Internet Info 1997 December
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From: quirk@swcp.com (Taki Kogoma)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.pern,news.answers,alt.answers
Subject: Welcome to alt.fan.pern (Semi-monthly posting) (Part 2 of 2)
Supersedes: <pern-intro-2-875689208@swcp.com>
Followup-To: alt.fan.pern
Date: 15 Oct 1997 01:01:06 -0600
Organization: Nit-Pickers For a Better Tomorow Afternoon
Lines: 988
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Distribution: world
Expires: 11/02/97 00:00:08
Message-ID: <pern-intro-2-876898808@swcp.com>
References: <pern-intro-1-876898808@swcp.com>
Reply-To: quirk@swcp.com (Taki Kogoma)
NNTP-Posting-Host: kitsune.swcp.com
Summary: Introductory material for the alt.fan.pern newsgroup
Keywords: Pern, FAQ, Intro
Xref: senator-bedfellow.mit.edu alt.fan.pern:24594 news.answers:115332 alt.answers:29842
Posted-By: auto-faq
Archive-name: pern-intro/part2
URL: http://kumo.swcp.com/~quirk/afp-index.shtml
Version: 4.0
This document is now being prepared from the HTML sources used by the
WWW version. The WWW version is available at:
"The Dragonriders of Pern(R)" is a Registered Trademark of Anne McCaffrey,
Contents of Part 1:
(Dates indicate last time the file corresponding to that section was modified)
1. Introductory Material (28 Aug 97)
1a. About this newsgroup
1b. Introduction to Pern
1c. Appropriate subject matter
1d. Why 'alt.fan.pern' and not 'alt.fan.mccaffrey'?
1e. Spoiler ettiquette
1f. Other newsgroups of interest
1g. Common abbreviations
1h. Fan Fiction
1i. Anne McCaffrey on the net
1j. Just who is this Quirk joker anyway?
2. Pern in Print (3 Sep 97)
2a. Book List (McCaffrey-written)
2b. Latest Pern book news
2c. Suggested reading order
2d. Chronological order of books/stories
2e. Pern books on tape
2f. Other Pern materials
2g. Obtaining hard-to-find books
3. Frequently Asked Questions about Pern (26 Aug 97)
3a. Pronunciation of various words/names
3b. Rider behavior during Mating flights
3c. Queen dragons and firestone
3d. Where to dragons/firelizards deficate?
3e. Who/What does Aramina hear in The Renegades of Pern?
3f. What's this I hear about a Pern movie?
3g. Is Rukbat (Pern's sun) a real star?
3h. Robinton, Silvina, and Camo
4. On-line Simulations of Pern (1 Sep 97)
4a. Accessing Pern-type MU*s
4b. (Insert your favorite MU* here) is down!!!
4c. List of Pern-type MU*s
5. "Real Life" Fan Organization and related info (25 Mar 97)
6. Non-Pern McCaffrey materials (6 Dec 96)
6a. Booklist
6b. Booktapes
Note: These articles are being cross-posted to the news.answers and
alt.answers newsgroups for extended expire times and archival on
or /pub/usenet-by-hierarchy/alt/fan/pern
or /pub/usenet/news.answers/pern-intro
or /pub/usenet/alt.answers/pern-intro
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%ftp rtfm.mit.edu
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331 Guest login ok, send ident as password.
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230 Guest login ok, access restrictions apply.
ftp> [cd pub/usenet/alt.fan.pern
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(or) pub/usenet/news.answers/pern-intro
(or) pub/usenet/alt.answers/pern-intro]
(or) pub/faqs/pern-intro]
250 CWD command successful.
ftp> [get
(Where <X> is the part number. If you have chosen the
pub/usenet/news.answers/pern-intro or
pub/usenet/alt.answers/pern-intro or
pub/faqs/pern-intro path, then just get part<X>.)
200 PORT command successful.
[Some stuff]
ftp> (get any other parts you may want)
ftp> [quit]
3. Frequently Asked Questions
From time to time, the same questions come up as new people discover
this newsgroup and pose the questions that have cropped up during
their reading of the series.
[I expect this section to grow considerably as time passes.
Suggestions -- and more importantly, documented answers -- are
welcome. --Quirk]
3a. Pronunciation of various words/names.
