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Text File  |  1986-07-23  |  9KB  |  923 lines

  1. (C) Copyright 1985 by Lee Kamentsky, all rights reserved
  2.  "L.QS
  3.  L.QS
  4.  "aS
  5.  "iS
  6.  "oS
  7.  iPS
  8.  oPS
  9.  "LPQE 8;
  10.  LPQE ;
  11.  - comLE--com
  12.  - E--Z'
  13.  X
  15. TaDa
  16. Qa-LQDa-
  17. Qa-NDa-
  18. aedQS
  19. aeX
  20. QabQDab
  21. QacQDac
  22. QafQDaf
  23. QagQDag
  24. Qal fineQDal fine
  25. Qal _fineQDal .fine
  26. QalQDal
  27. aboutEab
  28. aboveEabv
  29. accordingEac
  30. QacrossQEacr
  31. afternoonEafn
  32. afterwardEafw
  33. afterVS
  34. QafterEaf
  35. againEag
  36. LainessEa9ess
  37. almostEalm
  38. LallyE,y
  39. alreadyEalr
  40. althoughEal?
  41. altogetherEalt
  42. alsoEal
  43. alwaysEalw
  44. anceneS
  45. LanceE.e
  46. andykX
  47. andemonisX
  48. Qand aQE&a
  49. Qand for aQE&=a
  50. Qand for theQE&=!
  51. Qand forQE&=
  52. Qand of aQE&(a
  53. Qand of theQE&(!
  54. Qand ofQE&(
  55. Qand theQE&!
  56. Qand with aQE&)a
  57. Qand with theQE&)!
  58. Qand withQE&)
  59. andE&
  60. QanteatX
  61. QarQX
  62. areribE>erib
  63. arighS
  64. VarubbS
  65. arE>
  66. auX
  67. QasQEz
  68. LationE,n
  69. LazioneX
  71. TbDb
  72. QbRDb
  73. baloneX
  74. bandogX
  75. bbandS
  76. bbaseX
  77. bbellX
  78. bbleS
  79. bbooX
  80. LbbLE2
  81. bb@E2@
  82. Bbe - S
  83. BbeBE2
  84. beatifE2atif
  85. beatitE2atit
  86. beatrE2atr
  87. becauseE2c
  88. bedraggE2dra7
  89. beelzE2elz
  90. beforeE2f
  91. behindE2h
  92. Qbein'E2in'
  93. QbeingE2+
  94. belowE2l
  95. QbenareE2n>e
  96. QbeneasE2neas
  97. beneathE2n
  98. QbeneQE2ne
  99. beneficenE2nefic5
  100. QbenetQE2net
  101. ben@eE2n@e
  102. benevE2nev
  103. benighE2ni<
  104. benigE2nig
  105. beowE2[
  106. besideE2s
  107. bestirE2/ir
  108. bestowE2/[
  109. bestrE2/r
  110. QbetaE2ta
  111. betweenE2t
  112. beyondE2y
  113. QboerX
  114. bVVS
  115. QbedeLE2de
  116. QbediE2di
  117. bedS
  118. benS
  119. beryS
  120. QberVE2r
  121. berS
  122. beckX
  123. beggS
  124. bellX
  125. beltS
  126. bestS
  127. bethesdE2!sd
  128. bethinE2?9
  129. bethVVE2?
