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Volume 3032 - Released juni 1989 - Abstract (C) DOS gg
P r o g r a m m a T h e e k volume 3032
gelijk aan TSS 16
Titel: SIGNUP Workshop system, PAD, DE-ARC & other TPascal
Number Name Size Date Comments
3032.01 BIOSEDIT DOC 3273 9-11-85 Documentation.
3032.02 BIOSEDIT PAT 2380 9-11-85 TP 3.01A patch, write to BIOS
instead of screen memory
3032.03 BJ PAS 7936 25-03-86 Blackjack.
3032.04 CALENDAR PAS 2931 19-09-85 Calendar in standard Pascal.
CATALOG 032 1954 12-06-89 This list.
3032.05 CENTER PAS 2944 1-01-80 Repeat Character and Center funct.
3032.06 COMP PAS 10368 20-03-86 Source file comparator.
3032.07 COMTOI PAS 3840 20-03-86 Convert .com files to inline code.
3032.08 DEARC PAS 18730 20-03-86 Dearchive of 4.30 ARC or older.
3032.09 DIRSCAN TXT 3063 1-01-80 Show directory with picklist.
3032.10 DOMES PAS 5248 20-03-86 Constructs geodesic domes.
3032.11 EXFW PAS 1536 1-01-80 Formatted write of variables.
3032.12 FASTSRCH PAS 4096 29-09-85 Search character in an array.
3032.13 FASTWR PAS 3200 16-03-86 Writes directly to screen.
3032.14 FUNKEY PAS 9600 16-03-86 Assign function keys.
3032.15 KYBD PAS 3840 16-03-86 Keyboard procedures.
3032.16 MSTACK PAS 3072 1-01-80 Move stack to leave free paragraphs
3032.17 PAD PAS 6016 1-01-80 Scratchpad.
3032.18 PRINTUSG INC 2944 26-12-84 Include file.
3032.19 PRINTUSG PAS 640 26-12-84 Numeric output formatting.
3032.20 PRTSCR PAS 512 16-03-86 Generates Interrupt 5 (SHFT PRTSCR)
3032.21 QDL1 PAS 11904 15-11-85 Filter for directory of files etc.
3032.22 READ COM 14051 7-03-89 Readme program
3032.23 READ DOC 2048 16-03-86 Documentation.
3032.24 READ PAS 8448 16-03-86 Source
3032.25 READSCRN PAS 1664 1-01-80 Read from screen.
3032.26 REPSTR PAS 1280 1-01-80 Return a string filled with chars.
3032.27 SIGNUP DOC 11648 29-08-85 Documentation.
3032.28 SIGNUP PAS 56832 29-08-85 Register participants in workshops.
3032.29 TILE PAS 12158 9-03-86 Boosters procedures.
3032.30 TURBOPRT PAS 35891 16-03-86 Printer utilities.
3032.31 XREF2 PAS 25344 16-03-86 Cross reference generator.
VOL3032 ABS 2373 12-06-89 Volume abstract.
33 File(s) 59392 bytes free
This disk contains Turbo 3.0 sources.
This patch is for the IBM PC implementation of Turbo Pascal, version 3.01A.
It changes the editor such that instead of writing directly to screen memory,
it instead calls the machine's ROM BIOS routines. This will allow the editor
to work on PC semi-compatible machines such as the Sanyo 550/555 and the
Tandy 2000.
If you compile to disk with TP3.0, EXTERNAL procedures longer than 128 bytes
don't work. This program converts .COM files to INLINE code that you can
include in your source program. This will greatly increase the compile time
of your programs.
Demonstrates how to move Turbo's stack segment down at run time. Compile your
program with $A000 paragraphs of maximum heap, then call the procedure LOWER-
STACK from the main block before doing any heap storage operations.
Finds items in free records in a to setup database.
This function provides numeric output formatting similar to that found in
BASIC. By specifying a mask of the form ($##,###,###.##) you can cause
commas to be inserted in the number and control the size of the print field
and the number of decimal places displayed. If left and right parentheses are
included in the mask, negative numbers will be enclosed in parentheses
otherwise they will be preceeded by a minus sign.
Version 2.00A
QDL uses MSDos to get a listing of an IBM formated diskette. The function
calls used can be found in the DOS Technical Reference Manual. This program
saves the current Data Transfer Area ( DTA ) in the variables DTAseg and
DTAofs. The DTA is then reset to the segment and offset of a buffer
variable 'DTA'.
SIGN UP! is a menu-driven program designed to register participants into
workshops. This program keeps detailed count of not only which but how many
workshops each participant has registered in. When
participants register, they are limited to only a certain amount
of workshops up to 10.
Cross reference generator:
1. Output Files:
a. first output file is a numbered listing of the input source
b. second output file is cross reference with each identifier followed by the
line numbers on which it appears. 2. Listing Device:
The numbered source listing may optionally be routed to the screen or printer
(but not both).