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PCBoard Programming Language Executable
385 lines
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; P.P.L.X. 2.OO (C)1996 - Lone Runner / AEGiS CoRP'96
; PPE 1.OO (plain) - Analysis ON - Postprocessing ON
Boolean BOOLEAN007
String STRING008
String STRING009
String STRING010
String STRING011
String STRING012
String STRING013
String STRING014
String STRING015
String STRING016
String STRING017
Gosub LABEL020
GetToken STRING009
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "A") Goto LABEL002
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "B") Goto LABEL003
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "C") Goto LABEL004
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "D") Goto LABEL005
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "E") Goto LABEL006
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "F") Goto LABEL007
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "G") Goto LABEL008
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "H") Goto LABEL009
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "I") Goto LABEL010
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "J") Goto LABEL011
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "K") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL012
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "L") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL013
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "M") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL014
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "N") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL015
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "O") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL016
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "P") && Psa(3)) Goto LABEL017
If ((Strip(STRING009, " ") == "X") && Psa(1)) Goto LABEL018
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") == "V") Goto LABEL019
If (Strip(STRING009, " ") <> "") STRING009 = ""
STRING008 = ""
PrintLn "@X7F┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────@X70┐@X07"
PrintLn "@X7F│ @X70@SYSDATE:8@ @X7BW R I T E U S E R I N F O R M A T I O N @X70@SYSTIME:5@:04 │@X07"
PrintLn "@X7F└@X70─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘@X07"
PrintLn "@X70┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────@X7F┐@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EA@X71) Change your Password (@X7EF@X71) Clear the screen between each message @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EB@X71) Change City and State (@X7EG@X71) Scroll multi-screen messages @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EC@X71) Business or data phone (@X7EH@X71) Use long header when reading messages @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7ED@X71) Home or voice phone (@X7EI@X71) Full Screen Editor Default @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EE@X71) Brand of CPU you are using (@X7EJ@X71) Set editor workspace to 79 columns @X7F│@X07"
If (Psa(1) || Psa(3)) Then
PrintLn "@X70│ @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EK@X71) Street Address and Number (@X7EX@X71) Create or change your ALIAS name @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EL@X71) Suite or Apartment Number @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EM@X71) City, Town or Village @X08┌───────────────────────────────────────┐@X70 @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EN@X71) Province or State @X08│@X0F@USER:38C@@POS:77@@X08│@X70 @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EO@X71) Postal Zip Code @X08│ @X0E[@X0FExpire: @EXPDATE:8@@X0E] [@X0FDays Left: @EXPDAYS:3R@@X0E@POS:75@]@POS:77@@X08│@X70 @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X71(@X7EP@X71) Country or Region @X08└───────────────────────────────────────┘@X70 @X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70└@X7F─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘@X07"
InputStr "(@X0FV@X0E)iew, Write User Information Command", STRING008, 14, 1, Mask_Alpha(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 32
PrintLn "@X70└@X7F─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘@X07"
InputStr "(@X0FV@X0E)iew, Write User Information Command", STRING008, 14, 1, "abcdefghijqvABCDEFGHIJQV", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 32
If (STRING008 == "A") Gosub LABEL002
If (STRING008 == "B") Gosub LABEL003
If (STRING008 == "C") Gosub LABEL004
If (STRING008 == "D") Gosub LABEL005
If (STRING008 == "E") Gosub LABEL006
If (STRING008 == "F") Gosub LABEL007
If (STRING008 == "G") Gosub LABEL008
If (STRING008 == "H") Gosub LABEL009
If (STRING008 == "I") Gosub LABEL010
If (STRING008 == "J") Gosub LABEL011
If ((STRING008 == "K") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL012
If ((STRING008 == "L") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL013
