txtDefinition=1) A family of {\uldb instruments}{\v 84565} whose {\uldb tone}{\v 100650} is produced by drawing a {\uldb bow}{\v 21373} across any of four taut strings. From high to low, the members are {\uldb violin}{\v 105626}, {\uldb viola}{\v 105422}, {\uldb cello}{\v 76489}, and {\uldb double bass}{\v 128912}. The string family formed the core of the Western {\uldb orchestra}{\v 134419} for centuries. \'93String\'94 is also used as an adjective, e.g., \'93string {\uldb theme}{\v 99088}.\'94\par 2) Any of the four taut strings stretched across a violin, viola, cello, or double bass.