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OCR: 680 Chapter Discovering C++ Incl lude Files inci lude Kiostream h> Functi ion Prototypes double case price double item cost int case size Note1 PRECOND ITION: item cost the cost of single item case size the number items case POSTCOND IT ION The funct. ion returns the price case case size items that cost item cost each int main cout "The price of case of items \n" n \n", cout "Enter the price of single item now: doubl Note 2 ci or .ce cout IT the case cons .sts of 12 items "the case price will be case pri ice( price endl endl; Note3 cout "If the case consists FO items "the case price wi] be case _pri ice( pri ce, 24 endl, Note4 return 0 **+* case double case price double item cost, int a Note return (item cost case size The program consists of the two functions main() and case pr ice() The ...