txtCommentary1=This general pattern occurs so often in Mozart that we might refer to it as the {\i principle of increasing animation.} But Mozart\'92s use of {\uldb rhythm}{\v 94537} to create {\uldb form}{\v 82904} extends over entire {\uldb sections}{\v 95736} and even {\uldb movements}{\v 151907}. The {\uldb exposition}{\v 81751} of the first movement unfolds around a symmetrical 5-part pattern consisting of three prevailing rhythms: moderate {\uldb eighth notes}{\v 140430}, rapid {\uldb sixteenth notes}{\v 150497}, and\'97poised at the center\'97
txtCommentary2=intermediate {\uldb triplets}{\v 103682}.\par\par\par\par\par\par\par\par\par\par\par\par The symmetry is perfect, with the eighths acting as a \'93frame.\'94{\fs24\uldb \'80}{\v next}