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Text File  |  1991-06-17  |  3KB  |  42 lines

  1.   _____________________________________________________________________
  2.  |                                                                     |
  3.  |               License Agreement Information for                     |
  4.  |                          Clip Edit                                  |
  5.  |                             by                                      |
  6.  |                  Solaris Precision Software                         |
  7.  |                                                                     |
  8.  |This file constitutes an agreement between Solaris Precision         |
  9.  |Software, and any person using Clip Edit.                            |
  10.  |                                                                     |
  11.  |1) FIVE DAY TRIAL PERIOD                                             |
  12.  |You may install and use this program for up to 5 days free           |
  13.  |of charge. If you decide to keep Clip Edit, you may do so            |
  14.  |by registering the program.  If you do not register your copy        |
  15.  |of Clip Edit, you must delete all Clip Edit files from your          |
  16.  |computer system.                                                     |
  17.  |                                                                     |
  18.  |2) LICENSE                                                           |
  19.  |By registering, you acquire the right to use Clip Edit, a            |
  20.  |Copyrighted software program.  The program is protected under        |
  21.  |the Copyright Laws of the United States of America and copyright     |
  22.  |provisions of various international treaties. You may make backup    |
  23.  |copies of Clip Edit, and you may freely distribute the complete      |
  24.  |Clip Edit package (CLIPEDIT.ZIP) so that other people may try        |
  25.  |Clip Edit under these same provisions.                               |
  26.  |                                                                     |
  27.  |3) REGISTRATION PROCEDURE                                            |
  28.  |You may register by sending your name, address, version of Clip      |
  29.  |Edit, and $20 to:                                                    |
  30.  |                                                                     |
  31.  |    Solaris Precision Software                                       |
  32.  |    203 South Blvd.                                                  |
  33.  |    Gunnison, CO 81230                                               |
  34.  |    USA                                                              |
  35.  |                                                                     |
  36.  |   (Your name and current address on your check is sufficient)       |
  37.  |                                                                     |
  38.  |You may register multiple copies with one letter. To purchase a      |
  39.  |site or network license, please write us for information.            |
  40.  |_____________________________________________________________________|