  130. bethS
  131. bettS
  132. bevS
  133. bezeS
  134. QbeLLLE2
  135. bleauS
  136. bleeS
  137. blegatS
  138. blendS
  139. blessS
  140. LbleE#
  141. QblQDbl
  142. blindheiS
  143. blindVS
  144. blindEbl
  145. bloodletX
  146. brailleEbrl
  147. QbutQEb
  148. Qby beQE0be
  149. Qby enLE05
  150. Qby hisQE0his
  151. Qby inQE0in
  152. Qby wasQE0was
  153. Qby wereQE0w]e
  154. Qby _E0.Z'
  155. Qby __E0..Z'
  156. Qby ~E0.Z'
  157. Qby ~~E0..Z'
  158. Qby PS
  159. Qby E0Z~
  161. TcDc
  162. QcRDc
  163. QcanQEc
  164. QcationX
  165. cchS
  166. LccLE3
  167. cannotE_c
  168. centimeEc5time
  169. VceroseEc]ose
  170. chathamE*atham
  171. characterE"*
  172. QcherooE]oo
  173. childrenE*n
  174. QchildQE*
  175. ch@E*@
  176. QchQS
  177. chE*
  178. QciceroEcic]o
  179. Qcomin'QE-in'
  180. QcomLE-
  181. QconativE3ativ
  182. QconestE3e/
  183. coneyX
  184. conenoEc"ono
  185. QconicE3ic
  186. conVS
  187. QconceiveE3cv
  188. QconceivingE3cvg
  189. conchQS
  190. QconningS
  191. QconteQX
  192. QconsQX
  193. QconLE3
  194. conX
  195. QcdQDcd
  196. couldEcd
  198. TdDd
  199. QdRDd
  200. deceiveEdcv
  201. deceivingEdcvg
  202. declareEdcl
  203. declaringEdclg
  204. QdediS
  205. denariS
  206. deniS
  207. denudativX
  208. denudaS
  209. dereS
  210. derivatioS
  211. derogateS
  212. derogatinS
  213. QdeLVLX
  214. denomX
  215. denotX
  216. derivX
  217. derogaX
  218. dayE"d
  219. ddayS
  220. ddamnX
  221. LddLE4
  222. QdisheVE4he
  223. disheS
  224. dishVE4h
  225. dishS
  226. QdisinE49
  227. dispirS
  228. Qdist.E4t4
  229. disulX
  230. QdisLLLE4
  231. distX
  232. QdoQEd
  233. doolitX
  235. TeDe
  236. QeRDe
  237. eableS
  238. eabsS
  239. eaccS
  240. eacqX
  241. eacreX
  242. eactS
  243. eadamS
  244. eadeQX
  245. eadesX
  246. eadjX
  247. eadmiS
  248. eadopX
  249. eadultS
  250. eaffS
  251. eageS
  252. eaginS
  253. ealogS
  254. eallS
  255. eambleS
  256. eanceS
  257. eandS
  258. eanimS
  259. eappX
  260. earooE1roo
  261. earS
  262. eassLS
  263. eatioS
  264. eattlE1ttl
  265. eattS
  266. eavowEeav[
  267. eawS
  268. eaxX
  269. LeaLE1
  270. edacioS
  271. edaddS
  272. edantE$ant
  273. edanLLS
  274. edarianS
  275. edateS
  276. LedeeS
  277. LeLooLS
  278. edelicS
  279. edVvVS
  280. edgerowE$ger[
  281. editioS
  282. edropX
  283. edrumS
  284. educeS
  285. eductS
  286. edumS
  287. edictS
  288. LedomS
  289. edownS
  290. BedlBE$l
  291. edE$
  292. eeaX
  293. QeiQDei
  294. eitherEei
  295. enailX
  296. enardQS
  297. enatalS
  298. eneckX
  299. enoseS
  300. enormS
  301. enounS
  302. enumeS
  303. enuncS
  304. Benough - E5\<--Z'
  305. BenoughBE5
  306. enessS
  307. encephE5ceph
  308. enceslE5cesl
  309. LenceE;e
  310. enamelE5amel
  311. enameS
  312. QenQS
  313. enE5
  314. QeveryQEe
  315. eevX
  316. ersevE]sev
  317. eversVS
  318. evertheE"e!
  319. evertS
  320. everE"e
  321. QeraLVS
  322. eradiS
  323. ereaghS
  324. erectS
  325. eregalS
  326. erobeS
  327. erodVX
  328. ererogE]erog
  329. erosisE]osis
  330. erosVS
  331. ertholE]?ol
  332. erunnX
  333. eruptS
  334. erE]