[ This pronunciation guide is based on the audiotape of Anne McCaffrey
reading an abridged version of _All the Weyrs of Pern_ and the
editor's hearing/pronunciation prejudices. ]
First off, let's get the big one out of the way: ;-)
weyr - WEER [This is hinted at in_Dragonflight_where it
is implied that 'Weyr' rhymes with 'adhere'.]
Others of mild interest
wher - (Somewhere between 'where' and 'whir')
Piemur - PIE-mur [Rhymes with 'timer']
Sebell - SEE-bell
Groghe - GROW-gee [hard (e.g. Golf) g's in both cases.]
F'lar - FLAHR [No glottal stop that I could detect.]
Ruth - ROOTH [Y'know...like the 20's baseball player? ;-) ]
Menolly - MEN-oh-lee
Brekke - [There is no authoritative pronunciation available; the name
does not appear in McCaffrey's reading to my recollection,
and the book-tapes I have (Brilliance Corp:_Dragonquest
,_The White Dragon_and_The Renegades of Pern) that do mention her are
inconsistent at best; alternating between 'BREK-ee' (rhymes with
'trekkie'), 'BREK-eh', and 'BREK-uh'. That these tapes also tend to
mispronounce other words does little to inspire any additional
confidence in them as a source. --Quirk] [There are, of course, more
names on McCaffrey's tape, I'll add more names on request.]
3b. Rider behavior during Mating Flights.
The behavior of the riders of mating dragons (and to a lesser extent
firelizard 'owners') has generated considerable controversy on this
newsgroup in the past. During one particularly vehement flamewar
sparked by the topic, someone queried the Dragonlady, Anne McCaffrey,
---[begin included text]---
From: slf@netcom.com (Sharon Fisher)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 92 18:26:59 GMT
Presumably this will settle the issue?
Date: 23-Sep-92 02:07 PDT
From: Anne McCaffrey
Subj: Pern question
Well, now, it's like this...when the dragons mate, their riders are so
consumed with their dragons' passions, that there's really only one way to
vent it: enjoying the sexual act themselves. The double whammy is
something incredible. Since most green riders are male, and most blue,
brown and bronze riders are also male, the obvious need not be stated.
However, it is permissible within the Weyrs for the less-enthusiastic
about this pairing having an alternate of the opposite sex available. The
green rider will also have someone of his preference available so that the
double charge is not lost...if you don't mind me being a tad bawdy.
Actually, many of the Candidates are weyrbred and accustomed to such
demands and think little of it. It's the main bone of contention between
the hidebound Halls and Holds and the the Weyrs for the Halls and HOlds
don't really `like' such innovations. Still, the rider is always
compelled by concern for his dragon and THAT consideration makes the
difference in such a sexual situation. And it is ALSO an incredible
experience, one to be treasured.
And yes, there could be more female riders of green dragons to relieve
that dilemma but after the early Plagues, women were needed more as
mothers to increase the population (something men still haven't been able
to do on their own ) and flying constantly between is how to abort on
Pern. (Queen dragons are not always as horny as the greens and as they
are low-level Thread fighters, their pregnant riders could generally
manage without constantly going *between* in the performance of their
duties.) Anyway, I thought homos deserved a place in the elite social
structure on Pern.
Does that answer the question completely? Or do you need diagrams?
---[end included text]---
This policy has subsequently appeared in _Red Star
3c. Firestone and Queen Dragons
It is stated about 1/3rd through _Dragonflight_ that Queen dragons do
not chew firestone because it would render them sterile. (To support
this contention, the example of the overly amorous green dragons and
their lack of egg-laying activity was brought up.) This idea is
reinforced throughout the later books - Except for _Dragonsdawn_ where
it is implied that queen dragons had been designed by Kitti Ping Yung
to be incapable of chewing firestone. This and other text in this book
could also lead one to conclude that green dragons had been engineered
to be infertile.
A popular theory (although certainly not the majority opinion) is that
the 'firestone --> sterility' theory had formed over the turns to
explain green infertility. Since no goldrider in her right mind would
risk her queen to test this theory, it is self-consistent.
3d. Where do dragons/firelizards defecate?
