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- Editor's Note: Minutes received 7/31
- Reported by Bernhard Stockman/SUNET and Steven Winnett/BBN
- Minutes of the IP Addressing Plan BOF (IPADDR)
- Introduction
- The BOF was Chaired by Bernhard Stockman of SUNET. The subject of the
- meeting was the Supernetting or CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing)
- scheme to extend IP addressing for a few years as presented by V.
- Fuller, T. Li, J. Yu, and K. Varadhan in RFC 1338, ``Supernetting: an
- Address Assignment and Aggregation Strategy''.
- The Chair expressed the hope that the BOF session would come to a
- consensus agreement as to how this problem could be solved.
- An attendance list was circulated.
- Presentation
- Tony Li (cisco) gave a presentation of the CIDR scheme as outlined in
- RFC 1337. The presentation discussed the mechanics of how the
- hierarchical addressing scheme would work (allowing groups of
- neighboring class C networks to be described as aggregates) along with
- examples. Blocks would initially be allocated at the continental level,
- with service providers (a.k.a. regionals) in turn allocating groups of
- networks (where applicable) to clients.
- Tony Li stressed that the scheme as presented in RFC 1337 was designed
- as a solution for from 3 to 7 years only to the IP addressing problem in
- order to buy some time to come up with an acceptable longer-term
- solution.
- The handling of unused addressed space, of multihomed sites, and of
- service provider changes under CIDR was presented.
- As an initial allocation, North America and its service providers would
- be allocated the Class C networks under <>, Europe
- and its service providers would be allocated the Class C networks under
- <>, and the remaining continents would be allocated
- about 10,00 Class C networks each.
- Discussions
- There was some discussion of the block sizes to be allocated (i.e.,
- would these be in 252 x 255 chunks (mask or 255 x 255 chunks
- (mask
- The issue of renumbering hosts was discussed. R. Callon pointed out the
- desirability of this, stating that if addresses were reassigned so that
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- routing could be done on the flat space of all regionals, then CIDR
- would scale to the point of every IP address assigned. Many others in
- the room, however, questioned whether it was realistic to expect that
- such a renumbering could ever be agreed to by the Internet community.
- There was some discussion of the problems which could be caused by
- clients giving back gaps of unallocated network numbers.
- Vint Cerf stated that it would be useful to gather data with respect to
- the number of networks already assigned, and the number of existing
- service providers, on a per country basis. This might provide useful
- background information so that scaling choices could be made in a more
- informed manner.
- Decisions
- Consensus appeared to be reached on the general merits of the
- hierarchical addressing plan as presented as a short-term solution to
- the IP addressing problem.
- There was no consensus over the issue of renumbering existing hosts and
- this was tabled for the next BOF.
- With respect to the block size issue, the Chair stated that there
- appeared to be a consensus around 255 x 255 chunks.
- Attendees
- Steve Alexander stevea@i88.isc.com
- Nagaraj Arunkumar nak@3com.com
- Ashar Aziz ashar.aziz@eng.sun.com
- William Babson bill@penril.com
- John Ballard jballard@microsoft.com
- William Barns barns@gateway.mitre.org
- Tony Bates tony@ean-relay.ac.uk
- Jordan Becker becker@nis.ans.net
- James Beers beers@nr-tech.cit.cornell.edu
- Lou Berger lberger@penril.com
- David Bolen db3l@nis.ans.net
- Scott Brim swb@cornell.edu
- Steve Buchko stevebu@newbridge.com
- Jeffrey Burgan jeff@nsipo.nasa.gov
