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This is a maintnance release. Quite a few incompatibilities have been
resolved, and a number of bugs squashed. DWHOST works with many modems
it would not work with before. Printer redirection has some bugs fixed in
it, as does DWCOMM and DOORWAY.
If you are upgrading a registered copy of DOORWAY then MAKE SURE you know
your registration number BEFORE copying the DOORWAY.EXE file over the old
copy. If you can't find your registration number, then you can type
DOORWAY REGISTER on you OLD COPY of DOORWAY, and it will tell you it's
registration name and number.
This package contains several programs. DOORWAY can be set up to turn
programs into DOORS on BBS's, and to allow remote access to either a
BBS or a computer at home or business. The following major executable
files are provided:
DOORWAY.EXE This is the main redirection program.
DWHOST.COM This program will answer the phone and pass control
to DOORWAY for remote access applications.
DWCOMM.EXE The com program to call in with.
If all you are wanting to do is set up a remote system to call into later,
do the following:
Run install, and answer the questions.
log into subdirectory you logged into.
Make any necessary changes to the set-up.
F10 to save.
Press F1 or F2 to exit.
End your autoexec.bat file with \DWHOST\HOST if you wish the computer
to boot into the HOST mode.
When you are ready to bring up the HOST to receive calls, type HOST. You
MUST run the HOST.BAT file. If you run DWHOST from the command line it will
not work correctly. Call in with DWCOMM or your favorite communications
program. I recommend QMODEM, GT Power Com TELIX and so forth. Once you have
called in, entered your password and been dropped to dos, enter DOORWAY mode
on the remote end (ALT = on most com programs, CONTROL DOWN ARROW GT, not
applicable to DWCOMM) so all the keys will work over the modem. DOORWAY will
toggle between BIOS and DIRECT SCREEN write mode by entering the control
character you defined in the installation from remote. If you are not getting
anything on the remote end, enter this character to switch over to DIRECT
SCREEN WRITE mode. Enter it twice to redraw the screen.
To transfer a file while in DOS, make sure you have a copy of DWXFER.EXE on
the remote (in the path) and HOST end. Then either shell to DOS on the remote
and enter DWXFER REMOTE, or install it as an external protocol, so that when
you do a download it will shell to dos and execute DWXFER REMOTE. If you are
calling in with DWCOMM simply select the DWXFER option.
Type exit when through to end the call and bring DWHOST back up for the next
If carrier is lost in DOS, DOORWAY will bring DWHOST back up again.
For more information read the DWCOMM.DOC, DWHOST.DOC and DOORWAY.DOC.
If you are running something out of the ordinary then you will need to read
the DOC's. If you are wanting to use DOORWAY with a bulletin board to create
DOORS then you will need to read the DOORWAY.DOC file.