In a mostly joking response to this question at a convention in the
distant past, Ms. McCaffrey stated that 'Dragons go *between*.' (i.e.
take care of bodily functions while transiting *between*.) Although
this has been perpetuated throughout fandom and has even found its way
into the _Dragonlovers Guide to Pern_, it is still regarded by many as
just a joke, since it blatantly violates the laws of Conservation of
Mass/Energy -- as does the practice of dragons suiciding *between* if
taken at face value. (Of course, much in the Pern universe doesn't
hold up to scientific scrutiny. ;-) )
3e. Who/What does Aramina 'hear' in _The Renegades of Pern_?
Toward the end of _Renegades_ Aramina tells Lessa that asside from
dragons and firelizards, she also hears something else; a 'sad'
This question is addressed in _The Dolphins of Pern_.
3f. What's this I hear about a Pern Movie?
As some may have noticed, "Casting Pern" is a frequent discussion
topic. While nearly all of the discussion is just wishful thinking
(there's *no* way to get all the big name stars being bandied about
together at the same time for some little-known Sci-Fi flick), it
should be mentioned that there is an actual movie project under
According to reports on Usenet and an interview held on Compuserve in
November '94, Ms. McCaffrey has sold the movie rights to a Canadian
producer to make a filmed version of _Dragonflight_ to be released
through one of the major studios. She reportedly maintains complete
creative control over the final product (i.e. script approval, etc.).
Use of computer-generated effects along the same lines as those
employed in _Jurassic Park_ is planned.
Reported changes thusfar have Fax renamed to Raxol and have him living
beyond the duel at Ruatha.
[September '95 update: Rumors are that Ms. McCaffrey is rather
displeased with the scripts that have been thusfar submitted to her
and may pull the plug unless a more 'faithful' adaptation appears.]
[Summer '96 update: It appears that Ms. McCaffrey has put the project
on hold pending the possible formation of her own production company
to oversee things.]
[Spring '97 update: Ms. McCaffrey's production company has reportedly
made a deal with a Japanese studio to produce a made-for-TV movie
(possibly to be released on the SciFi cable channel?) with potential
for becomming a regular TV series. The project is still in
pre-production and will not be completed until 1999 at the earliest.]
There was also a project for an animated movie in the late 70s/early
80s that fell through for various reasons. Apperantly one clip of
trial footage was circulated at the time and has subsequently
disappeared *between*...
3g. Is Rukbat (Pern's sun) a real star?
In the introduction to the _Dragonriders of Pern_ books, Pern's Sun is
identified as 'Rukbat'; a star in the constellation Saggitarius.
Therein, it is described as a G-type (i.e. similar to Sol) star. In a
number of interviews, Ms. McCaffrey has explained that she saw the
star name in a copy of _National Geographic_ and decided to use it.
Rick Hewett (rick@chocky.demon.co.uk) did a little research and came
up with the following:
>From Sky Catalogue 2000.0 Vol. 1 (ed: Alan Hirshfeld & Roger W. Sinnot
>Pub: Cambridge University Press $ Sky Publishing Corporation
>ISBN 0-521-28913-0 pbk, 0-521-24710-1 hbd)
>Rukbat (alpha Sagittarius) HD 181869 SAO 229659
> R.A. 19 23 53.0
> Dec -40 36 58
> Visual magnitude 3.97
> Colour index (B-V) -0.10 Somewhat on the blue side ...
> Absolute magnitude (Mv) -0.2
> Spectral class B8 V (Yes I do mean bee eight)
> distance in parsecs 36 (maximum estimated)
To which, Peter Stewart (stewart@nutcake.bae.bellcore.com) adds the
following commentary:
>And this, of course, is evidence of Yet Another McCaffrey Scientific
>Inaccuracy :)
>It is virtually impossible for a viable life-bearing world to evolve about
>a class B star. Such stars generally use up their supply of hydrogen very
>fast, usually within a billion years or so. If Earth could be used as a
>model of a typical world with carbon-based life, it would take far longer than
>that just to reach the point of single-celled organisms.
Ted Ollier (tedo@kiowa.natinst.com) added:
>Not to nit-pick, but B-types only last about 300 million years. :)
>And they also put out a hellacious amount of UV radiation, so any
>single-celled organisms that manage to last that long probably live
>underground. *Far* underground. :)
Sometimes, it just doesn't pay to dig too deeply into such
3h. Robinton, Silvina, and Camo
In _[1]The People of Pern_, Ms. McCaffrey states that Camo is the
result of a liason between Robinton and Silvina. This is also repeated
in the _[2]The Dragonlover's Guide to Pern_.
