ST-02:2room-hi ST-22:janet-sdrum3 ST-22:janet-sdrum6 ST-19:janet-edit ST-02:woodblock ST-02:bass1 ST-22:janet-base ST-17:yblood-bongo2 ST-01:hihat2 ST-11:bl-perritler ST-22:janet-tv ST-22:janet-yeah ST-02:techno-get3 ST-17:yblood-bongo1 prime time get's to top of the funkymusic amiga scene. ayeah 18 position extension ready in june 1990 jive joythrows must go to stingray of vision for his fast providing of the hott est music stuff..send loads of stuff to me jack the spot ....... m.c. prime time - oderstraat 7 - 5463ap - veghel - holland .