txtCommentary1=with its prominent two-{\uldb note}{\v 89586} {\uldb upbeat}{\v 104697}, to a bare four-note {\uldb figure}{\v 149462} that struggles one last time for survival. The {\uldb coda}{\v 77919} contains one of Mozart\'92s most elaborate {\uldb cadences}{\v 21968}, repeated twice for emphasis. Not until the generation after Mozart did composers
txtCommentary2=contemplate the notion of unifying the {\uldb movements}{\v 151907} within a multi-movement work. But in Mozart\'92s {\uldb K.}{\v 137211} 465 we have a narrative about darkness and light that holds our attention from first movement to\par last.{\fs24\uldb \'80}{\v next}