Although the latter's claim to canonical status is disputed, and this
information does not appear in any of the Pern books proper, the fact
that McCaffrey wrote the text accompanying the artwork in the former
lends credence to the claim.
3i. Where did Menolly's 10th firelizard come from?
In chapter 11 of _The White Dragon_, Menolly mentions in passing the
circumstances where she inadvertantly impressed her 10th firelizard
(bronze Poll). This is the only instance where this event is
1. file://localhost/tmp/afp2.html#PoP
2. file://localhost/tmp/afp2.html#dlg
4. On-line Simulations of Pern
Some people have gone to the extent of attempting to duplicate Pern
with a multi-user program designed to allow people to assume the roles
of dragonriders, harpers, holders, etc. While the most frequently
discussed is PernMUSH (See the "'What is PernMUSH?' Mimi-FAQ'" posted
on the 1st of each month for more details), it is by no means the only
Just about all of the on-line Pern simulations are based on
derivatives of a program called 'TinyMUD'. These programs (TinyMUSH,
TinyMUSE, etc.) are collectively referred to as MU*s.
4a. Accessing Pern-type MU*s
The quick way of doing it is to use the 'telnet' program to connect to
the appropriate machine specifying the port listed -- e.g. 'telnet '
for most Unix systems. (And I have provided links to the telnet URLs
in the list in [1]section 4c. below.) If the name doesn't work, try
the numeric (IP) address. However, most addicts tend to make use of
client programs such as [2]tinyfugue. As I am primarily a Unix shell
junkie, those looking for clients for other platforms would be better
advised to look in the rec.games.mud.* FAQs than bugging me. For more
info, look at the rec.games.mud.* newsgroups. ([3]rec.games.mud.tiny,
[4]rec.games.mud.misc and [5]rec.games.mud.annoucne primarily.)
Note: MU*s require direct access to the Internet. BBS systems with
only email/Usenet cannot take part; at the very minimum, you must be
able to use 'telnet'. I have no information (nor do I especially wish
to receive any) about the availability of telnet connections from any
given online service. Readers who are curious about such things would
be best served asking their specific tech-support people.
4b. (Insert your favorite MU* here) is down!!!
Due to various factors (Murphy's Law, preventative maintanance, etc.),
either some network links or the MU*'s host machine may be
non-functional from time to time.
Because of propagation delays involved in Usenet posts, the odds are
that any network/machine difficulty you encounter will probably be
corrected by the time most people read your message. Unless the MU* in
question has been unreachable for at least 48 hours, don't bother
asking about it either here, or anywhere else on Usenet.
4c. List of Pern-type MU*s
NOTE: This information is accurate so far as the author is aware. If
there is a change, it won't be reflected here unless I'm informed of
it; messages to alt.fan.pern or rec.games.mud.announce should be
sufficient for notification purposes.
Also, indications of permission to exist on the part of Ms. McCaffrey
(the [AOK] marks) are based on either personal insepction of the MU*
for such proof, or a wizard-type contacting me personally with a copy
of the approval letter with indication that it would be included in
the on-line doccumentation in the near future. In one or two cases, I
have been unable to confirm the status of a particular MU* in my
latest (29 Sep 96) on-line inspection and am indicating provisional
permission, based on past inclusion in the 'permission list'.
If the administration staff of a given MU* obtains AOK status, all
that is required is that a copy of the approval note be made available
on the MU* itself and that I be informed of this fact; sending me
copies of the approval notice is not necessary. -Quirk]
Addresses are now listed in standard "telnet://" URL format; note that
port number (required for acccess) appears after the colon following
the host machine name.
* Pern-themed MUSHs:
+ PernMUSH [AOK] -- [6]telnet://pern.mccr.org:4201
(IP address
Unofficial home page: [7]http://www.loach.org/~pern/pern/
+ SouConMUSH [AOK] -- [8]telnet://haven.idyllmtn.com:4201
(IP address
[These two are set during the start of the 10th pass and are
considered to run in roughly parallel timelines.]
+ DragonDawnMUSH -- [9]telnet://cashew.enmu.edu:2222
(IP address
[Set during the start of the second pass.]
