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Assembly Source File
216 lines
; File......: ISPRINT.ASM
; Author....: Ted Means
; Date......: $Date: 15 Aug 1991 23:07:56 $
; Revision..: $Revision: 1.2 $
; Log file..: $Logfile: E:/nanfor/src/isprint.asv $
; This function is an original work by Ted Means and is placed in the
; public domain. I got the idea from Norm Mongeau, but the code is
; all mine.
; Modification history:
; ---------------------
; $Log: E:/nanfor/src/isprint.asv $
; Rev 1.2 15 Aug 1991 23:07:56 GLENN
; Forest Belt proofread/edited/cleaned up doc
; Rev 1.1 14 Jun 1991 19:54:38 GLENN
; Minor edit to file header
; Rev 1.0 01 Apr 1991 01:03:26 GLENN
; Nanforum Toolkit
; $DOC$
; Check printer status
; FT_ISPRINT( [ <cDevice> ] ) -> lResult
; <cDevice> is optional and is the device to test (LPT2, COM1, etc.).
; If omitted, the function will default to the PRN device.
; .T. if device is ready for output.
; .F. if one of the following conditions occurs:
; 1) The device is not ready.
; 2) The device does not exist.
; 3) DOS couldn't open the device for some reason
; (such as no file handles available).
; The Clipper IsPrinter() function is somewhat limited because it only
; works with LPT1. Furthermore, it talks directly to the hardware, so
; if you have redirected LPT1 via the DOS MODE command, the IsPrinter()
; function will return erroneous results.
; This function offers a better alternative. Instead of talking to the
; hardware, it issues a DOS call that checks to see if the device is
; ready or not. That gives DOS an opportunity to deal with any
; redirections, and since you pass the device name as a parameter, you
; can test any device, not just LPT1 (note that the function defaults
; to PRN if you fail to pass a valid parameter).
; The function also temporarily traps the DOS critical error handler so
; you don't get any nasty error messages if the device isn't ready. It
; restores the old critical error handler before exiting.
; Note that although this function is mainly designed for testing
; printers, you can also check to see if a drive is ready. Since DOS
; thinks the NUL device exists on every drive, you can pass a drive
; letter followed by NUL as a parameter. If DOS is able to open the
; NUL device, then the drive is ready, otherwise the door is open or
; something else is wrong.
; The source code is written to adhere to Turbo Assembler's IDEAL mode.
; To use another assembler, you will need to rearrange the PROC and
; SEGMENT directives, and also the ENDP and ENDS directives (a very
; minor task).
; Qout( "PRN is not ready!" )
; Qout( "Check the device on COM2. Something is wrong." )
; Qout( "Oops, better check drive A!" )
; $END$
Old24Vec EQU DWord Ptr BP - 4
Old24Ofs EQU Word Ptr BP - 4
Old24Seg EQU Word Ptr BP - 2
Handle EQU Word Ptr BP - 6
OpenFlag EQU Byte Ptr BP - 8
Extrn __ParInfo:Far
Extrn __ParC:Far
Extrn __RetL:Far
Segment _NanFor Word Public "CODE"
Assume CS:_NanFor
IsReady DB ?
Push BP ; Save BP
Mov BP,SP ; Set up stack reference
Sub SP,8 ; Allocate room for locals
Mov [Handle],4 ; Default to PRN
Mov [OpenFlag],0 ; Initialize flag
Xor AX,AX ; Request param count
Push AX ; Put request on stack
Call __ParInfo ; Count params
Or AX,AX ; Zero params?
JZ PrtTest ; Yes, so use default
ParType: Mov AX,1 ; Specify first param
Push AX ; Put param # on stack
Call __ParInfo ; Get type
Test AX,1 ; Character?
JZ PrtTest ; No, so use default
GetParam:Mov AX,1 ; Specify first param
Push AX ; Put param # on stack
Call __ParC ; Retrieve parameter
Push DS ; Save DS
Mov DS,DX ; Get segment of device name
Mov DX,AX ; Get offset of device name
Mov AX,3D01h ; DOS service--open file or device
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Pop DS ; Restore DS
JNC DHandle ; No error, so device was opened
Xor AX,AX ; Set return value to false
Jmp Short RetVal ; We're outta here
DHandle: Mov [Handle],AX ; Supply device's handle
Inc [OpenFlag] ; Set flag so close can occur
PrtTest: Call Near _FTHook24 ; Install local INT 24h handler
Mov [_NanFor:IsReady],1 ; Assume printer ready
Mov AX,4407h ; DOS service--get output status
Mov BX,[Handle] ; Choose standard print device
Int 21h ; Call DOS
And AL,[_NanFor:IsReady] ; Combine error reports
CBW ; Clear high byte
Call Near _FTUnHook24 ; Restore old INT 24h vector
RetVal: Push AX ; Put return value on stack
Call __RetL ; Return status to Clipper app
Cmp [OpenFlag],1 ; Need to close device?
JNE Exit ; No, so go ahead and exit
Mov AH,3Eh ; DOS service--close handle
Mov BX,[Handle] ; Supply file handle
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Exit: Mov SP,BP ; Realign stack
Pop BP ; Restore BP
Ret ; Far return to Clipper app
Proc _FTHook24 Near
Push DS ; Save DS
Mov AX,3524h ; DOS service--get INT 24h vector
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Mov [Old24Ofs],BX ; Save offset
Mov [Old24Seg],ES ; Save segment value
Push CS
Pop DS ; Set DS to local segment
Mov DX,Offset _NanFor:Int_24 ; Offset of local handler
Mov AX,2524h ; DOS service--set INT 24h vector
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Pop DS
Ret ; Near return
Endp _FTHook24
Proc _FTUnHook24 Near
Push DS ; Save DS
Push AX ; Save AX
Mov AX,2524h ; DOS service--set INT 24h vector
LDS DX,[Old24Vec] ; Get address of original handler
Int 21h ; Call DOS
Pop AX
Pop DS
Ret ; Near return
Endp _FTUnHook24
Proc Int_24 Far
Mov [_NanFor:IsReady],0 ; Indicate not ready
Xor AX,AX ; Tell DOS to ignore error
Endp Int_24
Ends _NanFor