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3,677 lines
*-- Program...: FILES.PRG
*-- Programmer: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date......: 03/24/1993
*-- Notes.....: These are file processing routines. To see how to use this
*-- library file, see: README.TXT.
*-- Programmer..: Susan Perschke (SPECDATA) and Michael Liczbanski (LMIKE)
*-- Date........: 01/03/1992
*-- Notes.......: Used to bring up a list of MDX tags on screen for the user,
*-- so they can change the current tag ... This was gotten to me
*-- by Steve (LTI), from "Data Based Advisor", December, 1991.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 12/15/1991 - original procedure.
*-- 01/03/1992 - Ken Mayer -- added shadow ...
*-- Calls.......: SHADOW Procedure in PROC.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DO AllTags WITH nULRow, nULCol
*-- Example.....: ON KEY LABEL F8 DO ALLTAGS WITH 02,60
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: nULRow -- Starting Row for Popup
*-- nULCol -- Starting Column for Popup
parameters nULRow, nULCol
private nBar, cPrompt, nBRRow, nBRCol
*-- Disable left/right arrow keys to prevent an accidental exit
on key label leftarrow ?? chr(7)
on key label rightarrow ?? chr(7)
*-- Save current screen
save screen to sTag
activate screen
*-- define the popup
define popup pTag from nULRow, nULCol;
message " Press ENTER to select new index order...ESC to exit..."
nBar = 1 && first bar
cPrompt = "-No Index-" && will always be this
*-- loop to get the rest of 'em ...
do while "" <> cPrompt && loop until no more tags
define bar nBar of pTag prompt (cPrompt)
cPrompt = tag(nBar)
nBar = nBar + 1
on selection popup pTag deactivate popup
*-- process shadow
nBRRow = nULRow+(nBar-1)+1 && bottom right for shadow (1 for t/b of pop)
nBRCol = nULCol+11 && bottom right for shadow (2 for sides,
&& +9 for tagnames)
do shadow with nULRow,nULCol,nBRRow,nBRCol
*-- do it
activate popup pTag
*-- Assign a null string to cPrompt if "No Index" selected
cPrompt = iif(bar() = 1, "",prompt())
*-- Don't change index order if ESC pressed
if bar() <> 0
set order to (cPrompt)
*-- cleanup
release popup pTag
restore screen from sTag
release screen sTag
*-- Enable left/right arrow keys
on key label leftarrow
on key label rightarrow
*-- EoP: AllTags
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 04/15/1992
*-- Notes.......: Build a .dbf file from scratch, without using CREATE FROM.
*-- The file built has three fields, TAGS1, TAGS2 and TAGS3,
*-- each character-type and 254 bytes wide.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: Broken out of other code and date-writing added
*-- by Jay Parsons, 4/15/1992
*-- : Originally from the program PRGCREAT.ZIP
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do MakeTagFl WITH "<cFname>"
*-- Example.....: do MakeTagFl WITH "Tags"
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: cFname, name of the .dbf to create
*-- Side effects: Creates a .dbf and overwrites any existing one of same name
*-- : Disables external setting of PRINTER
parameters cFname
private cName
cName = cFname
if .not. "." $ cName
cName = cName + ".DBF"
set printer to file ( cName )
set printer on
??? "{3}"
??? chr( year( date() - 1900 ) )
??? chr( month( date() ) )
??? chr( day( date() ) )
??? "{0}{0}{0}{0}{129}{0}{251}{2}{0}{0}{0}{0}"
??? "{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{201}{0}"
??? "{84}{65}{71}{83}{49}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{67}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Tags1
??? "{254}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}"
??? "{84}{65}{71}{83}{50}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{67}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Tags2
??? "{254}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}"
??? "{84}{65}{71}{83}{51}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{67}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Tags3
??? "{254}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}"
??? "{13}{26}"
set printer off
set printer to
*-- EoP: MakeTagFl
*-- Programmer..: David Love (CIS: 70153,2433)
*-- Date........: 04/18/1992
*-- Notes.......: This routine is a "generic" MDX cleanup routine. It is useful
*-- for handling "bloated" MDX files -- ones that have been around
*-- awhile (they tend to be larger than necessary). This routine
*-- will store the tag keys in an array, delete the tags, and then
*-- rebuild the MDX file from scratch, keeping all tag names and
*-- keys, and the MDX SHOULD be smaller.
*-- : Will act on the dbf's production mdx (ie. same name as dbf)
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 01/20/1992 - original function for dBASE IV Ver. 1.1.
*-- 04/18/1992 - David Love - adapted for use with beta version
*-- of dBASE IV, version 1.5.
*-- (TAGCOUNT(), FOR(), DESCENDING(), UNIQUE() are 1.5 functions)
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do RedoTags with "<cDBF>"
*-- Example.....: do RedoTags with "Referral"
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: cDBF = Name of DATABASE file, no extension necessary.
parameter cDBF
use (cDBF) excl
*-- First, figure out how many tags exist
private nMaxTags
nMaxTags = tagcount( cDBF,1 )
*-- only perform routine if an index tag exists
if nMaxTags > 0
private nTags, mkey, mtag
*-- store the keys and tags to an array
declare aTags[nMaxTags,5]
nTags = 1
do while nTags <= nMaxTags
store key( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,1] && grab the key
store tag( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,2] && grab the tagname
store for( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,3] && grab the for clause
store descending( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,4] && .t. if descending
store unique( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,5] && .t. if unique
nTags = nTags + 1
*-- now, delete the tags
do while "" # tag( (cDBF),1)
delete tag tag( (cDBF),1)
*-- rebuild the MDX, tag by tag ...
nTags = 1
do while nTags <= nMaxTags
mkey = aTags[nTags,1]+iif(""#aTags[nTags,3]," for "+aTags[nTags,3],"") ;
+ iif(aTags[nTags,4]," DESCENDING","") ;
+ iif(aTags[nTags,5]," UNIQUE","")
mtag = aTags[nTags,2]
index on &mkey. tag &mtag.
nTags = nTags + 1
*-- release the array ...
release aTags
endif && check for tags ...
use && close database
*-- EoP: RedoTags
*-- Programmer..: Douglas P. Saine (CIS: 74660,3574)
*-- Date........: 03/06/1992
*-- Notes.......: Displays a popup to choose a DBF from the current directory
*-- to re-build its MDX file
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 03/04/1992 - original procedure.
*-- 03/06/1992 -- Ken Mayer added color parameter,
*-- shadow to popup, and erase DBFS.DBF datafile at end.
*-- Calls.......: LISTDBFS Procedure in FILES.PRG
*-- REDOTAGS Procedure in FILES.PRG
*-- CENTER Procedure in PROC.PRG
*-- YESNO2() Function in PROC.PRG
*-- SHADOW Procedure in PROC.PRG
*-- EXTRCLR() Function in PROC.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do AutoRedo with nXTL,nYTL,nXBR,nYBR,cColor
*-- Example.....: do AutoRedo with 5,34,15,47,"rg+/gb,w+/n,rg+/gb"
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: None
parameters nXTL, nYTL, nXBR, nYBR, cColor
*-- Save Environment
cTalk = set("talk")
cStat = set("status")
cCloc = set("clock")
cScor = set("scoreboard")
cSafe = set("safety")
*-- Set Environment
set stat off
set talk off
set cloc off
set scor off
set safe off
*-- Full Screen Window for screen restoration when finished
define window wCoverScr from 0,0 to 23,79 none
activate window wCoverScr
*-- Make a Data File of the Current Directory
do center with 10,80,extrclr('&cColor'),;
'... Making Data File from Current Directory ...'
do ListDBFs
use DBFS
index on DBFS->DBF tag IORDER
*-- Define and access the popup of DataFiles
activate screen
define popup uDbfList from nXTL,nYTL to nXBR,nYBR prompt field DBFS->DBF
on selection popup uDbfList deactivate popup
*-- Execute loop for multiple re-indexes
lLoop = .t.
do while lLoop
do shadow with nXTL,nYTL,nXBR,nYBR
activate popup uDbfList
clear && get rid of shadow
*-- Record the prompt() and remove '.dbf' so it works with Redotag
cDataFile = substr(prompt(),1,len(trim(prompt()))-4)
*-- Verify the MDX exists
if file(cDataFile+'.mdx')
do redotags with cDataFile
do center with 10,80,extrclr("&cColor"),;
'... Production MDX file not found for file '+cDataFile
n = inkey(0)
*-- Determine if the user wants to re-build another
if YesNo2(.t.,"CC","",;
"Do you wish to reindex another file?","","&cColor")
use DBFS order IORDER
lLoop = .f.
*-- Restore environment
use DBFS
delete tag IORDER
erase DBFS.DBF
release popup uDbfList
deactivate window wCoverScr
release window wCoverScr
set stat &cStat
set talk &cTalk
set cloc &cCloc
set scor &cScor
set safe &cSafe
*-- EoP: AutoRedo
*-- Programmer..: David Love (CIS: 70153,2433)
*-- Date........: 03/24/1993
*-- Notes.......: This routine is a "quick and not-so-dirty" method of printing
*-- the tag and key expressions for a dbf's production mdx file.
*-- It obviates the need for DISP/LIST STAT TO PRINT (or DISP STAT
*-- followed by SHIFT+PrtScr).
*-- This code is modified from the procedure RedoTags.prg,
*-- previously posted on the BORBBS.
*-- : The proc will print the full key expression, including
*-- FOR/DESCENDING/UNIQUE options, if present.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 01/31/1992 - original procedure written for dBASE IV, Ver. 1.1
*-- 04/18/1992 - David Love - revised for version 1.5
*-- 03/24/1993 - Lee Hite - modified so that wild card specs
*-- may now be used to list multiple .DBF's.
*-- also, added optional parameter to include file
*-- structure in output.
*-- Calls.......: ADIR() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- PARSPATH() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- SHELLSORT() Function in ARRAY.PRG
*-- NOTE: These routines are called only when using wildcards.
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do PrntTags with "<cDBF>",[lDispStru]
*-- Example.....: do PrntTags with "Referral"
*-- do PrntTags with "*.dbf",.t.
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: cDBF = Name of DATABASE file, may include wildcard specs
*-- (i.e., "REF*"). No extension is necessary, but
*-- if it's there, it better be ".DBF" <g>
*-- lDispStru = [optional] set to .T. to include the file
*-- structure in the output
parameter cDBFParm,lDispStru
private cTalk
cTalk = set("TALK")
set talk off
set printer on
*-- handle whether or not we got a wild card
private cDBFPath,cDBFMask,nDBFs,aMyArray,lDummy,nKntr
if "*" $ cDBFParm .or. "?" $ cDBFParm
*-- wildcards, so build an array of the file names
cDBFMask = iif(at(".DBF",upper(cDBFParm))>0,cDBFParm,cDBFParm+".DBF")
nDBFs = aDir(cDBFMask,"","")
if nDBFs > 0
declare aMyArray[nDBFs,1]
nKntr = 1
do while nKntr <= nDBFs
aMyArray[nKntr,1] = gaDir[nKntr,1]
nKntr = nKntr + 1
lDummy = ShellSort(nDBFs)
cDBFPath = ParsPath(cDBFMask)
*-- no wild cards, so we just have one entry in the array
private aMyArray
declare aMyArray[1,1]
aMyArray[1,1] = upper(cDBFParm)
nDBFs = 1
cDBFPath = ""
*-- loop for each .DBF
private cDBF,nKntr
nKntr = 1
do while nKntr <= nDBFs
cDBF = aMyArray[nKntr,1]
*-- pull extension out of file name so TAGCOUNT(), etc. work...
cDBF = iif(at(".DBF",cDBF)=0,cDBF,left(cDBF,at(".DBF",cDBF)-1))
use (cDBFPath+cDBF)
?? "DATABASE: "+cDBF at 0
*-- display file structure if optioned
if lDispStru
?? "STRUCTURE:" at 0
disp stru
*-- now, figure out how many tags exist
private nMaxTags
nMaxTags = tagcount( cDBF )
?? "INDEX TAGS:" at 0
*-- only perform routine if an index tag exists
if nMaxTags > 0
private nTags, mkey, mtag
*-- store the keys and tags to an array
declare aTags[nMaxTags,5]
nTags = 1
do while nTags <= nMaxTags
store key( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,1] && grab the key
store tag( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,2] && grab the tagname
store for( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,3] && grab the for clause
store descending( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,4] && .t. if descending
store unique( (cDBF),nTags) to aTags[nTags,5] && .t. if unique
nTags = nTags + 1
*-- print each tag with it's key expression
?? "Tag" at 0
?? "Key Expression" AT 12
nTags = 1
do while nTags <= nMaxTags
?? aTags[nTags,2] AT 0
?? aTags[nTags,1] + ;
iif(""#aTags[nTags,3]," FOR "+aTags[nTags,3],"") + ;
iif(aTags[nTags,4]," DESCENDING","") + ;
iif(aTags[nTags,5]," UNIQUE","") AT 12
nTags = nTags + 1
*-- release the array ...
release aTags
*-- no tags found
?? "none" at 0
endif && check for tags ...
use && close database
?? replicate("=",60) at 0
nKntr = nKntr + 1
enddo && loop for each .dbf
*-- restore the environment
release gaDir
set printer off
set talk &cTalk
*-- EoP: PrntTags
*-- Programmer..: David Love (70153,2433)
*-- Date........: 01/31/1992
*-- Notes.......: This procedure will create a list of the database (.dbf) files
*-- in the current directory. It will create a database file
*-- named Dbfs.dbf which exists of one 12-character field--Dbf.
