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DOS Batch File
85 lines
echo off
echo ***********************************************************
echo *** You can use Port Finder in a batch file to deter- ***
echo *** mine the number of COM ports that are installed in ***
echo *** any IBM compatible computer. Press any key now to ***
echo *** see how many COM ports your computer has.......... ***
echo ***********************************************************
echo .
pf %1 %2 >nul
echo ***********************************************************
if errorlevel 15 goto 15port
if errorlevel 14 goto 14port
if errorlevel 13 goto 13port
if errorlevel 12 goto 12port
if errorlevel 11 goto 11port
if errorlevel 10 goto 10port
if errorlevel 9 goto 9port
if errorlevel 8 goto 8port
if errorlevel 7 goto 7port
if errorlevel 6 goto 6port
if errorlevel 5 goto 5port
if errorlevel 4 goto 4port
if errorlevel 3 goto 3port
if errorlevel 2 goto 2port
if errorlevel 1 goto 1port
if errorlevel 0 goto 0port
echo ************* You have no COM ports! **********************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM port 1 *************************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM port 2 *************************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1 and 2 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM port 3 *************************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1 and 3 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 2 and 3 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1, 2, and 3 **************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM port 4 *************************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1 and 4 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 2 and 4 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1, 2, and 4 **************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 3 and 4 ******************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1, 3, and 4 **************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 2, 3, and 4 **************
goto endall
echo ************* You have COM ports 1, 2, 3, and 4 ***********
echo ***********************************************************
echo .
echo ***********************************************************
echo ** To see how this batch file works, enter the following **
echo ** command at the DOS prompt: "type commtest.bat |more" **
echo ** or to print it out enter: "type commtest.bat >prn". **
echo ** Thank You for using Port Finder ! ! ! ! ! **
echo ***********************************************************