IThe system cannot find the file "%1". This device
driver, program, or data file is not located in the default
path or the path specified for it in the CONFIG.SYS file.
Install this file in the correct directory, or correct the
appropriate CONFIG.SYS file statement.
EThere is not enough storage to load the program
or device driver "%1".
E%1 additional diskette drive(s) did not install.
EThere are too many parameters specified in the
%2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file. Line %1
is ignored.
IAdditional diskette drive installed as drive %1.
E"%3" was found where "%4" was expected
in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file.
Line %1 is ignored.
EThe system cannot accept the option selected.
EThe system cannot accept the combination
of parameters entered.
EThe system cannot print the file
to the device specified.
EThe spooler is not running.
EDOS sessions cannot accept the /C or /T parameter.
E%1 file not found.
IFixed Disk Setup Program Version 2.1
IFDISK options
Choose one of the following:
1. Create an OS/2 partition or a logical drive
2. Change the active partition
3. Delete an OS/2 partition or a logical drive
or a logical drive
4. Display the partition data
Press Enter to continue or
Esc to return to the operating system I5. Select the other hard disk drive
PEnter choice: IThe partition cannot be made active.
IThe current primary partition is %1.
IPartition %1 is now active.
IThere are no partitions to make active.
IPartition %1 is already active.
PEnter the number of the partition you
want to make active................: IChange the active partition.
IThe primary OS/2 partition is created.
IThere is not enough space for %1 cylinders.
IThere is not enough space for a %1 cylinder partition
starting at cylinder %2.
INo space is available to create an
OS/2 partition.
IThe primary OS/2 partition already exists.
PEnter partition size............: IThe maximum capacity of the hard disk is %1 cylinders.
PEnter starting cylinder number..: ICreate an OS/2 partition.
PDo you want to create an active OS/2
partition of the maximum size (Y/N)..........? IThe Primary OS/2 Partition is deleted.
IThere is no primary OS/2 partition to delete.
PWarning! Data in the Primary OS/2 partition
will be lost. Are you sure you want to continue.......? IDelete OS/2 Partition
IMaximum capacity of the hard disk is %1 cylinders.
INo partitions are defined. IPartition Status Type Start End Size
IDisplay partition information
P%1 is not a correct choice. Enter a correct choice.
P%1 is not a correct choice. Enter Y or N
INo hard disks are present.
IAn error occurred when reading data from the hard disk.
IAn error occurred when writing data to the hard disk.
Run the Hardware Diagnostics program diskette.
IThe current hard disk drive is: %1
PPress Esc to return to the FDISK Options. IThe hard disk has been updated. The system should
now be restarted. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del.
IThe hard disk is in use.
No partitions can be created or deleted.
EYou used an invalid FDISK parameter.
EThe PATCH parameters are incorrect.
EThe data specified in the patch
control file was incomplete.
IPatching %1
PDo you want to continue patching %1? (Y/N) INo patches applied.
IPatches entered for %1
PDo you want these patches applied to %1? (Y/N) IPatches applied to %1
INo patches applied to %1
IEnd of file is at %1
PEnter the hexadecimal offset of patch: EThe offset is beyond the end of the file.
EThe number of patches exceeds the
limit of PATCH.
WNo file specified to patch in
patch instruction file %1
EA %1 command was found without a %2 command.
E%1 is not a valid offset for %2.
E%1 is not a correct hexadecimal string for %2.
EOffset %1 for %2 is too close
or beyond offset %3 (end of file) to verify %4
EThe verification failed for %1.
EOffset %1 for %2 is
beyond offset %3 (end of file).
EPATCH detected an unknown
patch instruction file command: %1
EPATCH cannot open %1 to
append to %2.
ENo patches were specified for %1.
EThe MODE parameters are incorrect.
ICharacters per line has been set.
ILines per inch has been set.
IInfinite retry has been set.
I-- More --IInfinite retry has been reset
IThe MODE parameter, %1, is available only when the spooler
is disabled.
IMODE is unable to set the ReadBack function for the diskette.
The process has ended.
IAsynchronous Communications mode has been set.
IThe parallel printer cannot be
redirected to a communication device. Use
the SPOOL utility to redirect the output.
