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337 lines
A Presentation Manager Utility
Copyright (c) 1994 by Gary L. Robinson
ver. 1.00 ( 32 bit )
PADHD ver. 1.00 is a "scratch pad" to jot notes in and organize small files into.
While PADHD is NOT a WORD PROCESSOR It has several features to help make man-
aging notes a lot easier - such as cut, clear, copy, paste, search, save to ASCII,
import ASCII file, and an ASCII dump to the printer. At its simplest it is merely a note
pad. At it's most it is a great note organizer for students, teachers, programmers
( source code files and examples ), and any one with a lot of information to handle.
PADHD will keep up to 1000 records, each 29,999 bytes long, per data file. There
can be an unlimited number of data files, so the amount that can be stored is un-
limited. Each data file will grow and/or shrink as you add or delete records. Their
size is not static. Find notes, source code, or any info when you need it, then copy
and paste into almost any program to use it! Pad can save you hours of time search-
ing your hard drive for files and makes it easy to organize!
PADHD has no installation program. It consists of three files - PADHD.EXE ,
PADHD.DOC, and ORDER.FRM. After you unzip it, copy PADHD.EXE and PADHD.DOC
to a utilities directory or where ever you want them to reside. If you don't need the
doc file, it may be erased but the doc file is used by the Help selection on the Menu
Bar. If you do erase it, you will not be able to call it through using Help. The file
ORDER.FRM is an order form to register PADHD and can be easily printed to make
registering an easy and almost painless chore.
Migrate PADHD to the desk top or use a program template to put an icon on the
desktop for it. Or you could run it from the command line to test it. Whatever serves
your purpose. After you run it the first time it will create two other files in the same
directory. PADHD.PDF is the data file that holds the info on your notes. PADHD.INI
is an initiation data file that holds settings and screen coordinates. To keep these
files all in the same directory make sure you do not type in any other path in the
Working Directory field of the Settings notebook for the PADHD program object.
Using PADHD should be rather simple and I hope intuitive. That's primarily
why it was written. Double click on the PADHD icon and after you see the noxious
shareware screen and you will see the main screen appear. You are presented with
a list box which will show a list of your notes and six push buttons that will
perform various tasks. Of course, when you first start with PADHD there are not any
notes listed. The first, obvious, thing to do is to use the Add button and create some
/******************** Controls on Main Screen ***************************/
QUIT : Rather obvious function. It ends the program.
VIEW : Strictly for viewing - double clicking on the name of the record in
the list box will also activate the View window. Copy, Search, Export, and
Print controls are available in the View Window.
EDIT : Edit a note and change it's content. Notes can be copied or imported
from the clip board, imported from an ASCII file, or typed in. Copy, Paste,
Cut, Clear, Print, Search, and Import/Export controls are available in the
Edit Window.
ADD : Use this to start a new note. Up to 1000 notes per data file. Copy, Paste,
Cut, Clear, and Import controls are available in an Add Window.
SEARCH : Use this to search through the text or name part of the notes for specific
words or phrases. This global search button will search through all records
and find any occurrences of your search string.
DELETE : Destroy the note and remove it from the data file.
When you first start the program, of course, you have no notes. So the first push
button you'll use is the ADD function. When you press the ADD button you'll be pre-
sented with the Add Record window. There you can type in the name of the note that
will appear in the initial screen's list box. Then type in the body of the note. The
maximum size for a note is 29999 characters which includes empty spaces between
words. To the right of the Record Name field will be a read out of the current number
of bytes you have left in that record. Then you have several choices.
/******************** Controls in Add Window ***************************/
OK : Closes the Add window and saves the record to disk.
CANCEL : Backs out with out saving or setting anything.
COPY : Copies highlighted text to the clip board.
PASTE : This button copies whatever is in the clip board and pastes it into the cur-
rent record starting at the current cursor position.
CUT : This deletes any highlighted text from the record but also copies it to the
clip board at the same time.
CLEAR : This will delete any highlighted text.
