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CP/MS gg NL volume 2052
gelijk aan PC/SIG no. 028/052, PCgg no. 35
Titel: DISKMODF, FIXDEL, SYSTAT; other utils, tutorials
Number Name Size Date Comments
052.01 ABSTRACT DOC 4096 7-09-83 Abstract of some utilities on this disk
052.02 ARTILL BAS 7680 3-03-83 Artillary game for two - random
052.03 BEEP COM 89 9-01-82 Generates beep sound - useful in batch
052.04 BIGTYPE BAS 1724 8-09-85 Displays all characters in large block
CATALOG 052 3999 8-10-85 This overview
052.05 CD COM 640 1-01-80 Sets default drive and .NAM file info
052.06 COLOUR DOC 9088 3-02-83 Tutorial about color programming,
052.07 CPCPRO DOC 12800 3-04-83 Tutorial / articles - BASIC PrtSc, bit
052.08 CRETURN BAS 858 8-09-85 Add carriage returns to files (BB
052.09 DDATE COM 512 2-09-83 Facilitates update of time/date on
052.10 DISKMODF BAS 4704 8-09-85 Disk sector modifier - improved (small
052.11 DISKPGM2 BAS 2031 8-09-85 Converts output of FILES to sorted
batch (COPY)
052.12 DISRTN EXE 9728 6-06-82 File directory utility
052.13 FILEMOD BAS 8633 3-29-83 Original of DISKMODF - many REM's
052.14 FILTER BAS 1430 8-09-85 Filters control/non-ASCII characters
from files
052.15 FIXDEL EXE 9728 6-06-82 Disk file utility
052.16 FIXIT BAS 972 8-09-85 Creates PRINTFIX.COM
052.17 FK COM 2432 11-17-82 Function key handler for DOS 1.0/1.1
052.18 FK DOC 8806 3-03-83 Doc on above
052.19 FREE4 COM 6024 1-01-80 160 K RAM disk utility
052.20 FREE4 DOC 2892 3-29-83 Doc on above
052.21 FREE5 COM 1792 3-30-83 Utility that adds KB reset sequences
(DOS 1.0)