+ ShardsMUSH -- [10]telnet://melab1.me.pvamu.edu:7777
(IP address
Home page: [11]http://www.io.com/~fantasy/shards/index.html
[Set prior to the 7th pass -- Temporary site; consult the home page
for details on status.]
+ Belior Rising [AOK] -- [12]telnet://belior.neca.com:4301
(IP address
Home page: [13]http://www.teleport.com/~voyager/br
[Set prior to the 10th pass in a 'damaged AIVAS' timeline.]
+ DawnSisters [AOK] -- [14]telnet://ayla.idylmtn.com:9944
(IP address
Home page: [15]http://www.idyllmtn.com/mush/dawnsisters/
[Registration only - set post-9th pass/ATWOP timeline.]
+ Desert Wings -- [16]telnet://dragon.sj.scruznet.com:6250
(IP address
[Set prior to the 11th pass; no-AIVAS timeline.]
+ DragonDreams -- [17]telnet://really.friend.ly.net:8888
(IP address
Home page: [18]http://www.watson.org/~juniper/ddr
[Set 4-500 turns post-AtWoP.]
+ Honalee MUSH [AOK] -- [19]telnet://otter.mbay.net:7777
(IP address
[Set during of the first long interval (near the 5th Pass)
in/around a west continent (non-canon) Weyr.]
+ Ierne Island [AOK] -- [20]telnet://agora.ualr.edu:6000
(IP address
Home page: [21]http://mserv1.wizvax.net:4250/ierne
[Registration-only, post-ATWOP/Dolphins, no-thread timeline]
+ DragonTrek MUSH [AOK] -- [22]telnet://jpd.ch.man.ac.uk:4242
(IP address
[Set during the 1st Long Interval (between 4th and 5th Passes);
Ista Island.]
+ Otaku WeyrHold -- [23]telnet://Tinymush.otaku.org:6250
(IP address
[Set on the southern continent at the start of the 10th pass (no
AIVAS timeline).]
+ PernWorld [AOK] -- [24]telnet://pern.firstlight.net:3333
(IP address
Home page: [25]http://www.firstlight.net/pernworld/
[Post-AtWoP timeline.]
+ Forgotten Weyrs MUSH [AOK] --
(IP address
[Set midway into the 3rd Interval.]
+ Under Dragon Wings MUSH [AOK] --
(IP address
[11th pass, southern continent, no-AIVAS timeline.]
+ Silver Skies MUSH -- [28]telnet://mserv1.wizvax.net:5560
(IP address
Home page:
[Unspecified Pass, assorted Weyrs and Holds]
* MUSH with Pern areas:
+ TinyTIM -- (Down due to major vandal attack.)
Home page: [30]http://yay.tim.org/TIMhome.html
[10th Pass Telgar Weyr -- amid a lot of other stuff.]
+ High Pass Weyr on Living Fiction MUSH [AOK] --
(IP address
Home page: [32]http://cache.cow.net/~highpass/
[Pre-10th pass 'Major events' Weyr in a 'non-functional AIVAS'
* Pern-themed MOOs
+ Harper's Tale [AOK] -- [33]telnet://moo.astroarch.com:7007
(IP address
Home page: [34]http://www.astroarch.com/HT/
[Set during the 10th pass on/around Ista island; no-AIVAS
+ DragonsFireMOO [AOK] -- [35]telnet://moo.eskimo.com:7777
(IP address
Home page:
[Set before the 11th pass.]
+ VirtuaPern MOO [AOK] -- [37]telnet://mycle.resnet.ubc.ca:9999
(IP address
[Set some 700 turns following the 9th Pass. ('Canon' timeline)]
+ Star Stones MOO -- [38]telnet://mserv1.wizvax.net:9999
(IP address
Home page: [39]http://mserv1.wizvax.net:9988
[11th Pass, non-functional AIVAS timeline.]
