Mega CD-ROM 1
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Assembly Source File
336 lines
page ,132
title hercdemo - quick and dirty herc demo
; Hercdemo - (c) 1986 by Reid Brown, P.O. Box 1023, Issaquah, WA. 98027
; This is a quick and dirty program to show off the Hercules
; board. I place if freely into the public domain so others
; can diddle their Herc boards as well, so long as it is not
; used for any commercial purposes.
message macro row,col,string
mov cx,row
mov bx,col
mov si,offset string
call print
hdraw macro row,col,len
mov cx,row
mov bx,col
mov dx,len
call hline
vdraw macro row,col,len
mov cx,row
mov bx,col
mov dx,len
call vline
code segment
assume cs:code, ds:code, es:code, ss:code
org 100h
start: jmp begin
IBMROM equ 0F000h
HERCSEG equ 0B800h
STRING1 db 'A funny thing happened on the way to the forum.',0
STRING2 db 'You, too, can have a rewarding career in computers...',0
STRING3 db 'Strike any key to proceed...',0
CON8 db 8
CON180 db 180
begin proc near
mov dx, MODEPORT ; select herc mode port
mov al, 08Ah
out dx, al ; graphics mode, video on, page 1
call graphics ; set 6845 for graphics
call clear ; clear screen RAM
vdraw 10,5,20 ; draw a vertical
vdraw 10,65,20 ; - hopefully, a box!
hdraw 10,6,60 ; draw a line
hdraw 30,6,60 ; and another
message 12,29,STRING0 ; 1st message
message 17,10,STRING1 ; 2nd message
message 23,10,STRING2 ; 3nd message
message 29,20,STRING3 ; ...
; done - clean up and reset
mov ax, 0C07h ; flush buffer, read char
int 21h ; wait for any input
call text ; reset 6845
mov dx, MODEPORT ; select herc mode port
mov al, 00001000B ; re-enable mono
out dx, al
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h ; exit
begin endp
; print - print text in graphics mode
; cx = row
; bx = column
; si = address of string (null terminated) to print
print proc near
loop: lodsb ; get next char
or al, al ; end of display?
je pdone
call display
inc bx ; bump to next column
jmp loop
pdone: ret
print endp
; display - output an 8x8 character from the IBM ROM to the Herc board
; AX = char, BX = column (0-89), CX = row(0-42) ** all preserved **
display proc near
push ds ; save the lot
push es
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx
push si
push di
; setup ds -> IBM ROM, and si -> index into IBM ROM character table located
; at 0fa6eh in the ROM
and ax, 07fh
mul CS:CON8 ; mult by 8 bytes of table per char
mov si, ax
mov ax, IBMROM
mov ds, ax
assume ds:nothing
add si, CHARTAB ; add offset of character table
; compute index into Hercules screen memory for scan line 0. The remaining
; seven scan lines are all at fixed offsets from the first.
; Since graphics mode treats the screen as sets of 16x4 "characters",
; we need to map an 8x8 real character onto the front or back of
; a pair of graphics "characters". The first four scan lines of our
; 8x8 character will map to the top graphics "character", and the second
; four scan lines map to the graphics character on the "line" (4 scan
; lines high) below it.
; For some exotic hardware reason (probably speed), all scan line 0
; bits (i.e. every fourth scan line) are stored in memory locations
; 0-2000h in the screen buffer. All scan line 1 bits are stored
; 2000h-4000h. Within these banks, they are stored by rows. The first
; scan line on the screen (scan line 0 of graphics character row 0)
; is the first 45 words of memory in the screen buffer. The next 45
; words are the first scan line graphics row 1, and since graphics
; "characters" are 4 bits high, this second scan line is physically
; the fifth scan line displayed on the screen.
; SO, to display an 8x8 character, the 1st and 5th rows of dots are
; both scan line 0 of the graphics "character", the 2nd and 6th are
; scan line 1, and so on.
; The column (0-89) tells which byte in a scan line we need to load.