  335. emoneX
  336. estroneEe/rone
  338. TfDf
  339. QfRDf
  340. fevX
  341. fatherE"f
  342. QfianceQX
  343. firstEf/
  344. fforS
  345. ffulS
  346. LffLE6
  347. ff@E6@
  348. Qfor aQE=a
  349. Qfor theQE=!
  350. Qfor and of aQE=&(a
  351. Qfor and of theQE=&(!
  352. Qfor and with aQE=&)a
  353. Qfor and with theQE=&)!
  354. Qfor and aQE=&a
  355. Qfor and ofQE=&(
  356. Qfor and theQE=&!
  357. Qfor and withQE=&)
  358. Qfor andQE=&
  359. Qfor of aQE=(a
  360. Qfor of theQE=(!
  361. Qfor ofQE=(
  362. Qfor with aQE=)a
  363. Qfor with theQE=)!
  364. Qfor withQE=)
  365. forE=
  366. QfrQDfr
  367. friendVS
  368. friendEfr
  369. QfromQEf
  370. frowardEfrow>d
  371. QfruityX
  372. fullQX
  373. LfulE;l
  375. TgDg
  376. QgRDg
  377. ggoneS
  378. LggLE7
  379. LghVVS
  380. ghilX
  381. ghornX
  382. ghE<
  383. QgoQEg
  384. goeringEgoer+
  385. goodyearS
  386. QgdQDgd
  387. goodEgd
  388. greatEgrt
  390. ThDh
  391. QhRDh
  392. haddS
  393. hadeS
  394. hadrX
  395. hadE_h
  396. hapgoodX
  397. QhaveQEh
  398. headdEh1dd
  399. hedivEh$iv
  400. hereafterE"haf
  401. hereinafterEh9af
  402. hererS
  403. herenS
  404. heredS
  405. herefoS
  406. heresyS
  407. heretiS
  408. hereE"hZv
  409. QhmQDhm
  410. himselfEhmf
  411. QhimQEhm
  412. Bhis - S
  413. BhisBE8
  415. TiDi
  416. Qi-Di-
  417. ievX
  418. ighamX
  419. imageryX
  420. immediateEimm
  421. Lin'QE9'
  422. QinfraE9fra
  423. ingaleE9gale
  424. ingerieE9g]ie
  425. inghyE9<y
  426. ingitisE9gitis
  427. inglassE9glass
  428. ingradE9grad
  429. inglorE9glor
  430. ingateE9gate
  431. LingE+
  432. inippX
  433. inodalS
  434. inomialS
  435. VinoxX
  436. inshedQE9sh$
  437. instakE9stak
  438. Qinto beQE96be
  439. Qinto enLE965
  440. Qinto hisQE96his
  441. Qinto inQE96in
  442. Qinto wasQE96was
  443. Qinto wereQE96w]e
  444. Qinto _E96.Z'
  445. Qinto __E96..Z'
  446. Qinto ~E96.Z'
  447. Qinto ~~E96..Z'
  448. Qinto PE9to Zi
  449. Qinto E96Z~
  450. inessS
  451. PinQX
  452. QinPX
  453. Bin - S
  454. inE9
  455. iraboutEirab\t
  456. irederS
  457. iredesS
  458. iredVX
  459. QitQEx
  460. QitsQExs
  461. itselfExf
  462. LityE;y
  463. izenessEiz5ess
  465. TjDj
  466. QjRDj
  467. jehadX
  468. jihadX
  469. QjustQEj
  471. QkRDk
  472. kamentskyX
  473. keasyX
  474. kerifeX
  475. QknowledgeQEk
  476. knowE"k
  477. konevX
  478. kroneX
  480. QlRDl
  481. ledoreX
  482. ledyX
  483. lessonX
  484. LlessE.s
  485. QlrQDlr
  486. letterElr
  487. QlikeQEl
  488. lineagEl91g
  489. littletonX
  490. QllQDll
  491. littleEll
  492. lordE"l
  493. lthornX
  495. QmRDm
  496. maharaLVX
  497. manyE_m
  498. LmentE;t
  499. microX
  500. QmisallyX
  501. mishmS
  502. mistedS
  503. misterQS
  504. mistinS
  505. mistyS
  506. mistlS
  507. mistralS
  508. mistresS
  509. QmisX
  510. mistakX
  511. monestQEmone/
  512. monetVEm"ot
  513. more'nX
  514. QmoreQEm
  515. motheraS
  516. motherE"m
  517. muchEm*
  518. QmultiX
  519. mustVS
  520. mustEm/
  521. QmcLEmcZ'
  523. QnRDn
  524. n'QX
  525. namenS
  526. nameE"n
  527. nbX
  528. necessaryEnec
  529. nessentS
  530. LnessE;s
  531. QnotQEn
  532. QnowayX