*-- It will also create a text file, Dbfs.txt, through the
*-- LIST FILES to FILE command. Then it will append records
*-- to the Dbfs.dbf file and erase the Dbfs.txt file.
*-- : This Dbfs.dbf file can be SCANned, or used in a POPUP PROMPT
*-- FIELD command, or in any way that you can imagine.
*-- : The file 'Dbfs.dbf' will not be included in the Dbfs.dbf file.
*-- WARNING===> : If your application includes a file with the name of
*-- 'Dbfs.dbf', it will be overwritten with the file created
*-- by this procedure.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 01/31/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do ListDBFs
*-- Example.....: do ListDBFs
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: None
private cConsole
*-- Write the directory of dbf files to a text file (Dbfs.txt)
*-- First, erase the file if it exists
if file("Dbfs.txt")
erase dbfs.txt
*-- And, erase the dbfs.dbf file if it exists (so won't be included
*-- in the list)
if file("Dbfs.dbf")
erase Dbfs.dbf
*-- Now, write the dbfs.txt file
cConsole = set("CONSOLE")
set console off
list files to file dbfs.txt
set console &cConsole.
*-- Then, create the file DBFS.DBF
*-- Acknowledgement..: Bowen Moursund for the code that creates Dbfs.dbf
*-- (Download PRGCREAT.ZIP from BORBBS for more info.)
set printer to file DBFS.DBF
set printer on
??? "{3}{92}{2}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{65}{0}{13}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}"+;
set printer to
set printer off
*-- Now, append dbfs.txt to dbfs.dbf if the record is a dbf listing.
use Dbfs
append from Dbfs.txt for ".DBF" $ Dbf type sdf
use && can remove this command if you want
erase Dbfs.txt && don't need it anymore
*--EOP: ListDBFs
FUNCTION Recompile
*-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 71600,340)
*-- : Adapted from Compall.prg and Compall2.prg, by James Thomas.
*-- Date........: 06/10/1992
*-- Notes.......: Recompiles all dBASE source-code files. Takes three
*-- : optional parameters:
*-- : Directory to recompile. Default is current directory.
*-- : Skeleton to recompile. Default is all of .PRG, .LBG,
*-- : .FRG, .PRS, .FMT, .QBE and .UPD files. If a skeleton
*-- : is provided that matches files that are not dBASE
*-- : source-code files, compiler errors will occur and,
*-- : in the absence of external error handling, see below,
*-- : suspend processing.
*-- : "Runtime" or any characters starting with "R" or "r" to
*-- : direct the compilation be with the "RUNTIME" option.
*-- : Does not recompile a file if a file of the same root name,
*-- : an .??O extension and a later timestamp resides in the
*-- : directory.
*-- : Renames compilations of FMT, FRG, LBG and QBO files to ??O.
*-- : Returns .T. if successful, or .F.
*-- :
*-- : Listing of compilation errors requires SET ALTERNATE TO,
*-- : and trapping such errors as passing the name of a file
*-- : that does not contain dBASE source code to the COMPILE
*-- : command requires an ON ERROR trap. These are omitted here
*-- : due to lack of ways to prevent the function from changing
*-- : these settings externally. Lines needed to have any
*-- : compilation errors print to the alternate file are included
*-- : as comments.
*-- :
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV Version 1.5.
*-- : Adaptation to a prior release may require changing the
*-- : way parameters are handled, and also rewriting the lines
*-- : that use fdate() and ftime() to read timestamps.
*-- Rev. History: 04/07/1992 - original function.
*-- : 04/13/1992 - additional environment settings.
*-- : 04/16/1992 - aliases added thanks to BOWEN.
*-- : 06/10/1992 - a few minor bug fixes
*-- Calls : Makestru() FUNCTION in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: Recompile ( [<cDir>] [,<cSkel> [,"R"]] )
*-- Example.....: ? Recompile ( "\dBASE\Myprogs", "*.??G" )
*-- Parameters..: cDir, a DOS directory name ( and path if needed )
*-- : cSkel, skeleton using wildcards for files to compile
*-- : cRun, "R" or "r" if compilation is for Runtime
*-- Side effects: Creates compiled .??O files, overwriting any of the same
*-- : root names that may exist.
parameters cDirectry, cSkeleton, cRun
private cCons, cAlias, cAlt, cDir, cSafety, cTempfile,;
cSrcfile, cObjfile, cString1, cString2, cRunopt
* preserve environment
cCons = set( "CONSOLE" )
cAlias = alias()
cAlt = set( "ALTERNATE" )
cDir = set( "DIRECTORY" )
IF type( "cDirectry" ) = "C" .AND. "" # cDirectry
cSafety = set( "SAFETY" )
SELECT select()
* make temporary structure file and fill in the DOS DIR listing structure
cTempfile = Makestru()
USE ( cTempfile ) ALIAS cTempfile
* make .dbf for source file names, reset and return if error occurs
cSrcfile = cTempfile
DO WHILE file ( cSrcfile + ".DBF" )
cSrcfile = "TMP" + ltrim( str( rand() * 100000, 5 ) )
CREATE ( cSrcfile ) FROM ( cTempfile )
USE ( cSrcfile ) alias cSrcfile
IF "" = alias()
ERASE ( cTempfile +".DBF" )
IF "" # cAlias
SELECT ( cAlias )
* and for object file names
SELECT select()
USE ( cTempfile ) ALIAS cTempfile
GO 1
cObjfile = cSrcfile
DO WHILE file ( cObjfile + ".DBF" )
cObjfile = "TMP" + ltrim( str( rand() * 100000, 5 ) )
CREATE ( cObjfile ) FROM (cTempfile)
use ( cObjfile ) alias cObjfile order filename
IF "" = alias()
ERASE ( cTempfile + ".DBF" )
SELECT cSrcfile
ERASE ( cSrcfile + ".DBF" )
IF "" # cAlias
SELECT ( cAlias )
* reuse name of cTempfile as SDF; DIR names of source files to it and append
cString1 = cTempfile + ".DBF"
RUN dir *.* > &cString1
SELECT cSrcfile
* delete directory entries not for source files of desired name or type
IF type("cSkeleton") = "C" .AND. "" # cSkeleton
DELETE ALL FOR .NOT. like( upper( cSkeleton ), trim( Filename ) +"." ;
+ trim( Ext ) )
* reuse again for .??O files
RUN dir *.??o > &cString1
SELECT cObjfile
DELETE ALL FOR left( Filename, 1 ) = " " .OR. right( Ext, 2 ) # "O "
ERASE ( cString1 )
* assemble Runtime option
cRunopt = iif( type( "cRun" ) = "C" .AND. "" # cRun ;
.AND. left( cRun, 1 ) $ "Rr", " RUNTIME", "" )
* now compile all the files that need it
SELECT cSrcfile
cString1 = trim( Filename ) + "." + trim( Ext )
* Is there an object file of this name?
IF Seek( Filename, "cObjfile" )
cString2 = trim( cObjfile->Filename ) + "." + trim( cObjfile->Ext )
cString2 = dtos( fdate( cString2 ) ) + ftime( cString2 )
* then check timestamps and skip it if already compiled
IF dtos( fdate( cString1 ) ) + ftime( cString1 ) < cString2
* compile it otherwise, listing errors if enabled
cString2 = cString1 + cRunopt
* ? "Compiling " + cString2
COMPILE &cString2
* ?
* and rename object files that should not be .DBOs
cString2 = stuff( cString1, len( cString1 ), 1, "O" )
IF file( cString2 )
ERASE ( cString2 )
cString1 = trim( Filename ) + ".DBO"
RENAME ( cString1 ) TO ( cString2 )
* Clean up
ERASE ( cSrcfile + ".DBF" )
SELECT cObjfile
ERASE ( cObjfile + ".DBF" )
ERASE ( cObjfile + ".MDX" )
IF "" # cAlias
SELECT ( cAlias )
*-- Eof() Recompile
*-- Programmer..: Jay Parsons (CIS: 71600,340).
*-- Date........: 04/26/1992
*-- Notes.......: Makes an empty dBASE .dbf file
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: Tempname() function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DO MakeDbf WITH <cFilename>, <cStrufile>, <cArray>
*-- Example.....: DO MakeDbf WITH Customers, cCustfields
*-- Parameters..: cFilename - filename ( without extension ) of the .dbf to be
*-- created.
*-- cStrufile - name ( without extension ) of a STRUC EXTE .dbf
*-- cArray - name of the array holding field information for the
*-- .dbf. The array must be dimensioned [ F, 5 ] where F is the
*-- number of fields. Each row must hold data for one field:
*-- [ F, 1 ] field name, character
*-- [ F, 2 ] field type, character from set "CDFLMN"
*-- [ F, 3 ] field length, numeric. If field type is
*-- D, L, or M, will be ignored
*-- [ F, 4 ] field decimals, numeric. optional if 0.
*-- [ F, 5 ] field is mdx tag, char $ "YN", optional if N
parameters cFname, cSname, aAname
private nX,cF1,cF2,cF3,cF4,cF5,cStrufile,cFtype
cF1 = aAname + "[nX,1]"
cF2 = aAname + "[nX,2]"
cF3 = aAname + "[nX,3]"
cF4 = aAname + "[nX,4]"
cF5 = aAname + "[nX,5]"
select select()
use ( cSname ) ALIAS cSname
nX = 1
do while type( cF1 ) # "U"
cFtype = &cF2
append blank
replace Field_name with &cF1, Field_type with cFtype
do case
case cFtype = "D"
replace Field_len with 8
case cFtype = "M"
replace Field_len with 10
case cFtype = "L"
replace Field_len with 1
replace Field_len with &cF3
if type( cF4 ) = "N" .and. cFtype $ "FN"
replace Field_dec with &cF4
replace Field_dec with 0
if type( cF5 ) # "U" .and. cFtype $ "CDFN" .and. &cF5 = "Y"
replace Field_idx with "Y"
replace Field_idx with "N"
nX = nX + 1
create ( cFname ) FROM ( cSname )
*-- EoP: Makedbf
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 02/22/1993
*-- Notes.......: Creates an empty DBF file of the structure specified in
*-- the array aMakeDBF[], which must be declared and initialized
*-- with the proper values before calling this procedure.
*-- The array must be declared as aMakeDBF[n,5], where n is
*-- the number of fields in the DBF to be created. The columns
*-- of the array correspond to the fields of a structure extended
*-- file, and must be initialized to the appropriate values,
*-- before calling this procedure, one row for each field.
*-- Structure of a structure extended file:
*-- Field Type Len Dec
*-- -----------------------
*-- FIELD_NAME C 10 0
*-- FIELD_TYPE C 1 0
*-- FIELD_LEN N 3 0
*-- FIELD_DEC N 3 0
*-- FIELD_IDX C 1 0
*-- aMakeDBF[n,1] = Field name: 10 or less characters
*-- aMakeDBF[n,2] = Field type: 1 character
*-- "C" = character
*-- "N" = numeric
*-- "F" = float
*-- "D" = date
*-- "L" = logical
*-- "M" = memo
*-- aMakeDBF[n,3] = Field length: numeric
*-- "C" = 1 - 254
*-- "N","F" = use dBASE guidelines
*-- "D" = 8
*-- "L" = 1
*-- "M" = 10
*-- aMakeDBF[n,4] = Decimal places: numeric
*-- 0 for non numeric fields
*-- aMakeDBF[n,5] = MDX flag: 1 char, "Y" or "N"
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 05/27/1992 -- Original Release
*-- 02/22/1993 -- Minor changes to PRIVATE calls.
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: do MakeDBF with <cDBFpath>,<cStruPath>
*-- Example.....: cStruPath = MakeStru2(.f.)
*-- declare aMakeDBF[1,5]
*-- aMakeDBF[1,1] = "FIELD1"
*-- aMakeDBF[1,2] = "C"
*-- aMakeDBF[1,3] = 20
*-- aMakeDBF[1,4] = 0
*-- aMakeDBF[1,5] = "N"
*-- do MakeDBF2 with "foo", cStruPath
*-- erase (cStruPath+".dbf")
*-- release aMakeDBF
*-- Returns.....: none
*-- Parameters..: cDBFpath = the [path]filename of the DBF to be created.
