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*-- Program..: PICKLIST.PRG
*-- Date.....: 02/23/1993
*-- Notes....: This new (as of November, 1992) section of the DUFLP library is
*-- designed to be a place where a variety of picklist routines
*-- will be stored. You can ... ahem ... pick and choose the one(s)
*-- you need from here.
*-- WARNING..: Do not save changes with WordStar 5.5 Non_Document mode --
*-- the diacritical characters in the DIACRIT procedure below
*-- will not be saved properly (WordStar doesn't like high ASCII
*-- characters ...)
*-- Programmer..: Kenneth W. Holloway (HollowayK on BORBBS)
*-- Date........: 02/22/1993
*-- Notes.......: Pick List.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 08/12/1992 0.0 - Original version (KWH)
*-- 09/11/1992 0.1 - (KWH) Added color settings (x_ClrP*) that
*-- were Ass-U-Med to be defined elsewhere.
*-- 09/16/1992 0.2 - (KWH) Added "set key to" at end of function.
*-- (BORLAND: What happened to set("KEY")?!?!)
*-- 10/14/1992 0.3 - Added (KenMayer) ability to pass colors
*-- to program ... removed settings for
*-- alias, order, key. The reason is a lack
*-- of stack space to call routine, can only send
*-- x number of parms. The programmer must
*-- set the database (select .../Use ...),
*-- order, and key (set key...) before calling
*-- this routine, and then reset to prior setting
*-- (if needed).
*-- 10/15/1992 0.4 - (KWH) Added code for Tab/Shift Tab. Put the
*-- setting for key back in, as it is required
*-- for proper SEEKing with SET KEY in effect.
*-- 10/19/1992 0.5 - (KWH) Several changes inspired by JOEY:
*-- ■ Now uses setting of SET BORDER TO when drawing borders.
*-- ■ Bell only sounds when SET BELL is ON.
*-- ■ Added code for {Home} and {End}.
*-- 11/06/1992 0.6 - (KWH) Optimization inspired by KELVIN:
*-- ■ Removed repetitive recalculation of PICTURE clause
*-- ■ Removed some dead code
*-- ■ Added a logical variable for main loop, instead of four
*-- .and.ed expressions
*-- 02/22/1993 -- Minor change to PRIVATE calls.
*-- Calls.......: ColorBrk() Function in PROC.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: Pick1(cTitle,cDisplay,cReturn[,cKey[,nFromRow,nFromCol
*-- [,nToRow,nToCol[,cColor1[,cColor2]]]]])
*-- Example.....: ? Pick1("Client Name","NAME","JOB_CODE","",5,10,20,55,;
*-- cColor1,cColor2)
*-- Returns.....: Specified expression, using macro substitution.
*-- Parameters..: cTitle = Title to be displayed above PickList
*-- cDisplay = Expression to display, using macro substitution
*-- Note: If cDisplay includes any chr(29)'s (), the Tab and
*-- Shift Tab keys can be used to highlight/unhighlight
*-- everything up to the next/previous chr(29).
*-- cReturn = Expression to return, using macro substitution
*-- cKey = Expression for SET KEY TO
*-- nFromRow \ Upper left corner
*-- nFromCol / of PickList window
*-- nToRow \ Lower right corner
*-- nToCol / of PickList window
*-- cColor1 = message,title,box
*-- cColor2 = highlight,selected
*-- Both cColor1, and cColor2 use specific color
*-- settings of <Foreground>/<Background> for each
*-- part of the parm. For example, cColor1 might
*-- look like: rg+/gb,w+/b,rg+/gb
*-- Definitions:
*-- message = unselected items in picklist (w+/rb)
*-- title = title at top of window (w+/rb)
*-- box = border (rg+/rb)
*-- highlight = highlighted item (g+/n)
*-- selected = selected character(s) (r+/n)
parameters cTitle,cDisplay,cReturn,;
cColor1, cColor2
private all except _p*
* Check validity of all parameters
if pcount()<3
return "***"+program()+" Error***"
* Save setting of TALK and turn it off.
if set("TALK")="ON"
set talk off
cTalk = "ON"
cTalk = "OFF"
* Save and change settings of other parameters
cConsole = set("CONSOLE")
cCursor = set("CURSOR")
cEscape = set("ESCAPE")
set cursor off
set escape off
* Set default values for unspecified parameters
if type("cKey")="L"
cKey = ""
if type("nFromRow")="L"
nFromRow = 5
if type("nFromCol")="L"
nFromCol = 5
if type("cColor1")="L"
x_ClrPMess = "W+/RB"
x_ClrPTitl = "W+/RB"
x_ClrPBox = "RG+/RB"
x_ClrPMess = colorbrk(cColor1,1)
x_ClrPTitl = colorbrk(cColor1,2)
x_ClrPBox = colorbrk(cColor1,3)
if type("cColor2")="L"
x_ClrPHigh = "G+/N"
x_ClrPSlct = "R+/N"
x_ClrPHigh = colorbrk(cColor2,1)
x_ClrPSlct = colorbrk(cColor2,2)
*-- Real code starts here
* Setup specified database environment
if .not.isblank(cKey)
set key to cKey
* Calculate value of nToRow
if type("nToRow")="L"
goto top
count to nToRow next 21-nFromRow
nToRow = nFromRow + max(nToRow,3) + 3
* Calculate value of nToCol
if type("nToCol")="L"
nToCol = nFromCol + max(len(cTitle),len(&cDisplay.)) + 1
if nToCol>79
nToCol = 79
* Define and activate title window, draw border and title
define window wPickList1 from nFromRow,nFromCol to nToRow,nToCol none ;
color &x_ClrPMess.
activate window wPickList1
nWindRow = nToRow - nFromRow
nWindCol = nToCol - nFromCol
@ 00,00 to nWindRow,nWindCol color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 01,01 say cTitle color &x_ClrPTitl.
@ 02,01 to 02,nWindCol-1 color &x_ClrPBox.
cBorder = set("BORDER")
do case
case cBorder="NONE"
case cBorder="SINGLE"
@ 02,00 say "├" color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 02,nWindCol say "┤" color &x_ClrPBox.
case cBorder="DOUBLE"
@ 02,00 say "╠" color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 02,nWindCol say "╣" color &x_ClrPBox.
case cBorder="PANEL"
@ 02,00 say "█" color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 02,nWindCol say "█" color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 02,00 say chr(val(substr(cBorder,17,3))) color &x_ClrPBox.
@ 02,nWindCol say chr(val(substr(cBorder,21,3))) color &x_ClrPBox.