PInsert a diskette in drive A and press enter to continue or
press CTRL+Break to cancel the MODE command.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter CHARS %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter LINES %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter BAUD %1 is not correct.
IThe MODE parameter %1 is not supported by this COM port.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is not supported for DOS sessions.
EThe COM port specified is not installed.
IThe MODE diskette ReadBack command has been successfully completed.
EThe MODE parameter ROWS %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter DISPLAY %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter DISPLAY is missing.
EThe MODE COM "%1" parameter is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameters DISPLAY %1 or ROWS %2 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter DATABITS %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter STOPBITS %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter PARITY %1 is not correct.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is not correct.
Files will be restored from drive %1:
Insert backup diskette %1 in drive %2:
Press Enter when ready.
Warning! The diskette is out of sequence.
Replace the diskette or press Enter to continue.
Warning! File %1 is a read-only file.
Replace the file (Y/N)?
Warning! File %1 was changed after the backup.
Replace the file (Y/N)?
Operating system files are restored.
The target disk may not be usable.
The files were backed up on %1.
The source and target drives entered are the same.
The number of parameters entered is incorrect.
No files were found to restore.
The last file listed was not restored.
The source diskette does not contain backup files.
EThe system cannot restore a file in an
incorrect order.
The system cannot restore the file.
PDiskette %1
Insert the RESTORE target diskette in drive %1.
Press Enter when ready.
IListing files on drive %1:
EThe system cannot write to the BACKUP
log file. Press Enter to continue, or press
Ctrl+Break to cancel.
EThe drive letter must be specified
for the BACKUP command.
ENo source drive was specified.
ENo target drive was specified.
IThe target disk cannot be used to append files because it
contains files from a previous version of BACKUP.
EThe source and target drives entered are the same.
EThe system cannot run the FORMAT command.
IKEYS is on.
IKEYS is off.
EThe system cannot find the drive specified.
EThe system cannot find the FORMAT utility.
EThe system cannot open the logfile.
EThe BACKUP command cannot format
drive %1.
IThe last backup target diskette
was not inserted.
IThe BACKUP command is logging to file %1.
IWarning! The files in the root directory
of target drive %1: will be erased.
NEW DISK, STUPID! Press Enter or Ctrl+Break.
IWarning! The files in the \BACKUP directory
of target drive %1: will be erased.
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel.
IThe files are being backed up to drive %1.
PDiskette number %1
IThe system cannot find any files to back up.
PInsert a backup source diskette in %1:
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel.
PInsert backup diskette %1 in drive %2:
EThe file cannot be backed up at this time.
PInsert the last backup diskette in drive %1:
Press Enter to continue or Ctrl+Break to cancel.
EThe target disk cannot be used
to back up files.
IThe last file was not backed up
because the target hard disk is full.
ITarget hard disk %1: is full.
EThe system cannot create the directory.
EThe path name is too long.
P (Y/N)? ?
ISource files are being read...
I%1 file or directory cannot be found.
PThe current target for XCOPY, %1,
can be either a directory or a file name, and must be specified.
Respond Y if the target is a directory
or N if the target is a file name.
Does %1 specify a directory (Y/N) EThe system cannot copy to a
subdirectory belonging to the source directory.
EAt least one of the specified parameters is not
correct, or a parameter was not specified.
EThe system encountered an error while accessing
file %1.
EXCOPY cannot be performed because the number of parameters
entered is incorrect.
IANSI extended screen and
keyboard control is on.
IANSI extended screen and
keyboard control is off.
EA version of DOS earlier than DOS 3.20 was detected.
IYou requested to start %1 from drive %2.
IThe system cannot load the startup file system. The
information for the startup file system is not correct. Reinstall
your system.
IThe system cannot initialize the startup file system.
Reinstall your system.
EThe Dual Boot feature file %1 cannot be found.
EThe specified operating system is already on the
current drive.
EThe operating system did not start %1 as
WWarning! Make sure all your programs have completed
or data will be lost when the system is restarted.
EFile %1 did not copy to %2.
WWarning! You should now restart your system by
pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
IThe next system reset will start %1 from drive %2.
EThe system cannot find the file "%3" specified
in the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file.
Line %1 is ignored.
EThe file "%3" specified in the %2 command
on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a
valid device driver or file system driver. Line %1 is ignored.