*-- cStruPath = the [path]filename of an empty structure extended
*-- file.
parameters cDBFpath,cStruPath
if pcount() = 2 && we need 2 parms
private cAlias
if type("aMakeDBF[1,1]") = "C" && check array validity
cAlias = alias()
select select()
use (cStruPath)
append from array aMakeDBF
create (cDBFpath) from (cStruPath)
if "" # cAlias
select (cAlias)
*-- EoP: MakeDBF2
*-- Programmer..: Martin Leon (Hman), formerly sysop of A-T BBS
*-- : Revised by Jay Parsons, (CIS: 71600,340).
*-- Date........: 04/24/1992
*-- Notes.......: Makes an empty dBASE STRUCTURE EXTENDED file and returns
*-- : its root name
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV v1.5
*-- Rev. History: 06/12/1991 - original function.
*-- : Changed to take no parameter, return filename, 4-7-1992.
*-- : Code added to preserve catalog status and name, 4-10-1992.
*-- : Use of Tempname() added 4-24-92.
*-- : set("safety") check, minor mods, 05-28-1992, Bowen Moursund
*-- Calls : Tempname() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: Makestru()
*-- Example.....: Tempfile = Makestru()
*-- Returns.....: Name of file created
*-- Parameters..: None
private all
lTitleOn = ( set("TITLE") = "ON" )
lSafeOn = ( set("SAFETY") = "ON" )
lCatOff = ( set("CATALOG") = "OFF" )
cAlias = alias()
cTmpCat = TempName("cat") + ".CAT"
set title off
set safety off
cCatalog = catalog()
set catalog to (cTmpCat)
set catalog to &cCatalog.
cStruName = TempName("dbf")
select select()
use (cTmpCat) nosave
copy to (cStruName) structure extended
use (cStruName) exclusive
if lTitleOn
set title on
if lSafeOn
set safety on
if lCatOff
set catalog off
if "" # cAlias
select (cAlias)
RETURN cStruname
*-- Eof: Makestru()
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 05/27/1992
*-- Notes.......: Create an empty STRUCTURE EXTENDED file, using DBASE print
*-- redirection. If specified, the file will be created in the
*-- subdirectory pointed to by the DOS environment variable
*-- DBTMP, if it is set, otherwise in the current subdirectory.
*-- Structure of a STRUCTURE EXTENDED file:
*-- Field Type Len Dec
*-- -----------------------
*-- FIELD_NAME C 10 0
*-- FIELD_TYPE C 1 0
*-- FIELD_LEN N 3 0
*-- FIELD_DEC N 3 0
*-- FIELD_IDX C 1 0
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV v1.1
*-- Rev. History: 05/27/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TEMPNAME() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any, except when printing
*-- Usage.......: MakeStru(<lDBTMP>)
*-- Example.....: cStruPath = MakeStru2(.T.)
*-- Returns.....: The name, no extension, of the file created.
*-- Parameters..: lDBTMP = create the file in the DBTMP subdirectory, or not.
*-- Side Effects: WARNING: Do not call when printing.
parameter lDBTMP
private all
cDBTMP = "" && TempName() will assign this, if lDBTMP
cFname = TempName( "dbf", .t. )
cFname = TempName( "dbf", .f. )
cPath = iif( "" # cDBTMP, cDBTMP, set("DIRECTORY") ) + "\" + cFname + ".DBF"
dDate = date()
set printer to file (cPath)
set printer on
* Thanks to JPARSONS for the suggestion to document the header structure
??? "{3}" && various bit flags
??? chr(year(dDate)-1900) + chr(month(dDate)) + ;
chr(day(dDate)) && date bytes in YYMMDD format
??? "{0}{0}{0}{0}" && no. of records
??? "{193}{0}" && no. of bytes in header
??? "{19}{0}" && no. of bytes per record
??? "{0}{0}" && reserved
??? "{0}" && incomplete transaction flag
??? "{0}" && encryption flag
??? "{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" + ;
"{0}{0}{0}" && multi-user reserved
??? "{0}" && MDX flag
??? "{0}{0}{0}" && reserved
* field descriptors
??? "{70}{73}{69}{76}{68}{95}{78}{65}{77}{69}{0}{67}{3}{0}{208}" + ;
"{72}{10}{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Field_Name
??? "{70}{73}{69}{76}{68}{95}{84}{89}{80}{69}{0}{67}{13}{0}{208}" + ;
"{72}{1}{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Field_Type
??? "{70}{73}{69}{76}{68}{95}{76}{69}{78}{0}{0}{78}{14}{0}{208}" + ;
"{72}{3}{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Field_Len
??? "{70}{73}{69}{76}{68}{95}{68}{69}{67}{0}{0}{78}{17}{0}{208}" + ;
"{72}{3}{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Field_Dec
??? "{70}{73}{69}{76}{68}{95}{73}{68}{88}{0}{0}{67}{20}{0}{208}" + ;
"{72}{1}{0}{0}{0}{1}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}" && Field_Idx
??? "{13}{26}"
set printer to
set printer off
*-- Eof() MakeStru2
*-- Programmer..: Martin Leon (HMAN) Former Sysop, ATBBS
*-- Date........: 02/22/1993
*-- Notes.......: Obtain a name for a temporary file of a given extension
*-- that does not conflict with existing files.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, v1.5
*-- Rev. History: Originally part of Makestru(), 6-12-1991
*-- 04/26/92, made a separate function - Jay Parsons
*-- 05/27/92, added lDBTMP option - Bowen Moursund
*-- 02/22/93, Minor update to PRIVATE command.
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TempName( cExt , lDBTMP )
*-- Example.....: Sortfile = TempName( "DBF" , .t. )
*-- Returns.....: Name not already in use. Additionally, if the memvar
*-- cDBTMP is declared before calling the function with
*-- the lDBTMP option, it will be assigned the result
*-- of getenv("DBTMP").
*-- Parameters..: cExt = Extension to be given file ( without the "." )
*-- lDBTMP = Optional. If .t., function returns unique file
*-- name in the DBTMP subdirectory.
*-- Side Effects: The function will return a unique filename for the DEFAULT
*-- subdirectory if the lDBTMP option is used and the DOS
*-- environment variable DBTMP does not point to a valid
*-- subdirectory.
parameters cExt, lDBTMP
private cDefDir
cDefDir = set("DIRECTORY")
cDBTMP = getenv("DBTMP")
if "" # cDBTMP
set directory to &cDBTMP.
do while .t.
Fname = "TMP" + ltrim( str( rand() * 100000, 5 ) )
if .not. file( Fname + "." + cExt ) .and. ( upper( cExt ) # "DBF" .or.;
.not. ( file( Fname + ".MDX" ) .or. file ( Fname + ".DBT" ) ) )
set directory to &cDefDir.
*-- Eof() TempName
*-- Programmer..: David Frankenbach (FRNKNBCH)
*-- DF Software Development, Inc.
*-- PO Box 87
*-- Forest, VA, 24551
*-- (804) 237-2342
*-- Date........: 02/11/1992
*-- Notes.......: This procedure gives the record movement allowed with EDIT
*-- when you use a simple @SAY/GET..READ. It allows you to
*-- pre/post process each record during editing, something you
*-- can't do with EDIT. This works best with a single file,
*-- although it would work with a parent->child relation. You
*-- should: SELECT child and SET SKIP to child. This will
*-- allow the user to change the parent record pointer though!
*-- If you want to limit the child record movement to a single
*-- parent record, you can use a conditional index, or add logic
*-- to the routine to limit the record pointer movement. For these
*-- cases I have a seperate FileMove procedure, but they are not
*-- generic enough for public consumption.
*-- These keys are trapped:
*-- UpArw, Shift-Tab, LeftArw, Ctrl-LeftArw, PgUp =
*-- backward one record
*-- DnArw, Tab, RightArw, Ctrl-RightArw, PgDn, Enter, Ctrl-End =
*-- forward one record
*-- Ctrl-PgUp = top of database or active index
*-- Ctrl-PgDn = bottom of database or active index
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.1
*-- Rev. History: 06/17/1991 - original routine.
*-- 02/07/1992 -- Ken Mayer, brought into one PROCEDURE,
*-- rather than a function and a procedure ...
*-- 02/11/1992 -- Author, additional documentation
*-- Released into Public Domain
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: None
*-- Usage.......: do FileMove with <nKey>
*-- where: <nKey> is the return value of readkey()
*-- Example.....: lMove = .t. && if you want the user to be able to move the
*-- && record pointer in my applications if the user
*-- && is adding a new record I usually lMove = .f.,
*-- && for editing I allow them to move through the
*-- && records.
*-- lOk = .t.
*-- do while ( lOk )
*-- do Mem_Load && load memvars from record
*-- @say/gets && display/get the memvars
*-- read
*-- i = readkey() && grab last key ...
*-- lOk = ( i <> 27 ) && if Esc was pressed lOK is false
*-- if ( lOk )
*-- if ( i > 256 ) && if record is changed
*-- do Mem_Unload && replace dbf fields from memvars
*-- endif && ( i > 256 )
*-- if ( lMove ) && if ok to move record pointer
*-- do FileMove with i && <----- Move it
*-- else
*-- lOk = .f. && terminate loop if .not. lMove
*-- endif && ( lMove )
*-- endif && (lOK)
*-- enddo && while (lOK)
*-- Parameters..: nKey = last keystroke from a READKEY() call ...
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Side Effects: Moves record pointer in current file if lMove = .t.
parameter nKey
private n
m->n = m->nKey
if ( m->n > 255 ) && if value is > 256, record has changed, but we want
m->n = m->n - 256 && values < 256 to figure out which direction to move
endif && from the readkey() table
do case
*-- keys to move backward through database 1 record at a time ...
*-- LeftArw, Ctrl-LeftArw, UpArw, Shift-Tab, PgUp
case ( m->n = 0 ) .or. ( m->n = 2 ) .or. ( m->n = 4 ) .or. ( m->n = 6 )
if ( .not. bof() ) && if not at beginning of file
skip -1 && move backward one record
*-- keys to move forward through database 1 record at a time ...
*-- RightArw, Ctrl-RightArw, DownArw, Tab, PgDn, Ctrl-End, Enter
case ( m->n = 1 ) .or. ( m->n = 3 ) .or. ( m->n = 5 ) .or. ( m->n = 7 );
.or. ( m->n = 14) .or. ( m->n = 15)
if ( .not. eof() ) && if not end of file
skip 1 && move forward one record
if ( eof() ) && if we're now at the EOF,
goto bottom && go back to last record ...
*-- go to toP of database, Ctrl-PgUp
case ( m->n = 34 )
goto top
*-- go to BOTtoM of database, Ctrl-PgDn
case ( m->n = 35 )
goto bottom
*-- EoP: FileMove
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 02/28/1992
*-- Notes.......: Created because the picklist routine by Malcolm Rubel
*-- from DBA Magazine (11/91) calls a function that checks
*-- to see if a DBF file is open ...
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 05/15/1992 -- Original
*-- 02/08/1993 -- Discovered (thanks to Jay, and then Malcolm)
*-- a much simpler way to do this ...
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Usage.......: Used("<cFile>")
*-- Example.....: if used("Library")
*-- select library
*-- else
*-- select select()
*-- use library
*-- endif
*-- Returns.....: Logical (.t. if file is in use, .f. if not)
*-- Parameters..: cFile = file to check for
parameters cFile
RETURN (select(cFile) # 0)
*-- EoF: Used()
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 05/21/1992
*-- Notes.......: Sets the MDX byte in a DBF header ON or OFF.
*-- The DBF must not be open when the function is called.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV v1.5
*-- Rev. History: 05/21/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: dBASE low level file functions
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: MDXbyte(<cDBFpath>,<cOnOff>)
*-- Example.....: lByteSet = MDXbyte("mydbf.dbf","OFF")
*-- Returns.....: .T. if successful
*-- Parameters..: cDBFpath = the [path]filename.ext of the DBF
*-- cOnOff = "ON" or "OFF"
parameters cDBFpath,cOnOff
private all
cOnOff = upper(cOnOff)
* check the validity of the parameters
lSuccess = ( pcount() = 2 .AND. cOnOff $ "ON|OFF" .AND. file(cDBFpath) )
if lSuccess
nHandle = fopen(cDBFpath,"RW")
if nHandle > 0
if fseek(nHandle, 28) = 28
lSuccess = ( fwrite(nHandle, iif(cOnOff="OFF",chr(0),chr(1))) = 1 )
lSuccess = .F.
lClosed = fclose(nHandle)
lSuccess = .F.
RETURN lSuccess
*-- Eof() MDXbyte
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 02/22/1993
*-- Notes.......: aDir() creates a public array gaDir[ n, 5 ] containing
*-- directory information. gaDir[ n, 5 ] is limited to 234
*-- rows (files) or less, depending on the memory available.
*-- Structure of 2D array gaDir[ n, 5 ]:
*-- Col Contents Type Width
*-- ------------------------------------------
*-- 1 File Name Character 12
*-- 2 Date (mm/dd/yy) Date 8
*-- 3 Time (hh:mm:ss) Character 8
*-- 4 Size (bytes) Numeric 10
*-- 5 Attributes Character 6
*-- aDir() makes use of SEARCH.BIN, and credit is due its
*-- author (Roland Boucherau, Borland Technical Support).
