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// DSTRING.H - Support for delphi strings in C++
// (AnsiString and template<sz> SmallString)
// $Revision: $
// $Date: 14 Dec 1999 17:58:10 $
// Copyright (c) 1997, 1999 Borland International
#ifndef DSTRING_H
#define DSTRING_H
#pragma delphiheader begin
#include <sysmac.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
namespace System
class TVarRec;
class RTL_DELPHIRETURN Currency;
class RTL_DELPHIRETURN WideString;
// AnsiString: String class compatible with Delphi's Native 'string' type
friend AnsiString __fastcall operator +(const char*, const AnsiString& rhs);
// the TStringFloatFormat enum is used by FloatToStrF
enum TStringFloatFormat
{sffGeneral, sffExponent, sffFixed, sffNumber, sffCurrency};
static AnsiString __fastcall StringOfChar(char ch, int count);
static AnsiString __fastcall LoadStr(int ident);
static AnsiString __fastcall LoadStr(HINSTANCE hInstance, int ident);
static AnsiString __fastcall FmtLoadStr(int ident, const TVarRec *args,
int size);
AnsiString& __fastcall LoadString(HINSTANCE hInstance, int ident);
// Delphi style 'Format'
static AnsiString __fastcall Format(const AnsiString& format,
const TVarRec *args, int size);
// C style 'sprintf' (NOTE: Target buffer is the string)
AnsiString& __cdecl sprintf(const char* format, ...); // Returns *this
int __cdecl printf(const char* format, ...); // Returns formatted length
int __cdecl vprintf(const char* format, va_list); // Returns formatted length
// Like above, but appends to the string rather than overwrite
AnsiString& __cdecl cat_sprintf(const char* format, ...); // Returns *this
int __cdecl cat_printf(const char* format, ...); // Returns formatted length
int __cdecl cat_vprintf(const char* format, va_list); // Returns formatted length
static AnsiString __fastcall FormatFloat(const AnsiString& format,
const long double& value);
static AnsiString __fastcall FloatToStrF(long double value,
TStringFloatFormat format, int precision, int digits);
static AnsiString __fastcall IntToHex(int value, int digits);
static AnsiString __fastcall CurrToStr(Currency value);
static AnsiString __fastcall CurrToStrF(Currency value,
TStringFloatFormat format, int digits);
// Constructors
__fastcall AnsiString(): Data(0) {}
__fastcall AnsiString(const char* src);
__fastcall AnsiString(const AnsiString& src);
// __fastcall AnsiString(const char* src, unsigned char len);
__fastcall AnsiString(const char* src, unsigned int len);
__fastcall AnsiString(const wchar_t* src);
__fastcall AnsiString(char src);
__fastcall AnsiString(short);
__fastcall AnsiString(unsigned short);
__fastcall AnsiString(int src);
__fastcall AnsiString(unsigned int);
__fastcall AnsiString(long);
__fastcall AnsiString(unsigned long);
__fastcall AnsiString(__int64);
__fastcall AnsiString(unsigned __int64);
__fastcall AnsiString(double src);
__fastcall AnsiString(const WideString &src);
// Destructor
__fastcall ~AnsiString();
// Assignments
AnsiString& __fastcall operator =(const AnsiString& rhs);
AnsiString& __fastcall operator +=(const AnsiString& rhs);
// Comparisons
bool __fastcall operator ==(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
bool __fastcall operator !=(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
bool __fastcall operator <(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
bool __fastcall operator >(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
bool __fastcall operator <=(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
bool __fastcall operator >=(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
int __fastcall AnsiCompare(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
int __fastcall AnsiCompareIC(const AnsiString& rhs) const; //ignorecase
// Accessing character at specified index
char __fastcall operator [](const int idx) const
ThrowIfOutOfRange(idx); // Should Range-checking be optional to avoid overhead ??
return Data[idx-1];
// The use of a proxy class optimizes the case where Unique() must be called
// when accessing the string via the subscript operator. However, the use of
// of the proxy class has some drawbacks. First, it breaks code that apply
// operators to the return value. For example, &MyString[i]. Second, it
// fails in cases where a implicit conversion was relied upon. For example,
// callFuncThatTakesAnObjectWithACharCtr(MyString[i]);
// In that case, two implicit conversions would be required...
// The first issue can be remedied by enhancing the proxy class to support
// all valid operators. The second issue can be lessened but not completely
// eliminated. Hence, the use of the PROXY class is not the default!
class TCharProxy;
friend TCharProxy;
class TCharProxy
TCharProxy(AnsiString& strRef, int index) : m_Ref(strRef), m_Index(index) {}
TCharProxy& operator=(char c) { m_Ref.Unique(); m_Ref.Data[m_Index-1] = c; return *this; }
operator char() const { return m_Ref.Data[m_Index-1]; }
AnsiString& m_Ref;
int m_Index;
TCharProxy __fastcall operator [](const int idx)
ThrowIfOutOfRange(idx); // Should Range-checking be optional to avoid overhead ??
return TCharProxy(*this, idx);
char& __fastcall operator [](const int idx)
ThrowIfOutOfRange(idx); // Should Range-checking be optional to avoid overhead ??