IThe information needed to IPL the system is not
Operating System/2 Version 2.1
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1981, 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993. All rights reserved.
US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure
restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
IThe system cannot load the dynamic link library %1
which is needed to start the system.
Install the dynamic link library in the root directory of
the startup drive or in the directory specified in the
LIBPATH command in the CONFIG.SYS file.
IThe system cannot find the entry point %2 in
dynamic link library %1 which is needed to start the system.
Install the correct dynamic link library in the root
directory of the startup drive or in the directory
specified in the LIBPATH command in the CONFIG.SYS file.
IThe system cannot open the CON: file, which is
needed to start the system.
IThe handle for the CON: file is not zero.
Press Enter to continue.
EThe system does not have enough storage for the
DISKCACHE buffers.
EThe value specified in the DISKCACHE statement in
your CONFIG.SYS file is too small.
EThe code page "%1" is not acceptable for the
EThe code page combination "%1" is not acceptable
for the keyboard, or the DEVINFO command is not correct.
EThe BOOT command was not able to restart the system.
IThe hard disk preparation is complete.
EThe country information file "%1" is incorrect.
IThe hard disk is being prepared. Please wait...
IThe system has assumed code page %1.
EThe DOS.SYS device driver cannot be found.
ICode page switching is not available.
EThe system has detected an error when starting.
PYour system will be reset. Do you want to continue (Y/N)? ?
EThe KEYB command cannot find the translation
table file for the keyboard in the path specified by
the DEVINFO= statement of the CONFIG.SYS file.
EThe KEYB command has detected an error reading
the translation table file for the keyboard.
EA system error has occurred.
PCode page %1 is not available for the requested country keyboard.
Do you want to load the translation table for the default code page (Y/N)?
EThe Default Translate Table for the specified country code
could not be found.
IThe system cannot reload the default table
because it is already loaded.
EThe system cannot open the keyboard.
EThe system cannot accept the keyboard
type specified.
EThe system has detected an error while
loading the translate table.
IThe translation table for code page %1 has been loaded.
ICurrent keyboard layout: %1 Subcountry code: %2
ICurrent keyboard translation table is based on code page: %1
IAlternate keyboard code page table: %1
IThis keyboard has a custom translate table.
EThe system cannot accept the parameter %1
EThe system is unable to get or
change the code page for this process.
IActive code page: %1
Prepared system code pages: %2
ECode page %1 is not prepared for system.
INo code page support is available on the system.
ICode page %1 is not prepared for device %2.
EThe system cannot accept the START command parameter %1.
IThere are no currently printing files in the print
queue. Check the Print Destination print queue to determine
the current status of the requested print file.
PThere are too many printer queues associated with the device.
Your job request is queued to print and cannot be cancelled.
PThere are no printer queues associated with the device.
Your job request is not queued to print and cannot be cancelled.
EThe Presentation Manager spooler is not installed.
EThe Presentation Manager print device
specified is not installed or is not ready.
EThe PRINT command has detected an unexpected
Presentation Manager error.
IThe Presentation Manager input device specified by
the spool command is busy and cannot be used by the spooler.
The device is in use by a previous spool command.
IThe Presentation Manager output device specified by
the spool command is busy and cannot be used by the spooler.
The device is in use by a previous spool command.
IAn unexpected error was detected from the
Presentation Manager. The SPOOL command received a return code
it did not understand.
PThe SPOOL directory parameter is no longer supported,
or an invalid parameter was entered.
SPOOL will ignore the parameter and continue processing.
E Your application tried to access a communications
port, %1, which is in use by another application.
Press Retry the operation if you would like to switch to the
application which currently controls the communications port
and end it. The OS/2 operating system will pause to give
you time to end this application before reassigning the
port to the waiting program.
Press the Ignore choice if you would like the application
to continue without access to %1.
Press the End the program choice if you would like to
end the application that is waiting to access %1.
Warning! If you select this choice, both your
application and its DOS command prompt session will end.
You may lose data.
E Your application tried to access a parallel
port, %1, which is in use by another application. Press
Retry the operation if you would like to switch to the
application which currently controls the parallel port
and end it. The OS/2 operating system will pause to give
you time to end this application before reassigning the
port to the waiting program.
Press the End the program choice if you would like to
end the application that is waiting to access %1.