*-- See SEARCH.ASM or SEARCH.TXT source for details.
*-- *****************************
*-- *****************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, v1.5
*-- Rev. History: 07/24/1992 -- Original Release
*-- 02/22/1993 -- Minor Update to PRIVATE call.
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: adir( <cFMask>, <cBINpath>, <cAttr> )
*-- Examples....: nFiles = adir( "d:\app\fu*.db?", "d:\dbase4\library\", "" )
*-- nFiles = adir( cPathSkel )
*-- nFiles = adir( "c:\*.*", "", "RHSD" )
*-- Returns.....: Number of matching files found: rows in gaDir[]
*-- Parameters..: cPathSkel = the directory path and file skeleton that you
*-- want, like the DOS DIR command. Wildcards OK.
*-- cBINpath = Optional path to Search.Bin. If omitted,
*-- Search.Bin must be in current subdirectory.
*-- Include the trailing backslash.
*-- cAttr = Optional file attribute mask string.
*-- Mask Codes
*-- ------------
*-- R - Read Only
*-- H - Hidden
*-- S - System
*-- D - Directory
*-- V - Volume
*-- A - Archive
*-- If cAttr is omitted, null, or blank, gaDir[] will
*-- contain only 'ordinary' files, i.e. files without
*-- HSDV attributes. If V is specified in the mask,
*-- ONLY volume labels are matched. Any other attribute
*-- or combination of attributes results in those files
*-- AND ordinary files being matched.
parameters cPathSkel, cBINpath, cAttr
private cModule,cAttr,cFSkel,cFName,cFDate,cFTime,cFSize,cFAttr,;
cModule = iif( pcount() >= 2, cBINpath + "search.bin", "search.bin" )
store upper( iif( pcount() >= 3, left( cAttr + " ", 6 ), " " ) ) ;
to cAttr, cFAttr
cFSkel = left( cPathSkel + space(12), max( len( cPathSkel ), 12 ) )
cFName = cFSkel
* ( memory() * 3.4 ) is a guess on max rows before 'Insufficient Memory'
nMaxRows = min( memory() * 3.4, 234 ) && 234 is the absolute maximum
nFCount = 0
load ( cModule )
nResult = call( "Search", 1, cFName, cAttr )
if nResult = 0
do while nResult = 0 .and. nFCount <= nMaxRows
nFCount = nFCount + 1
nResult = call( "Search" , 2, cFName )
nFCount = min( nMaxRows, nFCount )
release gaDir
public array gaDir[ nFCount, 5 ]
cFName = cFSkel
cFDate = " / / "
cFTime = " : : "
nFSize = 0
n = 1
nResult = ;
call( "Search", 1, cFName, cFAttr, cFDate, cFTime, nFSize )
do while nResult = 0 .AND. n <= nFCount
store cFName to gaDir[ n, 1 ]
store ctod( cFDate ) to gaDir[ n, 2 ]
store cFTime to gaDir[ n, 3 ]
store nFSize to gaDir[ n, 4 ]
store cFAttr to gaDir[ n, 5 ]
nResult = ;
call( "Search", 2, cFName, cFAttr, cFDate, cFTime, nFSize )
n = n + 1
release gaDir
release module Search
*-- EoF: aDir()
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 07/03/1992
*-- Notes.......: DbfDir() creates or OVERWRITES DdbDir.Dbf, and populates
*-- it with directory information. The function uses the DOS
*-- 5.0 DIR command and requires DOS 5.0.
*-- Structure of DBFDIR.DBF
*-- -----------------------
*-- Field Type Len Dec
*-- F_NAME C 12 0
*-- F_DATE D 8 0
*-- F_TIME C 8 0
*-- F_SIZE N 10 0
*-- *********************************************************
*-- * uses Print Redirection ...) *
*-- *********************************************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV v1.5, DOS 5.0
*-- Rev. History: 07/03/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TempName() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: None
*-- Usage.......: DbfDir( "<cPathSkel>", <lHidSys> )
*-- Examples....: nFiles = DbfDir( "*.dbf" )
*-- nFiles = DbfDir( "*.dbf", .t. )
*-- Returns.....: Number of matching files found: reccount() of DbfDir.dbf
*-- Parameters..: cPathSkel = the directory path and file skeleton that you
*-- want, like the DOS DIR command. Wildcards OK.
*-- lHidSys = Optional. If .t., hidden & system files
*-- are included.
parameters cPathSkel, lHidSys
private all
cDBTMP = ""
cTmpFile = tempname( "txt", .t. ) + ".txt"
cTmpFile = iif( "" = cDBTMP, cTmpFile, cDBTMP + "\" + cTmpFile )
cDirParms = iif( lHidSys, "/B/A-D/ON", "/B/A-D-H-S/ON" )
run dir &cPathSkel. &cDirParms. > &cTmpFile.
nFiles = 0
if fsize( cTmpFile ) > 0
lSafeOn = ( set( "safety" ) = "ON" )
set safety off
set printer to file DbfDir.dbf && create DbfDir.dbf
set printer on
* first byte of header - various bit flags
??? "{3}"
* next 3 bytes - file date in binary YYMMDD
??? chr(year(date())-1900) + chr(month(date())) + chr(day(date()))
* the rest of the header, field descriptors, and records if any
??? "{0}{0}{0}{0}{161}{0}{39}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}"+;
??? "{8}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{0}{70}{95}{84}"+;
??? "{0}{0}{0}{13}{26}"
set printer to
set printer off
cAlias = alias()
select select()
use DbfDir
append from ( cTmpFile ) sdf
goto top
cPath = parspath( cPathSkel )
replace f_size with fsize( cPath + f_name ),;
f_date with fdate( cPath + f_name ),;
f_time with ftime( cPath + f_name )
nFiles = reccount()
if lSafeOn
set safety on
if "" # cAlias
select ( cAlias )
erase ( cTmpFile )
*-- EoF: DBFDir()
*-- Programmer..: Bowen Moursund (CIS: 76566,1405)
*-- Date........: 07/16/1992
*-- Notes.......: ParsPath() extracts and returns the path from a
*-- full path file specification.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV v1.1
*-- Rev. History: 07/16/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: ParsePath( "<cFullPath>" )
*-- Example.....: set fullpath on
*-- cDBF = dbf()
*-- cPath = ParsPath( cDBF )
*-- Returns.....: The path only, including the trailing backslash,
*-- of the full path file specification
*-- Parameters..: cFullPath = a full path file spec, e.g. "c:\dbase\dbase.exe"
parameter cFullPath
private all
cPath = ""
if "\" $ cFullPath
nPos = 1
do while left( right ( cFullPath, nPos ), 1 ) # "\"
nPos = nPos + 1
cPath = substr( cFullPath, 1, len( cFullPath ) - nPos + 1)
*-- EoF: ParsPath()
*-- Programmer..: Ken Mayer (CIS: 71333,1030)
*-- Date........: 09/08/1992
*-- Notes.......: Used to bring up a list of MDX tags on screen for the user,
*-- so they can change the current tag ... This is based on an
*-- article by Susan Perschke and Mike Liczbanski in "Data Based
*-- Advisor", December, 1991, and another by Malcom C. Rubel,
*-- Data Based Advisor, September, 1992.
*-- The idea is to bring up a picklist of all MDX tags for
*-- the current database file, showing the tag name, and
*-- expression, as well as whether or not it's unique, has a
*-- FOR clause, and whether it's ascending or descending ...
*-- However, as an additional bonus, if the user selects one
*-- of the MDX tags, the current tag is changed to the one the
*-- user selects. The tag with a "*" by it is the current tag.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 09/08/1992 -- Version 1
*-- 09/21/1992 -- Version 1.1 -- added more docs and removed
*-- reference to parameters of which there are
*-- none ... (changed my mind)
*-- Calls.......: SHADOW Procedure in PROC.PRG
*-- CENTER Procedure in PROC.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DO TagPop
*-- Example.....: ON KEY LABEL F8 DO TagPop
*-- Returns.....: None (well, ok -- it resets the MDX tag if you select one)
*-- Parameters..: None
private nBar, cPrompt, cBorder, cTag, nTag, nTagTotal, cFor, cUnique,;
cDir, cKey
*-- Disable left/right arrow keys to prevent an accidental exit
on key label leftarrow ?? chr(7)
on key label rightarrow ?? chr(7)
*-- Save current screen
save screen to sTag
cBorder = set("BORDER")
activate screen
*-- define the screen/window
define window wTagPop from 5,2 to 20,77 double
activate screen
do shadow with 5,2,20,77
activate window wTagPop
*-- check to see if there are any tags ... or an active database ...
if isblank(alias()) .or. isblank(tag(1))
*-- if not, display appropriate error message
if isblank(alias())
do center with 1,75,"","** No active Database ... **"
do center with 1,75,"","** No active .MDX file for this .DBF **"
x=inkey(0) && wait for user to press a key ...
else && we DO have an active database AND active MDX file
*-- headings
do center with 0,75,"","Select new MDX Tag"
@2,1 say "Name"
@2,10 say "For"
@2,14 say "Unq"
@2,18 say "Seq"
@2,22 say "Expression"
@3,1 say replicate(chr(196),72) && ─
*-- popup will display here
*-- footings (as it were)
@10,1 say replicate(chr(196),72) && ─
@11,3 say chr(251)+" in 'For' column means there is a 'For' clause"
@12,3 say chr(251)+" in 'Unq' column means the tag is set to 'Unique'"
@13,3 say chr(24)+" in 'Seq' means tag is 'Ascending', "+;
chr(25)+" means tag is descending"
*-- define the popup
set border to none && no border for popup
define popup pTag from 3,0 to 10,73;
message " Press ENTER to select new index order ... ESC to exit ..."
nBar = 1 && first bar
*-- place a * if no tag is currently active
cPrompt = iif(TagNo()=0,"*"," ")+" No Index" && bar 1 will always be this
cPrompt = cPrompt + space(11)+"(Natural Order)"
nTag = 0
*-- loop to get the rest of 'em ...
nTagTotal = tagcount() && get total number of tags
do while nTag <= nTagTotal && loop until no more tags
define bar nBar of pTag prompt (cPrompt)
nTag = nTag + 1
cDefault = iif(TagNo() = nTag,"*"," ") && if current tag ...
*-- the fun part of all this is getting the spacing "just right"
*-- that's what all the IIF( ....,space(...)) stuff is about
cTag = tag(nTag)+iif(len(tag(nTag))<9,space(9-len(tag(nTag))),"")
cFor = iif(isblank(for(nTag))," ",chr(251))
cUnique = iif(unique(nTag),chr(251)," ")
cDir = iif(descending(nTag),chr(25),chr(24)) && up/down arrows ...
cKey = iif(len(key(nTag))>57,left(key(nTag),52)+" ...",key(nTag))
cKey = iif(len(cKey)<57,cKey+space(57-len(cKey)),cKey)
*-- here's the actual definition of the bars ...
cPrompt = cDefault+cTag+" "+cFor+" "+cUnique+" "+cDir+" "+cKey
nBar = nBar + 1
*-- turn it off when an item's been selected (or <Esc> was pressed)
on selection popup pTag deactivate popup
*-- do it
activate popup pTag
*-- Don't change index order if ESC pressed
if bar() <> 0
*-- Assign a null string to cPrompt if "No Index" selected
cPrompt = iif(bar() = 1, "",tag(bar()-1))
set order to (cPrompt)
*-- cleanup
release popup pTag
set border to &cBorder
deactivate window wTagPop
release window wTagPop
restore screen from sTag
release screen sTag
*-- re-enable left/right arrow keys
on key label leftarrow
on key label rightarrow
*-- EoP: TagPop
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Appends a text file into an array. This routine is limited to
*-- text files of 1,170 lines, and 254 characters per line.
*-- The text file must be an ASCII Txt formatted file. Taken from
*-- Technotes, April, 1992.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TextLine() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: AAppend(<cFileName>,<aArrayName>)
*-- Example.....: ?AAppend("CONFIG.DB","aConfig")
*-- Returns.....: .T.
