txtCommentary1=Four {\uldb voices}{\v 105907} seem to optimize the possibilities for musical interchange, providing sufficient variety without sacrificing intimacy.\par\par Think, for example, of the five players on a basketball team or the nine players on a baseball team. Basketball with nine players on each team would produce instant gridlock on the court, while a baseball team with five players (as many of us
txtChapterHead=A Rationale
txtCommentary2=\par\par\par\par\par experienced as kids) leaves gaping holes in both infield and outfield. In music, listeners seem able to follow four personal strands of thought at once. Any more, and the {\uldb texture}{\v 99020} verges on the {\uldb orchestral}{\v 134419}; any less, and the texture verges on the anemic.{\fs24\uldb \'80}{\v next}