IMPORT FROM FILE : Import From File presents the user with an Open Dialog box
which is used to select a TEXT file and import it into the
current record at the current cursor location. The maximum
size file that can be imported is 29,999 bytes in a new record
or whatever the Bytes Available field to the right of the
Record name field tells you is available.
After you have saved one or more records then the Edit, View, Search, and Delete
buttons will be usable. Below is a list of controls on the Edit and View windows :
/************************* Controls in Edit Window *********************/
SAVE NOW : Saves current record to disk but does NOT close window. Located
above the Record Name.
HOME : Places cursor at the BEGINNING of current record. Located above Bytes
Available field. HOT KEY = CTRL + HOME
END : Places cursor at the END of current record. Located above Bytes Available
field. HOT KEY = CTRL + END
OK : Closes the Edit window and saves the record to disk.
CANCEL : Backs out with out saving or setting anything.
COPY : Copies highlighted text to the clip board.
PASTE : This copies whatever is in the clip board and pastes it into the current
record starting at the current cursor position.
CUT : This deletes any highlighted text from the record but also copies it to the
clip board at the same time.
CLEAR : This will delete any highlighted text.
PRINT : This will do a straight, no frills, ASCII dump to the printer. If you need
formatted printing, save the record to an ASCII file then load into your fav-
orite word processor.
SEARCH : Go and Stop buttons. Press Go to initiate a search. You'll be presented
with a dialog entry box to enter a search string. Press OK to start, Cancel
to quit, and check the case sensitive box if you need that. The Default is
to be non case sensitive. The program will find your search string and
highlight it. If It can NOT find it you will hear a musical note. Continue
to press Go to search through the entire document until you hear the music-
al note telling you there are no more occurrences of your search string.
The Stop button will stop and clear the search. All searches start at the
BEGINNING of the record NOT at the point where the cursor is at. So po-
sitioning the cursor has no effect on where it will start searching. The
F2 button is a 'hot' key for the Go button.
EXPORT TO FILE : Export From File presents the user with a dialog entry box.
Type in the FULL path and name of the file you want to save
the current record in. Press OK or Cancel.
IMPORT FROM FILE : Import From File presents the user with an Open Dialog box
which is used to select a TEXT file and import it into the
current record at the position where the cursor is located at.
Maximum size file that can be imported is 29,999 bytes in a
new record or whatever the Bytes Available field to the right
of the Record name field tells you is available.
/************************* Controls in View Window *********************/
OK : Closes the View record window.
COPY : Copies highlighted text to the clip board. Text can be highlighted in the us-
ual ways. Hold down on Shift button and use arrow keys. Or hold down
on mouse button 1 and drag over the text to highlight.
SEARCH : Go and Stop buttons. Press Go to initiate a search. You'll be presented
with a dialog entry box to enter a search string. Press OK to start, Cancel
to quit, and check the case sensitive box if you need that. The Default is
to be non case sensitive. The program will find your search string and
highlight it. If It can NOT find it you will hear a musical note. Continue
to press Go to search through the entire document until you hear the music-
al note telling you there are no more occurrences of your search string.
The Stop button will stop and clear the search. All searches start at the
BEGINNING of the record NOT at the point where the cursor is at. So po-
sitioning the cursor has no effect on where it will start searching.
EXPORT TO FILE : Export From File presents the user with a dialog entry box.
Type in the FULL path and name of the file you want to save
the current record in. Press OK or Cancel.
PRINT : This will do a straight, no frills, ASCII dump to the printer. If you need
formatted printing, save the record to an ASCII file then load into your fav-
orite word processor.
/*********************** Global Search Window *************************/
Global Searches are those searches that are initiated from the search button on the
main program window - not a search conducted while in an Edit or View Window.
When you press the search button for a Global search, you will be presented with a
dialog entry box. Select either of the two check boxes depending on whether you want
to search the Name or Text fields of the record and whether you need the search to be
case sensitive or not. The Default is to search the Text field of the record and NOT
be case sensitive. Enter a search string in the entry field and press OK to begin.