*-- Parameters..: cFileName = Name of DOS Text file to read into array
*-- aArrayName = Name of array to create. If it already exists,
*-- this array will be destroyed and overwritten.
parameters cFileName, aArrayName
private aTArray, nLines, nX, nHandle
*-- assign array name to a temp variable name ...
aTArray = aArrayName
*-- if it exists, get rid of it, and then re-define it
release &aTArray
public &aTArray
nLines = TextLine(cFileName) && get number of lines
declare &aTArray[min(nLines,1170)]
*-- get file handle
nHandle = fopen(cFileName)
*-- store the file into the array
nX = 1
do while nX <= nLines
store fgets(nHandle,254) to &aTArray[nX]
nX = nX + 1
*-- close the file
nHandle = fClose(nHandle)
*-- EoF: AAppend()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Deletes a given portion of a file. Taken from TechNotes,
*-- April, 1992
*-- Used to delete a portion of a file (text or binary) from
*-- the beginning of the file, the end of file or current pointer
*-- position. This routine accomplishes it's task by writing the
*-- data you want to keep to a temp file, then overwriting
*-- the data you no longer want with the temp file. If you are on
*-- a network, make sure that you set TMP (or DBTMP) to either
*-- a local drive, or one where you have full rights.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TempFile() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: FDel(<nHandle>,<nBytes>,<nStart>)
*-- Example.....: nOpen = fopen("TEXT.TXT","RW")
*-- ?FDel(nOpen,1000,1)
*-- Returns.....: Logical
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = file handle number, as returned by FOPEN
*-- nBytes = number of characters (bytes) to delete in file
*-- nStart = starting position, where:
*-- 0 is the beginning of the file
*-- 1 is the current file pointer position
*-- 2 is the end of the file
parameters nHandle, nBytes, nStart
private nTemp,cTemp,nSave,nSeek,nRead,nWrite,lFlush,nClose
*-- create a temporary file
cTemp = tempfile("ADM")
*-- save current position in file
nSave = fseek(nHandle,0,1)
do case
case nStart = 0 && beginning of file
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nBytes,0)
nTemp = fcreate(cTemp)
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
nRead = fread(nHandle,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nTemp,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nTemp)
nSeek = fseek(nTemp,0,0)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,0,0)
do while .not. feof(nTemp)
nRead = fread(nTemp,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nHandle)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0),0)
nClose = fclose(nTemp)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nSave,0)
case nStart = 1 && Current Location
*-- skip these bytes
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nDelete,1)
*-- write the rest to a temp file
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
nRead = fread(nHandle,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nTemp,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nTemp)
nSeek = fseek(nTemp,0,0)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nSave,0)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0),0)
do while .not. feof(nTemp)
nRead = fread(nTemp,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nHandle)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nSave,0)
nClose = fclose(nTemp)
case nStart = 2 && End of File
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,-1*abs(nDelete),2)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0),0)
erase (cTemp)
RETURN (ferror() = 0)
*-- EoF: FDel()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Used to extract a line of text from a text file.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TLine() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- TLineNo() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: FGetLine(<cFileName>,<cLookup>,[<lCase>],[<lEntire>])
*-- Example.....: ?FGetLine("config.db","command",.f.,.f.)
*-- Returns.....: A character expression
*-- Parameters..: cFileName = Name of file to extract text from
*-- cLookup = Text to look for
*-- lCase = Case sensitive? (Logical = .t. or .f.)
*-- If empty, default is .F.
*-- lEntire = Return entire line, or the rest of the line
*-- .t. = return the entire line
*-- .f. = return everything following cLookup
*-- If empty, default is .t.
parameters cFileName, cLookup, lCase, lEntire
private nLine, cText
*-- defaults
lCase = iif(pcount() <= 2,.f.,lCase)
lEntire = iif(pcount() <=3,.t.,lEntire)
*-- get the line ...
nLine = TLineNo(cFile,cLookup,lCase)
cText = iif(nLine<=0,"",TLine(cFile,nLine,lCase))
cResult = upper(cText)
RETURN iif(lEntire,cText,substr(cText,at(upper(cLookup),cResult)+len(cLookup)))
*-- EoF: FGetLine()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Inserts specified number of NULLS into a low-level file.
*-- Taken from Technotes, April, 1992. FIns() works the way
*-- FDel() works, but in reverse. See comments in FDel about
*-- temp directory ...
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TempFile() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: FIns(<nHandle>,<nBytes>,<nStart>)
*-- Example.....: nOpen = fopen("TEST.TXT","RW")
*-- ?FIns(nOpen,10,1)
*-- Returns.....: Logical
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = File Handle from FOPEN() function
*-- nBytes = Number of nulls to insert into file
*-- nStart = Location in file to start at, where:
*-- 0 = Beginning of file
*-- 1 = Current file pointer
*-- 2 = End of file
parameters nHandle, nBytes, nStart
private nTemp, cTemp, nSave, nRead, nWrite, nSeek, lFlush, nX, nClose
cTemp = TempFile("ADM") && create temp file
nSave = fseek(nHandle,0,1) && save current position
do case
case nStart = 0 && beginning of file
nTemp = fcreate(cTemp)
nX = 1
do while nX <= nBytes
nWrite = fwrite(nTemp,chr(0),1)
nX = nX + 1
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,0,0)
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
nRead = fread(nHandle,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nTemp,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nTemp)
nSeek = fseek(nTemp,0,0)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,0,0)
do while .not. feof(nTemp)
nRead = fread(nTemp,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nHandle)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0),0)
nclose = fclose(ntemp)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,0,0)
case nStart = 1 && current location
*-- write the rest to a temp file
nTemp = fcreate(cTemp)
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
nRead = fread(nHandle,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nTemp,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nTemp)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nSave,0)
nX = 1
do while nX <= nBytes
nWrite = fWrite(nHandle,chr(0),1)
nX = nX + 1
nSeek = fseek(nTemp,0,0)
do while .not. feof(nTemp)
nRead = fread(nTemp,254)
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,nRead)
lFlush = fflush(nHandle)
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,nSave,0)
nClose = fclose(nTemp)
case nStart = 2 && End of File
nSeek = fseek(nHandle,0,2)
nX = 1
do while nX <= nBytes
nWrite = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0),1)
nX = nX + 1
erase (cTemp)
RETURN (ferror() = 0)
*-- EoF: FIns()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: This retrieves information from STATUS that you cannot get
*-- with the dBASE IV function SET(). See 'parameters' below for
*-- list of keywords.
*-- CAUTION: If you have ALTERNATE set, you need to reset it after
*-- the function executes. SET ALTERNATE TO must be used instead
*-- of LIST STATUS TO filename, since the print destination
*-- would always show as a file. All results that are returned
*-- are returned as character types, including ones that
*-- return numbers (use VAL() to look at/use returned value as
*-- a number).
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TempFile() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- TextLine() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- AAppend() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: GetInfo(<cKeyWord>,[<cKeyWord2>])
*-- Example.....: ? GetInfo("F5")
*-- Returns.....: Character expression
*-- Parameters..: cKeyWord = Item you are looking for status of, options
*-- listed return the following:
*-- WORK Number of work area you are currently
*-- in - whether or not a database is in use.
*-- PRINT Current printer destination where output
*-- is directed (PRN, NUL, LPT1, COM1) as
*-- set by SET PRINTER TO.
*-- ERROR The error condition set by ON ERROR
*-- ESCAPE The escape condition set by ON ESCAPE
*-- F2 to F10, Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F10, Shift-F1 to
*-- Shift-F10
*-- The current setting of each key as set
*-- by SET FUNCTION <label> TO
*-- **** The following require a second paramter
*-- (cKeyWord2 ...)
*-- PAGE,LINE Line number specified by
*-- in the page handling routine
*-- HANDLE,<filename> The handle number of the low-
*-- level file specified by <filename>
*-- NAME,<filehandle> The file name of the low-level
*-- file specified by <filehandle>
*-- MODE,<filehandle> The privilege of the low-level
*-- file specified by <filehandle>
*-- cKeyWord2 = see list above ...
parameters cKeyWord, cKeyWord2
private cKey, l2Parms, cStart, cSafety, cTempTxt, nLines, cTmpArray
cKey = upper(cKeyWord)
l2Parms = (pcount() = 2)
do case
case cKey = "CTRL-" .or. cKey = "SHIFT" .or. ;
(","+cKey+"," $ ",F2,F3,F4,F5,F6,F7,F8,F9,F10,")
cStart = cKey + space(9 - len(cKey))+"-"
case cKey = "PRINT"
cStart = "Print Destination:"
case cKey = "WORK"
cStart = "Current work area ="
if "" <> dbf()
RETURN select(alias())
case cKey = "ERROR"
cStart = "On Error:"
case cKey = "ESCAPE"
cStart = "On Escape:"
case cKey = "PAGE"
cStart = "On Page At Line"
case cKey = "HANDLE" .or. cKey = "NAME" .or. cKey = "MODE"
cStart = "Low level files opened"
otherwise && none of the above
cSafety = set("SAFETY")
cTempTxt = TempFile()
*-- get status info (into a temp file), which will then be parsed to extract
*-- information requested ...
set console off
set alternate to &cTempTxt. && create file without extension
set alternate on
list status
close alternate
set console on
nLines = TextLine(cTempTxt)
aTmpArray = right(cTempTxt,8)
cTmp = AAppend(cTempTxt,aTmpArray)
nHandle = fopen(cTempTxt,"R")
cResult = ""
nX = 1
do while nX <= nLines
if left(&aTmpArray[nX],len(cStart)) = cStart
cResult = ltrim(substr(&aTmpArray[nX],len(cStart)+1))
nX = nX + 1
*-- 2 parameters?
if l2Parms .and. "" # cResult
do case
case cKey = "PAGE"
if upper(cKeyWord2) = "LINE"
cResult = left(cResult,at(" ",cResult) - 1)
cResult = substr(cResult,at(" ",cResult) + 1)
case cKey = "HANDLE" .or. cKey = "NAME" .or. cKey = "MODE"
cResult = ""
nX = nX + 2
do while val(&aTmpArray[nX]) <> 0
do case
case cKey = "HANDLE" .and. upper(cKeyWord2) $ &aTmpArray[nX]
cResult = str(val(&aTmpArray[nX]))
case cKey = "NAME" .and. cKeyWord2 = val(&aTmpArray[nX])
cResult = substr(&aTmpArray[nX],10,40)
case cKey = "MODE" .and. cKeyWord2 = val(&aTmpArray[nX])
cResult = substr(&aTmpArray[nX],50,5)
if "" <> cResult
nX = nX + 1
relase &aTmpArray
nClose = fclose(nHandle)
set safety off
erase (cTempTxt)
set safety &cSafety
cResult = ltrim(rtrim(cResult))
RETURN iif(right(cResult,1) = ":",;
*-- EoF: GetInfo()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns the number of lines of text in an ASCII Text File
*-- Taken from TechNotes, April, 1992
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TextLine(<cTextFile>)
*-- Example.....: ?TextLine("CONFIG.DB")
*-- Returns.....: Number of lines
*-- Parameters..: cTextFile = name of file
parameter cTextFile
private nLines, nHandle, cTemp, nClose
nLines = 0
if file(cTextFile) && if it exists ...
nHandle = fopen(cTextFile,"R")
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
cTemp = fgets(nHandle,254)
nLines = nLines + 1
nClose = fclose(nHandle)
*-- EoF: TextLine()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns a specific line in an ASCII Text File. This is similar
*-- to the way MLINE() works on a memo field. Taken from TechNotes
*-- April, 1992.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TLine(<cTextFile>,<nLine>)
*-- Example.....: ?TLine("CONFIG.DB",20)
*-- Returns.....: Character expression - specified line of text file.
*-- Parameters..: cTextFile = name of text file
*-- nLine = line to return from text file
parameters cTextFile, nLine
private cText, nX, nHandle, nClose
cText = ""
nX = 1
if file(cTextFile) && if file exists ...
nHandle = fopen(cTextFile,"R")
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
cText = fgets(nHandle,254)
if nX = nLine
nX = nX + 1
nClose = fclose(nHandle)
*-- EoF: TLine()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns the line number of the phrase you are searching for
*-- in an ASCII Text File. This is similar to dBASE's AT()
*-- function, but works on LINES rather than CHARACTERS.
*-- Taken from TechNotes, April, 1992
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TLineNo(<cTextFile>,<cLookup>,[<lCase>])
*-- Example.....: ?TLineNo("CONFIG.DB","command",.f.)
*-- Returns.....: numeric value (the line number containing the line needed)
*-- returns -1 if not found
*-- Parameters..: cTextFile = Name of ASCII Text File
*-- cLookup = Text to search for ...
*-- lCase = Case Sensitive? (Default is .F.)
parameters cTextFile, cLookup, lCase
private cPhrase, nHandle, cText, nX, nClose
if pCount() = 3 .and. lCase
lCase = .t.
cPhrase = cLookup
lCase = .f.
cPhrase = upper(cLookup)
cText = ""
nX = 1
if file(cTextFile)
nHandle = fopen(cTextFile,"R")
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
cText = fgets(nHandle,254)
if at(cPhrase,iif(lCase,cText,upper(cText))) > 0
nClose = fclose(nHandle)
nX = nX + 1
nClose = fclose(nHandle)
*-- EoF: TLineNo()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns a random filename.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: TempDir() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TempFile([cFileExt])
*-- Example.....: cVarFile = TempFile("$XY")
*-- Returns.....: Filename
*-- Parameters..: cFileExt = optional parameter - allows you to assign a
*-- file extension to the end of the filename.
parameters cFileExt
RETURN TempDir()+"TMP"+right(ltrim(str(rand(-1)*10000000)),5);
+iif(pcount() = 0 .or. "" = cFileExt,"","."+cFileExt)
*-- EoF: TempFile()
*-- Programmer..: Adam L. Menkes (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 04/01/1992
*-- Notes.......: Returns path of temporary directory as set from DOS
*-- (i.e., SET DBTMP= ...) Taken from TechNotes, April, 1992
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/01/1992 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: GetEnv() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: TempDir()
*-- Example.....: ?TempDir()
*-- Returns.....: Path of temporary directory
*-- Parameters..: None
cTempDir = iif("" <> GetEnv("DBTMP"),GetEnv("DBTMP"),GetEnv("TMP"))
RETURN cTempDir+iif(right(cTempDir,1)<> "\" .and.;
left(os(),3) = "DOS" .and. .not. "" = cTempDir,"\","")
*-- EoF: TempDir()
*-- Programmer..: Oktay Amiry (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 02/01/1993
*-- Notes.......: Used to display a popup of the hierarchical structure
*-- of directories. With this you can select a directory from
*-- the popup.
