBS systems,
please include the following information:
Your Quarterdeck customer VIP number which you receive when you
register your copy of QEMM with Quarterdeck.
The version number and serial number of QEMM. To find these out,
type QEMM /REG at the DOS prompt.
If you are contacting us by mail or fax include a printout from
Quarterdeck's Manifest. If you are using the DOS version of
Manifest, press F2 to print, and select "All Manifest" from the
"What to Print" portion of Manifest's print menu. If you are using
the Windows version, select Print from the File menu, then select
All Manifest. If you have other important hardware in the system,
or if Manifest's list is incomplete, please include any additional
information you think may help us diagnose your problem.
If you cannot run Manifest, print out your CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT files, and write down what hardware (include the make
and model) and software (include the version) you are using.
Give a precise description of the problem that is occurring, and
the exact text of any error messages. Describe in detail the
results of your troubleshooting efforts.
Please tell us how to respond to you via mail, fax or one of the
other methods we support. See your Quarterdeck Passport booklet
for information on contacting Quarterdeck Technical Support.
If you are contacting a technical support representative by
- Be at your computer.
- Please gather the information listed above.
- When you contact our technical support representative, you need
only give your customer VIP number or product serial number and
a brief description of your hardware, software and the problem
you are encountering. If the support technician requires
additional information, he or she will ask for specific details.
* Trademarks are property of their respective owners. *
* This and other technical notes may be available in updated *
* forms through Quarterdeck's standard support channels. *
* Copyright (C) 1996 Quarterdeck Corporation *
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