VERSION 1.00A<You're at LottoMATIC's main menu. Move the "highlighted"bar to the option of your choice and press CR to "pull" themenu down. You can also type the first letter of yourchoice to instantly jump to that choice.NumbersIn the Numbers menu you make your lottery "picks" (bothmanual and automatic). This menu also has options forentering the winning numbers and scanning your entries formatches.DatabaseIn this menu you'll find options for viewing, editing, anddeleting your "picks", "wins", and lottery history.ReportsThe Reports menu has options for printing your picks, thelottery history, and analyses of winning numbers.SetupThe Setup menu has many options: -- Select a "Quick Pick" Algorithm -- Enter your personal "Lucky Number" -- Setup up a screen-saving "blanker" -- Customize LottoMATIC's colors -- Customize LottoMATIC's special effects -- Set "date display and entry" options -- Set default options for report printing -- Enter titles for your reports -- Import "Winning Numbers" (lottery history) NUMBERSComputer Pick Use this option to have the computer pickfrom 1 to 5 plays (based on your selected Quick PickAlgorithm).Pick Your Own If you want to enter your own picks into thedatabase, use this option.High Roller If you're a "high roller", you can instruct thecomputer to select up to 100 picks at a time with thisoption.Enter Winning Numbers After each drawing, use this optionto enter the winning numbers (for scanning and trackingpurposes).Scan for Matches This option compares your plays againstthe winning numbers and identifies winning plays. DATABASEYour Plays With this option, you can edit or delete yourplays (entered under the "Numbers" menu).Winning Numbers Here you can edit or delete previousdrawings (entered under the "Numbers" menu).Your Wins Use this option to enter "prizes" received fromwinning plays (identified by "Scan for Matches" under the"Numbers" menu). REPORTSPrint Plays This report makes a hardcopy of your plays fora particular drawing date. It's useful for taking to yourretailer while purchasing actual play tickets.Winning Plays This report lists your winning plays.Win Analysis This report gives an analysis of your plays towin history.Drawing Analysis This report gives a statistical analysisof the numbers drawn. SETUPAlgorithm Select your "quick pick" algorithm here. This isthe algorithm the computer uses to generate numbers.Lucky Number Enter your personal "Lucky Number" here.LottoMATIC uses this number while generating a seed for itsinternal number generator.Screen Saver This option lets you activate the "screensaving" feature (which blanks the screen after a period ofkeyboard inactivity).Colors You can customize LottoMATIC's colors with thisoption.Special Effects You can customize LottoMATIC's specialeffects (such as the exploding windows) with this option.Date Formats You can specify a "date format" (such asMM/DD/YY or MMM DD, YYYY).Report Printing This option permits you to define reportprinting defaults (such as margins, setup strings, etc).Order Form This option helps you easily print a form toorder a registered copy of LottoMATIC.Yes or No, please. CALCULATORThis is LottoMATIC's pop-up calculator.You can scroll through the tape with the up and down arrowkeys, PgUp, and PgDn. The tape holds the last 100 linesentered.If you want to use the printer, make sure it is ready beforeyou press P. The calculator will then echo all output tothe printer.Also, LottoMATIC automatically asserts the "NUMLOCK" whenthe calculator is invoked so you may use the numeric keypadon the IBM PC (or compatibles).You can "paste" your calculated results into any data fieldin LottoMATIC by pressing F2. (Make sure the cursor is inthe field you want to paste to BEFORE you activate thecalculator). You can only paste results after you "total"(i.e. when the "ENTER" block in the calculator in notreverse video).Press ESC to exit the calculator and return to LottoMATIC.This is the "Screen-Save Setup"window. In this window, you canenable or disable the screen saverfeature. You can also indicate howlong that you want LottoMATIC to waitbefore it will blank the screen, andcustomize the message that LottoMATICdisplays while the screen saver isactive. Remember that the screen willonly go blank if no keyboard activityis detected for the indicated lengthof time.* NOTE: Delay times are approximate,and can vary based on CPU speed.You must press F10 to save your setupto the disk.After the screen blanks, LottoMATICwill display a slow-scrolling messageindicating that the screen savefeature is active. Press anycharacter key to restore the screen tonormal operation.If you have a color monitor, you cancustomize the screen colors in this window.Notice that LottoMATIC displays a "sample"window (so you can see what your colorchoices will look like). The cursor will bein the "window colors to customize" field.When you first enter the "color setupwindow", the window colors to customize willbe the "Main Colors". If you want tochange, say, the MENU colors, press alt-F10to pop-up the "window select" menu. Pick"Menu Colors" (and the "sample window" willchange to reflect the current menu colors).You can modify each window's foreground(bright characters), midground (dimcharacters), background color, and "reverse"color.For example, to modify a window's backgroundcolor, press F5 (and LottoMATIC will"toggle" the color). Keep pressing F5 untilyou find the color you want.Here are the color toggle keys:
F3 Toggle Foreground Color
F4 Toggle Midground Color
F5 Toggle Background Color
F6 Toggle "Reverse" ColorOnce you've setup all the colors (in all thewindows that you want to), press F10 to saveyour choices to disk. ESC returns you to the"Setup" menu.Select the window whose colors you want to modify.LottoMATIC has a lot of "bellsand whistles" which are fun towatch and pleasing to use. Somepeople, however, would prefer tomodify or turn off theiroperation.You can modify the way LottoMATICopens and closes "windows" inthis window.If you don't want LottoMATIC togive an audible "opening window"click, then set the "do you wantsound effects" field to "NO".If you want the windows to"explode" and "implode", thenleave the "do you want explodingwindows" field "YES". Otherwisemark it "NO".You can even set the speed forthe exploding and imploding inthe "speed for explodingwindows". Set this field to"zero" for the fastest windows.Numbers 1 through 9 willgradually decrease the explodingspeed. This field will have noeffect if you have explodingwindows turned off!Remember to press F10 if you wantto save your setups to disk.This is the "Date Format" window.Date Format You can pick from a variety of "date formats". LottoMATIC will display all dates in this form. This is a "menu field", so you can press alt-F10 or the middle button on the mouse to pop-up a menu of choices. You can enter free-format no matter which format you choose. LottoMATIC will rearrange the date to match your format.Separator Some of the date formats have "separators". For instance, 7/05/90 uses a "/" for a separator. You can change that separator here. * NOTE: If you choose the minus sign ("-") as a separator, you won't be able to use the minus sign to "decrement" the date while you're entering or editing.To save your default options to disk, press F10. ESCreturns you to the "Setup" menu.LottoMATIC has many options for controlling the output andformat of printed reports.Margins You can set the "margins" (top, bottom, left, and right). Express the top and bottom margins as a number of lines, and the left and right margins as a number of characters. * NOTE: LottoMATIC assumes that you're using "fixed width" fonts for your reports (rather than proportionally spaced fonts). Most printers do use (or at least have the option to use) fixed width fonts. LottoMATIC does not support "postscript" printers at this time.Paper Sizes Paper size is a function of the number of lines per page you can print and the number of characters on each line. These numbers are absolute (i.e. they include margins). Most printers put 66 lines on a page. Many laser printers, however, require built-in top and bottom margins. The Hewlett Packard LaserJet, for example, can only print 60 lines per page. The number of characters per line you print will usually be determined by either the width of the paper (most paper is 8.5" wide) or by the "pitch" of the print. For instance, if your printer has a "compressed" mode (17 characters per inch), you can print 132 characters on a standard letter-sized sheet of paper. * NOTE: You can use the "Printer Setup Strings" (discussed below) to "command" your printer into compressed mode.Page Control You can tell LottoMATIC to "pause" after each page to let you feed paper (if you're not using a laser printer or continuous feed paper).Printer Port LottoMATIC lets you direct your printed reports to LPT1, LPT2, COM1, or COM2. Set your printer port in the "Printer Port for Reports" field. (This is a "menu field", so press alt-F10 or the center mouse button to "pop" the menu up).Setup Strings LottoMATIC lets you define printer "setup" and "exit" strings to control such things as margins, character pitch, attributes, etc. LottoMATIC sends the "setup" strings to your printer before it starts the report and the "exit" strings after the report is completed. For instance, you may want to "command" your printer to print 17 characters per inch for some of the reports. You would enter the proper "control codes" in the "Printer Setup Strings" field. You'll probably want to use the "exit" strings to reset your printer (for normal operation). The printer control codes can be found in your printer manual. The format for entry is \<decimal code>\<decimal code>\.... The back-slashes delimit the codes. Here is an example: \27\85 This string represents an <ESC> 'U'. (That's an escape-capital-U). This is a popular means of defining printer codes.To save your default options to disk, press F10. ESCreturns you to the "Setup" menu.Here you tell LottoMATICwhich "port" your printeris connected to.Select the "date format"you want LottoMATIC touse as its default.This window produces a form onyour printer that you can use toorder registered copies ofLottoMATIC.Thank you for your support!