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- Reported by John Wroclawski/MIT
- Minutes of the Integrated Services Working Group (INTSERV)
- The working group chairs gratefully thank Bobby Minnear and Garrett
- Wollman of MIT for their detailed meeting notes.
- The Integrated Services Working Group held two meetings at the 32nd
- IETF. The overall charter of the working group is to develop technology
- and standards needed to extend the Internet architecture to accommodate
- ``integrated services''; the ability to provide a range of network
- services tuned to a broad set of application requirements including hard
- real-time, multimedia, and elastic data traffic. The major goal of the
- meetings was to discuss four documents, one describing a format
- (template) for defining services in an integrated services network, and
- three describing, in the template format, three services proposed as
- candidates for eventual adoption in the Internet.
- Reports From Commercial Developers
- The first meeting began with reports from commercial developers of
- internet integrated service technology.
- Abel Weinrib (Intel) described the Intel Architecture Lab's mission to
- make PCs a major player in the use and evolution of the Internet. He
- described Intel's ongoing related activities, which include supporting
- IP in the Proshare conferencing products and contributing heavily to the
- Winsock 2 specification (sockets for Windows) which includes resource
- management and real-time capabilities. He described his own group's
- plans to implement PC host support for RSVP (``Resource Reservation
- Protocol''; see RSVP Working Group documentation for more information)
- and integrated services, and to ensure that demonstration applications
- are available.
- Don Hoffman (Sun) discussed Sun's internal experiments with RSVP and
- LBL's Class-Based Queuing and RSVP over IP/ATM, and briefly described
- Sun's prototype implementation of RSVP/CBQ for Solaris 2.x, which is
- currently available for experimental use. Don's talk and subsequent
- questions from the audience led to a useful discussion of market demand
- and near-term requirements.
- o The important management control right now is allocation of
- aggregate bandwidth (e.g., half of a link devoted to
- videoconferencing) rather than control over individual traffic
- flows.
- o Detailed administrative controls over who can reserve bandwidth are
- not yet important in his setting (lab/enterprise group networks).
- o System management specifications, API's, defined interfaces to
- subnet bandwidth management, and stable protocol specifications are
- the things needed soon.
- Fred Baker (Cisco systems) described Cisco's internal MBONE-like
- capabilities and the use of audio and video communication technology for
- their telecommuting employees. Fred reviewed Cisco's announced schedule
- for the commercial availability of related technology, which includes:
- o WFQ scheduling capability (very soon)
- o PIM multicast routing (now)
- o RSVP (end of 1995)
- Steve Cooper (IEEE 802.1 liaison) presented a quick review of 802.1
- activities related to INTSERV. 802.1 is working to define bandwidth
- management capabilities for the 802 LLC layer, and requests comment from
- our group in the near future. As part of the liaison agreement, 802.1
- has made available to INTSERV the initial documents describing this
- activity, and a number of more detailed documents describing proposed
- changes to the 802 MAC-level bridging specifications. These documents
- are currently in paper form; we will find some way to make them
- available to interested people.
- Steve also spoke briefly about a Canadian ATM testbed sponsored by a
- telco-industry consortium. This is a large, relatively open project,
- which is working closely with the IP and 802 communities, and is
- interested in smooth interoperation of integrated services across
- multiple network types. Access is available to interested
- experimenters.
- The Service Template Document
- The meeting turned to discussion of the Service Template document
- (Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-intserv-svc-template-00.txt). Scott Shenker
- led the discussion, which was structured as a walk-through of the
- document. The intent of the presentation was to gather input for
- continued refinement of the document, which will eventually become an
- Informational RFC. During the discussion the following major points were
- raised:
- o Advertisements. The document says that a service may specify
- either mandatory or optional advertisements. Questions about the
- usefulness of optional advertisements were raised. During the
- discussion it became clear that a) allowing optional advertisements
- requires further thought, and b) that in any event the document
- needs further clarification in this area.
- o Ordering relationships. The document discusses the need to define
- ordering relationships between reservation requests, in order to be
- able to compute an ``upper bound'' when merging several requests to
- determine the actual amount of resources reserved. Several people
- stated that the document was vague and incomplete in this area.
- Discussion revolved around ``how much'' a service template should
- specify -- just ordering relationships; some behavioral definition
- of the required ``upper bound,'' or a specific algorithm for
- calculating the upper bound. A core issue is that this calculation
- offers opportunities for product targeting and competitive
- advantage, and the desired goal for the document is to demand
- adequate but not over-specification. The group agreed that the
- document needs to say more, and the authors agreed to try and
- figure out what it should be.
- o Evaluation criteria. This section describes the criteria which
- should be used to evaluate a network element which claims to
- provide the described service. Note that the adequate evaluation
- of integrated service network elements requires not just
- conformance tests, but may in fact lead to multiple measures of
- ``goodness'' or applicability for various uses.