*-- DirList() returns a DOS Error Number if it encounters one,
*-- or a -1 if it fails to perform its task. It
*-- Originally Printed in TechNotes, February 1993
*-- ************************************************
*-- ************************************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 02/01/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: WhatDir Procedure in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DirList([<cDrive>])
*-- Example.....: ?DirList() or
*-- ?DirList("A:")
*-- Returns.....: See above
*-- Parameters..: cDrive = Optional Parameter to list a specific drive instead
*-- of the default.
parameters cDrive
*-- deal with possible errors
do case
case .not. "DOS" $ UPPER(OS()) && gotta be DOS, not UNIX
RETURN "Incompatible operating system"
case pcount() # 0 .and. type("cDRIVE") # "C"
RETURN "Invalid Parameter"
case type("cDrive") = "C" .and. .not. isalpha(left(cDrive,1))
RETURN "Invalid Parameter"
*-- deal with file already being there
if file("DIRECT.XXX")
erase direct.xxx
*-- save screen and then clear whatever's on it
save screen to sDirList
*-- get the "message" color from the attributes ....
cMsgColor = substr(set("ATTRIBUTE"),at(chr(38),set("ATTRIBUTE"))+3)
cMsgColor = substr(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)+1)
cMsgColor = substr(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)+1)
cMsgColor = left(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)-1)
*-- display message (slightly modified by KJM)
@ 9,22 fill to 13,60 color n+/n && shadow
@ 8,20 fill to 12,58 color &cMsgColor.
@ 8,20 to 12,58 double color &cMsgColor.
@10,22 say "The directory tree is being created" color &cMsgColor.
*-- execute DOS RUN command, putting output into a text file
if type("CDRIVE") = "L"
* tree must be run in DOS directory or in DOS path
nRun = run(.f.,"TREE \ > direct.XXX",.t.)
cDrive = left(cDrive,1)+":\"
nRun = run(.f.,"TREE &cDrive > direct.xxx",.t.)
*-- error has occured of some sort -- return error number OR -1
if nRun # 0 .or. .not. file("DIRECT.XXX")
RETURN iif(nRun # 0,nRun, -1)
*-- use low-level routines to go in and deal with the file ...
nHandle = fopen("DIRECT.XXX","R") && open text file
cMove = fGets(nHandle,":")
if feof(nHandle)
lClose = fClose(nHandle)
erase direct.xxx
restore screen from sDirList
release screen sDirList
cMove = fSeek(nHandle,len(cMove)-1)
*-- define the popup
define popup pTree from 1,20
nBar = 1
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
define bar nBar of pTree prompt space(2)+fGets(nHandle)+space(5)
nBar = nBar + 1
*-- store path (bar) and location of ascii 195 (├) or 192 (└) to array
declare aTemp[nBar,2] && temp array
nBar = 1
cMove = fSeek(nHandle,0,0)
cMove = fGets(nHandle,":")
cMove = fSeek(nHandle,len(cMove) - 1)
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
cBar = trim(fGets(nHandle))
store cBar to aTemp[nBar,1]
store iif(at(chr(195),cBar) # 0, at(chr(195),cBar),;
at(chr(192),cBar)) to aTemp[nBar,2]
nBar = nBar + 1
*-- hokay ...
cUser = ""
*-- when user selects something, execute routine WhatDir ...
on selection popup pTree do whatdir with bar(),cUser
activate popup pTree
release popup pTree
lClose = fClose(nHandle)
erase direct.xxx
restore screen from sDirList
release screen sDirList
*-- EoF: DirList()
*-- Programmer..: Oktay Amiry (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 02/01/1993
*-- Notes.......: Part of DIRLIST() above -- this is used to extract out of
*-- the prompt from a popup, the directory a user selected ...
*-- This routine should not be used on its own ... it assumes
*-- too much (like array aTemp[] being in existance, and such)
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 02/01/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: GRAt() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: DirList()
*-- Usage.......: Do WhatDir with <nBar>,<cDir>
*-- Example.....: Do WhatDir with bar(),cUser
*-- Returns.....: Directory
*-- Parameters..: nBar = bar number of popup
*-- cDir = prompt from popup to extract data ...
parameters nBar, cDir
if nBar # 1
cDir = substr(aTemp[nBar,1],GRAt(aTemp[nBar,1])+1)
nLevel = aTemp[nBar,2]
nBar = nBar - 1
do while nBar # 1
if aTemp[nBar,2] < nLevel
cDir = substr(aTemp[nBar,1],GRAt(aTemp[nBar,1])+1)+"\"+cDir
nLevel = aTemp[nBar,2]
nBar = nBar - 1
cDir = aTemp[1,1]+cDir
cDir = aTemp[1,1]
deactivate popup
*-- EoP: WhatDir
*-- Programmer..: Oktay Amiry (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 02/01/1993
*-- Notes.......: Graphic Reverse At -- Returns position of the first graphic
*-- character from the right of the string.
*-- Originally printed in TechNotes, February, 1993
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 02/01/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: WhatDir
*-- Usage.......: GRAt(<cString>)
*-- Example.....: n = GRAt(cBar)
*-- Returns.....: Numeric
*-- Parameters..: cString = string to search
parameters cString
nLen = len(cString)
lFound = .f.
do while nLen # 0
cChar = substr(cString,nLen,1)
if asc(cChar) > 175 .and. asc(cChar) < 224
lFound = .t.
nLen = nLen - 1
RETURN iif(lFound,nLen,-1)
*-- EoF: GRAt()
*-- Programmer..: Oktay Amiry (Borland Technical Support)
*-- Date........: 02/01/1993
*-- Notes.......: This routine will search a disk and find all occurances
*-- of a specified file or files. It will then allow you
*-- to select said file.
*-- Originally printed in TechNotes, February, 1993
*-- *********************************
*-- *********************************
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 02/01/1993 -- Original Release
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: FF(<cFile>[,<cPath>])
*-- Example.....: ?ff("*.dbf","c:\temp")
*-- Returns.....: Selected File
*-- Parameters..: cFile = Filename, or wildcard specification, allows use
*-- of standard ? and * wildcards in the way DOS has
*-- always used them.
*-- cPath = Optional -- specified drive and directory.
*-- If not used, this UDF will start the search at
*-- the root of the default drive.
parameters cFile,cPath
cCurDir = set("DIRECTORY")
*-- deal with error messages
do case
case type("CFILE") # "C"
RETURN "Invalid Parameter"
case pcount() > 1 .and. type("CFILE") # "C"
RETURN "Invalid Parameter"
case pcount() > 1 .and. type("CFILE") = "C"
lError = .f.
on error lError = .t.
set directory to &cPath.
on error
if lError
RETURN "Invalid Drive\Directory"
if file("TEMP.XXX")
erase temp.xxx
*-- save screen so we can restore it, and clear ...
save screen to sFF
*-- get the "message" color from the attributes ....
cMsgColor = substr(set("ATTRIBUTE"),at(chr(38),set("ATTRIBUTE"))+3)
cMsgColor = substr(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)+1)
cMsgColor = substr(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)+1)
cMsgColor = left(cMsgColor,at(",",cMsgColor)-1)
*-- display message
@ 9,22 fill to 13,60 color n+/n && shadow
@ 8,20 fill to 12,58 color &cMsgColor.
@ 8,20 to 12,58 double color &cMsgColor.
@10,22 say "The directories are being searched" color &cMsgColor.
*-- if no path was given, run the DOS Attrib command on the whole drive
if type("CPATH") = "L"
nDosF = run(.f.,"ATTRIB \&cFile. /s > temp.xxx | sort",.t.)
else && run it on the path that was given ...
nDosF = run(.f.,"ATTRIB &cFile. /s > temp.xxx | sort",.t.)
*-- if there was an error ...
if nDosF # 0 .or. .not. file("TEMP.XXX")
set directory to &cCurDir.
restore screen from sFF
release screen sFF
RETURN iif(nDosF # 0,nDosF,-1)
*-- use LOWLEVEL routines to process the output of the ATTRIB command
nHandle = fopen("TEMP.XXX","R")
cMove = fgets(nHandle,":")
if feof(nHandle)
lClose = fClose(nHandle)
erase temp.xxx
restore screen from sFF
release screen sFF
RETURN "File not found"
*-- ok. Now we create the popup ...
cMove = fseek(nHandle,0,0)
nBar = 1
define popup pFile from 1,1
do while .not. feof(nHandle)
cBar = trim(fgets(nHandle))
cBar = space(2)+substr(cBar,at(":",cBar)-1)+space(5)
define bar nBar of pFile prompt cBar
nBar = nBar + 1
*-- what do we do with it?
on selection popup pFile deactivate popup
activate popup pFile
cSelect = iif(.not. isblank(prompt()), ltrim(rtrim(prompt())),"")
*-- cleanup
release popup pFile
lClose = fclose(nHandle)
erase temp.xxx
set directory to &cCurDir.
restore screen from sFF
release screen sFF
RETURN cSelect
*-- EoF: FF()
*-- Programmer..: Angus Scott-Fleming CIS: 75500,3223)
*-- (from code published in DBA)
*-- Date........: 11/25/1992
*-- Notes.......: Creates an empty structure extended database
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV 1.5+
*-- Rev. History: 11/25/1992 - Rev A uses structure of currently open
*-- database, if present
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: MakeStr(<cFileName.Ext>)
*-- Example.....: lDummy = MakeStr("G_HELP.STR")
*-- Returns.....: .F. if no file was created, .T. if one was
*-- Parameters..: cFileName = Name of file to create
parameters cFileName
private ALL
if isblank(cFileName)
return .F.
if .not. isblank(alias())
copy structure extended to &cFileName.
* code from DataBased Advisor to create an empty DBF
nLoopCount = 1 && Loop counter
nDim = 5 && Number of rows in the DBF structure array
* Declare array with the structure of the "structure extended"
* DBF file
DECLARE aDbfStru[nDim,5]
aDbfStru[1,1] = "FIELD_NAME" && field name
aDbfStru[1,2] = "C" && field type
aDbfStru[1,3] = 10 && field length
aDbfStru[1,4] = 0 && number of decimal places
aDbfStru[1,5] = "N" && MDX index tag
aDbfStru[2,1] = "FIELD_TYPE"
aDbfStru[2,2] = "C"
aDbfStru[2,3] = 1
aDbfStru[2,4] = 0
aDbfStru[2,5] = "N"
aDbfStru[3,1] = "FIELD_LEN"
aDbfStru[3,2] = "N"
aDbfStru[3,3] = 3
aDbfStru[3,4] = 0
aDbfStru[3,5] = "N"
aDbfStru[4,1] = "FIELD_DEC"
aDbfStru[4,2] = "N"
aDbfStru[4,3] = 3
aDbfStru[4,4] = 0
aDbfStru[4,5] = "N"
aDbfStru[5,1] = "FIELD_IDX"
aDbfStru[5,2] = "C"
aDbfStru[5,3] = 1
aDbfStru[5,4] = 0
aDbfStru[5,5] = "N"
* Redirect printer output to a file
* Write DBF file header
* First byte (byte 0)- DBF file indicator
??? '{3}'
* Creation date - bytes 1-3
??? CHR(VAL(RIGHT(STR(YEAR(DATE())),2))) + ;
* Number of records in the file (zero) - bytes 1-3
??? REPLICATE('{0}',4)
* Number of bytes in the header - bytes 8-9
??? '{193}{0}'
* Number of bytes in the record (19) - bytes 10-11
??? '{19}{0}'
* Bytes 12-31 of the header - not used here
* Some appear to have constant value
??? REPLICATE('{0}',18)
??? '{57}{1}'
* Field descriptor bytes - looping through the array
* nDim times (5 in this case)
* Field descriptors are each 32 bytes long
DO WHILE nLoopCount <= nDim
* Field name - bytes 0-10
??? aDbfStru[nLoopCount,1] +;
REPLICATE('{0}', 11-LEN(TRIM(aDbfStru[nLoopCount,1])))
* Field type - byte 11
??? aDbfStru[nLoopCount,2]
* Bytes 12-15 - not used here
??? REPLICATE('{0}',2)
??? '{238}{85}'
* Field length - byte 16
??? CHR(aDbfStru[nLoopCount,3])
* Field decimal count - byte 17
??? IIF(aDbfStru[nLoopCount,4] > 0, ;
CHR(aDbfStru[nLoopCount,4]), '{0}')
* Bytes 18-19 - reserved
??? REPLICATE('{0}',2)
* Byte 20 - work area ID. Let's use 1 for simplicity
??? '{1}'
* Bytes 21-31 - MDX index tag flag and reserved bytes
??? IIF(aDbfStru[nLoopCount,5] $ 'YyTt', '{1}', '{0}')
??? REPLICATE('{0}',10)
* Increment loop counter
nLoopCount = nLoopCount + 1
* DBF file header terminator and EOF character - byte n+1
??? '{13}{26}'
select (select())
use &cFileName. exclusive
*-- EoF: MakeStr()
*-- Programmer..: Angus Scott-Fleming
*-- Date........: 11/25/1992
*-- Notes.......: Test field values against memory variables to see if an
*-- on-screen display has changed from the disk-record
*-- CHANGE() requires the existence of field _DBASELOCK
*-- whereas RecChged does not.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV 1.1+
*-- Rev. History: 11/25/1992 for dBase IV 1.5
*-- 10/08/1992 don't test memo-fields
*-- 06/09/1992 dropped PCount() for 4.11 use
*-- 06/04/1992 skips any field with REVDATE in its name
*-- Calls.......: FldCount() (1.1)
*-- ExEqual() Function in STRINGS.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: RecChged(<cTable_Name>)
*-- Example.....: if RecChged("mpl") .and. Confirm("Save?",.Y.)