The program will then start searching, one at a time, through every record you have.
If you have 1000 records the search may take 2-3 minutes depending on the speed of
your computer and if what you are looking for is in the last record it looks at.
If it finds a match for your search string it will open that record in a Search ---
View Record Window and highlight the found string. You will then be presented with
four choices :
CANCEL : Quit the search. This will close the Search --- View Record window.
The record will be highlighted in the list box so you can now perform any
of the main actions on it. ( Edit, View, Delete )
CONTINUE GLOBAL : This will close the current window and continue to search
the rest of the records for a match of your search string. If
another match is found it will open a window and highlight the
string again. And on and on until it runs out of records and
notifies you that there are no more matches.
CONTINUE LOCAL : This will continue through the currently opened record looking
for more occurrences of your search string until you quit or there
are no more matches. No more matches will result in a music-
al note.
COPY : Copies highlighted text to the clip board. Text can be highlighted in the us-
ual ways. Hold down on Shift button and use arrow keys. Or hold down
on mouse button 1 and drag over the text to highlight text.
/*********************** MENU ITEM SELECTIONS **********************/
About ... : Under Options on the main menu bar. View the noxious Shareware
money grubbing beg screen.
Default File : Change the Default PADHD data file. MUST use .PDF extension.
The Default File choice is located under the Options choice on the menu bar. When
PADHD is ran for the first time, it creates a data file to hold all of your notes and
other information about them. The file is PADHD.PDF and will be in the same direct-
ory that you put PADHD.EXE into. PADHD will only hold 1000 notes in a data file. If
you select the Default File choice you will see the default data file named PADHD.PDF.
If you fill up this file and run out of room you can just type in a name for a new data
file. Use the same .PDF extension. Type in PADHD2.PDF , for example, then press
OK. If the file does not exist then it will be created. If it does exist, in the same
directory, it will load it in. You can keep an infinite number of data files and switch
back and forth by just changing the Default File. This field is a Drop Down List box.
So, if you have several .PDF files just click on the arrow on the right side of the box
and it will drop down a list of any other .PDF files. Select the one you want then
press OK. It will unload the old file and load in this file.
Toggle Word Wrap : Will turn the word wrap feature on or off. The title bar of the
main window will say what the current state is. With word wrap
on you won't need to use the horizontal scroll bar. This is lo-
cated under the Options selection on the main menu bar.
/************************* ALMOST THE END *************************/
That's about it. Sheeeew! I hate document files!
Registration is a paltry $20.00. Upon registration you'll receive a postcard with the
appropriate code to get rid of the ugly Shareware "About PADHD" screen. Upgrades or
bug fixes will of course be posted on Several BBS's. Suggestions for new features or
comments may be sent to the address below or posted on Genie to : G.ROBINSON13
Gary L. Robinson
600 D. Mumford Dr.
Troy, OH 45373
/*********************** REGISTRATION FORM *************************/
PADHD ver. 1.00
Copyright (c) 1994 by Gary L. Robinson
This order form is for use by individuals wishing to become registered
users of PADHD. Corporations and other institutions, please contact me
for further information regarding site licenses and volume discounts.
Please complete the following information and return this form with your
check or money order to the address below. Please make all checks and
money orders for U.S. funds payable to Gary L. Robinson.
Registration entitles you to use all future updates of PADHD without any
additional expense. This applies to individuals not to corporations or
other institutions.
Please submit to: Gary L. Robinson
600 D. Mumford Dr.
Troy, OH 45373
<Please Type or Print Clearly>
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Company: ________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City: _____________________ St or Prov: ________________________
Postal Code: ________________ Country: _________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________________________________
Date: ___-___-______
I would like to register:
____ Copy(s) of PADHD Ver. 1.00 @ $ 20.00 per copy: $______________
OHIO Residents add %5.5 for state sales tax: ____________________
I am including a check or money order for: ___________________
/**************************** THE END ******************************/