Warning! If you select this choice, both your
application and its DOS command prompt session will end.
You may lose data.
EOS/2 Procedures Language 2/REXX is not installed.
E%1 cannot be executed as a detached process.
EChaining was attempted from a REXX batch file.
EThe system cannot find the file %1.
EThe process tried to write to a nonexistent pipe.
EThe system cannot start the session in the foreground.
The process has stopped. The software diagnostic
code (exception code) is %1.
A non-recoverable error occurred.
The process ended.
The system detected a divide by zero error.
The process has stopped. The software
diagnostic code (trap number) is %1.
The process ended when it tried to use
a non-existent math processor.
The external process was cancelled by a Ctrl+Break or another process.
E"%1" is not a recognized OS/2 device.
EThe batch file cannot be found.
IThe file or directory %1 has an incorrect extended attribute chain.
EInsufficient memory is available to examine extended attribute
chains. Processing continues.
I%1 bytes in extended attributes.
IAn error was found in the extended attributes for a file
or directory. The error will be ignored unless you convert the
extended attributes to files. Do you want to convert these extended
attributes chains to files (Y/N)? IAn error was found in the extended attributes for a file or
directory. Do you want to display these extended attributes chains as
files (Y/N)? IThe file or directory was renamed to %1 its extended attributes
are in %2.
IThe first extended attributes cluster number of %1 is incorrect.
The entry was truncated.
IThe file or directory was renamed to %1, its extended attributes
are in %2.
EThe system cannot locate the file.
The file is not in the directory
that contains the Program Selector
Write down these steps:
1. Copy the file listed above into the directory
that contains the Program Selector,
or reinstall the system.
2. Restart the system.
Press any key to continue. Then do steps 1 and 2.
EThe system does not have enough
storage to process the command.
There is not enough storage available.
Make more storage available. For example,
decrease the value specified for the RMSIZE=,
BUFFERS=, or TRACEBUF= statement in the
CONFIG.SYS file. Then restart the system.
EThe system cannot process this request.
A non-recoverable error occurred.
Try to save all your programs and data.
Then restart the system.
EThe system cannot start the selected
The maximum number of programs are currently running.
End a running program. Then start another program.
EThe extended attribute join operation is not
EThe system cannot set the mouse
button assignments.
The mouse may not be installed properly.
Check that the mouse software is properly installed.
Then restart the system.
EThe system has detected an
unacceptable executable format in the file.
The program is either formatted
incorrectly or is an incorrect
version of the operating system.
Run the program from a DOS command prompt.
PDo you want to use the maximum
size for an OS/2 partition (Y/N) .....? PChoose one of the following:
1. Create primary OS/2 partition
2. Create extended OS/2 partition
P 3. Create logical drive(s) in
the extended OS/2 partition
PCreate Primary OS/2 Partition
PCreate Extended OS/2 Partition
PCreate Logical Drive(s)
IExtended OS/2 partition created.
IDisk volume %1 created
PChoose one of the following:
1. Delete the Primary OS/2 partition
2. Delete the Extended OS/2 partition
P 3. Delete the logical drive(s) in
the Extended OS/2 Partition
PDelete the Primary OS/2 Partition
PDelete the Extended OS/2 Partition
PDelete the Logical Drive
IAll the logical drives have been
deleted in the Extended OS/2 partition.
IThe extended OS/2 partition was deleted.
IThe drive has been deleted.
IWarning! The partition marked is
not a startup partition.
IWarning! Data in the logical drive will be lost.
What drive do you want to delete.........? IWarning! Data in the Extended OS/2 partition
will be lost. Do you want to continue.............? PAre you sure......................? PEnter the size of the logical drive........: PThe Extended OS/2 partition contains logical drives.
Do you want to display the logical drive information......? PPress Esc to return to the operating system.
PThe total partition size is %1 cylinders.
The maximum contiguous space available for
the logical drive is %2 cylinders.
IThe total partition size is %1 cylinders.
ICurrent Hard Disk Drive: %1
IThe drive letters have been changed or deleted.
IThe only startup partition on Drive 1
is already marked active.
IAll available space in the Extended OS/2 partition
is assigned to logical drives.
INo startup partitions exist.
IOnly partitions on Drive 1 can be
made active.
