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File List
36 lines
3DBAS03.ZIP 5,496 08/01/89 BASICA pgm plots z=f(x,y) in three dimensions
3DF.ZIP 26,096 04/20/91 3D func. plot displays F(x,y) ortho proj,w/src
3DGRAPH.ZIP 86,609 05/03/91 2d/3d plotting program with printer capability
3DPLOT02.ZIP 130,610 08/02/89 Standalone 3D plot interpreter, w/TurboC src
3DSURFAC.ZIP 40,748 01/03/80 3-dimensional surface plotting
BIKE31.ZIP 14,532 02/20/88 Bicycle gearing calculator
CGPLT.ZIP 70,763 06/22/87 Plot graphs (CGA)
CHART13.ZIP 60,803 08/01/87 Screen print bar line graph
FCNPLT41.ZIP 100,789 11/05/90 Rectangular/polar/data online function plotter
GNUPLOT3.ZIP 197,463 10/05/91 Interactive function plotting pgm
GPLOT_3D.ZIP 185,279 04/15/91 Gnuplot 2 (patchlvl 2) with 3d extensions
GRAFDEMO.ZIP 99,405 03/15/89 Graphics plotting pgm v1.0, functional demo
LASER34A.ZIP 2,456 05/02/90 Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 1of5
LASER34B.ZIP 166,185 05/02/90 Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 2of5
LASER34C.ZIP 173,853 05/02/90 Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 3of5
LASER34D.ZIP 149,140 04/24/90 Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 4of5
LASER34E.ZIP 189,229 04/25/90 Laser Graphics, scientific plotting pgm, 5of5
LG_DOC1.ZIP 69,647 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 1of10
LG_DOC2.ZIP 217,495 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 2of10
LG_DOC3.ZIP 137,593 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 3of10
LG_DOC4.ZIP 159,587 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 4of10
LG_DOC5.ZIP 70,425 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 5of10
LG_DOC6.ZIP 147,004 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 6of10
LG_EXE1.ZIP 172,347 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 7of10
LG_EXE2.ZIP 194,085 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 8of10
LG_EXE3.ZIP 152,597 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 9of10
LG_EXE4.ZIP 247,197 11/09/90 Scientific 2D/3D/scatter/XY/vector plot 10of10
MVIS.ZIP 54,563 07/01/91 Function plot of an elipse from a 2x2 matrix
PLOT3D_A.ZIP 71,272 04/30/91 3D surfaces in any coord system, with TC src
PLOT61.ZIP 68,880 09/07/90 CGA/VGA 2d function plotter
PRTGL118.ZIP 96,955 05/10/91 Output HPGL files on laser/ink/matrix LPT, CRT
RK_PLOT.ZIP 60,854 05/13/91 Renders z=f(x,y) plot with hidden line removal
SFPLOT1B.ZIP 3,783 05/22/91 BASICA pgm plots f(latitude,longitude) in 3D
SPLOT57.ZIP 143,919 01/25/90 Screen Plot, two & three-dimension via prntr.
USAMAP2.ZIP 62,691 09/07/87 US Map calculates distance - CGA