052.22 FREE5 DOC 3033 3-30-83 Doc on above
052.23 GRAFGE BAS 8331 8-09-85 Develop your own graphic ASCII set
052.24 GRAFGE DOC 1920 3-02-83 DOC/REM file for above
052.25 GSDUMP BAS 581 8-09-85 Graphics memory dump to C.Itoh 8510
/NEC 8023
052.26 GUMUP1 DOC 6089 3-09-83 Doc on CD, LF, VDEL, WAIT
052.27 HALS DOC 1320 2-24-83 Doc on various /games utilities on this
052.28 HEX BAS 9344 1-01-80 Converts binary files to and from hex
052.29 HIDEFILE BAS 12250 8-09-85 Modifies a files directory status
052.30 JUMBLE BAS 798 8-09-85 Game/training for children: permutes
jumbled words
052.31 LF COM 512 1-01-80 Directory lister sorted by extensi-
052.32 MEMPEEK BAS 4581 8-09-85 Examines and modifies contents of RAM
052.33 PALLETTE BAS 897 8-09-85 Displays available LORES colors
052.34 PARTCOPY EXE 20480 1-01-80 Copies files from DS disk to 2 SS disks
052.35 PATCH256 BAS 2422 3-29-83 Patches various printers into PR256
052.36 POKEPEEK DOC 4352 3-30-83 Tutorial: BIOS locations accessible
from Basic
052.37 PR256 ASM 26752 3-29-83 Printer patch
052.38 RESCMD BAS 2898 8-09-85 Generates resident COMMAND.COM (DOS
052.39 RESCMD DOC 4386 3-09-83 Doc on above
052.40 RESCMDCK BAS 6021 8-09-85 RESCMD for clock card - adds BEEP, PAGE
and CLS
052.41 SD COM 1505 2-02-82 Directory lister - 4 up
052.42 SDIR EXE 1792 5-08-82 Directory lister - 2 up. Upgrade of
vol. 2004
052.43 SHIFTBS COM 96 7-20-82 Converts backslash \ kwy into left
shift key
052.44 SHIFTIBM COM 16 7-20-82 Converts back - only needed on awkward
052.45 SPEED411 COM 15 12-16-82 Sets disk step rate to 4 ms.
052.46 SQUISH DOC 5541 3-09-83 Doc on below
052.47 SQUISH EXE 28416 3-08-83 Basic program compressor (compiled)
052.48 SQUISH SRC 7040 3-08-83 Basic source - upgrade of volume 2009
052.49 SYSTAT COM 1408 1-01-80 Status report of all your system's
052.50 TIMING BAS 361 8-09-85 Times the execution of short Basic
052.51 TUNE COM 384 10-16-82 Plays small tunes (use in batch file)
052.52 UNPROT2 TXT 1117 2-24-83 Another technique for unprotecting
Basic 1.0 progs
052.53 UTSCAN BAS 916 8-09-85 Scans text file for string, prints
lines found
052.54 VDEL COM 768 1-01-80 DEL (wildcard) with individual query
052.55 VOL2052 ABS 3584 8-10-85 Disk abstract
052.56 WAIT COM 128 1-01-80 Batch file PAUSE for three seconds
57 File(s) 26624 bytes free on volume VOL2052
BIGTYPE.BAS is for entertaining the children. They especially like con-
trol-A's. Also useful for displaying seroius texts in large font - look at
the graphics characters!
DDATE.COM makes it easy to set the date when starting up MS/DOS.
Just include it in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file and it will
remember the last date you set on disk so that all you
have to do is change the day with the cursor right key.
This program contains the following five disk utility routines:
1. List file names in a directory
2. List the sectors upon which a file resides.
3. Recover the first sector of an erased file.
4. Uncover a hidden file.
5. Hide a normal file.
The program is menu driven, and contains a description and help selection
ABSTRACT: This a BASIC program that creates a batch file. This batch file
contains the commands necessary to copy files from one disk to another - but
in alphabetical order.
***** FK Function Key Handler (DOS 1.0 / 1.1) *****
Under standard PC-DOS, the ten function keys are not used to their
full potential. The keys are used for simple command line editing, and
several of the functions are duplicated by other keys on the keyboard. FK
allows you to assign strings up to 24 characters in length to each of the
function keys, so you can give an entire command or file name with a single
This program adds 3 new reset keys to DOS 1.1 for the IBM Personal
Computer. Two of the keys provide new functions; the third performs the same
function as CTRL/ALT/DEL. CTRL/ALT/DEL remains unchanged.
LF is a program which provides a selective directory listing
sorted by extension and filename.
INVOKING THE PROGRAM: LF may be invoked with the same options
as DIR, i.e. 'LF', 'LF B:', 'LF *.ASM', etc. However, if either the
filename or extension is not supplied on the command line, LF will fill
it in with wildcards; thus, 'LF .ASM' is the same as 'LF *.ASM' and
will list all the files with the extension '.ASM'.
LIMITATIONS: LF has been successfully used on 160K and 320K
floppy drives. It should work equally well on any DOS-compatible
drive, and should be transportable to any MS-DOS system.
SYSTAT provides you with information about all the disks
currently accessible to your system, showing their capacities, free space,
names, and comments.
SYSTAT should be compatible with all hard-disk and RAM-
disk systems, and is transportable to any MS-DOS system.
***** SQUISH (update from volume 2009) *****
Programmers tend to use quite a few REMarks when
programming, add extra spaces to make listings more readable, as
well as putting only a few statements on each line. The result
is a program that is easier to read and debug, but not very space
or memory efficient. The ideal utility would remove extra spaces
and REMs, and combine lines, when possible without altering the
structure of the BASIC program.
VDEL.COM is a program which allows selective deletion of files.
If any matching files are found, VDEL will display the name of
the file, and ask if it should be deleted. Pressing 'Y' or 'y' will
delete the file. Pressing ESC stops the program. Any other key will
leave the file alone and continue asking about other matching files.