If ((STRING008 == "M") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL014
If ((STRING008 == "N") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL015
If ((STRING008 == "O") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL016
If ((STRING008 == "P") && Psa(3)) Gosub LABEL017
If ((STRING008 == "X") && Psa(1)) Gosub LABEL018
If (STRING008 == "V") Gosub LABEL019
If (STRING008 == "Q") Goto LABEL021
If (STRING008 == "") Goto LABEL021
Goto LABEL001
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_A")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_A", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 152, STRING010, 13, Mask_Pwd(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 1 + 256
If (STRING010 == "") Return
PromptStr 111, STRING011, 13, Mask_Pwd(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 1
If (STRING010 <> STRING011) Then
DispText 110, 128 + 2048
Delay 30
BOOLEAN007 = 1
U_Pwd = STRING010
STRING010 = ""
STRING011 = ""
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_B")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_B", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 265, U_City, 24, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_C")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_C", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 113, U_BDPhone, 13, Mask_Num() + "-", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_D")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_D", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 114, U_HVPhone, 13, Mask_Num() + "-", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_E")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_E", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 2, U_Cmnt1, 30, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_F")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_F", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 556, STRING012, 1, "YN", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 16384
If (STRING012 == NoChar()) U_Cls = 0
If (STRING012 == YesChar()) U_Cls = 1
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_G")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_G", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 627, STRING013, 1, "YN", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 16384
If (STRING013 == NoChar()) U_Scroll = 0
If (STRING013 == YesChar()) U_Scroll = 1
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_H")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_H", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 628, STRING014, 1, "YN", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 16384
If (STRING014 == NoChar()) U_LongHDR = 0
If (STRING014 == YesChar()) U_LongHDR = 1
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_I")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_I", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 583, STRING015, 1, "YNA", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
Select Case (STRING015)
Case NoChar()
U_FSEP = 0
U_FSE = 0
Case YesChar()
U_FSEP = 0
U_FSE = 1
Case "A"
U_FSEP = 1
U_FSE = 0
End Select
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_J")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_J", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 637, STRING016, 1, "YN", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128 + 16384
If (STRING016 == NoChar()) U_Def79 = 0
If (STRING016 == YesChar()) U_Def79 = 1
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_K")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_K", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "Street Address and Number", U_Addr(0), 14, 50, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_L")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_L", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "Suite or Apartment Number", U_Addr(1), 14, 50, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_M")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_M", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "City, Town or Village", U_Addr(2), 14, 25, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_N")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_N", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "Province or State", U_Addr(3), 14, 10, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_O")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_O", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "Postal/Zip Code", U_Addr(4), 14, 10, Mask_Num() + "-", 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "WUI_P")) DispFile PPEPath() + "WUI_P", 4 + 2 + 1
InputStr "Country or Region", U_Addr(5), 14, 15, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
If ((ReadLine(PCBDat(), 259) == "0") && (U_Alias <> "")) Then
PrintLn "@X0CSorry, @FIRST@, You have already chosen an ALIAS name."
PrintLn "@X0EThe SysOp has disabled the ability to change your alias name. You may leave a"