  533. nowiseX
  535. Qo-Do-
  536. oadeatX
  537. ofarS
  538. oforS
  539. oflaS
  540. oflexX
  541. ofluoX
  542. ofoldX
  543. o'clockEo'c
  544. Qo'LEo'Z'
  545. Qo'X
  546. oedLX
  547. oenzS
  548. oenX
  549. Qof aQE(a
  550. Qof theQE(!
  551. Qof and for aQE(&=a
  552. Qof and for theQE(&=!
  553. Qof and with aQE(&)a
  554. Qof and with theQE(&)!
  555. Qof and aQE(&a
  556. Qof and forQE(&=
  557. Qof and theQE(&!
  558. Qof and withQE(&)
  559. Qof andQE(&
  560. Qof with aQE()a
  561. Qof with theQE()!
  562. Qof withQE()
  563. Qof for aQE(=a
  564. Qof for theQE(=!
  565. Qof forQE(=
  566. ofE(
  567. oityX
  568. onemaQX
  569. LoneseS
  570. onesiaX
  571. onessS
  572. onetS
  573. onerS
  574. LonenS
  575. onedS
  576. onelQX
  577. onelaS
  578. onelsQS
  579. oneyE"oy
  580. oneVS
  581. oonX
  582. oneE"o
  583. onfuX
  584. ongooX
  585. LongE;g
  586. QoptimeX
  587. osomX
  588. oughtoE\<to
  589. oughtE"\
  590. LoundE.d
  591. LountE.t
  592. QoutQE\
  593. QouQS
  594. owhereS
  595. ounionX
  596. ourinaryS
  597. ouE\
  598. owattX
  599. oweedS
  600. oworkS
  601. owE[
  603. QpRDp
  604. padroneX
  605. pediEp$i
  606. QparaenEp>a5
  607. QpdQDpd
  608. profanaS
  609. profitS
  610. proneEpr"o
  611. prowS
  612. proLVX
  613. pionX
  614. paidEpd
  615. partakS
  616. partoVS
  617. partheiE"phei
  618. parthS
  619. partE"p
  620. QpeopleQEp
  621. perceiveEp]cv
  622. perceivingEp]cvg
  623. perhapsEp]h
  624. QperinVVEp]in
  625. pherEph]
  626. phonemeX
  627. potherbEpoth]b
  628. predatoS
  629. predecesS
  630. predicatS
  631. QpreLVX
  633. QqRDq
  634. questionE"q
  635. quickEqk
  636. QquiteQEq
  638. QrRDr
  639. raderyX
  640. QratherQEr
  641. receiveErcv
  642. receivingErcvg
  643. rejoiceErjc
  644. rejoicingErjcg
  645. redanS
  646. redingS
  647. redolS
  648. redrX
  649. renaiS
  650. renalS
  651. renegaS
  652. QrenoQEr5o
  653. renovS
  654. reredosS
  655. reveriS
  656. reverenS
  657. reveryS
  658. QreLVX
  659. rifleryX
  660. rightE"r
  661. rthornX
  662. rtimerErtim]
  664. QsRDs
  665. s'X
  666. QsdQDsd
  667. saidEsd
  668. LselfQEf
  669. selvesQEvs
  670. severedS
  671. severeEsev]e
  672. severityEsev];y
  673. QshQX
  674. shabilleS
  675. QshallQE%
  676. shawkX
  677. sheadS
  678. sheartS
  679. sheimX
  680. shofarE%(>
  681. sholmX
  682. shoodX
  683. shoshonE%o%on
  684. shoLseS
  685. shoulderE%\ld]
  686. shouldE%d
  687. shundX
  688. shE%
  689. LsionE.n
  690. QsoQEs
  691. somedQS
  692. QsomerS
  693. someterS
  694. sometrX
  695. someE"s
  696. spiritE_s
  697. QsquallyX
  698. ssioS
  699. ssoS
  700. ssX
  701. swithS
  702. swX
  703. LstagQX
  704. stightS
  705. QstillQE/
  706. stionS
  707. stimeS
  708. stheaE/h1
  709. stheS
  710. sthmS
  711. sthoniS
  712. stownS
  713. stE/
  714. subletX
  715. suchEs*
  716. QsupraX
  718. QtRDt
  719. QthatQEt
  720. tigoneX
  721. timeterS
  722. theastE?ea/
  723. thandS
  724. VthatchS
  725. thaulX
  726. thawkX
  727. LtheLdS
  728. theartS
  729. thillX
  730. LtholdX
  731. LtholeS
  732. thoodX
  733. thoLseS
  734. LthovenS
  735. thenceE?;e
  736. theirE_!