* Define and activate data window
define window wPickList2 from nFromRow+3,nFromCol+1 to nToRow-1,nToCol-1 none color &x_ClrPMess.
activate window wPickList2
nWindRow = nToRow - nFromRow-4
nWindCol = nToCol - nFromCol-2
cWindPict = replicate('X',nWindCol+1)
* Initialize position and status variables
goto top
lBell = (set("BELL")="ON")
nCurRow = 0
nInkey = 0
nNewRow = 0
nRecNo = recno()
lRepaint = .t.
cSeek = ""
lSeek = .F.
nNewSCur = 0
nSeekCur = 0
if eof()
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7)
@ 00,00 say "*** No records to list ***"
set console off
set console on
cReturn = ""
nInkey = 27
*-- Display PickList until Enter .or. Ctrl-Q .or. Ctrl-W or Ctrl-End
*-- .or. Esc is pressed
lMore = .T.
do while lMore
if lSeek
seek cKey+cSeek
nNewSCur = len(cSeek)
cStr = &cDisplay.
nPos = at(chr(29),substr(cStr,1,nNewSCur+1))
do while nPos>0
cStr = stuff(cStr,nPos,1," ")
nNewSCur = nNewSCur + 1
nPos = at(chr(29),substr(cStr,1,nNewSCur+1))
nSeek = recno() && Save new record number
n = 0 && Counter
goto nRecNo && Record at top of screen
* Look to see if new record is on screen
scan while recno()#nSeek .and. n<nMaxRow
n = n + 1
if recno()=nSeek && New record is on screen
nNewRow = n && Put cursor on new record
else && New record is not on screen
nNewRow = 0 && Put cursor at top of window
nRecNo = nSeek && New record at top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
lSeek = .F.
if lRepaint .or. nNewRow#nCurRow
* Hide cursor
@ nCurRow,00 fill to nCurRow,nWindCol color &x_ClrPMess.
if lRepaint && Need to redisplay entire data window
goto nRecNo && Record that should be at top of window
nMaxRow = 0 && Number of rows displayed
scan while nMaxRow<=nWindRow && nWindRow = number of rows in window
* Display data
@ nMaxRow,00 say &cDisplay. picture cWindPict color &x_ClrPMess.
nMaxRow = nMaxRow + 1 && Increase rows displayed counter
nMaxRow = nMaxRow - 1 && Make rows displayed counter zero-based
if eof() .and. nMaxRow<nWindRow && Didn't fill window?
* Clear unused portion of window
@ nMaxRow+1,00 clear to nWindRow,nWindCol
if lRepaint .or. nNewRow#nCurRow .or. nNewSCur#nSeekCur
nSeekCur = nNewSCur && New seek cursor length
nCurRow = nNewRow && New cursor position
if nCurRow>nMaxRow && Cursor row invalid? (Caused by PgDn)
nCurRow = nMaxRow && Put cursor on last displayed row
* Display cursor
if nSeekCur>0
@ nCurRow,00;
fill to nCurRow,min(nWindCol,nSeekCur-1);
color &x_ClrPSlct.
if nSeekCur<=nWindCol
@ nCurRow,max(0,nSeekCur);
fill to nCurRow,nWindCol;
color &x_ClrPHigh.
lRepaint = .F. && Reset redisplay flag
nInkey = inkey(0) && Get a key-stroke
do case
case nInkey=-400 && Shift-Tab
if isblank(cSeek)
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7)
if len(cSeek)=nSeekCur
cSeek = ""
lSeek = .T.
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip nCurRow && Cursor row
* Currently seeked string
cStr = substr(&cDisplay.,1,nSeekCur)
* If the last character is a chr(29)
if substr(cStr,len(cStr),1)=chr(29)
* Remove the chr(29)
cStr = substr(cStr,1,len(cStr)-1)
* If there is a chr(29)
if chr(29)$cStr
* Remove everything after the last chr(29)
cSeek = substr(cSeek,1,len(cSeek)-len(cStr)+RAt(chr(29),cStr))
* Remove everything
cSeek = ""
lSeek = .T.
case nInkey=3 && PageDown
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
if nCurRow=nMaxRow && Is cursor on last line in window?
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip nWindRow+1 && Number of records in window
if eof()
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && No more records past bottom of window
skip -1 && Put bottom record at top of window
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
else && Cursor is not on last line in window
nNewRow = nMaxRow && Put cursor on last line in window
case nInkey=5 && Up Arrow
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
if nCurRow>0 && Is cursor below top of window?
nNewRow = nCurRow - 1 && Move cursor up
else && Cursor is at top of window
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip -1
if bof()
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && No previous record
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .t. && Redisplay window
case nInkey=9 && Tab
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip nCurRow && Cursor row
* Characters after currently seeked string
cStr = substr(&cDisplay.,nSeekCur+1)
if (chr(29)$cStr) && Tab marker included?
* Seek everything up to the tab marker
cStr = substr(cStr,1,at(chr(29),cStr)-1)
if .not.seek(cKey+cSeek+cStr)
cStr = upper(cStr)
if seek(cKey+cSeek+cStr)
cSeek = cSeek + cStr
lSeek = .T.
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7)
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7)
case nInkey=13 .or. nInkey=23 && Enter .or. Ctrl-W or Ctrl-End
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip nCurRow && Cursor row
cReturn = &cReturn. && Return value
lMore = .F. && Exit main loop
case nInkey=17 .or. nInkey=27 && Ctrl-Q .or. Escape
cReturn = "" && Return value
lMore = .F. && Exit main loop
case nInkey=18 && Page Up
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
if nCurRow=0 && Is cursor on top line of window?
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip -nWindRow && Number of records in window
if bof()
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && No more records above top of window
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
else && Cursor is not on top line of window
nNewRow = 0 && Put cursor on top line of window
case nInkey=24 && Down Arrow
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
if nCurRow<nMaxRow && Is cursor above bottom of window?
nNewRow = nCurRow + 1 && Move cursor down
else && Cursor is at bottom of window
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip nWindRow+1 && Skip to first record below window
if eof()
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && No records below window
goto nRecNo && Record at top of window
skip +1
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
case nInkey=2 .or. nInkey=30 && End .or. Ctrl-Page Down
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
goto bottom && Last record in database
skip -nWindRow && Number of records in window
nNewRow = nWindRow && Put cursor on bottom line of window
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
case nInkey=26 .or. nInkey=31 && Home .or. Ctrl-Page Up
cSeek = "" && Clear seek string
nNewSCur = 0 && Clear seek cursor
goto top && First record in database
nNewRow = 0 && Put cursor on top line of window
nRecNo = recno() && New record for top of window
lRepaint = .T. && Redisplay window
case nInkey>31 .and. nInkey<127 && Displayable character - Seek it
cInkey = chr(nInkey)
if .not.seek(cKey+cSeek+cInkey)
cInkey = upper(cInkey)
if seek(cKey+cSeek+cInkey) && Seek with new character
cSeek = cSeek + cInkey && Add new character to seek string
lSeek = .T.