IThe maximum number of logical OS/2 drives are installed.
IThe primary OS/2 partition on drive 1 cannot be deleted
when an Extended partition exists.
IThe maximum available space for the partition
is %1 cylinders.
IDrive Start End Size
I%1 %2 %3 %4
I%1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7
IAn Extended OS/2 partition already exists.
IAn Extended OS/2 partition does not exist.
IA partition or logical drive cannot be less than 32K bytes.
INo logical drives are defined.
IThe requested logical drive size exceeds
the maximum space available.
IThe requested partition size exceeds the
the maximum space available.
IThere are no partitions to delete.
IAn Extended OS/2 partition cannot be created without
a Primary partition on Disk 1.
PAn Extended OS/2 partition cannot be deleted while
logical drives exist. IA zero cannot be specified as the number of
IThe drive %1 was previously deleted.
IAn internal error occurred in FDISK.
INo Parameters are allowed with FDISK.
EThe system cannot start another OS/2 mode session.
EThe query status function for COM port
is not available for DOS sessions.
WThe infinite retry option, P, is not valid in
the OS/2 session. It has been ignored.
E%1 cannot support Enhanced Mode because the Arbitration
Level is incorrect.
I%1 file(s) moved.
IThe system detected an internal processing
error at location %1.
The system is stopped. Record the location number
of the error and contact your service representative.
IThe system detected a user error at location %1.
EThe file "%3" specified in the %2 command on
line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file does not contain a valid
program. Line %1 is ignored.
E A program in this session encountered a problem and
cannot continue.
E A program in this session encountered a problem and
cannot continue.
EThe file "%1" does not contain a valid program.
IThe system detected a general protection
fault (trap D) in a system call.
Arguments used in system call (high to low):
EA DOS program changed an interrupt vector that
is owned by the system. The program was ended.
EThe system does not have enough storage
to reload a code or data segment.
EA program caused a divide error.
The program was stopped.
EA program caused a single-step error.
The program was ended.
IThe system detected a hardware memory error.
Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to
determine the cause of the problem.
EA program caused a breakpoint error.
The program was ended.
EA program caused an overflow error.
The program was ended.
EA program caused a bound range error.
The program was ended.
EA program started an invalid instruction.
The program was ended.
EA program started a numeric coprocessor
instruction, but there is no coprocessor present. The program
was ended.
EA system error occurred.
EA program ran a numeric coprocessor instruction
that attempted to reference storage past the end of a
storage segment. The program was ended.
EA system error occurred.
EA program tried to reference a storage segment that
is not in storage. The program was ended.
EA program attempted to reference storage outside the
limits of a stack segment. The program was ended.
EA program caused a protection violation.
IThe system detected an interrupt that cannot be masked.
EThe system detected a hardware memory error on the system board.
The hardware memory error occurred at physical location %1.
Make a note of the location and read the message help.
The system stopped.
Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to
determine the cause of the problem.
IThe system detected a hardware memory error
on an option card.
The system stopped.
Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to
determine the cause of the problem.
IThe system detected a timeout on the DMA channel
of the hardware.
The system stopped.
Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to
determine the cause of the problem.
IThe system detected a timeout by the watchdog
timer on the system board.
The system stopped.
Run the diagnostics supplied with your system to
determine the cause of the problem.
EA program caused a fatal page fault (trap E)
EA program ran a numeric coprocessor
instruction with an incorrect operand. The program was
ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program started a numeric coprocessor
instruction with an incorrect operand. The program was
ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program instruction caused the numeric coprocessor
to try to divide a number by zero. The program was
ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program ran a numeric coprocessor
instruction that generated a result that exceeds the
capacity of the coprocessor. The program was
ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program ran a numeric coprocessor
instruction that generated a result that is too small
for the coprocessor. The program was
ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program ran a numeric coprocessor
instruction that caused a rounding error. The program
was ended. The error occurred at address %1.
EA program raised a numeric coprocessor exception with
an invalid coprocessor status word.
EThe system has successfully recovered from a Memory Parity
error at physical location %1. Make a note of this location number and
read the help for this message before you continue.
EThe system has detected a Memory Parity error at physical
location %1. The application %2 has ended. Make a note of this location
number and read the help for this message before you continue.