PrintLn "@X0Ecomment to the System Operator to request a new alias name."
BOOLEAN007 = 1
If (Exist(PPEPath() + "ALIAS")) DispFile PPEPath() + "ALIAS", 4 + 2 + 1
PromptStr 690, U_Alias, 25, Mask_Ascii(), 2 + 4 + 8 + 128
If (U_RecNum(U_Alias) <> -1) Then
Newlines 2
DispText 256, 256 + 2048 + 64
BOOLEAN007 = 0
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
PrintLn "@X70┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────@X7F┐@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Security Level @X70: @X71" + String(U_Sec) + "@POS:51@@X74Expert Mode @X70: @X71" + STRING017 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Full Name @X70: @X71" + U_Name() + "@POS:51@@X74Protocol @X70: @X71" + U_Trans + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74City and State @X70: @X71" + U_City + "@POS:51@@X74Page Lenght @X70: @X71" + String(U_PageLen) + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Business Phone @X70: @X71" + U_BDPhone + "@POS:51@@X74Reg Ex Date @X70: @X71" + String(U_ExpDate) + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Home Phone @X70: @X71" + U_HVPhone + "@POS:51@@X74Days Left @X70: @X71" + "@EXPDAYS:3R@" + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Password @X70: @X71" + U_Pwd + "@POS:51@@X74Message Clear @X70: @X71" + STRING012 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74@POS:51@@X74Full Scrn Editor @X70: @X71" + STRING015 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Street Address @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(0), " ") + "@POS:51@@X7479-Column Editor @X70: @X71" + STRING016 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Suite or Apartment # @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(1), " ") + "@POS:51@@X74Scroll Long Msgs @X70: @X71" + STRING013 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74City/Town or Village @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(2), " ") + "@POS:51@@X74Long Headers @X70: @X71" + STRING014 + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Province or State @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(3), " ") + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Postal/Zip Code @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(4), " ") + "@POS:51@@X74Last Date on @X70: @X71" + String(U_LDate()) + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Country or Region @X70: @X71" + RTrim(U_Addr(5), " ") + "@POS:51@@X74Last Time on @X70: @X71" + String(U_LTime()) + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74@POS:51@Online Today @X70 : @X71" + String(U_TimeOn()) + " min.@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70│ @X74Current ALIAS Name @X70: @X71" + U_Alias + "@POS:79@@X7F│@X07"
PrintLn "@X70└@X7F─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘@X07"
If (STRING009 == "") Return
Goto LABEL021
If (U_Expert == 0) STRING017 = "OFF"
If (U_Expert == 1) STRING017 = "ON "
If (U_Cls == 0) STRING012 = NoChar()
If (U_Cls == 1) STRING012 = YesChar()
If ((U_FSEP == 0) && (U_FSE == 0)) STRING015 = NoChar()
If ((U_FSEP == 0) && (U_FSE == 1)) STRING015 = YesChar()
If ((U_FSEP == 1) && (U_FSE == 0)) STRING015 = "A"
If (U_Def79 == 0) STRING016 = NoChar()
If (U_Def79 == 1) STRING016 = YesChar()
If (U_Scroll == 0) STRING013 = NoChar()
If (U_Scroll == 1) STRING013 = YesChar()
If (U_LongHDR == 0) STRING014 = NoChar()
If (U_LongHDR == 1) STRING014 = YesChar()
If (BOOLEAN007 == 1) Then
If (STRING009 <> "") PrintLn
DispText 273, 256 + 128 + 2048
; Usage report (before postprocessing)
; ■ Statements used :
; 1 End
; 2 Cls
; 3 Wait
; 52 Goto
; 50 Let
; 45 PrintLn
; 105 If
; 17 DispFile
; 1 GetUser
; 1 PutUser
; 8 InputStr
; 19 Gosub
; 20 Return
; 12 PromptStr
; 1 Delay
; 1 Newlines
; 1 GetToken
; 3 DispText
; ■ Functions used :
; 1 -
; 197 +
; 86 ==
; 5 <>
; 8 !
; 18 &&
; 1 ||
; 6 RTrim()
; 1 U_Name()
; 1 U_LDate()
; 1 U_LTime()
; 1 U_TimeOn()
; 10 NoChar()
; 10 YesChar()
; 19 Strip()
; 6 String()
; 2 Mask_Pwd()
; 1 Mask_Alpha()
; 3 Mask_Num()
; 8 Mask_Ascii()
; 1 PCBDat()
; 34 PPEPath()
; 1 ReadLine()
; 17 Exist()
; 16 Psa()
; 1 U_RecNum()
; Analysis flags : WdH
; W - Write user ■ 5
; Program writes a user record. Although this may be normal for a
; User Editor, it may also be a way to modify an account level.
; ■ Search for : PUTUSER
; d - Access PCBOARD.DAT ■ 2
; Program gets the full pathname to PCBOARD.DAT, this may be usefull
; for many PPE so they can find various informations on the system
; (system paths, max number of lines in messages, ...) but it may also
; be a way to gather vital informations.
; ■ Search for : PCBDAT()
; H - Read Password or Password History ■ 5
; Program is reading the user's password or last password history
; This may be ok for a password manager, but it is very suspect. Check!
; ■ Search for : U_PWDHIST, U_PWD
; Postprocessing report
; 0 For/Next
; 0 While/EndWhile
; 5 If/Then or If/Then/Else
; 1 Select Case
; AEGiS Corp - Break the routines, code against the machines!