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && Seek with new character failed
case nInkey=127 && Back Space
if len(cSeek)>0 && Seek string is non-blank
* Remove last character from seek string
cSeek = left(cSeek,len(cSeek)-1)
lSeek = .T.
if lBell
@ 00,00 say chr(7) && Seek string is blank
otherwise && Unknown key
b=.t. && Breakpoint - used for debugging
release b
* Deactivate and release windows
deactivate window wPickList2
deactivate window wPickList1
release windows wPickList1,wPickList2
* Restore database environment
if .not.isblank(cKey)
set key to
*-- Cleanup
set console &cConsole.
set cursor &cCursor.
set escape &cEscape.
set talk &cTalk.
RETURN cReturn
*-- EoF: Pick1()
*-- Programmer..: Malcolm C. Rubel
*-- Date........: 05/18/1992
*-- Notes.......: I stole ... er ... lifted ... this from Data Based Advisor
*-- (Nov. 1991), and dUFLPed it, as well as removing the FoxPro
*-- code ...
*-- It's purpose is to create a popup/picklist that will
*-- find the proper location (used with a GET) on the
*-- screen for itself, display the popup and return the
*-- appropriate value ...
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 11/01/1991 -- Malcom C. Rubel -- Original Code
*-- 05/15/1992 -- Ken Mayer -- several things. First, I dUFLPed
*-- the code, and documented it heavier than the original.
*-- Next, I had to write a function (USED()), as there wasn't
*-- one sitting around that I could see.
*-- I added the 'cTag' parameter, as well as a few minor changes
*-- to the other functions that come with this routine ...
*-- 05/19/1992 -- Resolved a few minor problems, removed routine
*-- PK_SHOW as being unnecessary (used @nGetRow... GET to
*-- redisplay field/memvar). Added IsBlank() (copy of EMPTY()) to
*-- handle different field types (original only wanted characters).
*-- Calls.......: ScrRow() Function in SCREEN.PRG (and here)
*-- ScrCol() Function in SCREEN.PRG (and here)
*-- Used() Function in FILES.PRG (and here)
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: Pick2("<cLookFile>","<cTag>","<cSrchFld>","<cRetFld>",;
*-- <nScrRow>,<nScrCol>)
*-- Example.....: @10,20 get author ;
*-- valid required pick2("Library","Author",;
*-- "Last","Last",10,20)
*-- Returns.....: lReturn (found/replaced a value or not ...)
*-- Parameters..: cLookFile = file to lookup in
*-- cTag = MDX Tag to use (if blank, will use the first
*-- tag in the MDX file, via the TAG(1) option ...)
*-- cSrchFld = field(s) to browse -- if blank, function will
*-- try to use a field of same name as what
*-- cursor is on.
*-- cRetFld = name of field value is to be returned from.
*-- nScrRow = screen-row (of GET) -- if blank, function will
*-- determine (use ,, to blank it ... or 0)
*-- nScrCol = screen-col (of GET) -- if blank, function will
*-- determine
parameters cLookFile, cTag, cSrchFld, cRetFld, nScrRow, nScrCol
private cLookFile,cSrchFld,cRetFld,nScrRow,nScrCol,cVarName,xValReturn,;
lReturn = .t. && return value must be a logical ...
&& assume the best ...
cVarName = varread() && name of the variable at GET
xVarValue = &cVarName && value of the variable at GET
*-- was a 'fieldname' to get value from passed to function?
if isblank(cRetFld) && passed as a null
cRetFld = cSrchFld && we'll return contents of same name
&& as the search field
nScrRow = ScrRow() && get row for picklist
nScrCol = ScrCol() && get column for picklist
cCurrBuff = alias() && current buffer (work area)
lExact = set("EXACT") = "ON" && store status of 'EXACT'
set exact on && we want 'exact' matches ...
*-- deal with the 'lookup' file -- if not open, open it, if open,
*-- select it ...
if .not. used(cLookFile) && file not open
select select() && find next open area
use &cLookFile && open file
lWasOpen = .f.
select (cLookFile) && file IS open, move to it ...
lWasOpen = .t.
*-- deal with MDX tag for 'lookup' file ...
if len(trim(cTag)) = 0 && if a null tag was sent,
set order to Tag(1) && set the order to first tag
set order to &cTag && set it to what user passed.
*-- screen positions ...
nGetRow = row() && position of 'get' on screen
nGetCol = iif(isblank(xVarValue),col(),col()-len(&cRetFld))
&& get column of 'get' ...
*-- if field is empty, do a lookup, otherwise, look for it in table
if isblank(xVarValue) && no data in field
lIsFound = .f. && automatic lookup
lIsFound = seek(xVarValue) && look for it in table
*-- if not found, or field was empty, bring up the lookup ...
if .not. lIsFound && not in table
go top && move pointer to top of 'table'
*-- make sure it fits on screen
if cRetFld = cSrchFld && one browse field
nWinWidth = len(&cSrchFld) + 3 && width
cBarFields = cSrchFld && set the 'browse fields'
else && else multiple ....
nWinWidth = len(&cSrchFld)+len(&cRetFld)+5
cBarFields = cSrchFld+", "+cRetFld
*-- this is how we determine where to start the browse table ...
nScrCol = iif(nScrCol+nWinWidth>77,77-nWinWidth,nScrCol)
nScrRow = iif(nScrRow>14,14,nScrRow)
*-- set it up ...
define window wPick from nScrRow,nScrCol+2 to ;
nScrRow+10,nScrCol+nWinWidth+2 panel
activate window wPick
*on key label ctrl-m keyboard chr(23) && when user presses <enter>,
&& force an <enter> ... weird.
*-- activate
browse fields &cBarFields freeze &cSrchFld noedit noappend;
nodelete nomenu window wPick
clear typeahead && in case they pressed the <Enter> key
on key label ctrl-m && reset
release window wPick
if lastkey() # 27 && not the <Esc> key
store &cRetFld to &cVarName && put return value into var ...
lReturn = .F.
store &cRetFld to &cVarName
@nGetRow, nGetCol get &cVarName && display new value in field/memvar
&& on screen
clear gets && clear gets from this function
*-- reset work areas, and so on ...
if .not. lExact
set exact off
if .not. lWasOpen
if len(cCurrBuff) # 0
select (cCurrBuff)
select select()
RETURN (lReturn)
*-- EoF: Pick2()
*-- Programmer..: Malcolm C. Rubel
*-- Date........: 05/15/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns the postion of the current 'GET'. If memvar
*-- nScrRow already exists, returns the value of that, unless
*-- it's zero, in which case we return the current position.
*-- This is part of PICK2.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 11/01/1991 -- Original Release
*-- 05/15/1992 -- Ken Mayer (KENMAYER) to deal with a value of
*-- 0 for the nScrRow memvar.
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Pick2() Function in PICKLIST.PRG
*-- Usage.......: ScrRow()
*-- Example.....: nScrRow = ScrRow()
*-- Returns.....: Numeric -- position of cursor on screen
*-- Parameters..: None
if type('nScrRow') # 'N' .or. nScrRow = 0
RETURN (row())
RETURN (nScrRow)
*-- EoF: ScrRow()
*-- Programmer..: Malcolm C. Rubel
*-- Date........: 05/15/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns the postion of the current 'GET'. If memvar
*-- nScrCol already exists, returns the value of that, unless
*-- it's zero, in which case we return the current position.