IView history file. IProgram title ...IDate installed ..IDate updated ....IThe trace utility cannot find a minor
code, group or type record in %1 that matches the
selection on the command line. This trace definition
file is ignored.
EThe specified device cannot accept the contents
of the system trace buffer.
EThe trace utility was unable to update the
trace status of the following process IDs:
IThere is not enough memory available to run the
trace utility.
IThe trace utility has detected a format error
in the process ID list. The system process ID status for
tracing was not updated.
EThe system cannot accept the
extension specified on the program file.
IThe trace utility detected a switch option that
was not correct. The switch option %1 is ignored.
IThe trace utility detected a conflict between
/S and /R switch options that suspend and resume logging of
trace points in the trace buffer. The switch options are
EThe command or program is not
compatible with the version of
Operating System/2 being used. $
ENo file name was specified.
EThe parameters are incorrect.
EEDLIN cannot open the specified file.
EEDLIN cannot continue because of
a read error in %S.
EEDLIN will not edit a file with a .BAK extension.
EThe disk is full and all the edits were lost.
EEDLIN cannot continue because of
a syntax error.
IEDLIN has created a new file.
IThe string specified cannot be found.
EEDLIN cannot continue because the line
is longer than 253 characters.
IThe entire input file has been read.
PDo you want to end the edit (Y/N)?
EEDLIN cannot continue unless a
destination line number is specified.
EEDLIN does not have enough
room to merge the specified file.
IThe U.S. PC version (437) of the
graphic code page table is currently
IThe Canadian French version (863) of
the graphic code page table is
currently loaded.
IThe Portuguese version (860) of the
graphic code page table is currently
IThe Nordic version (865) of the graphic
code page table is currently loaded.
IThe U.S. PC version (437) of the
graphic code page table has just been
IThe Canadian French version (863) of
the graphic code page table has just
been loaded.
IThe Portuguese version (860) of the
graphic code page table has just been
IThe Nordic version (865) of the graphic
code page table has just been loaded.
INo graphic code page table has been
IAn unrecognizable graphic
code page table is currently loaded.
IThe acceptable GRAFTABL parameters are:
/STA - Display the name and number of
the current graphic code page
? - Display this summary of
437 - U.S. PC code page
850 - Multilingual graphic code page
860 - Portuguese graphic code page
863 - Canadian French graphic
code page
865 - Nordic graphic code page
IThe Multilingual version (850) of the
graphic code page table is currently
IThe Multilingual version (850) of the
graphic code page table has just been
IA disk read error occurred.
IThe file OS2LDR cannot be found.
PInsert a system diskette and restart
the system.
IThe system cannot find the OS2KRNL file.
IThe file OS2KRNL is not acceptable.
IThe system does not have enough storage to
start the operating system.
IThe Logging Facility device driver LOG$ is loaded.
Buffer Size: %1 KB
I The Logging Facility LOGDAEM is loaded.
Log file name: %1
Max file size: %2KB
EThe Logging Facility program, LOGDAEM, is already running.
Press Esc to create the logical drive EThe Logging Facility program %1 found the incorrect parameter %2.
IThe Logging Facility program %1 found the duplicate parameter
%2 and discarded it.
EThe log-file %1 has an invalid log-file header. Logging is
EThe Logging Facility device driver (LOG.SYS) is not installed.
IAn unrecoverable error occurred while
writing to side %1, track %2 of the target diskette.
EThe Logging Facility cannot use %1 as the log file; return code
is %2.
EThe Logging Facility cannot write to log file %1;
return code is %2. The local log file %3 is being used.
EThe Logging Facility cannot write to log file %1; logging is
IDuplicate parameter %1 for %2 has been discarded by the
Logging Facility.
EThe size of log file %1 cannot be increased beyond %2 KB.
Wrapping will occur.
IThere are no appended directories.
IThe system has detected a
conflict between the APPEND and ASSIGN
utilities. APPEND is not active.
IThe system has detected a conflict between
the APPEND utility and the TOPVIEW application.
APPEND is not active.
IAPPEND is already installed.
IThe path or parameter is incorrect.
IA path specified for APPEND is incorrect.
IYou are attempting to use an incorrect version of APPEND.
EThere is not enough memory for device driver LOG$.
EThe Logging Facility request has timed out.
