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252 lines
SIGNAL=$(I)signal.h $(I)sys/signal.h
FCNTL=$(I)fcntl.h $(I)sys/fcntl.h
ERRNO=$(I)errno.h $(I)sys/errno.h
LIBS=$(L)c.a $(L)gcc.a $(L)curses.a $(L)termcap.a
# The version number of this GNU and Xboard release
VERS= 4.0
XVERS = 2.0
# Relevant file areas.
DIST= ../README ../README.lang ../doc ../misc ../src ../test
# Distribution directory
DISTDIR= /junk
# Programs being distributed
PROGS=gnuchess-$(VERS) xboard-$(XVERS)
# Where language description, our book, and the persistent hash live.
LIBDIR= ./misc
LIBDIR1 = .\misc
# Display routines.
#LCURSES=-lcurses -ltermcap
#compile options for gnuchess
# -DAG[0-4] selects a set of values for SpaceBonus tables
# -DQUIETBACKGROUND don't print post information in background ( easy OFF)
# -DNOMEMSET if your machine does not support memset
# -DNOMATERIAL don't call it a draw when no pawns and both sides < rook
# -DNODYNALPHA don't dynamically adjust alpha
# -DHISTORY use history killer hueristic
# -DKILLT use killt killer hueristic
# -DHASGETTIMEOFDAY use gettimeofday for more accurate timing
# -DCLIENT create client version for use with ICS
# -DNOSCORESPACE don't use Scorespace heuristic
# -DOLDXBOARD don't generate underpromote moves
# -DGNU3 don't generate underpromote moves
# -DLONG64 if you have 64bit longs
# -DSYSV if you are using SYSV
# -DCACHE Cache static evaluations
# -DE4OPENING always open e4 if white and respond to e4 with e5 if black
# -DQUIETBOOKGEN Don't print errors while loading a book or generating a binbook
# -DSEMIQUIETBOOKGEN Print less verbose errors while reading book or generating binbook
# -DGDBM use gdbm based book
# -DGDX use random file based book
# -DNULLMOVE include null move heuristic
# some debug options
# -DDEBUG8 dump board,movelist,input move to /tmp/DEBUG if illegal move
# -DDEBUG9 dump move list from test command
# -DDEBUG10 dump board and move after search before !easy begins
# -DDEBUG11 dump board when the move is output
# -DDEBUG12 dump boards between moves
# -DDEBUG13 dump search control information for each move to /tmp/DEBUG
# -DDEBUG33 dump book moves as read from book
# -DDEBUG40 include extra values of variables for debugging in game list
# -DDEBUG41 dump post output to /tmp/DEBUG
# the rest of the debug options are tied to the debuglevel command
# -DDEBUG -DDEBUG4 set up code for debuglevel command
# debuglevel
# 1 always force evaluation in evaluate
# 4 print move list after search
# 8 print move list after book before search
# 16 print move list after each ply of search
# 32 print adds to transposition table
# 64 print returns from transposition table lookups
# 256 print search tree as it is generated
# 512 debug trace
# 1024 interactive tree print
# debug? p# where # is no. of plys to print from top of tree (default all plys)
# XXXX moves specifying branch of tree to print (default all branches)
# return terminates input
# 2048 non-interactive trace print
# The hashfile is a record of positions seen. It is used by
# GNU Chess to avoid making the same mistakes, a form of learning.
HASH= -DHASHFILE=\"$(LIBDIR)/gnuchess.has\"
# The "book" is a record of the first few moves, for playing good
# moves easily and quickly, saving time, and irritating the human
# opponent.
#BOOK= -DBOOK=\"$(LIBDIR)/gnuchess.boo\"
BINBOOK = -DBINBOOK=\"gnuchess.dat\"
# The language file describes capabilities of the program. Perhaps
# it is useful for non-English speaking countries and customizing
# for their convenience and chess happiness.
LANG= -DLANGFILE=\"gnuchess.lan\"
# The compiler used for compiling this software.
# Use this if you are lucky enough to have GNU CC.
CC= gcc $(OPT)