*-- This will also return a different value based on whether or
*-- not the field has something in it or not ... This is part of
*-- PICK2.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 11/01/1991 -- Original Release
*-- 05/15/1992 -- Ken Mayer (71333,1030) to deal with a value of
*-- 0 for the nScrCol memvar.
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called By...: Pick2()
*-- Usage.......: ScrCol()
*-- Example.....: nScrCol = ScrCol()
*-- Returns.....: Numeric -- position of cursor on screen
*-- Parameters..: None
if type('nScrCol') # 'N' .or. nScrCol = 0
if isblank(cRetFld)
RETURN col() + len(cRetFld)
RETURN col()
RETURN (nScrCol)
*-- EoF: ScrCol()
*-- Programmer..: Martin Leon (HMAN) (A-T)
*-- Date........: 07/12/1991
*-- Notes.......: A "generic" PickList routine ...
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 11/01/1990 -- Original Release
*-- Published in TechNotes, November, 1990 (DIYPOPUP)
*-- 07/12/1991 -- Modified for dHUNG/dUFLP standards, Ken Mayer
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do Pick3 with "<cFields>",<nULRow>,<nULCol>,<nBRRow>,;
*-- <nBRCol>, "<cNormColor>","<cFieldColor>","<cBorder>"
*-- Example.....: Do Pick3 with "First_name+' '+Last_name",5,10,15,60,;
*-- "rg+/gb","gb/r","DOUBLE"
*-- Returns.....: indirectly returns the record pointer of record that was
*-- highlighted when <Enter> was pressed.
*-- Parameters..: cFields = fields to be displayed in picklist
*-- nULRow = Row coordinate of upper left corner
*-- nULCol = Column coordinate of upper left corner
*-- nBRRow = Row coordinate of lower right corner
*-- nBRCol = Column coordinate of lower right corner
*-- cNormColor = Foreground/Background of normal text
*-- cFieldColor = Foreground/Background of highlighted fields
*-- cBorder = NONE, SINGLE, DOUBLE (defaults to Single if
*-- sent as a nul string ("") )
parameter cFields, nULRow, nULCol, nBRRow, nBRCol, cNormColor, ;
cFieldColor, cBorder
cCursor = set("CURSOR")
cEscape = set("ESCAPE")
cTalk = set("TALK")
set cursor off
set escape off
set talk off
cTypeCheck = type("cFields")+type("nULRow")+type("nULCol")+type("nBRRow")+ ;
lError = .F.
do case
&& Check data types
case cTypeCheck # "CNNNNCCC"
@ 7,17 say "Data type mismatch -- check all parameters"
lError = .T.
&& Check for bottom limit with STatUS ON
case ((nBRRow >21 .and. set("DISPLAY") # "EGA43") ;
.or. (nBRRow >39 .and. set("DISPLAY") = "EGA43")) ;
.and. set("STatUS") = "ON"
@ 7,15 say "Cannot use this popup on or below STatUS line"
lError = .T.
&& Check for bottom limit with STatUS ofF
case ((nBRRow >24 .and. set("DISPLAY") # "EGA43") ;
.or. (nBRRow >42 .and. set("DISPLAY") = "EGA43")) ;
.and. set("STatUS") = "ofF"
@ 7,16 say "Bottom coordinate beyond bottom of screen"
lError = .T.
&& Check left & right coordinates
case nULCol < 0 .or. nBRCol > 79
@ 7,24 say "Invalid Column coordinate"
lError = .T.
&& Check to make sure popup can display at least one record
case nBRRow - nULRow < 2
@ 7,19 say "Popup must be at least 3 lines high"
lError = .T.
if lError
@ 5,5 to 9,70 double
@ 11, 32 say "Press Any Key"
nX = 0
do while nX = 0
nX = inkey()
set cursor &cCursor
set escape &cEscape
set talk &cTalk
&& Save colors of normal and fields to restor when done
cFieldset = set("ATTRIBUTES")
cNormSet = left(cFieldset, at(",",cFieldset)-1)
do while "," $ cFieldset
cFieldset = substr(cFieldset, at(",",cFieldset)+1)
&& If they were provided, set to colors passed on from calling program
if len(cNormColor) # 0
set color of normal to &cNormColor
if len(cFieldColor) # 0
set color of fields to &cFieldColor
nPromptW = nBRCol - nULCol - 1
@ nULRow, nULCol clear to nBRRow, nBRCol
@ nULRow, nULCol to nBRRow, nBRCol &cBorder
if eof()
skip -1
&& Save current record pointer and determine record number of top record
nTmpRec = recno()
go top
nTopRec = recno()
go nTmpRec
nMaxRecs = nBRRow - nULRow - 1
nKey = 0
lGoBack = .F.
declare aPrompt[nMaxRecs], aRec[nMaxRecs]
do while .not. lGoBack
nChcNum = 1
nTopRow = nULRow + 1
nLeftCol = nULCol + 1
nRowOffset = 0
nLastCurs = 0
&& This loop puts text into prompts
do while nRowOffset + 1 <= nMaxRecs
if .not. eof()
cTemp = &cFields && Expands cFields into string expression
aPrompt[nChcNum] = substr(cTemp, 1, nPromptW)
&& If prompt doesn't fill entire box, add spaces
if len(aPrompt[nChcNum]) < nPromptW
aPrompt[nChcNum] = aPrompt[nChcNum] + ;
space(nPromptW - len(aPrompt[nChcNum]))
aRec[nChcNum] = recno()
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset , nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
nRowOffset = nRowOffset + 1
nChcNum = nChcNum + 1
&& If last record reached, clear rest of box
if eof()
do while nRowOffset + 1 <= nMaxRecs
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset, nLeftCol say space(nPromptW)
nRowOffset = nRowOffset +1
nHighChc = nChcNum - 1
if nKey # 2 .and. nKey # 3 && if the last key pressed wasn't <end>
nChcNum = 1 && or <PgDn>
nRowOffset = 0
nChcNum = nHighChc
nRowOffset = nHighChc - 1
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset , nLeftCol get aPrompt[nChcNum]
clear gets
&& This loops traps the keys
do while .T.