EError %1 encountered an unexpected end of file
on the redirected input. The process has stopped.
IThe Logging Facility is suspended.
IThe Logging Facility has been resumed.
IThe Logging Facility has redirected logging to log file %1.
EThe Logging Facility was unable to redirect logging to %1;
return code is %2.
ENot enough storage is available to create the DOS environment.
EThere is not enough storage to create the DOS environment.
The system is stopped.
Correct the preceding error and restart the system.
IDOS cannot be started.
IThe file "%1" does not contain a valid device
driver. Install the correct device driver file; then restart
the system.
E%1 messages were lost.
EThe country information file "%3" specified in
the %2 command on line %1 of the CONFIG.SYS file is incorrect.
EA program in this session encountered a problem and
cannot continue.
EThe system cannot find the SYSLOGPM.EXE file.
ESYSLOG found the incorrect parameter, %1. No action was taken.
ELogging cannot be suspended; the return code is %1.
ELogging cannot be resumed; the return code is %1.
IDOS Command Prompt
PProgram Selector
EAn error was detected in the SELECT/ESELECT block.
The Installation Aid program detected a missing
ESELECT statement or a syntax error within the block of
SELECT statements entered.
Edit the program file. Retry the command.
E%1 is no longer required. This command is not
EThe system cannot locate the file %1.
The file is missing from the directory.
Write down these steps:
1. Copy the file listed above into the correct directory,
or reinstall the system.
2. Restart the system.
Press any key to get to the command prompt. Then do steps 1 and 2.
EPort %1 cannot be opened.
IPort %1 is now unavailable for use in DOS sessions.
IPort %1 is now available for use in DOS sessions.
EThe system is unable to load the program.
EYou must specify a diskette drive letter.
EThe MODE parameter %1 is incorrect.
IThe last file shown was not backed up.
IDisk read error, program ended.
IDisk write error, program ended.
EThe network is not started.
EThe operation is not valid on a redirected resource.
EThe API return buffer is too small.
EThe operation you are attempting to perform cannot be done
until you start the network.
EThe requested API is not supported on the remote server.
EThe print queue does not exist.
EThe print job does not exist.
EThe print device cannot be found.
IThe print device already exists.
EThe print queue already exists.
ENo more print queues can be added.
ENo more print jobs can be added.
ENo more print devices can be added.
EXPLATION: The system does not have enough memory available to add another
ACTION: To free memory, delete an existing printer. Then, create
the new printer.
EThe print device has no active jobs and cannot accept
control operations.
EThe print device request contains a control function
that is not valid.
EThe spooler is not running.
EThe operation cannot be performed while the print
device is in its current state.
EThe operation cannot be performed while the print
job is in its current state.
EA spooler memory allocation failure occurred.
EThe printer driver does not exist.
EThe data type is not supported by the queue driver.
EThe queue driver is not installed.
EThe server which allows you access to the network is not
IUse the CTTY command to change standard input and
output devices.
SYNTAX: CTTY [device]
[device] Specifies the new standard input and output device.
Note, to change the standard input and output back to the
default, enter: CTTY CON
EDosKrnl: A NPX instruction was attempted, but no NPX is present.EDosKrnl: not enough memory.EDosKrnl: arena corrupted.EDosKrnl: Block device drivers are not permitted.EDosKrnl: Invalid DOS setting: EThe password given has expired.
EThe connection cannot be found.
EThe requested device is not valid.
EThis device is already in use as a communications device.
EThis computer name specified is invalid.
EThere are open files on the connection.
EThe drive letter is in use locally.
You tried to assign a local drive letter to a shared resource.
ACTION: Use a drive letter that does not correspond to a local drive.
IThis program requires OS/2 Presentation Manager.EThe current drive %1 does not exist.
IOperating System/2 Command Interpreter Version 2.1 - DOS Mode
EThe specified environment size is not valid.
EThe CTTY command is not supported in OS/2.
EYou have exceeded the available environment space.
EThe drive or path you specified with the
new COMMAND.COM is not valid.
EThe PATH= statement contains an invalid drive or path.
IBREAK is off.
IBREAK is on.
EA memory allocation error has occurred.
EThe .EXE file that starts the program you specified contains an
EThe program cannot fit in memory.
EA load module error has occurred.
