....Theme From Sanxion.... ....by Liam the lemming.... This wonderful (my opinion, not yours) remix of the Theme from Sanxion (on the ZX Speccy) actually started off with me listening to Inspiration by the Future Crew's PURPLE MOTION *plug plug* with its weird chip samples and thinking, "hmm, chip samples. That sounds like an interesting idea." Then I realised how much the sound of 'em reminded me of this tune. I was all set to do the theme from Enigma Force as well, but though... "naaaaaaah!" :) Anyway, I'm quite pleased with the way it's turned out. You may disagree, you may think I've turned it into a total turkey. Well, I wrote it and I like it. So there! *ras-s-s-s-ppppp* I hope you do like it, even so. Mail me and let me know what you think of it. Even if you think it's crap, let me know. It's something to read, at least. :) Although it's not for academic purposes... but that never stopped me! Hello's to everyone from the JMU, of course - the HND2 bods, the bio-sci bunch, the motley crew that used to be HND ;) and all my other mates... Oops, my mail address! It's "cmslhes1@livjm.ac.uk" so DON'T FORGET TO MAIL ME WITH YOUR COMMENTS! Bye! ________________ Liam the lemming ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~