nKey = inkey()
do case
case nKey = 5 && Up arrow
&& If first record displayed is first record in database
&& and it is already highlighted
if aRec[1] = nTopRec .and. nChcNum = 1
&& If first record is highlighted but is not top record,
&& shift prompt contents down
if aRec[1] # nTopRec .and. nChcNum = 1
go aRec[1]
nX = nHighChc
do while nX > 1
aRec[nX] = aRec[nX - 1]
aPrompt[nX] = aPrompt[nX - 1]
nX = nX - 1
&& Get prompt for additional record to be displayed
skip -1
aRec[1] = recno()
cTemp = &cFields
aPrompt[1] = substr(cTemp, 1, nPromptW)
if len(aPrompt[1]) < nPromptW
aPrompt[1] = aPrompt[1] + ;
space(nPromptW - len(aPrompt[1]))
skip + nMaxRecs
&& If maximum possible records aren't displayed
if nHighChc < nMaxRecs
nHighChc = nHighChc + 1
skip -1
aRec[nHighChc] = recno()
cTemp = &cFields
aPrompt[nHighChc] = substr(cTemp, 1, nPromptW)
if len(aPrompt[nHighChc]) < nPromptW
aPrompt[nHighChc] = aPrompt[nHighChc] + ;
space(nPromptW - len(aPrompt[nHighChc]))
&& Redisplay prompts with new contents
nX = 1
do while nX < nHighChc + 1
@ nTopRow + nX - 1, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nX]
nX = nX + 1
nChcNum = 2
nChcNum = iif(nChcNum = 1, nHighChc, nChcNum - 1)
nRowOffset = iif(nChcNum = 1, 0, nChcNum - 1)
nLastOne = iif(nChcNum = nHighChc, 1, nChcNum+1)
nThisOne = nChcNum
@ nTopRow+iif(nChcNum = nHighChc, 0, nRowOffset+1) , ;
nLeftCol say aPrompt[nLastOne]
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset , nLeftCol get aPrompt[nThisOne]
clear gets
case nKey = 24 && Dn arrow
&& If last prompt is highlighted and it is last record
if eof() .and. nChcNum = nHighChc
&& If not at last record and bottom prompt is highlighted,
&& shift prompt contents up
if .not. eof() .and. nChcNum = nHighChc
nX = 1
do while nX < nMaxRecs
aRec[nX] = aRec[nX + 1]
aPrompt[nX] = aPrompt[nX + 1]
nX = nX + 1
&& Get prompt for additional record to be displayed
aRec[nMaxRecs] = recno()
cTemp = &cFields
aPrompt[nMaxRecs] = substr(cTemp, 1, nPromptW)
if len(aPrompt[nMaxRecs]) < nPromptW
aPrompt[nMaxRecs] = aPrompt[nMaxRecs] + ;
space(nPromptW - len(aPrompt[nMaxRecs]))
&& Redisplay prompts with new contents
nX = nMaxRecs
do while nX > 0
@ nTopRow + nX - 1, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nX]
nX = nX - 1
nChcNum = nMaxRecs - 1
nChcNum = iif(nChcNum < nHighChc, nChcNum + 1, 1)
nRowOffset = iif(nChcNum = 1, 0, nChcNum - 1)
nLastOne = iif(nChcNum = 1, nHighChc, nChcNum-1)
nThisOne = nChcNum
@ nTopRow+iif(nChcNum = 1, nHighChc-1, nRowOffset-1) , ;
nLeftCol say aPrompt[nLastOne]
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset , nLeftCol get aPrompt[nThisOne]
clear gets
case nKey = 13 && Enter key
&& Move record pointer and go back to calling program
go aRec[nChcNum]
lGoBack = .T.
case nKey = 3 && PgDn key
&& If last record in .DBF is displayed but not highlighted,
&& move highlight to bottom and wait for next key
if eof() .and. nChcNum # nHighChc
@ nTopRow + nRowOffset, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
@ nTopRow + nHighChc - 1, nLeftCol get aPrompt[nHighChc]
clear gets
nChcNum = nHighChc
nRowOffset = nChcNum - 1
&& If highlight is not on last record that is displayed,
&& move highlight to it and wait for next key
if nChcNum # nHighChc
@ nTopRow + nRowOffset, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
@ nTopRow + nHighChc - 1, nLeftCol get aPrompt[nHighChc]
clear gets
nChcNum = nHighChc
nRowOffset = nChcNum - 1
&& Highlight is at bottom record displayed but not at eof
&& Move record pointer down to next "page" of records and
&& return to main loop
if .not. eof()
go aRec[1]
skip + nMaxRecs
lGoBack = .F.
&& If none of the above is true, wait for another key
case nKey = 18 && PgUp key
&& If top record displayed is top of .DBF but it is
&& not highlighted, move highlight to it and wait for next key
if aRec[1] = nTopRec .and. nChcNum # 1
@ nTopRow + nRowOffset, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
@ nTopRow, nLeftCol get aPrompt[1]
clear gets
nChcNum = 1
nRowOffset = 0
&& If highlight is not on top record displayed, move
&& highlight to it and wait for next key
if nChcNum # 1
@ nTopRow + nRowOffset, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
@ nTopRow, nLeftCol get aPrompt[1]
clear gets
nChcNum = 1
nRowOffset = 0
&& Highlight is at top record displayed but not at top of DBF.
&& Move record pointer up one "page" worth of records and
&& return to main loop to display new prompts
if aRec[1] # nTopRec
go aRec[1]
skip - nMaxRecs
lGoBack = .F.
&& If none of the above is true, wait for next key
case nKey = 27 && Esc key
&& Move record pointer to where it was before starting this
&& routine and return to calling program
lAbandon = .T.
lGoBack = .T.
go nTmpRec
case nKey = 26 && Home key
&& If already at top of DBF, wait for next key
if aRec[1] = nTopRec
else && go top and return to main loop to display new prompts
go top
lGoBack = .F.
case nKey = 2 && End key
&& If last record in DBF is displayed but not highlighted,
&& move highlight to it and wait for next key
if eof() .and. nChcNum # nHighChc
@ nTopRow + nRowOffset, nLeftCol say aPrompt[nChcNum]
@ nTopRow + nHighChc - 1, nLeftCol get aPrompt[nHighChc]
clear gets
nChcNum = nHighChc
nRowOffset = nChcNum - 1
&& If last record is not displayed, go to it and
&& return to main loop
if .not. eof()
go BOTtoM
skip - (nMaxRecs - 1)
lGoBack = .F.