1. file://localhost/tmp/afp4-conv.html#sec4c
2. http://tf.tcp.com/~hawkeye/tf/
3. news:rec.games.mud.tiny
4. news:rec.games.mud.misc
5. news:rec.games.mud.announce
6. telnet://
7. http://www.loach.org/~pern/pern/
8. telnet://haven.idyllmtn.com:4201/
9. telnet://cashew.enmu.edu:2222/
10. telnet://melab1.me.pvamu.edu:7777/
11. http://www.io.com/~fantasy/shards/index.html
12. telnet://belior.neca.com:4301/
13. http://www.teleport.com/~voyager/br
14. telnet://ayla.idyllmtn.com:9944/
15. http://www.idyllmtn.com/mush/dawnsisters/
16. telnet://dragon.sj.scruznet.com:6250/
17. telnet://really.friend.ly.net:8888/
18. http://www.watson.org/~juniper/ddr
19. telnet://otter.mbay.net:7777/
20. telnet://agora.ualr.edu:6000/
21. http://mserv1.wizvax.net:4250/ierne
22. telnet://jpd.ch.man.ac.uk:4242/
23. telnet://Tinymush.otaku.org:6250/
24. telnet://pern.firstlight.net:3333/
25. http://www.firstlight.net/pernworld/
26. telnet://bifrost.atklab.yorku.ca:4242/
27. telnet://netbrain.com:8888/
28. telnet://mserv1.wizvax.net:5560/
29. http://www.globaldialog.com/~coyote/homepage.html
30. http://yay.tim.org/TIMhome.html
31. telnet://purple.cow.net:8888/
32. http://cache.cow.net/~highpass/
33. telnet://moo.astroarch.com:7007/
34. http://www.astroarch.com/HT/
35. telnet://moo.eskimo.com:7777/
36. http://www.omnigroup.com/People/Friends/arien/df/
37. telnet://mycle.resnet.ubc.ca:9999/
38. telnet://mserv1.wizvax.net:9999/
39. http://mserv1.wizvax.net:9988/
5. Additional Pern-related information
[1]Del Rey books has created a webpage devoted to Pern's 30th
Randall Stukey (lensman@crl.com) has a small-scale ftp site for
pern-related materials set up at:
Current contents are primarily related to (off-line) Pern fandom, but
he has expressed willingness to broaden the scope.
Submissions need to be arranged with Randall - there are currently no
provisions for direct uploading. He also asks that there be no
violations of copyright in materials submitted. Also, due to space
constraints, large binary files (e.g. .GIFs) are not likely to be made
He has also created a WWW page devoted to Pern fandom:
(mirrored at: [5]http://voyager.abac.com/lensman/pern/)
In addtion, he maintains a WWW page covering general SF (not just
Pern) fandom at:
Chris Croughton (chris@keris.demon.co.uk) maintains a mailserver which
contains, among other things, a list of Fandom Weyrs.
---[Start note from Chris]---
I have provided a number of files on this system for general
distribution. For each of them I have had permission to distribute the
file; however, if you wish to distribute them further I would advise you
to seek explicit permission, unless stated otherwise in the file.
Please note that this system is running over a dial-up telephone line,
not a continuous connection. This has two consequences:
(a) There may be a delay between the time I receive the message and
the time the system sends the requested files. This could in
extreme cases be several days, if the host system is down or
very busy, or if I'm away and the system crashes.
(b) I get the telephone bills! This may make it necessary for me to
restrict the transmission of large amounts of data. In
particular, large files (over 50 Kb) will sometimes be placed in
a separate queue to be sent at weekends when the rates are lower
- a line in the log message saying "File has been placed in
queue" will indicate this. Don't worry that the file hasn't
arrived until a week or so has gone by.
Being my own private system, there will probably be times when it does
not work properly. Please be patient with this, and if you have
problems send mail to postmaster@keris.demon.co.uk, as I may not be
aware of the problem.
If you can't get through to this system at all, please try one of my
other email addresses:
or on CompuServe, ID 100014,3217.
The mailserver takes a message (ignoring the subject line, and the other
headers) and reads the body of the message as lines. Each line must
start with a command word (a 'word' is any text surrounded by spaces or
tabs - multiple spaces or tabs are treated as a single space), or be
blank (no non-space characters on the line).
Commands supported by the mailserver:
HELP gives the list of currently supported commands
DIR name replies with a list of the available files, and descriptions
GET name these three will reply with the file as a separate message
DOWN name - they all do the same thing...
SEND name
END use before your signature so my software doesn't get
REPLY address sets a different address to reply to from the one in the
message. This is provided for people who receive EMAIL
on a different machine from that on which they send it.
If this facility is abused (i.e. I get complaints from
people who receive files they didn't request) it will be
INDEX, LIST and LS do the same as DIR.
