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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2013-12-13  |  472KB  |  2550x3300
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OCR: 760 Chapter Discovering C++ void mult by 2 int& X PRECONDIT ON none POSTCONDITI ION will be changed by mul tiplying it by int main vector<int> v1; Note 3 v1 push back 21 Note .push back 4 .push back 16 cout "Displaying vector vl:\n di .spl ay v1 cout "Di isplaying the el ements of V in reverse\n" reverseIt( v1 vector<int> v2; cout "Di ispl laying vector v2 n splay( v2 v2 resize( Note cout >> "Displaying vector v2 after resizi ing \n displ ay v2 cout "Copy Example \n" copyex( v1 cout "for _each example\n"; for each ex v1 while Iv] empty Note v1 pop back; Note cout "Di spl laying vector v1 after dod back operat: ons display( V return 0 ++++- display void display( vector<int> vector<i int>::iterator it Note 8 empty Note POSTCONDIT Note3 vectar Displayi operati