&& If none of the above is true, go back and wait for next key
case nKey = 28 && F1 key
&& This is just sample code for the F1 key
define window TempWin from 5,4 to 14,75
activate window TempWin
@ 1,3 say "Use cursor keys to choose. Press <Enter> to move record pointer"
@ 2,5 say "Use <PgUp>, <PgDn>, <Home>, and <End> to see other records"
@ 3,26 say "Use <Esc> to abandon"
@ 5,23 say "Press Any Key to Continue"
nX = 0
do while nX = 0
nX = inkey()
deactivate window TempWin
case nKey = -1 && F2 key
&& This is just sample code for the F2 key
save screen to sScreen
nX = recno()
go aRec[nChcNum]
set cursor ON
edit nomenu noappend nodelete next 1
* READ is better if you already have a FORMat set.
set cursor off
go aRec[nChcNum]
cTemp = &cFields && Expands cFields into string expression
aPrompt[nChcNum] = substr(cTemp, 1, nPromptW)
if len(aPrompt[nChcNum]) < nPromptW
aPrompt[nChcNum] = aPrompt[nChcNum] + ;
space(nPromptW - len(aPrompt[nChcNum]))
restore screen from sScreen
@ nTopRow+nRowOffset, nLeftCol get aPrompt[nChcNum]
clear gets
if nX <= reccount()
go nX
go bott
&& Put colors back to what they were and set CURSOR, escape, and TALK back
set color of normal to &cNormSet
set color of fields to &cFieldset
set cursor &cCursor
set escape &cEscape
set talk &cTalk
*-- EOP: Pick3
*-- Programmer..: Keith G. Chuvala (CIS: 71600,2033)
*-- Date........: 02/16/1993
*-- Notes.......: This is a generic picklist routine.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 10/01/1992 -- Original version
*-- 11/03/1992 -- Modified to dUFLP it (and use RECOLOR to
*-- ensure that colors are returned properly) -- Ken Mayer
*-- 02/16/1993 -- Minor changes to deal with small data files
*-- by Keith.
*-- Calls.......: ReColor PROCEDURE in PROC.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: Pick4(nRow,nCol,cTitle,cFileSpecs,cListWhat,nRetChar,;
*-- nRetType,cColors
*-- Example.....: ?Pick4(10,10,"Order Stock","Stock,InvNum",;
*-- "left(invno,10)+' '+desc",4,1,"r/w,b/w,w/b")
*-- Returns.....: number of characters from prompt()
*-- Parameters..: nRow = Upper Left Corner Row
*-- nCol = Upper Left Corner Column
*-- cTitle = Title to display at top of list
*-- cListWhat = What should display as prompt
*-- nRetChar = Number of characters of prompt to return
*-- nReturnType = 0 = KEYB(), 1 = Normal Return
*-- cColors = Background/Unselected Items,;
*-- Selected letters/border, selected bar
*-- example: rg+/gb,w+/b,w+/n
*-- rg+/gb = unselected items (and background)
*-- w+/b = selected letter(s)
*-- w+/n = currently highlighted bar
para nRow,nCol,cTitle,cFileSpecs,cListWhat,nRetChar,nReturnType,cColors
private nLastBar,cTalk,cStatus,cNColor,cBColor,cHColor,nPick,;
cWindow,cCursor,cAlias,sPick,cAttrib,nLastBar, nDone,;
nX,nP,nO,aBar,lRefresh,nLCol,nRCol,nPKey,cExact, ;
*-- basic environmental stuff
cTalk = set("talk")
set talk off
*-- set default colors
cNColor = "w/n"
cBColor = "w+/n"
cHColor = "n/w"
*-- if user passed this parameter
if len(cColors) > 0
nX = at(",",cColors)
cNColor = left(cColors,nX-1)
cColors = substr(cColors,nX+1)
if len(cColors) > 0
nX = at(",",cColors)
cBColor = iif(nX > 0,left(cColors,nX-1),cColors)
cColors = iif(nX > 0,substr(cColors,nX+1),"")
if len(cColors) > 0
cHColor = cColors
*-- save current screen colors and screen, modify environment some more
cAttrib = set("attr")
set color to &cHColor,&cNColor
save screen to sPick
cStatus = set("status")
set status off
restore screen from sPick
cCursor = set("cursor")
set cursor off
cWindow = window()
activate screen
cExact = set("exact")
cSeek = ""
set exact off
set near off
*-- display
@ 9,32 clear to 9,47
@ 9,32 fill to 11,49 color w/n
@ 8,31 to 10,48 color &cBColor
@ 9,32 say " Please wait... " color &cNColor
*-- create the picklist
declare aBar[10]
cOrder = ""
cSetKey = ""
cFile = cFileSpecs
nX = at(",",cFileSpecs)
if nX > 0
cFile= left(cFileSpecs,nX-1)
cFileSpecs = substr(cFileSpecs,nX+1)
if len(cFileSpecs) > 0
nX = at(",",cFileSpecs)
cOrder = iif(nX>0,left(cFileSpecs,nX-1),cFileSpecs)
cFileSpecs = iif(nX>0,substr(cFileSpecs,nX+1),"")
if len(cFileSpecs) > 0
cSetKey = cFileSpecs
cAlias = alias()
nLastBar = 9
nP = 1
nO = 1
nDone = 0
lRefresh = .t.
lSameFile = (cAlias = upper(cFile))
use &cFile. again in select() alias picker
if len(tag(1)) > 0
set order to tag(1)
set deleted on
if len(trim(cOrder)) > 0
set order to &cOrder.
if len(trim(cSetKey)) > 0
if at(",",cSetKey) > 0
cSetKey = "range "+ cSetKey
set Key to &cSetKey.
go top
nDone = iif(reccount() < 1,2,0)
if nRow > 14
nRow = 14
nOldWidth = -1
nOldRow = -1
nLastBar = 9
do while nDone = 0
if lRefresh .and. .not. eof("picker")
nWidth = 0
nX = 0
do while nX < 8 .and. .not. eof("picker")
nX = nX + 1
aBar[nX] = &cListWhat
if len(aBar[nX]) > nWidth
nWidth = len(aBar[nX])
skip 1
nLastBar = nX
nLCol = nCol
nRCol = nLCol + nWidth + 4
do while (nRCol > 77) .and. (nLCol > 0)
if nLCol > 1
nRCol = nRCol - 1
nLCol = nLCol - 1
nRCol = 77
if (nWidth <> nOldWidth) .or. (nLastBar <> nOldRow)
restore screen from sPick
@ nRow+1, nLCol+1 fill to ;
nRow+nLastBar+2,nRCol+2 color w/n
@ nRow , nLCol to ;
nRow+nLastBar+1,nRCol color &cBColor
@ nRow , nLCol+1 say '[' color &cBColor
@ nRow , nLCol+2 say cTitle color &cNColor
@ nRow , nLCol+2+len(cTitle) say ']' color &cBColor
@ nRow+1, nLCol+1 clear to ;
nRow+nLastBar ,nRCol-1
@ nRow+1, nLCol+1 fill to ;
nRow+nLastBar ,nRCol-1 color &cBColor
nOldRow = nLastBar
nOldWidth = nWidth
nX = 1
do while nX <= nLastBar
@ nX+nRow,nLCol+2 say " "+aBar[nX] color &cNColor
nX = nX + 1
if nP > nLastBar
nP = nLastBar
if nO <= nLastBar
@ nRow+nO, nLCol+2 fill to nRow+nO,nRCol-2 color &cNColor
@ nRow+nP, nLCol+2 fill to nRow+nP,nRCol-2 color &cHColor
nX = at(upper(cSeek),upper(aBar[nP]))
if nX > 0
@ nRow+nP,nLCol+2+nX fill to nRow+nP,nLCol+1+nX+len(cSeek) ;
color &cBColor
nO = nP
*-- start processing key strokes ...