The name (for both DIR and GET) will be matched on the first characters
given, so doing DIR FILK would give you all the files starting with
FILK, for instance.
The mailserver will respond with a log message telling you what has
happened, and the output from the DIR and HELP commands etc.
Note that only one copy of any file will be sent in a session, so if you
request (say) FILK.PERN and PERN.FILK only one copy of each file will be
sent, even though the files appear under both names. The message
"Duplicate file - not sent" will appear in the log file for each file
requested that has already been sent.
At the moment there is no binary mode (UUENCODED ZIP files, for
instance) supported - that will be in version 1.0, which I'll be
developing RSN...
(Note - version 1.0 has been threatened for a long time - currently it's
at version 0.20).
---[End note from Chris]---
1. http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey
2. http://www.randomhouse.com/delrey/pern
3. ftp://ftp.crl.com/users/le/lensman/
4. http://www.crl.com/~lensman/pern/
5. http://voyager.abac.com/lensman/pern/
6. http://www.greyware.com/sfrt3/sflinks.htm
6. Non-Pern McCaffrey booklist
As discussion of Ms. McCaffrey's other works occasionally crops up,
the following non-Pern bibliography is provided for the curious and
devoted McCaffrey fan:
6a. Booklist
[Thanks to Chris G. Abbott (Chris@ruatha.demon.co.uk) for compiling
the list and ISBNs where available. US Publisher data gathered during
bookstore trips --Quirk.]
_To Ride Pegasus_
1973, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-33603-8
1974, Sphere, ISBN 0-7221-5967-6
_Pegasus In Flight_
1990, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-36897-5
1991, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-13728-6
_The Rowan_
1990, Ace, ISBN 0-441-73576-2
1990, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-13763-4
1992, Ace, ISBN 0-441-13556-0
1992, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-13764-2
_Damia's Children_
1993, Ace, ISBN 0-441-00007-X
1992, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-13912-2
_Lyon's Pride_
1995, Ace, ISBN 0-441-00141-6
[UK data?]
_The Ship Who Sang_
1970, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-33431-0
1971, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-10163-X
_Partner Ship_ (Co-Author: Margaret Ball)
1992, Baen, ISBN 0-671-72109-7
_The Ship Who Searched_ (Co-Author: Mercedes Lackey)
1992, Baen, ISBN 0-671-72129-1
_The Ship Who Won_
1994, Baen, ISBN 0-671-87657-0
_The City Who Fought_
1994, Baen, ISBN 0-671-87599-X
_Dinosaur Planet_
1978, Del Rey, ISBN 1-345-31995-8
1978, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-090-6
_Dinosaur Planet Survivors_ (UK title: _Survivors (Dinosaur Planet
1984, Del Rey, ISBN 1-345-27246-3
1984, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-089-2
_The Planet Pirates_ (Trade P-back)
1993, Baen, ISBN 0-671-72187-9
[Consisting of:]
_Sassinak_ (Co-Author: Elizabeth Moon)
1990, Baen, ISBN 0-671-39936-X
1990, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-092-2
_The Death of Sleep_ (Co-Author: Jody Lynn Nye)
1990, Baen, ISBN 0-671-69884-2
1990, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-005-1
_Generation Warriors_ (Co-Author: Elizabeth Moon)
1991, Baen, ISBN 0-671-72041-4
1991, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-033-7
_Decision at Doona_
1969, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-24416-8
1970, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-08661-4
_Crisis on Doona_ (Co-Author: Jody Lynn Nye)
1992, Ace, ISBN 0-441-23194-2
_Treaty at Doona_ (Co-Author: Jody Lynn Nye)
1994, Ace, ISBN 0-441-00089-4
(UK title: _Treaty Planet_)
1994, Orbit, ISBN 1-85723-184-8
_The Crystal Singer_
1982, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-32786-1
1982, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-12097-9
1986, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-31600-2
1985, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-12556-3
_Crystal Line_
1992, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-38491-1
_Powers That Be_ (all _Powers..._ books co-written by Elizabeth Ann
1993, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-37889-1
1993, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-14098-8
_Power Lines_
1994, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-38780-5
_Power Play_
1995, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-38781-3
_Freedom's Landing_
1995, Ace/Putnam, ISBN 0-441-00538-9
[Non-connected (to my knowledge) individual novels]
1967, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-35187-8
1967, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-08344-5
_The Coeleura_
1983, TOR, ISBN 0-812-50297-3
_An Exchange of gifts_
ISBN 1-880448-48-3 (Wildside Press) or 0-431-45520-7 (ROC)
[I have no additional information on this book except that it
appears to have been an Alternate Selection from the Science
Fiction Book Club at one time.]