*-- Returns.....: .T. = record has changed .F. = record has not changed
*-- Parameters..: cTable_Name = (OPTIONAL) alias of table to test
parameters ctable_name
if empty(ctable_name)
ctable_name = alias()
n = 1
do while n <= fldcount(ctable_name)
test_field = field(n,ctable_name)
test_disk = "&ctable_name->&test_field"
* Thu 06-04-1992 don't test _DBASELOCK or REVDATE fields,
* since they're changed automagically
* if .not. ExEqual(upper(test_field),"_DBASELOCK")
* Thu 10-08-1992 check for existence of the field in the table
* skip check for memo fields
if .not. type("&test_disk") $ "MU" .and. .not. type("m->&test_field") ="U"
if .not. upper(test_field) = "_DBASELOCK" ;
.and. .not.("REVDATE"$test_field)
if .not. ExEqual(m->&test_field,&test_disk)
return .T.
n = n + 1
*-- EoF: RecChged()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Copies a database plus its production index (if it has one),
*-- and the DBT file if it exists as well.
*-- Use this instead of the COPY TO... WITH PRODUCTION command.
*-- Because it uses the COPY FILE command (a file-to-file copy)
*-- instead of the COPY TO command (a record-by-record copy),
*-- this is much faster.
*-- The DBF must be closed when you use this UDF.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: MdxPoint() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- DbfName() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: CopyFile("<cOldFile>","<cNewFile>")
*-- Example.....: CopyFile("FRED","MARY")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if copy operation worked okay.
*-- 1 if file to be copied didn't exist.
*-- Parameters..: cOldFile - DBF file to be copied
*-- cNewFile - Name for copy of DBF
parameters cOldFile,cNewFile
private cOldFile, cNewFile, lOpen, nRec, cTag, cAlias, nError
nError = 0
*-- Check if database actually exists
if file(cOldFile + ".DBF")
*-- Copy the file
copy file cOldFile + ".DBF" to cNewFile + ".DBF"
*-- Copy its MDX file
if file(cOldFile + ".MDX")
copy file cOldFile + ".MDX" to cNewFile + ".MDX"
*-- Update the hard-coded database reference in the MDX header
xJunk = MdxPoint(cNewFile)
*-- Copy its memo file
if file(cOldFile + ".DBT")
copy file cOldFile + ".DBT" to cNewFile + ".DBT"
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: CopyFile()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Copies a database plus its production index (if it has one),
*-- and the DBT file if it exists as well.
*-- Based on CopyFile().
*-- With this version, it doesn't matter whether the file
*-- you're copying is open or closed. If it's open, the:
*-- * current index order
*-- * alias
*-- * record pointer
*-- will all be retained.
*-- You must SET DBTRAP OFF before calling this routine from
*-- a program or the dot prompt.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: MdxPoint() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- DbfName() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: CopyFile("<cOldFile>","<cNewFile>")
*-- Example.....: CopyFile("FRED","MARY")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if copy operation worked okay.
*-- 1 if file to be copied didn't exist.
*-- Parameters..: cOldFile - DBF file to be copied
*-- cNewFile - Name for copy of DBF
parameters cOldFile,cNewFile
private cOldFile, cNewFile, lOpen, nRec, cTag, cAlias, nError
lOpen = .F.
nError = 0
*-- Check whether database exists
if file(cOldFile + ".DBF")
*-- If database is currently open, save info about it
if DbfName() = upper(cOldFile)
nRec = recno()
cTag = tag()
cAlias = alias()
lOpen = .T.
*-- Copy the database
copy file cOldFile + ".DBF" to cNewFile + ".DBF"
*-- Copy its MDX
if file(cOldFile + ".MDX")
copy file cOldFile + ".MDX" to cNewFile + ".MDX"
*-- Update the hard-coded database reference in the MDX header
xJunk = MdxPoint(cNewFile)
*-- Copy its memo file
if file(cOldFile + ".DBT")
copy file cOldFile + ".DBT" to cNewFile + ".DBT"
*-- If file was originally open, reopen it and restore its state
if lOpen
use (cOldFile) ALIAS &cAlias
if "" <> cTag
set order to (cTag)
go nRec
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: CopyFil1()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Renames a .DBF file and its production index and
*-- memo files (if they exist) and correctly updates
*-- the .MDX header.
*-- The DBF must be closed before using this UDF.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: MdxPoint() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- DbfName() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: RenFile("<cOldFile>","<cNewFile>")
*-- Example.....: RenFile("FRED","MARY")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if renaming operation went okay.
*-- 1 if file to be renamed didn't exist.
*-- Parameters..: cOldFile - Current database name
*-- cNewFile - New name for database
parameters cOldFile,cNewFile
private cOldFile, cNewFile, lOpen, nError, nRec, cTag, cAlias, xJunk
nError = 0
*-- Check whether database exists
if file(cOldFile + ".DBF")
*-- Rename it
rename cOldFile + ".DBF" to cNewFile + ".DBF"
*-- Rename its MDX
if file(cOldFile + ".MDX")
rename cOldFile + ".MDX" to cNewFile + ".MDX"
*-- Update the hard-coded database reference in the MDX header
xJunk = MdxPoint(cNewFile)
*-- Rename its memo file
if file(cOldFile + ".DBT")
rename cOldFile + ".DBT" to cNewFile + ".DBT"
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: RenFile()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Renames a .DBF file and its production index and
*-- memo files (if they exist) and correctly updates
*-- the .MDX header.
*-- This is a variant of RenFile().
*-- In this version, it doesn't matter whether the database
*-- is open or closed when you call the UDF. If it is open, the
*-- * current index order
*-- * record pointer
*-- will be restored after the renaming.
*-- You must SET DBTRAP OFF before calling this UDF.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: MdxPoint() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- DbfName() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: RenFile("<cOldFile>","<cNewFile>")
*-- Example.....: RenFile("FRED","MARY")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if renaming operation went okay.
*-- 1 if file to be renamed didn't exist.
*-- Parameters..: cOldFile - Current database name
*-- cNewFile - New name for database
parameters cOldFile,cNewFile
private cOldFile, cNewFile, lOpen, nError, nRec, cTag, xJunk
lOpen = .F.
nError = 0
*-- Check if database exists
if file(cOldFile + ".DBF")
*-- If database is currently open, save record pointer
*-- and index order
if DbfName() = upper(cOldFile)
nRec = recno()
cTag = tag()
lOpen = .T.
*-- Rename database
rename cOldFile + ".DBF" to cNewFile + ".DBF"
*-- Rename its MDX
if file(cOldFile + ".MDX")
rename cOldFile + ".MDX" to cNewFile + ".MDX"
*-- Update the hard-coded database reference in the MDX header
xJunk = MdxPoint(cNewFile)
*-- Rename its memo file
if file(cOldFile + ".DBT")
rename cOldFile + ".DBT" to cNewFile + ".DBT"
*-- If file was originally open, reopen it and restore its state
if lOpen
use (cNewFile)
if "" <> cTag
set order to (cTag)
go nRec
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: RenFile1()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Deletes a database, its production index and its memo
*-- file (if there is one) in one fell swoop.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DelFile("<cDbfName>")
*-- Example.....: DelFile("FRED")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if file deletion went okay
*-- - 1 if file to be deleted didn't exist.
*-- Parameters..: cDbfName - Name of the database you wish to delete.
parameters cDbfName
private cDbfName, cMdxName, cDbtName, nError
cMdxName = cDbfName + ".MDX"
cDbtName = cDbfName + ".DBT"
cDbfName = cDbfName + ".DBF"
nError = 0
*-- Check database exists
if file(cDbfName)
*-- Delete database
delete file (cDbfName)
*-- Delete its MDX
if file(cMdxName)
delete file (cMdxName)
*-- Delete its memo file if any
if file(cDbtName)
delete file (cDbtName)
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: DelFile()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Deletes a production index file, correctly updating
*-- the production index byte in the DBF header, so you
*-- avoid getting the "Production index not found" message.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: DelMdx("<cMdx>")
*-- Example.....: DelMdx("fred")
*-- Returns.....: nError = 0 if deletion is okay
*-- 1 if file doesn't exist
*-- Parameters..: cMdx = Production MDX file to delete
parameters cMdx
private cMdx, cMdxName, cDbfName, nHandle, nError, xJunk
cMdxName = cMdx + ".MDX"
cDbfName = cMdx + ".DBF"
nError = 0
*-- Check if file exists
if file(cMdxName)
*-- Delete MDX file
delete file (cMdxName)
*-- Update MDX byte in DBF header, indicating there is no longer
*-- an MDX for this database.
nHandle = fopen((cDbfName),"rw")
xJunk = fseek(nHandle,28,0)
xJunk = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0))
xJunk = fclose(nHandle)
nError = 1
*-- EoF: DelMdx()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Restores a pointer to an (existing) production MDX file
*-- in the DBF header. Only really needed if you make a
*-- mess using the DelMdx() function.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: RestMdx("<cMdx>")
*-- Example.....: RestMdx("FRED")
*-- Returns.....: nError - 0 if pointer restoration went okay
*-- 1 if the MDX didn't exist
*-- Parameters..: cMdx - MDX/DBF file name.
parameters cMdx
private cMdxName, cDbfName, nHandle, xJunk, nError
cMdxName = cMdx + ".MDX"
cDbfName = cMdx + ".DBF"
if file(cMdxName)
*-- Update MDX byte in DBF header, indicating there is an
*-- MDX for this database.
nHandle = fopen((cDbfName),"rw")
xJunk = fseek(nHandle,28,0)
xJunk = fwrite(nHandle,chr(1))
xJunk = fclose(nHandle)
nError = 0
nError = 1
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: RestMdx()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Changes the hard-coded DBF name in an MDX file header
*-- (either a production or non-production MDX).
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any (Specifically CopyFile() and RenFile())
*-- Usage.......: MdxPoint("<cDbfName>", "<cMdx>")
*-- Example.....: MdxPoint("FRED")
*-- MdxPoint("FRED","FULLNAME")
*-- Returns.....: None
*-- Parameters..: cDbfName - The name of the DBF to be hard-coded into the
*-- MDX header.
*-- cMdx - The name of the MDX file, if it's a
*-- non-production MDX (omit this parameter
*-- completely if it's a production MDX).
parameters cDbfName, cMdx
private nPadl, cDbfName, nHandle, xJunk, n
*-- Find out how long the DBF filename is and set padding length
nPadl = 8 - len(cDbfName)
cDbfName = upper(cDbfName)
*-- Check how many parameters have been passed: 1 means its a
*-- production index, 2 is a non-production index
if pcount() < 2
nHandle = fopen((cDbfName)+".MDX","rw")
nHandle = fopen((cMdx)+".MDX","rw")
*-- Position file pointer to Byte 4, which is start of hard-coded
*-- DBF name in MDX header
xJunk = fseek(nHandle,4,0)
*-- Write the new DBF filename into the header
xJunk = fwrite(nHandle,(cDbfName))
n = 0
do while n < nPadl
*-- Pad filename out to 8 characters in header, using nulls
xJunk = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0))
n = n + 1
xJunk = fclose(nHandle)
*-- EoF: MdxPoint()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Strips the 8-character DBF filename out of the full
*-- pathname returned by the dbf() function. Works on the
*-- database in USE in the current workarea.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any (Specifically CopyFile() and RenFile()).
*-- Usage.......: DbfName()
*-- Example.....: DbfName()
*-- Returns.....: cName = 8-character filename of DBF.