nPKey = inkey(0)
do case
case nPKey = 5 && up
nP = nP - 1
if nP < 1
nPKey = 18
nP = nLastBar
cSeek = ""
case nPKey = 24 && down
nP = nP + 1
if nP > nLastBar
if .not. eof("picker")
nPKey = 3
nP = 1
nPKey = 0
nP = nP - 1
cSeek = ""
lRefresh = .t.
do case
case nPKey = 18 && pgup, up
skip - 16
if bof()
go top
cSeek = ""
case nPKey = 26 && home
go top
nP = 1
cSeek = ""
case nPKey = 2 && end
go bottom
skip - 7
if bof()
go top
nP = nLastBar
cSeek = ""
case nPKey = 27 && esc
nDone = 1
case (nPKey = 13) .or. (nPkey = 23) && c/r
nPick = aBar[nP]
nDone = 1
case ((nPKey >= asc(" ")) .and. (nPKey <= asc("z"))) .or. (nPKey = 127)
if nPKey = 127
cSeek = left(cSeek,len(cSeek)-1)
cSeek = cSeek + chr(nPKey)
if len(trim(tag())) > 0
if .not. found()
if .not. found()
cSeek = left(cSeek,len(cSeek)-1)
?? chr(7)
if len(trim(cSeek)) = 0
go top
lRefresh = .t.
nPKey = 3
if (nPKey <> 3)
lRefresh = .f.
*-- return something, unless <Esc> was pressed
if nPKey <> 27
if nReturnType = 0
keyboard chr(26)+chr(25)+left(nPick,nRetChar)+chr(13)
xRetVal = iif(nReturnType=0,.t.,iif(nPKey=27,"",left(nPick,nRetChar)))
xRetVal = .f.
*-- cleanup
select picker
if len(trim(cAlias)) > 0
select (cAlias)
if len(trim(cWindow)) > 0
activate window &cWindow
do recolor with cAttrib
set status &cStatus
set talk &cTalk
set cursor &cCursor
set exact &cExact
restore screen from sPick
*-- EoF: Pick4()
*-- Programmer..: Angus Scott-Fleming (CIS: 75500,3223)
*-- Date........: 11/30/1992
*-- Notes.......: Display a popup constructed from up to 9 options. The routine
*-- then keyboards the first characters of the selected option
*-- up to the length of the field/memvar) directly into
*-- field/memvar. Used in place of the picture function "@M"
*-- built-in to dBASE IV. This should be used only in a VALID
*-- REQUIRED clause, not a WHEN clause.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 11/30/1992 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: PopList(<cP1>,<cP2>,<cP3>,<cP4>,<cP5>,...<cP9>)
*-- Example.....: @6,37 get m->cHanded picture "!" valid required;
*-- poplist("Right-handed","Left-handed")
*-- Returns.....: Logical: .T. when variable being read matches options,
*-- .F. otherwise
*-- Parameters..: cP1 = First parameter for list
*-- ...
*-- cP9 = Last this is max routine will allow ... number varies,
*-- should always have at least two, otherwise, what's the
*-- point?
parameters cP1,cP2,cP3,cP4,cP5,cP6,cP7,cP8,cP9
private nPopLen,nPop,nPopRow,nPopCol,nPopECol,nPopBRow,nPop,cPopPar,;
nPopLen = 0
nPop = 0
cPopRead = VarRead() && get memvar/field being read
cPopInput = &cPopRead && store again?
nPopInLen = len(cPopInput) && get length
declare cPopBar[pcount()] && define array
do while nPop < pcount()
nPop = nPop + 1
cPopPar = "cP"+ltrim(str(nPop))
cPopBar[nPop] = &cPopPar
nPopLen = max(nPopLen,len(cPopBar[nPop]))
if (cPopInput=left(cPopBar[nPop],nPopInLen)) .and. ;
*-- set coordinates of popup (checking for edge of screen ...)
nPopRow = row()
nPopCol = col() + nPopInLen
if nPopRow + pCount() + 1 > 24
nPopRow = 23-pCount()
nPopBRow = nPopRow + pcount() + 1
if nPopCol + nPopLen > 79
nPopCol = 75-nPopLen
nPopECol = nPopCol + nPopLen + 1
*-- define popup
save screen to sPopList
define popup PopList from nPopRow,nPopCol to nPopBRow,nPopECol
nPop = 0
do while nPop < pcount()
nPop = nPop + 1
define bar nPop of PopList prompt cPopBar[nPop]
on selection popup PopList deactivate popup
activate popup PopList
*-- now we have it, let's deal with output
cPopRet = left(prompt(),nPopInLen)
*-- cleanup screen and memory
release popup PopList
restore screen from sPopList
release screen sPopList
*-- replace data in field for user
*-- space is necessary for the valid required error about
*-- "Editing condition not satisified ..."
*-- chr(26) and chr(25) move cursor to "home" and delete contents
*-- of field, so new data can be keyboarded in
keyboard " "+chr(26)+chr(25)+cPopRet + iif(set("CONFIRM")="ON",chr(13),"")
*-- EoF: PopList()
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 01/27/1993
*-- Notes.......: Used to insert those letters with diacritical marks into
*-- your input screens. This routine brings up a picklist with
*-- all the standard diacrit characters built into the ASCII
*-- character set.
*-- NOTE: To use this routine properly, two things must be
*-- done first:
*-- PUBLIC n_RowPop, n_ColPop
*-- a Call to LocPop() should be made with a WHEN clause in
*-- the "get". See example below.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 12/28/1992 -- Original Release
*-- 01/27/1993 -- Modified (KJM) to cope with data entry WINDOWS
*-- which includes restoring the active window when done.
*-- Calls.......: LocPop() Indirectly. FUNCTION in PICKLIST.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any (routine with a GET)
*-- Usage.......: DO Diacrit
*-- Example.....: public n_RowPop, n_ColPop && vital
*-- @5,10 get cVar when LocPop(5,10) && vital
*-- read
*-- on key label alt-k && release definition
*-- Returns.....: Keyboards character into current "GET"
*-- Parameters..: None
private nRow, nCol, nRow2, nCol2, cReturn
on key label alt-k ?? chr(7) && beep if user tries to call again ...
