txtCommentary1=Marshall Brown\'92s \'93Mozart and After: The Revolution in Musical Consciousness\'94 {\i (Critical Inquiry,} Vol. 7 [1981], pp. 689-706) places the {\uldb introduction}{\v 138212} to {\uldb K.}{\v 137211} 465 within the philosophical tradition of Kant\'92s {\i Critique of Pure Reason} (1781). Before you dismiss this think-piece as just so much cant, read Brown\'92s stimulating and well-argued essay, in which he places
txtHeading=Mozart's Music
txtCommentary2=\par\par\par\par\par\par\par Mozart\'92s introduction in the context of contemporary views on reverie, chaos, and order. Brown also ties Mozart\'92s work to contemporary notions of romanticism.{\fs24\uldb \'80}{\v next}