54465 ^volume^ is missing or it may be corrupted.\nYou may have to insert the yellow Content Disk to read PhotoFun photos and templates.\nYou can insert the CD-ROM and press retry, or you can cancel the operation.
54466 Searching for ^filetype^ "^filetitle^"...
54467 Unable to find the ^filetype^ "^filetitle^".\nSelect one of the following options.
54468 Couldn't open ^filetype^ "^filetitle^" on ^volume^. File has been moved or deleted..\nSelect one of the following options.
54469 ^volume^ not found
54470 ^filename^ not found
54471 Searching...
54472 Include network volumes (^volumes^) in automatic search.
54484 Ellapsed time\n^TM^ min. ^ss^ sec.
54485 Estimated time left\n^TM^ min. ^ss^ sec.
54486 ^appname^ warning.
54487 ^appname^ fatal error.
54488 ^appname^ error.
54489 An unknown error occurred.\nPlease note the circumstances of this error and the following information:\nerror #^errorcode^, file ^errorfile^, line ^errorline^\nand contact technical support.
54490 You can:
54491 An unknown warning occurred.\nPlease note the circumstances of this warning and the following information:\nerror #^errorcode^, file ^errorfile^, line ^errorline^\nand contact technical support.
54492 Skip ^itemname^
54493 Cancel ^actionname^
54494 Quit ^appname^
54495 Ignore the error.
54496 Ignore this warning.
54497 An unknown fatal error occurred.\nPlease note the circumstances of this fatal error and the following information:\nerror #^errorcode^, file ^errorfile^, line ^errorline^\nand contact technical support.
54498 Ignore this fatal error.
54499 Windows issued the following warning: ^nativeerror^
54500 Windows issued the following error: ^nativeerror^
54501 Windows issued the following fatal error: ^nativeerror^
54502 Done: ^1^%
54503 Estimated time left:
54504 Ellapsed time:
54507 ^TS^ s.
54508 ^TM^ m ^s^ s.
54509 ^TH^ h ^m^ m.
54510 ^TH^ h, ^m^ m.
54511 Searching...
54512 Similar file found...
54513 '^filepath^' is quite similar to the searched file... Do you want to open it ?