Unique(); // Ensure we're not ref-counted
return Data[idx-1];
// Concatenation
AnsiString __fastcall operator +(const AnsiString& rhs) const;
// C string operator
char* __fastcall c_str() const { return (Data)? Data: "";}
// Read access to raw Data ptr. Will be NULL for an empty string.
const void* __fastcall data() const { return Data; }
// Query attributes of string
int __fastcall Length() const;
bool __fastcall IsEmpty() const { return Data == NULL; }
// Make string unique (refcnt == 1)
AnsiString& __fastcall Unique();
// Modify string
AnsiString& __fastcall Insert(const AnsiString& str, int index);
AnsiString& __fastcall Delete(int index, int count);
AnsiString& __fastcall SetLength(int newLength);
int __fastcall Pos(const AnsiString& subStr) const;
AnsiString __fastcall LowerCase() const;
AnsiString __fastcall UpperCase() const;
AnsiString __fastcall Trim() const;
AnsiString __fastcall TrimLeft() const;
AnsiString __fastcall TrimRight() const;
AnsiString __fastcall SubString(int index, int count) const;
int __fastcall ToInt() const;
int __fastcall ToIntDef(int defaultValue) const;
double __fastcall ToDouble() const;
// Convert to Unicode
int __fastcall WideCharBufSize() const;
wchar_t* __fastcall WideChar(wchar_t* dest, int destSize) const;
// MBCS support
enum TStringMbcsByteType
{mbSingleByte, mbLeadByte, mbTrailByte};
TStringMbcsByteType __fastcall ByteType(int index) const;
bool __fastcall IsLeadByte(int index) const;
bool __fastcall IsTrailByte(int index) const;
bool __fastcall IsDelimiter(const AnsiString& delimiters, int index) const;
bool __fastcall IsPathDelimiter(int index) const;
int __fastcall LastDelimiter(const AnsiString& delimiters) const;
int __fastcall AnsiPos(const AnsiString& subStr) const;
char* __fastcall AnsiLastChar() const;
void ThrowIfOutOfRange(int idx) const;
struct StrRec {
int allocSiz;
int refCnt;
int length;
const StrRec &GetRec() const;
StrRec &GetRec();
// assert(offsetof(AnsiString, Data) == 0);
char *Data;
extern AnsiString __fastcall operator +(const char*, const AnsiString&);
#if defined(VCL_IOSTREAM)
// see <sysclass.h>
ostream& operator << (ostream& os, const AnsiString& arg);
istream& operator >> (istream& is, AnsiString& arg);
#if !defined(__CODEGUARD__)
// Codeguard is not very happy about our "reverse indexing" of the
// Data pointer. We'll address this by violating the ODR: when
// Codeguard compile checks are enabled, these methods will not be
// inlined. When building dstring.cpp, __DSTRING_INLINE will be
// defined to generate out-of-line implementations of these methods.
#if !defined(__DSTRING_INLINE)
#define __DSTRING_INLINE inline
__DSTRING_INLINE const AnsiString::StrRec &AnsiString::GetRec() const
return reinterpret_cast<const StrRec *>(Data)[-1];
__DSTRING_INLINE AnsiString::StrRec &AnsiString::GetRec()
return reinterpret_cast<StrRec *>(Data)[-1];
__DSTRING_INLINE int __fastcall AnsiString::Length() const
return (Data)? GetRec().length : 0;
#endif // !defined(__CODEGUARD__)
// SmallStringBase
template <unsigned char sz> class SmallStringBase
unsigned char Len;
char Data[sz];
// SmallString
template <unsigned char sz> class SmallString : SmallStringBase<sz>
__fastcall SmallString() { Len = 0; }
__fastcall SmallString(const SmallString& src);
__fastcall SmallString(const char* src);
__fastcall SmallString(const AnsiString& src)
long len = src.Length();
Len = (unsigned char)((len > sz)? sz: len);
strncpy(Data, src.c_str(), Len);
char& __fastcall operator [](const unsigned char idx)
{return Data[idx-1];}
SmallString& __fastcall operator =(const SmallString& rhs);
__fastcall operator AnsiString() const;
// used when SmallStrings are in unions (can't have a ctor)
// must cast DummySmallString to SmallString to do anything useful
template<unsigned char sz> __fastcall
SmallString<sz>::SmallString(const char* src)
long len = strlen(src);
Len = (unsigned char)((len > sz)? sz: len);
strncpy(Data, src, Len);
template<unsigned char sz> __fastcall
SmallString<sz>::SmallString(const SmallString& src)
Len = src.Len;
for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
Data[i] = src.Data[i];
template<unsigned char sz> SmallString<sz>& __fastcall
SmallString<sz>::operator =(const SmallString& rhs)
if (this != &rhs)
Len = rhs.Len;
for (int i = 0; i < Len; i++)
Data[i] = rhs.Data[i];
return *this;
template<unsigned char sz>
inline __fastcall SmallString<sz>::operator AnsiString() const
return AnsiString(Data, Len);
#if defined(VCL_IOSTREAM)
// see sysclass.h
template<unsigned char sz>
ostream& operator <<(ostream& os, const SmallString<sz>& arg);
template<unsigned char sz>
istream& operator >>(istream& is, SmallString<sz>& arg);
using namespace System;
// The following is provided for backward compatibility.
// Otherwise, the new IntToStr(__int64) causes ambiguity for old code
// that used other integral types.
namespace Sysutils
extern PACKAGE AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(int Value)/* overload */;
extern PACKAGE AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(__int64 Value)/* overload */;
#pragma option push -w-inl
inline AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(bool value)
return Sysutils::IntToStr(int(value));
inline AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(unsigned int value)
return Sysutils::IntToStr(int(value));
inline AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(long value)
return Sysutils::IntToStr(int(value));
inline AnsiString __fastcall IntToStr(unsigned long value)
return Sysutils::IntToStr(int(value));
#pragma option pop
#pragma delphiheader end.
#endif // DSTRING_H