*-- first things first, define where it's to display
cWindow = window() && save current window if there is one
activate screen
nRow = n_RowPop && get values from public memvars
nCol = n_ColPop
*-- bottom right corner of popup ...
nCol2 = nCol + 5
nRow2 = nRow + 10
*-- define the popup
define popup pDiacrit from nRow,nCol to nRow2,nCol2
define bar 1 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(142)+" " && Ä
define bar 2 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(143)+" " && Å
define bar 3 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(146)+" " && Æ
define bar 4 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(131)+" " && â
define bar 5 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(132)+" " && ä
define bar 6 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(133)+" " && à
define bar 7 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(134)+" " && å
define bar 8 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(160)+" " && á
define bar 9 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(145)+" " && æ
define bar 10 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(144)+" " && É
define bar 11 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(136)+" " && ê
define bar 12 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(137)+" " && ë
define bar 13 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(138)+" " && è
define bar 14 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(130)+" " && é
define bar 15 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(139)+" " && ï
define bar 16 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(140)+" " && î
define bar 17 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(141)+" " && ì
define bar 18 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(161)+" " && í
define bar 19 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(147)+" " && ô
define bar 20 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(148)+" " && ö
define bar 21 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(149)+" " && ò
define bar 22 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(162)+" " && ó
define bar 23 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(153)+" " && Ö
define bar 24 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(150)+" " && û
define bar 25 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(129)+" " && ü
define bar 26 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(151)+" " && ù
define bar 27 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(163)+" " && ú
define bar 28 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(154)+" " && Ü
define bar 29 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(152)+" " && ÿ
define bar 30 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(128)+" " && Ç
define bar 31 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(165)+" " && Ñ
define bar 32 of pDiacrit prompt " "+chr(164)+" " && ñ
*-- whatta we do with it?
on selection popup pDiacrit deactivate popup
activate popup pDiacrit
cPrompt = prompt()
*-- Esc -> <-
if lastkey() = 27 .or. lastkey() = 4 .or. lastkey() = 19
cReturn = ""
cReturn = substr(cPrompt,2,1) && get the actual character ...
*-- remove from memory
release popup pDiacrit
*-- reactivate window if there was one ...
if .not. isblank(cWindow)
activate window &cWindow
*-- put into user's "Get"
keyboard cReturn
*-- reset ON KEY definition
on key label alt-k do diacrit
*-- EoP: Diacrit
*-- Programmer..: Kenneth Chan (:>Zak<:) (CIS: 71542,2712)
*-- Date........: 01/28/1993
*-- Notes.......: Created for diacritical routine above, to determine position
*-- of current "Get", and then decide whether to place upper
*-- left coordinates (in public memvars: n_RowPop, n_ColPop)
*-- of a popup.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 12/25/1992 -- Original
*-- 12/28/1992 -- Modified to deal with positioning if get is
*-- to far to the right on the screen, and so on (Ken Mayer).
*-- 01/28/1993 -- Modified to handle windows on screen, giving
*-- an absolute address. Requires user to provide coordinates
*-- for upper left corner of window.
*-- Calls.......: VidRow() Function in SCREEN.PRG
*-- VidCol() Function in SCREEN.PRG
*-- Called by...: Diacrit (Indirectly) Procedure in PICKLIST.PRG
*-- Usage.......: LocPop(<nWidth>,<nLength>[,<nWBorder>])
*-- Example.....: @5,10 get cVar when LocPop(5,10)
*-- Returns.....: logical true
*-- Parameters..: nWidth = width of popup
*-- nLength = length of popup (how many bars should display on
*-- screen -- used to determine if displaying above
*-- or below ROW() of GET)
*-- nWBorder = OPTIONAL -- if there is no border we have to back
*-- up one, so put a '0' in here if there is no
*-- border, otherwise, ignore this parameter.
parameters nWidth,nLength, nWBorder
private cVar, nRow, nCol
*-- get current "GET"
cVar = varread()
*-- put current position into column/row ... since cursor was just placed
*-- into field (assuming called from WHEN clause), we are always on the
*-- first character in the GET ...
nRow = VidRow()
nCol = VidCol()
if type("NWBORDER") # "L" .and. nWBorder = 0
nRow = nRow - 1
nCol = nCol - 1
*-- add it all up, see if popup coordinates are off the screen
*-- if so, we need to display the popup UNDER the GET
if nCol + (len(&cVar)+nWidth+1) > 79
nRow = nRow + 1
nCol = 79 - nWidth && put it right up against edge of screen
else && otherwise, set column position
nCol = nCol + len(&cVar) + 1 && add length of memvar/get
*-- now to see if we're going to go off the bottom of the screen
*-- and deal with _that_ -- displaying popup ABOVE the GET.
nDisp = val(right(set("DISPLAY"),2)) && (EGAxx ...)
if nRow + nLength +2 => nDisp - 1 && check for bottom of screen
nRow = nRow - nLength - 2
if type("N_ROWPOP") = "U" .or. type("N_ROWPOP") = "L"
public n_RowPop,n_ColPop
n_RowPop = nRow && set current position ...
n_ColPop = nCol
*-- EoF: LocPop()
*-- Included below are any auxiliary routines needed for those above.
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 02/28/1992
*-- Notes.......: Created because the picklist routine by Malcolm Rubel
*-- from DBA Magazine (11/91) calls a function that checks
*-- to see if a DBF file is open ...
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 05/15/1992 -- Original
*-- 02/08/1993 -- Discovered (thanks to Jay, and then Malcolm)
*-- a much simpler way to do this ...
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Usage.......: Used("<cFile>")
*-- Example.....: if used("Library")
*-- select library
*-- else
*-- select select()
*-- use library
*-- endif
*-- Returns.....: Logical (.t. if file is in use, .f. if not)
*-- Parameters..: cFile = file to check for
parameters cFile
RETURN (select(cFile) # 0)
*-- EoF: Used()
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 01/28/1993
*-- Notes.......: Calls VDCURSOR.BIN (David Frankenbach, CIS: 72147,2635)
*-- to return the ABSOLUTE position of the current ROW on the
*-- screen, despite any active windows, etc.
*-- This is based on original routines by David Frankenbach,
*-- but includes the load/release in one routine, rather
*-- than requiring three functions to perform this ...
*-- ***************************
*-- ***************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 01/28/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: VDCURSOR.BIN
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: VidRow()
*-- Example.....: ?VidRow()
*-- Returns.....: Numeric ROW position for current row on screen
*-- Parameters..: None
private cX
cX = space(2) && define argument memvar
load vdcursor && load the .BIN file
call vdcursor with cX && call it with the memvar
release module vdcursor && release from memory
RETURN (asc(substr(cX,2))-1) && return the value of the absolute cursor position
*-- EoF: VidRow()
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 01/28/1993
*-- Notes.......: Calls VDCURSOR.BIN (David Frankenbach, CIS: 72147,2635)
*-- to return the ABSOLUTE position of the current COLUMN on the
*-- screen, despite any active windows, etc.
*-- This is based on original routines by David Frankenbach,
*-- but includes the load/release in one routine, rather
*-- than requiring three functions to perform this ...
*-- ***************************
*-- ***************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 01/28/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: VDCURSOR.BIN
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: VidCol()
*-- Example.....: ?VidCol()
*-- Returns.....: Numeric COLUMN position for current Col on screen
*-- Parameters..: None
private cX
cX = space(2) && define argument memvar
load vdcursor && load the .BIN file
call vdcursor with cX && call it with the memvar
release module vdcursor && release from memory
RETURN (asc(substr(cX,1))-1) && return the value of the absolute cursor position
*-- EoF: VidCol()
*-- End of File: PICKLIST.PRG