*-- Parameters..: None
private cFullPath, cName
cFullPath = set("FULLPATH")
set fullpath off
*-- Check if a database is open in the current workarea
if "" <> dbf()
*-- Strip the filename out of the full pathname
cName = ( substr( dbf(), 3, at( ".", dbf() ) - 3 ) )
cName = ""
set fullpath &cFullPath
RETURN (cName)
*-- EoF: DbfName()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Indexes a database, showing a 'fuel-gauge' style progress
*-- indicator during the process.
*-- You must SET DBTRAP OFF in the calling routine or at the
*-- dot prompt.
*-- This routine slows down indexing, but allows the user to
*-- know what's going on.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: Gauge(), DelGauge()
*-- Called by...: Any
*-- Usage.......: MdxGauge("<cDataFile>","<cIndexExp>","<cMTag>","<cMdxName>",;
*-- "<cClr>",<nURow>,<nLCol>)
*-- Example.....: MdxGauge("FRED","upper(LNAME)+upper(FNAME)","FULLNAME","",;
*-- 0,0)
*-- This example indexes FRED.DBF on the uppercase last and
*-- firstnames, to the production MDX with a tagname of
*-- FULLNAME. It also uses your current default colour scheme,
*-- and positions the fuel gauge at 0,0.
*-- MdxGauge("FRED","substr(LNAME,5)","SHORTNAME","OTHERS",;
*-- "r+/b,r+/b,b+/w";10,15)
*-- This example indexes FRED.DBF on the first 5 characters of
*-- the lastname to a non-production MDX called OTHERS, using
*-- the tagname SHORTNAME. It sets the colours of the fuel-
*-- gauge and the fuel-gauge frame, and positions the gauge
*-- starting at 10,15.
*-- Returns.....: nError = 0 if MDX header was updated correctly
*-- = 1 if MDX header couldn't be updated
*-- Parameters..: cDataFile = DBF to be indexed
*-- cMdxExpr = Indexing expression
*-- cMdxTag = Index TAG name
*-- cMdxName = MDX name - only needed if using a
*-- non-production MDX.
*-- cClr = Colours for fuel gauge. You can include
*-- standard, enhanced and frame colours in the
*-- string. If you don't include a colour string,
*-- the UDF will use the current colours.
*-- nURow = Starting row for the fuel gauge on screen.
*-- Must be less than 20 - if not, the program
*-- will make nURow = 19.
*-- nLCol = Starting column for the fuel gauge.
*-- Must be less than 26 - if not, the program
*-- will make nLCol = 25.
parameters cDbfName, cMdxExpr, cMdxTag, cMdxName, cClr, nURow, nLCol
private nBarLen, cBarPad, cIndex, nError, nRecInt, nBarFull
use &cDbfName
cStatus = set("STATUS")
cSafety = set("SAFETY")
cTalk = set("TALK")
set status off
set safety off
set talk off
cMdxExpr = upper(cMdxExpr)
cMdxTag = upper(cMdxTag)
*-- If colour parameter is blank, use default colour scheme
if cClr <> ""
cClr = SET("ATTR")
if nURow > 19
nURow = 19
if nLCol > 25
nLCol = 25
*-- Determine width of fuel-gauge
if reccount() > 50
nRecInt = int(reccount()/50)
nBarLen = int( reccount() / nRecInt )
nBarLen = reccount() + 1
cBarPad = space(round((nBarLen-16)/3,0))
*-- Display fuel-gauge window and empty gauge
define window wGauge from nURow, nLCol;
to nURow+5,nBarLen+nLCol+2 color &cClr
activate window wGauge
@ 0,0 say "Indexing " + Dbf()
@ 1,0 say "0% " + cBarPad + "25% " + cBarPad + "75% " + ;
cBarPad + "100%"
@ 2,0 say replicate( chr(219), nBarlen )
@ 2,0 say ""
*-- Check if it's a production index or not, and then
*-- use the appropriate index expression. The FOR condition
*-- in the expression "fills up" the fuel gauge.
if "" = cMdxName
index on &cMdxExpr tag &cMdxTag for Gauge()
index on &cMdxExpr tag &cMdxTag of &cMdxName for Gauge()
*-- Clean up
@ 2,0 say "Closing files..."
nError = 0
cIndex = mdx()
*-- Call UDF to delete reference to Gauge() UDF from MDX header
nError = DelGauge(cIndex, cMdxTag)
deactivate window wGauge
set status &cStatus
set safety &cSafety
set talk &cTalk
*-- EoF: MdxGauge()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Routine used by MdxGauge() to "fill up" the fuel-gauge
*-- on screen during indexing.
*-- It is called from an indexing "FOR" expression, and always
*-- returns .T. to include all records in the index.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: MdxGauge() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Usage.......: Gauge()
*-- Example.....: Gauge()
*-- Returns.....: .T.
*-- Parameters..: None
*-- Every time 2% of the file or so is indexed...
if reccount() > 50
if mod( recno(), nRecInt ) = 0
*-- Display a solid bar character to "fill up" the gauge
?? chr(177)
?? chr(177)
*-- EoF: Gauge()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Deletes all reference to the Gauge() UDF from within
*-- an MDX header file.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: FindTagExp() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: MdxGauge()
*-- Usage.......: DelGauge("<cMdx>","<cTag>")
*-- Example.....: DelGauge("FRED","upper(LASTNAME)+upper(FIRSTNAME)")
*-- Returns.....: nError - Error code.
*-- 0 if the UDF managed to delete the Gauge()
*-- reference in the header.
*-- 1 if the UDF failed (it couldn't find the
*-- Gauge() reference.
*-- Parameters..: cMdx = MDX file to search.
*-- cTag = TAG expression to search for.
parameters cMdx, cTag
private nHandle, nTagExp, nForFlag, nForExp, nError, n, xJunk
*-- Open the MDX file
nHandle = fopen(cMdx,'rw')
*-- Find the information about the TAG in the MDX header
nTagExp = FindTagExp( nHandle, cTag )
*-- Find the byte indicating whether a FOR clause was used
*-- to create this particular TAG.
nForFlag = nTagExp + 245
*-- Find the start of the FOR expression in the TAG information
nForExp = nTagExp + 762
*-- Place 00H in the byte indicating a FOR clause, to delete
*-- reference to the FOR clause.
xJunk = fseek( nHandle, nForFlag, 0 )
xJunk = fwrite (nHandle, chr(0))
*-- Positioning the pointer at the FOR clause in the TAG info.
xJunk = fseek( nHandle, nForExp, 0 )
*-- Check that we've found our UDF reference in the FOR clause
*-- and, if so, delete the reference to the UDF by writing a
*-- series of nulls to the file over the word "GAUGE()".
if upper(fread(nHandle,7)) = 'GAUGE()'
nError = 0
xJunk = fseek( nHandle, nForExp, 0)
n = 1
do while n < 8
xJunk = fwrite(nHandle,chr(0))
n = n + 1
nError = 1
xJunk = Fclose(nHandle)
RETURN (nError)
*-- EoF: DelGauge()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153) (dBase version)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Finds the starting position of a specific index TAG
*-- expression within an MDX header.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: FLocate() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- FReadI32() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: DelGauge()
*-- Usage.......: FindTagExp(<nHandle>,"<cMdxTag>")
*-- Example.....: FindTagExp( 5, "upper(LASTNAME)+upper(FIRSTNAME)" )
*-- Returns.....: nTagExp - Starting position of the TAG expression
*-- within the MDX header file.
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = DOS file handle of an MDX file.
*-- cMdxTag = MDX TAG expression.
parameters nHandle, cMdxTag
private nJunk, nPos, nPoint, nTagExp
*-- Shift pointer to byte 512 in the MDX file. At byte 512,
*-- there's an array of TAG names.
nJunk = fseek( nHandle, 512, 0 )
*-- From there, locate our particular TAG in the array
nPos = Flocate( nHandle, cMdxTag, .T. )
*-- Back up and read the preceding 4 bytes, which are a pointer
*-- to the file offset where the information about our TAG
*-- is located in the MDX file.
nJunk = fseek( nHandle, nPos - 4 )
*-- Convert the 4-byte pointer to decimal
nPoint = FreadI32( nHandle )
*-- Return the starting position of the TAG info.
nTagExp = fseek( nHandle, nPoint * 512 )
RETURN( nTagExp )
*-- EoF: FindTagExp()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153) (dBase version)
*-- Matt Whelan (Clipper version - not included here)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Finds a string within a file, starting from the current
*-- position of the file pointer (Operates using low-level
*-- file functions).
*-- Due to the 254-character limitation on dBase string
*-- variables, this is not particularly fast on large files as
*-- it must search through a 254-character buffer.
*-- The Clipper version, which uses a 65,535-character buffer,
*-- is much faster.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: FTell() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- FLen() Function in FILES.PRG
*-- Called by...: Any (Specifically FindTaxExp()).
*-- Usage.......: FLocate(<nHandle>,"<cSearch>",<lWantUpper>)
*-- Example.....: FLocate( 5, "Crabapple Cove", .T.)
*-- Returns.....: nFoundPos - Starting position of the string in the file
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = DOS file handle
*-- cSearch = Search string
*-- lWantUpper = Whether you want the search string first
*-- converted to uppercase.
parameters nHandle, cSearch, lWantUpper
private cBuffer, nCurPos, nStartPos, nBuffSize, nFlength
private nBufPos, cTxtBuff, nBuffOffset, nFoundPos, cAddBuf
nFoundPos = -2
*-- Convert search string to uppercase if required
if pcount() = 2
lWantUpper = .F.
*-- If a valid file handle has been passed...
if nHandle > 0
*-- Store our current position in the file,
*-- check the file length and then determine the
*-- buffer size.
nCurPos = Ftell( nHandle )
nStartPos = nCurPos
nFlength = Flen( nHandle )
nBuffSize = min( 254, nFlength )
*-- Now start reading characters into the buffer
do while nCurPos < nFlength
cBuffer = ""
do while len(cBuffer) < nBuffSize
cAddBuf = fread( nHandle, 1 )
*-- If you read in a null, replace it in the buffer
*-- by a space
if chr(0) = cAddBuf
cAddBuf = " "
cBuffer = cBuffer + cAddBuf
if lWantUpper
cBuffer = upper(cBuffer)
*-- See if the search string is in the buffer
nBufPos = at( cSearch, cBuffer )
*-- and if it is, store its position in the file
if nBufPos > 0
nFoundPos = nCurPos + nBufPos - 1
nCurPos = Ftell( nHandle )
if nFoundPos < 1
nJunk = fseek( nHandle, nStartPos, 0 )
nJunk = fseek( nHandle, nFoundPos, 0 )
RETURN( nFoundPos )
*-- EoF: FLocate()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: A shorthand way of finding the current position of the
*-- file pointer in a file, without moving the pointer.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any (specifically FLocate()).
*-- Usage.......: FTell(<nHandle>)
*-- Example.....: FTell(5)
*-- Returns.....: Current position of pointer in a file.
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = DOS file handle.
parameters nHandle
RETURN( fseek( nHandle, 0, 1 ) )
*-- EoF: FTell()
*-- Programmer..: Rose Vines (CIS: 100026,3153)
*-- Date........: 04/26/1993
*-- Notes.......: Finds length (in bytes) of a file and then returns
*-- the file pointer to byte 0.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: 04/26/1993 -- Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any (specifically FLocate()).
*-- Usage.......: FLen(<nHandle>)
*-- Example.....: FLen(6)
*-- Returns.....: nLength = Length of file in bytes
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = DOS file handle
parameters nHandle
private nCurPos, nLength, xJunk
*-- Locate current position in file without moving pointer
nCurPos = Ftell( nHandle )
*-- Find the length of the file by shifting the pointer to the end
nLength = fseek( nHandle, 0, 2 )
*-- Return the pointer to the original starting point
nJunk = fseek( nHandle, nCurPos, 0 )
RETURN( nLength )
*-- EoF: FLen()
*-- Programmer..: Borland
*-- Date........: 1992
*-- Notes.......: Convert a 4-byte integer to its decimal value.
*-- The UDF reads the next 4 bytes from a file and converts
*-- them to decimal.
*-- Written for.: dBASE IV, 1.5
*-- Rev. History: Original
*-- Calls.......: None
*-- Called by...: Any (specifically FindTagExp)
*-- Usage.......: FReadI32(<nHandle>)
*-- Example.....: FReadI32(4)
*-- Returns.....: nResult = Decimal value of next 4 bytes in file
*-- Parameters..: nHandle = DOS file handle
parameters nHandle
private nResult, nByte1, nByte2, nByte3, nByte4
nResult = 0
nByte1 = asc( fread( nHandle,1 ) )
nByte2 = asc( fread( nHandle,1 ) ) * 256
nByte3 = asc( fread( nHandle,1 ) ) * 256 * 256
nByte4 = asc( fread( nHandle,1 ) ) * 256 * 256 * 256
nResult = nByte1 + nByte2 + nByte3 + nByte4
RETURN (nResult)
*-- EoF: FReadI32()