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233 lines
(set #ver (/ @installer-version 65536))
(set #inst1 "Heretic_IIA")
(if (>= #ver 44)
(effect "lower_right" "radial" $C85037 $000000)
(showmedia "symbol" "Heretic_IIA:Installer Data/backdrop.iff" "center" "none" 0)
(if (< #ver 43)
(exit "Your Installer is too old. Get a new version from Aminet" (quiet))
(if (= @language "deutsch")
(set #choice-yes "\x1B[2pJa")
(set #choice-no "Nein")
(set #welcome-prompt (cat
"Willkommen zum Heretic 2 Update Installations-Programm. Es wird Sie schrittweise "
"durch die Installation führen. Wenn Sie Probleme bekommen, können Sie durch "
"den Hilfe-Knopf weitere Informationen erhalten.\n"
"Bitte wählen Sie nun den Installations-Modus."
(set #licence-msg (cat
"Bitte bestätigen Sie, daß sie die Lizenz gelesen und verstanden haben "
"und sie akzeptieren."
(set #licence-accept "\x1B[2pIch stimme der Lizenz zu")
(set #licence-reject "Ich stimme der Lizenz nicht zu")
(set #not-installed "Heretic II muss installiert sein, um das Update zu installieren.")
(set #extract-base "Programm-Dateien werden auf die Festplatte kopiert...")
(set #finish-msg "Das Heretic II Update wurde in der Schublade %s erfolgreich installiert\n")
(set #see-readme "\x1B[2pEinen Blick auf die LIESMICH-Datei werfen")
(set #register-msg (cat
"Um die Installation abzuschließen werden Sie jetzt nach Ihrer Serien-Nummer und "
"Benutzer-Informationen wie Namen und Anschrift gefragt. Sie müssen dies ausfüllen "
"um den Kundendienst in Anspruch zu nehmen. Geben Sie die Seriennummer sehr sorgfältig "
"und genau so wie abgedruckt ein (einschließlich der Bindestriche), da die Installation "
"ansonsten nicht funktioniert."
(set #not-successful "Die Heretic II Installation war nicht erfolgreich. Bitte wiederholen Sie diese, bevor Sie das Update installieren.")
(set #copy-docs "Die Dokumentation ins HereticII Directory installieren ?")
(set #copying-docs "Kopiere Update-Dokumentation...")
(set #choice-yes "\x1B[2pYes")
(set #choice-no "No")
(set #welcome-prompt (cat
"Welcome to the Heretic 2 Update Installation Program. This Utility "
"will guide you through the Installation in a step-by-step "
"process. At any time, "
"if you're stuck, you can press the help button to get more detailed "
"information. \n"
"Please indicate your level of expertise."
(set #licence-msg (cat
"Please confirm that you have read and understood the licence agreement "
"and that you accept it"
(set #licence-accept "\x1B[2pI have read and accepted the licence agreement")
(set #licence-reject "I do not accept the licence agreement")
(set #copy-movies (cat
"Since there is enough free space on your partition, you might want to also copy "
"the movie files to your harddisk, although this is not really required if you have "
"a 4x or faster CD-Rom drive.\nDo you want to install the movie files(approx. 100 MB)?"
(set #not-installed "Heretic II needs to be installed to install the update.")
(set #extract-base "Copying program files to your harddisk...")
(set #finish-msg "The Heretic II update has been installed to %s\n on your system")
(set #see-readme "\x1B[2pHave a look at the README-File")
(set #register-msg (cat
"To conclude the installation process you will be asked for your serial number and "
"user information, like name, address, city and country. You must fill them "
"in, otherwise we will not be able to answer your support questions. "
"Be very careful to type in the serial number as it is printed, including "
"dashes, otherwise your installation will not work."
(set #not-successful "Heretic II Installation was unsuccessfull. Please reinstall the game before installing the update.")
(set #copy-docs "Do you want to install the documentation into the Heretic II Directory ?")
(set #copying-docs "Copying Update-Documentation...")
(procedure P_BuildCommandline arg1
(set #cmdline
"c/hUnpackH2 -archive \""
"\" -dest \""
(getenv "HereticII/InstallationPath")
(procedure P_DoRegister
(message #register-msg)
(set #cmdline (cat
"Heretic_IIA:C/RegisterGUI \""
(tackon @default-dest "quake2.dll")
"\" "
(set #retval
(run #cmdline
(help @run-help)
(if (= #retval 10)
(exit "Internal Error during registering. Please contact tech suport" (quiet))
(if (= #retval 20)
(exit #user-abort (quiet))
(procedure P_AskDisk
(set #curvol #inst1)
(set #curvol (cat #curvol ":"))
(welcome #welcome-prompt)
(complete 0)
(set #flag (exists "ENV:HereticII/InstallationPath"))
(if (= #flag 1)
(set @default-dest (getenv "HereticII/InstallationPath"))
(if (exists (tackon @default-dest "installer-cookie"))
(exit #not-successful (quiet))
(exit #not-installed (quiet))
(dest (tackon @default-dest "update-cookie"))
(append "I am a cookie. Bite me")
(if (>= #ver 44)
(showmedia 'license' 'LICENSE' 'upper_right' 'medium' 1 'wordwrap')
(run "sys:Utilities/Multiview LICENSE")
(set #flag
(prompt #licence-msg)
(help @askchoice-help)
(default 0)
(choices #licence-accept #licence-reject)
(if (= #flag 1) (exit (quiet)))
(if (>= #ver 44) (closemedia license))
(set #dest-dir @default-dir)
(complete 20)
(P_BuildCommandLine "update.hpa")
(working #extract-base)
(set #status
(run #cmdline
(help @run-help)
(if (= #status 2)
(exit #user-abort (quiet))
(complete 50)
(set #opts
(help @askchoice-help)
(prompt #copy-docs)
(choices #choice-yes #choice-no)
(default 0)
(if (= #opts 0)
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/Update_Docs.htm")))
(copyfiles (source"update-docs/Update_Docs.htm") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/Tweaking.htm")))
(copyfiles (source"update-docs/Tweaking.htm") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/thf_install.htm")))
(copyfiles (source"update-docs/thf_install.htm") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/warpos_install.htm")))
(copyfiles (source"update-docs/warpos_install.htm") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(complete 80)
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/README")))
(copyfiles (source"README") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(if (not(exists(tackon @default-dest "update-docs/LICENSE")))
(copyfiles (source"LICENSE") (dest (tackon @default-dest "update-docs")))
(complete 100)
(delete (tackon @default-dest "update-cookie"))
(set #opts
(help @askoptions-help)
(prompt (#finish-msg @default-dest))
(choices #see-readme)
(default 1)
(if (IN #opts 0)
(if (>= #ver 44)
(showmedia "readme" "README" "upper_right" "medium" 1)
(run "sys:Utilities/Multiview README")