# Miscellaneous CFLAGS. Uncomment the one you need and comment
# the other.
CFLAGS= -Wall -O2 -funroll-loops -ZC++-comments # gnu cc 2.00 on others
all : gnuchesn.exe #gnuchesr.exe gnuchess.exe gnuan.exe postprin.exe game.exe binchekr.exe checkgam.exe chekbook.exe
gnuchess.exe: mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomN.o uxdsp.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -o gnuchess.exe mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomN.o uxdsp.o $(LIBS)
gnuan.exe: mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o gnuan.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -o gnuan.exe mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o gnuan.o $(LIBS)
gnuchesr.exe: mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomR.o nondspR.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -o gnuchesr.exe mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomR.o nondspR.o $(LIBS)
gnuchesn.exe: mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomN.o nuxdsp.o mouse.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -o gnuchesn.exe mainN.o bookN.o genmoveN.o ataks.o util.o evalN.o init.o searchN.o dspcomN.o nuxdsp.o mouse.o $(LIBS)
game.exe: game.c gnuchess.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o game.exe game.c
# strip game
# aout2exe game
# del game
postprin.exe: postprin.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -o postprin.exe postprin.o
# strip postprint
# aout2exe postprint
# del postprint
binchekr.exe: binchekr.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o binchekr.exe binchekr.o
# strip binchekr
# aout2exe binchekr
# del binchekr
checkgam.exe: checkgam.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o checkgam.exe checkgam.o
chekbook.exe: chekbook.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o chekbook.exe chekbook.o
gnuan.o: gnuan.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) $(BINBOOK) -c gnuan.c
mainN.o: main.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) $(BINBOOK) -c main.c
# del mainN.o
rename main.o mainN.o
genmoveN.o: genmoves.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c genmoves.c
# del genmoveN.o
rename genmoves.o genmoveN.o
bookN.o: book.c gnuchess.h version.h ataks.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) $(BINBOOK) -c book.c
# del bookN.o
rename book.o bookN.o
ataks.o: ataks.h ataks.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c ataks.c
util.o: util.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c util.c
evalN.o: eval.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c eval.c
# del evalN.o
rename eval.o evalN.o
init.o: init.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c init.c
searchN.o: search.c gnuchess.h version.h debug512.h debug10.h debug13.h debug16.h debug256.h debug4.h debug40.h debug41.h debug64.h debug8.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c search.c
# del searchN.o
rename search.o searchN.o
uxdsp.o: uxdsp.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c uxdsp.c
nuxdsp.o: nuxdsp.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c nuxdsp.c
nondspR.o: nondsp.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -DNONDSP -c nondsp.c
# del nondspR.o
rename nondsp.o nondspR.o
dspcomN.o: dspcomn.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -c dspcomn.c
# del dspcomN.o
# rename dspcom.o dspcomN.o
dspcomR.o: dspcom.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) $(LANG) $(BOOK) -DNONDSP -c dspcom.c
rename dspcom.o dspcomR.o
postprin.o: postprin.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -c postprin.c
mouse.o: mouse.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -c mouse.c
binchekr.o: bincheck.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -c bincheck.c
rename bincheck.o binchekr.o
checkgam.o: checkgam.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -c checkgam.c
chekbook.o: checkboo.c gnuchess.h version.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(HASH) -c checkboo.c
rename checkboo.o chekbook.o
# del gnuchess.dat
gnuchesr -b gnuchess.boo -B gnuchess.dat -S 120000 -P 24
# del .\gnuchess.dat
gnuchesr -b gnuchess.boo -B gnuchess.dat -S 45000 -P 16
gnuchesr -b gnuchess.boo -B gnuchess.dat -S 12000 -P 10
install: $(BOOKTYPE)
-copy gnuchesr.exe $(BINDIR1)\gnuchesr.exe
-copy gnuchesn.exe $(BINDIR1)\gnuchesn.exe
-copy postprin.exe $(BINDIR1)\postprin.exe
-copy gnuan.exe $(BINDIR1)\gnuan.exe
-copy gnuchess.exe $(BINDIR1)\gnuchess.exe
-copy binchek.exe $(BINDIR1)\binchek.exe
-copy chekgam.exe $(BINDIR1)\chekgam.exe
-copy chekbook.exe $(BINDIR1)\chekbook.exe
-copy game.exe $(BINDIR1)\game.exe
-del *.o
-del *.exe