- Ross Callon callon@bigfut.enet.dec.com
- Greg Celmainis gregc@newbridge.com
- Vinton Cerf vcerf@nri.reston.va.us
- John Chang jrc@uswest.com
- Robert Ching natadm!rching@uunet.uu.net
- Chris Chiotasso chris@artel.com
- Henry Clark henryc@oar.net
- James Cobban jcobban@bnr.ca
- Richard Colella colella@osi.ncsl.nist.gov
- Robert Collet rcollet@icm1.icp.net
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- Rob Coltun rcoltun@ni.umd.edu
- Jim Comen comenj@interlan.interlan.com
- Michael Conn 004387451@mcimail.com
- John Curran jcurran@bbn.com
- Richard desJardins desjardi@boa.gsfc.nasa.gov
- Peter DiCamillo Peter_DiCamillo@brown.edu
- Chas DiFatta chas@sei.cmu.edu
- Pierre Dupont dupont@mdd.comm.mot.com
- Tom Easterday tom@cic.net
- Roger Fajman raf@cu.nih.gov
- Stefan Fassbender stf@easi.net
- Dennis Ferguson dennis@mrbill.canet.ca
- Peter Ford peter@lanl.gov
- Karen Frisa karen.frisa@andrew.cmu.edu
- Cliff Frost cliff@cmsa.berkeley.edu
- Vince Fuller vaf@stanford.edu
- Kelly Furlong kelly@kyle.ksc.nasa.gov
- Der-Hwa Gan dhg@nsd.3com.com
- Elise Gerich epg@merit.edu
- Rob Graham robert_graham@protools.com
- Phillip Gross pgross@nis.ans.net
- Simon Hackett simon@internode.com.au
- Steve Hardcastle-Kille s.kille@isode.com
- Kathleen Huber khuber@bbn.com
- Matthew Jonson jonson@server.af.mil
- Kevin Jordan kej@udev.cdc.com
- Dan Jordt danj@nwnet.net
- Scott Kaplan scott@ftp.com
- Kenneth Key key@cs.utk.edu
- Paulina Knibbe knibbe@cisco.com
- Mark Knopper mak@merit.edu
- John Krawczyk jkrawczy@wellfleet.com
- David Kumpf kumpf@hprnd.rose.hp.com
- John Labbe labbe@merit.edu
- Sylvain Langlois Sylvain.Langlois@der.edf.fr
- Sharon Lewis lewis@cs.utk.edu
- Fong-Ching Liaw fong.liaw@eng.sun.com
- Hock-Koon Lim lim@po.cwru.edu
- Arthur Lin yalin@srv.pacbell.com
- Tony Li tli@cisco.com
- Joshua Littlefield josh@cayman.com
- Andrew Maffei arm@aqua.whoi.edu
- Carl Malamud carl@malamud.com
- Bill Manning bmanning@rice.edu
- Ed Menze menze@cs.arizona.edu
- Pushpendra Mohta pushp@cerf.net
- Paul Moran Paul_Moran@3com.com
- Dennis Morris morrisd@imo-uvax.disa.mil
- Donald Morris morris@ucar.edu
- Mark Needleman mhn@stubbs.ucop.edu
- Erik Nordmark nordmark@eng.sun.com
- Kraig Owen tko@merit.edu
- Marsha Perrott mlp+@andrew.cmu.edu
- Jon Postel postel@isi.edu
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- Stephanie Price Marasciulloprice@cmc.com
- Mark Prior mrp@itd.adelaide.edu.au
- Bala Rajagopalan braja@qsun.att.com
- David Reiser dsr@codex.prds.cdx.mot.com
- Sheri Repucci smr@merit.edu
- Simon Rosenthal simon@bos.locus.com
- Anthony Rutkowski amr@sprint.com
- Henry Sanders henrysa@microsoft.com
- Hellen Sears sears@interlan.interlan.com
- Tim Seaver tas@concert.net
- Karen Seo kseo@bbn.com
- Erik Sherk sherk@sura.net
- John Shriver jas@proton.com
- William Simpson Bill_Simpson@um.cc.umich.edu
- Henry Sinnreich hsinnreich@mcimail.com
- Frank Solensky solensky@clearpoint.com
- Michael St. Johns stjohns@umd5.umd.edu
- Martha Steenstrup msteenst@bbn.com
- Bernhard Stockman boss@sunet.se
- Fumio Teraoka tera@csl.sony.co.jp
- Marten Terpstra terpstra@ripe.net
- Linda Tom toml@interlan.interlan.com
- Claudio Topolcic topolcic@nri.reston.va.us
- Panos-Gavriil Tsigaridas tsigaridas@fokus.berlin.gmd.dbp.de
- Kannan Varadhan kannan@oar.net
- Ross Veach rrv@uiuc.edu
- Curtis Villamizar curtis@ans.net
- Bernhard Volz volz@process.com
- John Wagner jwagner@princeton.edu
- Justin Walker justin@apple.com
- Carol Ward cward@westnet.net
- William Warner warner@ohio.gov
- Liming Wei liming.wei@eng.sun.com
- Evan Wetstone evan@rice.edu
- Chris Wheeler cwheeler@cac.washington.edu
- Walter Wimer walter.wimer@andrew.cmu.edu
- Steven Winnett swinnett@bbn.com
- Richard Woundy rwoundy@rhqvm21.vnet.ibm.com
- Joseph Zur zur@fibhaifa.com
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