EThe name specified is not recognized as an internal or external
command, an operable program, or a batch file.
EAn attempt to reload COMMAND.COM failed.
EThis session was halted because COMMAND.COM cannot be loaded.
ECOMMAND.COM cannot be started.
PInsert disk with %1 in drive %2 and
press any key when ready.
EON or OFF must be specified.
ECode page %1 is not prepared for all devices.
EThe binary option (/B) cannot be used with COPY if the
source is a device rather than a file.
EAn error occurred when writing to a device.
IThere is no PATH specified currently.
EFOR cannot be nested.
EInvalid number of parameters.
IUse the ASSIGN command to give a different letter to an existing
NOTE: This is a virtual DOS machine command only.
SYNTAX: ASSIGN [ /S | [x=y] [x=y] .... ]
Where: x New drive letter (colon optional) for y.
= Is a separator.
y Physical drive (colon optional) to be changed.
/S Displays the ASSIGN status.
The following table shows examples of the ASSIGN command.
ASSIGN /S Display the current drive assignments.
ASSIGN A=C and DIR A: Display the directory of drive C.
ASSIGN A=C B=C Direct all requests for drive A or B
to drive C.
ASSIGN Reset all drives.
IYour original %1: has been set to %2:.
IASSIGN is not resident in this session.
INo drive letters are currently redirected by ASSIGN.
EThe second drive letter is missing.
EThe invalid character, %1, was used to specify a drive.
EThe invalid character, %1, was used as a separator.
EThe invalid character, /%1, was used to specify a switch.
ILicensed Material - Program Property of IBMIUse JOIN to logically connect a disk drive to a specific
directory on another drive.
NOTE: This is a virtual DOS machine command only.
SYNTAX: JOIN [ d: [c:]path | d: /D ]
Where: d: Is the drive to connect.
c:path Is the directory connected to.
/D Deletes the drive connection.
The following table shows examples of the JOIN command.
JOIN D: C:\PATH Connect drive D to directory C:\PATH.
JOIN List current connected drives.
DIR C:\PATH References to C:\PATH are directed to drive D.
JOIN D: /D Delete connection of drive D.
IUse SUBST to substitue a directory for a drive.
NOTE: This is a virtual DOS machine command only.
SYNTAX: SUBST [ d: [c:]path | d: /D ]
Where: d: Is the drive to substitute.
c:path Is the directory substituted to.
/D Deletes the drive substitution.
The following table shows examples of the SUBST command.
SUBST D: C:\PATH Connect drive D to directory C:\PATH.
SUBST Lists current substituted drives.
DIR D: References to drive D are directed to C:\PATH.
SUBST D: /D Delete substitution of drive D.
IThe LABEL command creates, changes, or deletes the volume label
on a disk.
SYNTAX: LABEL [drive:] [label]
EYou cannot use the LABEL command at this time
because you previously used a JOIN, SUBST, or ASSIGN command.
IUse the DIR command to list the files and subdirectories.
SYNTAX: DIR [drive:][filename] [/A[adshr]] [/B] [/F]
[/L] [/N] [/O[nedsg]] [/P] [/S] [/W] [/R]
[drive:][filename] Specifies the directories and
files to list.
/A[adshr] Displays only specified attributes.
/B Displays only filename and extension.
/F Displays only fully-qualified files and directories.
/L Displays directory information in lower case letters.
IThe list below shows the commands available when using DEBUG.
ASSEMBLE A [address]
COMPARE C [range address]
DUMP D [range]
ENTER E address [list]
FILL F range list
GO G [=address] [addresses]
I Address Name Size Type
I ------- -------- ------ ------
I Handle EMS Name Size
I ------- -------- ------
I%1 bytes total conventional memory
I%1 bytes available for DOS
I%1 largest executable program size
I%1 bytes total EMS memory
I%1 bytes free EMS memory
I%1 bytes total contiguous extended memory
IInterrupt Vector IROM Communication Area IDOS Communication Area IBIO IDOS ISystem Data ISystem Program ISystem Device Driver I%1 bytes total XMS memory
I%1 bytes total memory
I Total FREE: %1 %2
IMemory below 640K (Conventional Memory)IMemory above 640K (Upper Memory Blocks)I Total FREE: I Name Size in Decimal Size in Hex