- This section provoked a long discussion. Although no clear consensus
- was reached, certain themes became evident:
- o Both conformance and performance tests are likely to exist. It is
- important to clearly distinguish between the two. It may be
- equally important to put them in the same section of the document
- (which is not the case in the current draft), so that vendors and
- customers will be aware of both.
- o Conformance tests are often best described as things which should
- not happen under any circumstance; service template writers may
- find this useful.
- o Performance tests are made even trickier because there is no simple
- worst-best scale; rather there are tradeoffs which lead to
- different ``best'' answers for different situations. Over time it
- may be possible to develop clear, well-defined ways of determining
- this information and presenting it to customers, but it is not
- known how to do it now.
- o Crisp, simple statements of expectations will take us a long way,
- and should form the core of this section, even if more detailed
- evaluation criteria are also included.
- The meeting concluded that points raised in the discussion should be
- addressed by a revised draft to be prepared by the authors and other
- interested folks and circulated to the mailing list.
- The Controlled Delay Service Document
- Discussion next turned to the Controlled Delay service document,
- draft-ietf-intserv-control-del-svc-00.txt. Craig Partridge led the
- discussion of this document, and he began by explaining that this
- service was designed for applications such as VAT that could adapt to
- differing network delays, and that supported the ``clicker'' model of
- reservation. (``If you don't like the service you're getting, click the
- button and it will get better''). Craig also reminded the meeting that
- all of these documents are quite preliminary, and asked for active
- feedback.
- In the discussion the following issues received attention:
- o Underspecification of service. At several points in the
- discussion, it was pointed out that the desired behavior of the
- service depended on things which were not actually described in the
- template, such as admission control policy. Each of these points
- was noted for future revision of the document.
- o Use of token bucket traffic specifiers. Various researchers,
- including the authors of this document, have claimed in the past
- that token buckets are not the optimal choice for traffic
- descriptors. The question of why TB specifications were used for
- this service was raised. Craig responded that the TB description
- was adequate for this purpose and that despite some efforts nothing
- clearly better was known at this time.
- o Wisdom of having both ``delay'' and ``service-level'' target
- specifications in the service. This appears to be somewhat
- confusing, and some difference of opinion as to its usefulness was
- raised. A few participants thought that neither actually captured
- the intent of the service. This issue was noted as requiring more
- thought for the next revision of the document.
- o General usefulness of the service. Bruce Davie noted that the
- service was actually quite useful, but that this usefulness was not
- made apparent by the formulaic description of the template. This
- led to a brief discussion of adding a tutorial section to the
- template model. However, as the service templates are intended to
- become standards-track documents, the sense of the meeting was that
- a separate tutorial document would be more appropriate, and that
- the writing of that document was an important work item.
- The discussion was ended by the adjournment of the morning meeting.
- Points raised in the discussion, as well as changes already planned by
- the document authors, will be incorporated into a revised draft. This
- draft will be circulated on the mailing list, and may be discussed at an
- interim meeting of the working group, if appropriate.
- Specification of Predictive Quality of Service
- The afternoon meeting began with Scott Shenker presenting a second
- service specification draft, draft-ietf-intserv-predictive-svc-00.txt
- This service offers a ``predictive'' delay bound to real-time
- applications which wish to specify a delay bound but can tolerate a very
- small level of bounding failure; that is, packets taking longer than the
- bounded delay time to arrive. The advantages of predictive service over
- the more traditional ``guaranteed'' service described below are
- substantially better attainable bounds and more efficient use of the
- network.
- Several issues were raised during the discussion of this draft:
- o Advertising. For this service, advertising is used to convey to
- applications the end-to-end delay bounds they can expect to obtain.
- The question raised was how to measure these bounds; maximum
- instantaneous delay over some past interval, averaging function and
- interval, or some other choice. It was noted that no single answer
- will match all applications desiring to use the service. After
- some discussion the general conclusion seems to be that a) more
- experience is required to choose a truly good answer, and b) a
- useful, simple answer would be to advertise maximum instantaneous
- delay over several intervals.
- o Traffic policing and merging. The service as currently defined
- calls for traffic policing (not shaping) at entrance to the network
- and at traffic flow merge points. The question of handling extra
- burstiness caused by merging was raised. The two options are to
- add a traffic shaping function at this point or to accept the
- increased burstiness, which includes ensuring that the function
- which calculates merged reservation traffic specifications takes it
- into account. This remains a matter for further research.