-- Tim Bougan Author of LottoMATICEnter the date of the drawing you'reinterested in. Most states draw onSaturday evenings, but some haveadditional drawings during the week.Time Saver! --> The PgDn key willautomatically advance the date to thenext "drawing date". Likewise, PgUpwill find the previous "drawingdate".Select the number of panels youwant to play (from 1 to 5) and thenpress F3 to have the computergenerate the numbers.Be sure and press F10 to save yourpicks into the "Your Play"database.First, select the number of panelsyou want to play. Then fill in thenumbers.Be sure and press F10 to save yourpicks into the "Your Play"database.First, enter the number of playsyou desire. Then press F3 togenerate the numbers. Oncegenerated, press F10 to save themin the database.Repeat the procedure to enteradditional plays.First, enter the date of thedrawing. Remember that the PgUpand PgDn keys find the previous andnext drawing dates automatically.Next, enter the actual winningnumbers and press F10 to save themin the "Winning Numbers" database.Use the PgUp and PgDn keys to moveforward and backwards through the drawingdates previously entered. Then press F10or CR to scan for matches and possiblewinning combinations.Winning combinations will appear in the"Your Wins" database.Select the play you want toedit or delete by placingthe highlighted bar over itand pressing CR.You can move through thedatabase with the arrowkeys, PgUp, PgDn, Home, andEnd.Select the drawing you want toedit or delete by placing thehighlighted bar over it andpressing CR.You can move through the databasewith the arrow keys, PgUp, PgDn,Home, and End.Select a winning playby placing thehighlighted bar over itand pressing CR. Youcan then enter anyprizes received forthat play.You can move throughthe database with thearrow keys, PgUp, PgDn,Home, and End.Make the changes you want and pressF10 to save them, or press F9 todelete this play.ESC returns you to the database menu.Make the changes you want and pressF10 to save them, or press F9 todelete this draw.ESC returns you to the database menu.Enter or edit the prize for this win,then press F10 to save.ESC returns you to the database menu.Select printing to either thescreen or the printer, and thenpress CR.This report is a listing of your plays on a particulardrawing date.This report is a listing of your winning plays.This report lists some statistics generated by comparingyour "win history" with your "play history".This report lists some interesting statistics about theactual drawings (and the frequency that the balls appear).Select the algorithm you wantLottoMATIC to use while generatingpicks by placing the highlighted barover your choice. Press F10 to saveyour choice.Most Picked Statistical Thisalgorithm tracks which numbersappear most frequently, and slowlyincreases their occurance in thecomputer generated picks. Thismethod assumes that inherent biasesexist in the drawing machines.Least Picked Statistical Thisalgorithm tracks which numbers occurleast frequently, and slowlyincreases their occurance in thecomputer generated picks. Thismethod assumes that numbers thathave not appeared or have appearedinfrequently are "overdue" and henceare more likely to appear.Random (Gaussian Bell) This methodgenerates numbers at random, anddiscounts any past drawing history.Enter your personal "LuckyNumber" (between 1 and 999).Press F10 to save your choice.LottoMATIC uses this numberwhile generating a seed forits internal number generator.Every quick pick algorithm,including the "most" and"least" picked, use thisgenerator.Enter text here that you want LottoMATIC to print at the topof every report. The lines will be automatically centeredas you type (and in each report).Press F10 to save your entries.LottoMATIC has the ability to "import" lottery history froman ASCII text file. You'll find this useful if you want toenter a lot of previous winning numbers, but don't want tokey them in one at a time.The text file can have any name, but make sure it's free of"strange" characters. That is, if you use a word processorto create the file, be sure and save it as a straight ASCIIfile (without the word processor's formatting characters).Each line of the file must contain the date of the drawingand the numbers drawn on that date. For example: Dec 14, 1991 1,5,17,28,31,41is a valid entry. The date can be in almost any format (aslong as you have some sort of delimiter between the month,day, and year). Usually, the month precedes the day(although if the day is greater than 12, LottoMATIC willfigure that out even if it precedes the month).The numbers must have at least one non-numeric delimiterbetween them (a space is OK). Here are some valid examplesof lines in the file: 12/14/91 11 2 13 34 15 6 19 Dec 1991 4/5/12/19/23/40 12-26-91 12,5,17,43,2,11Notice that the numbers don't necessarily have to be inorder, LottoMATIC will sort them for you. The entries don'tneed to be in date sequence either.LottoMATIC checks each entry as it imports. If the date youentered is already in the database, LottoMATIC rejects it.Also, if any of the numbers are out of range, if you haveduplicate numbers (and duplicates are not allowed), or ifthe date is not a "drawing day", the entry will be rejected.