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P r o g r a m m a T h e e k volume 3012
gelijk aan TSS 6
Titel: FILEUTIL, MMOUSE & other TP3 utils/routines
Number Name Size Date Comments
3012.01 ARGLIST2 PAS 3456 23-02-85 Read the argument list from Turbo.
3012.02 BIGTUR DOC 6986 6-11-85 Extra 64 code segment.
CATALOG 012 2650 01-01-90 This list.
3012.03 COMB PAS 2560 1-01-80 Aantal combinaties van N uit R.
3012.04 COPYFILE 200 1699 11-07-89 Copy input file to output file.
3012.05 CURSOR PAS 2944 1-01-80 Change the cursor.
3012.06 ETB_WRT FIX 10728 1-01-80 Turbo Editor Toolbox improvement.
3012.07 ETB00B PAT 3907 1-01-80 Filetruncation update for
T. Ed. Toolbox 1.00
3012.08 ETB00C PAT 15253 1-01-80 Turbo Editor Toolbox update from
1.00B to 1.00C
3012.09 EXAM GLO 253 11-07-89 Globals.
3012.10 FAR1 INC 1476 6-11-85 Include file.
3012.11 FAR2 INC 3387 6-11-85 Include file.
3012.12 FAREXAM PAS 1163 6-11-85 Demonstrate BigTurbo techniques.
3012.13 FILESIZE FIX 2560 1-01-80 Function 'FileSize' adaptation.
3012.14 FILEUTIL DOC 8311 1-01-80 Documentation.
3012.15 FILEUTIL PAS 10764 1-01-80 File conversion program
3012.16 FSTWRITE INC 7168 1-01-80 Write on Line x, or write on
line x, row y.
3012.17 INLINER PAS 52480 8-02-86 8088 translation to TP inline code.
3012.18 INSTX 200 15616 18-10-85 Install Turbo user options.
3012.19 INSTX ZAP 18816 18-10-85 Inline coding.
3012.20 INSTX2 DOC 6016 18-10-85 Documentation.
3012.21 INTEGERS LIB 4096 25-10-85 Several math functions.
3012.22 KBDREAD PAS 4096 1-01-80 Read Key from keyboard.
3012.23 LINKED LIB 4224 25-10-85 Procedures and functions for linked
3012.24 MAIN1 INC 1548 6-11-85 Include file.
3012.25 MAIN2 INC 6379 6-11-85 Include file.
3012.26 MAINEXAM PAS 970 6-11-85 Demonstrate BigTurbo techniques.
3012.27 MAKEZAP 200 4864 18-10-85 Include file.
3012.28 MENU 200 5888 18-10-85 Menu management .
3012.29 MMOUSE PAS 3712 27-10-85 Mouse routines.
3012.30 MMSDEMO PAS 1395 11-07-89 Mouse demonstration.
3012.31 NWINDO 200 13696 18-10-85 Window procedures.
3012.32 PIXEL_LN PAS 1792 25-10-85 Draw a line.
3012.33 PRINTOUT PAS 1280 25-10-85 Printout for the ProWriter.
3012.34 PRINTPAK PAS 3456 25-10-85 Printout for the Epson FX.
3012.35 SCOLOR 200 7296 18-10-85 Select color from palette.
3012.36 SDIRS EXE 4352 28-02-86 Sort directories.
3012.37 SDLR COM 7808 28-02-86 Nice directory lay out.
3012.38 STRINGS LIB 2432 25-10-85 Some string routines.
3012.39 STRNGFST PAS 31149 1-01-80 String inline routines
3012.40 STRUCT LIB 3200 25-10-85 Data structure functions.
3012.41 TESTCURV PAS 640 25-10-85 Demonstration.
3012.42 TPVERS 200 3456 18-10-85 Include file.
3012.43 USERIO LIB 6656 25-10-85 Edit functions.
VOL3012 ABS 3015 01-01-90 Volume abstract
3012.44 ZCOLOR 200 4864 18-10-85 Modify menu edit colors
46 File(s) 29696 bytes free
This provides capabilities similar to argc/argv in C. You can now read the
argument list from your TURBO Pascal program.
The BigTurbo system provides control to set up an extra 64K code segment for
Turbo Pascal 3.0 programs. It provides an alternative to overlays and
with some advantages over either technique. The extra 64K code segment is
written and compiled as a separate program from the main code segment.
E T B _ W R T
This routine replaces the Turbo Editor Toolbox's EditWrLine, EditUpdRowAsm,
and MoveToScreen for 'normal' editor functions.
File conversion program. Possibilities are:
1. Add linefeeds to the file.
2. Convert the file from WordStar's 8bit format to the standard 7 bit ASCII
3. Convert all lower case letters to upper case;
4. Convert all upper case letters to lower case;
5. Remove extraneous carriage returns;
6. Do not alter the case within quotes.
This program provides modifications to the Borland Turbo Pascal compiler
Versions 3.00B and 3.01A.
Sign returns sign (-1,0,+1) of integer value
Min returns minimum of two integers
Max returns maximum of two integers
ISwap trade two integer values
ISqrt returns integer square root of integer value
Condition forces integer into the range Min..Max
AMin returns minimum integer in array
AMax returns maximum integer in array
LowToUp converts string to uppercase
Strip removes any leading characters
Parse gets next word out of string
Replace replaces all instance of one substring with another
This is a collection of Inline string manipulation routines intended for use
with Turbo Pascal Version 3.
Function Posc (find:char; var tst);Integer;
Procedure StripL (var tst; strp:char);
Procedure StripR (var tst; strp:char);
Procedure StripThrough (var tst; strp:char);
Procedure SwapSubstring (var tline; find, repl:longstring; var enough:boole-
Procedure Stupcase (var tline);
Procedure LowCase (var tline);
Procedure FlipChar (var tst; srch, repl:char);
Procedure StripChar(var tst; strp:char);
WriteStr write message out at (Col,Line)
Error writes message out at (1,1), waits for character
GetChar prompt user for one of a set of characters
Yes asks user questions, waits for a Y/N answer
GetInteger prompt user for an integer value in the range Min..Max
GrabInt function version of GetInteger; used for subrange vars
WriteReal write real value w/adjustable format
GetReal prompt user for a real value in the range Min..Max
GetString prompt user for a string
IOCheck checks for I/O error; prints message if necessary