- o Specification of a precise value for the ``very small level'' of
- delay bound failure. This discussion began with a question as to
- why any bound failure at all should be accepted. Scott explained
- the performance and network utilization advantages of allowing an
- occasional bound failure. The discussion turned to whether the
- level of bound failure could or should be specified by the service,
- rather than being characterized as part of a router's performance
- metrics. The general consensus was that the specification should
- provide some guidance as to design goals, but that specific
- behavior was best left to the router designer.
- As with the other documents, discussion of the predictive service draft
- concluded with a list of changes needed for a revised draft.
- Specification of Guaranteed Quality of Service
- Scott Shenker presented a third service specification draft,
- draft-ietf-intserv-guaranteed-svc-00.txt, which describes a
- ``guaranteed'' service. Unlike the services presented previously, the
- guaranteed service offers a mathematical guarantee of data delivery
- within a specified delay, assuming that there is no hard failure of a
- component in the network. Scott began by explaining that the draft
- document was seriously broken due to a notation confusion between the
- authors. With that caveat, the presentation followed the same
- walk-through format.
- No serious issues were raised during this discussion. The consensus of
- the group was that the service is important and that a repaired document
- was not expected to raise any difficult problems.
- Proceeding Toward Proposed Standard Status
- Discussion of the service specification drafts having concluded, the
- working group chairs raised the question of proceeding toward Proposed
- Standard status for one or more of the service specification documents
- at the next IETF in Stockholm. Several points were discussed:
- o Missing from the table is a candidate service for rate-adaptive
- applications, which seem likely to play a major role in any
- heterogeneous integrated service network, particularly one
- combining best-effort and reserved-resources delivery models. The
- chairs will try to elicit a draft for such a service before the
- next meeting.
- o The question of adequate simulation/experimentation with predictive
- service was raised. It was reported that some experiments have
- been conducted on Dartnet, and that more were planned before the
- next meeting.
- Craig Partridge proposed the strategy of:
- o draft revision
- o e-mail discussion
- o group polling
- o presentation at Stockholm
- for determining whether each document should move to Proposed Standard
- status. Dave Clark raised the possibility of holding an interim
- meeting. After some discussion it was agreed that, due to the
- difficulty of scheduling a physical meeting, this would be done only if
- it appeared that discussion on the mailing list was failing.
- An open technical discussion then ensued, with several people raising
- points about specific services. Most of the uncertainty focussed on the
- predictive service, which, particularly in its admission control and
- reservation merging strategy, is the least intuitive of the three. It
- appears that at this time the group has not reached a general consensus
- regarding the predictive service.
- Technical Presentations
- In the remaining time, the group heard several technical presentations
- from the research community.
- Lee Breslau (Xerox PARC) described his work to implement and test an
- admission control algorithm based on measurement of current traffic,
- rather than use of a worst-case specification. This algorithm, which
- has been developed by several people at PARC and the University of
- Southern California, is designed to give high network utilization for a
- predictive service. Lee described the basic algorithm and plans to
- deploy an experimental version on Dartnet. Questions from the audience
- led to a discussion of the measurement intervals used, and the probable
- need to measure the history of different traffic streams over different
- intervals to adequately account for a range of application behavior.
- Mikael Degermark (University of Lulea) spoke about his simulation of a
- model for managing advance reservations (reservations made days or weeks
- before the network resources are required). Mikael described an
- extension of measurement-based admission control to accommodate advance
- reservations, and presented simulations which showed that his approach
- held network utilization relatively constant as up to 50% of the
- capacity was reserved in advance.
- This presentation, goaded slightly by the chairs, led to a general
- discussion of the need for advance reservations in the INTSERV
- architecture. The need for preemptable reservations, which could be
- canceled by those of higher priority, was also raised during this
- discussion. Although no poll was taken, it appears that the need for
- preemptable reservations is widely recognized, but that the requirement
- for advance reservations is a subject for further discussion.
- John Zinky (BBN) spoke about providing QoS management capability for
- CORBA objects. This work extends QoS management directly to application
- level components, and is in fact a more general restructuring of the
- pure client server model which provides several new capabilities.
- Details are available at http://guava.bbn.com.
- Patricia Florissi (Columbia) presented a package which extends the
- sockets interface to provide transport-independent QoS management and
- monitoring services, including request and re-negotiation of high-level
- QoS requirements, monitoring and signaling of QoS violations, and
- run-time generation of QoS MIB's (essentially, an SNMPv2 summary of the
- behavior of each individual application). Code embodying this work is
- available at:
- ftp://ftp.columbia.cs.edu/pub/qual/qual.tar.Z
- Available Documents
- The following documents will be available at the INTSERV FTP archive:
- o These minutes and slides of presentations mentioned above
- ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/intserv/ietf32/*
- o Internet-Drafts
- ftp://mercury.lcs.mit.edu/pub/intserv/drafts/*