  737. thereafterE"!af
  738. thereinafterE"!9af
  739. theresaE!resa
  740. QthereE"!
  741. theseQE^!
  742. theE!
  743. this'llE?is'll
  744. QthisQE?
  745. thoseE^?
  746. throughE"?
  747. thuntX
  748. QthQX
  749. thE?
  750. timerVS
  751. timentS
  752. timeE"t
  753. LtionE;n
  754. Qto beQE6be
  755. Qto enLE65
  756. Qto hisQE6his
  757. Qto inQE6in
  758. Qto wasQE6was
  759. Qto wereQE6w]e
  760. Qto _E6.Z'
  761. Qto __E6..Z'
  762. Qto ~E6.Z'
  763. Qto ~~E6..Z'
  764. Qto PS
  765. Qto E6Z~
  766. QtdQDtd
  767. todayEtd
  768. togetherEtgr
  769. QtmQDtm
  770. tomorrowEtm
  771. QtnQDtn
  772. tonightEtn
  773. QteleX
  774. QtransmX
  775. tseaseX
  776. tshornX
  777. twosomeEtwo"s
  779. QuRDu
  780. QultraX
  781. unblindfEunblf
  782. QuneVX
  783. underivS
  784. underogS
  785. underE"u
  786. unfuX
  787. QunmenEunm5
  788. uponE^u
  789. QusQEu
  791. QvRDv
  792. vageryQX
  793. vereatEv]eat
  794. QveryQEv
  795. viceroyX
  796. QvioloneX
  798. QwRDw
  799. Bwas - S
  800. BwasBE0
  801. Bwere - S
  802. BwereBE7
  803. whereverE:]"e
  804. where'erE:]e']
  805. whereE":
  806. which'llE:i*'ll
  807. QwhichQE:
  808. whoseE^:
  809. QwhQX
  810. VwhideS
  811. whoLseS
  812. whE:
  813. wiferyX
  814. QwillQEw
  815. Qwith aQE)a
  816. Qwith theQE)!
  817. Qwith and for aQE)&=a
  818. Qwith and for theQE)&=!
  819. Qwith and of aQE)&(a
  820. Qwith and of theQE)&(!
  821. Qwith and aQE)&a
  822. Qwith and forQE)&=
  823. Qwith and ofQE)&(
  824. Qwith and theQE)&!
  825. Qwith andQE)&
  826. Qwith forQE)=
  827. Qwith ofQE)(
  828. withE)
  829. wordE^w
  830. workE"w
  831. worldE_w
  832. QwdQDwd
  833. wouldEwd
  835. QxRDx
  837. QyRDy
  838. you'nS
  839. you'sS
  840. QyouQEy
  841. youngE"y
  842. yourEyr
  843. ysterEy/]
  845. QzRDz
  847. B$$E$$ZW
  848. $pBX
  849. $lBX
  850. $fBX
  851. !E6
  852. B"E8
  853. P"LE8
  854. P"PPQE8
  855. "E0
  856. #NE#Z1
  857. #X
  858. $E4#Z1
  859. %E p] c5t
  860. &X
  861. L'eaS
  862. 'oundS
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