; Since it takes two rows of graphics characters to hold one row of
; our characters, column+90 is a index to scan line 4 rows of pixels
; higher (n+4). Thus 180 bytes of screen memory in any bank (0h, 2000h,
; 4000h, 6000h) represent a row of 8x8 characters.
; The starting location in screen memory for the first scan line of
; a character to be displayed will be: (row*180)+column
; The 5th scan line will be at: (row*180)+column+90
; The second and 6th scan lines will be at the above offsets plus
; the bank offset of 2000h. The third and 7th, add 4000h and finally
; the 4th and 8th, add 6000h.
mov ax, HERCSEG
mov es, ax ; es = hercules page 0
mov ax, cx ; get row
mul CS:CON180 ; mult by 180(10)
mov di, ax ; di = index reg
cld ; insure right direction
;output 8 segments of character to video ram
lodsb ; line 0
mov es:[di+bx], al
mov es:[di+bx+2000h], al ; line 1
mov es:[di+bx+4000h], al ; line 2
mov es:[di+bx+6000h], al ; line 3
mov es:[di+bx+90], al ; line 4
mov es:[di+bx+2000h+90], al ; line 5
mov es:[di+bx+4000h+90], al ; line 6
mov es:[di+bx+6000h+90], al ; line 7
pop di
pop si
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
pop es
pop ds
display endp
; clear - clear page 1 of the screen buffer to zero (effectively, blank
; the screen)
clear proc
push es
push ax
push cx
push di
mov ax, HERCSEG
mov es, ax
xor di, di
mov cx, 4000h
xor ax, ax
rep stosw ; zero out screen page
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
pop es
clear endp
; hline - draw a horizontal line at scan line 0 of a specified 8x8 character
; cell sized row, for a specified no. of characters
; cx = row
; bx = col
; dx = len
hline proc near
push es
push ax
push cx
push di
mov ax,cx ; copy to accum for multiply
mul cs:CON180 ; mult by 180 to get offset
mov di,ax ; copy to dest ptr
add di,bx ; add column offset
mov cx,dx ; put byte count in count reg
mov ax, HERCSEG
mov es, ax
mov ax, 0ffh ; pattern = all bits ON
rep stosb ; put bits on screen
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
pop es
hline endp
; vline - draw a vertical line in the last bit position of a given char
; cell, extending downward for a specified no. of chars
; cx = row
; bx = col
; dx = len
vline proc near
push es
push ax
push cx
push di
mov ax,cx ; copy to accum for multiply
mul cs:CON180 ; mult by 180 to get offset
mov di,ax ; copy to dest ptr
mov cx,dx ; put byte count in count reg
mov ax, HERCSEG
mov es, ax
mov ax, 1 ; pattern = last bit on
vloop: mov es:[di+bx], al
mov es:[di+bx+2000h], al ; line 1
mov es:[di+bx+4000h], al ; line 2
mov es:[di+bx+6000h], al ; line 3
mov es:[di+bx+90], al ; line 4
mov es:[di+bx+2000h+90], al ; line 5
mov es:[di+bx+4000h+90], al ; line 6
mov es:[di+bx+6000h+90], al ; line 7
add di,180 ; advance to next line
loop vloop ; continue for all rows
pop di
pop cx
pop ax
pop es
vline endp
graphics proc near
mov si, offset graph_parms
g_cont: mov dx, 3b4h ; point to index reg
mov cx, 16
xor ax, ax
g_loop: mov al, ah
out dx, al
inc dx
mov al, [si]
out dx, al
dec dx
inc ah
inc si
loop g_loop
graph_parms db 35h,2dh,2eh,7,5bh,2,57h,57h,2,3,0,0,0,0,0,0
graphics endp
text proc near
mov si, offset text_parms
jmp g_cont
text_parms db 61h,50h,52h,0fh,19h,6,19h,19h,2,0dh,0bh,0ch,00,00,00,00
text endp
code ends
end start