_The Lady_
1987, Ballantine, ISBN 0-345-35674-8
[Alternate title: _The Carradine Touch_ or something along
those lines.] Non-Science Fiction, Horse Book.
[Short Fiction collections]
_Get off the Unicorn_
1977, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-27464-4
1979, Corgi, ISBN 0-552-10965-7
Fourteen Wonderful Stories, including the "The Smallest
Dragonboy", but the other 13 are non-Pern.
_Alchemy & Academe_
1980, Del Rey, ISBN 0-345-34419-7
A Collection of Original Stories Concerning Themselves with
Transmutations, Mental and Elemental, Alchemical and Academic.
Selected By Anne McCaffrey
_The Girl Who Heard Dragons_
1994, TOR, ISBN 0-812-51099-2
(non-Pern short ficiton except for title story.)
Other Anne McCaffrey books found in a list in a US publication
_Mark of Merlin_ (Not Sci-Fi)
Dell, 1971
_Ring of Fear_ (Horse/Romance)
Ace, 1977 (original copyright from Dell, 1971)
_Kilternan Legacy_ (Not Sci-Fi)
(Above three reported as printed in the US as a single
paperback volume entitled _Three Women_: TOR, 1990, ISBN
Clothbound/Trade-paperback editions from Underwood-Miller
[1990] entitled _Three Gothic Novels_ exist: ISBN 0-88733-065-7
(cloth)/ 0-88733-126-2 (t-p'back)
_Out of this World Cookbook_
Original edition: Ballentine, 1973, ISBN 0-345-23413-8
Current release: Wildside Press, 1991, ISBN 1-990448-13-0
(Obviously, a cookbook. Edited by McCaffrey with contributions
from assorted SF writers.)
_Stitch in Snow_ (Not Sci-Fi)
TOR, 1984, ISBN 0-812-93753-9
_The Year of the Lucy_ (Not Sci-Fi)
TOR, 1986, ISBN 0-812-58565-8
[Any of you who can provide missing data are more than welcome to send
it to me for inclusion in the list. -Quirk]
6b. Booktapes
Audio adaptation data courtessy of MIRRIM@delphi.com. Any confusion
may be blamed on the bookstore whose database she searched, or the
editor of this doccument. Publisher code in brackets; contact data
follows listing.
_Crisis on Doona_ and _Treaty Planet_/_Treaty on Doona_
(Combo - Abridged) 0-7871-0239-3 [1]
_Crystal Singer_
(No additional data) 1-55800-346-0 [1]
(Abridged) 0-7871-0024-2 [1]
(Signed copy?) 0681839333
(No additional data) 1-55800-350-9 [1]
(Abridged - Performer: Adrienne Barbeau) 0-7871-0398-5 [1]
_Crystal Line_
(No additional data) 1-55800-732-6 [1]
(Abridged) 0-7871-0074-9 [1]
_To Ride Pegasus_ and _Pegasus in Flight_
(combo - no additional data) 1-55800-474-2 [1]
_The Rowan_
(No additional data) 0930435680
(No additional data) 0930435885
_Damia's Children_
(No additional data) 1-56100-494-4 [2]
_Lyon's Pride_
(Unabridged?) 1-56100-550-9 [2]
(Abridged) 1-56100-358-1 [2]
_Partnership_ series
(No additional data) 1-55800-923-X [1]
_The Ship Who Won_
(Abridged - Performer: Constance Towers) 0-7871-0237-7 [1]
_Planet Pirate_ Series
(No additional data) 0-7871-0398-5 [1]
_The Powers That Be_
(No additional data) 1-55800-855-1 [1]
Science Fiction boxed set
(Abridged - Performer: Adrienne Barbeau) 0-7871-0186-9 [1]
Above includes _Crystal Singer_
A Dragonlovers Treasury of the Fantastic
(Abridged - Performers: John Cygan & Glynnis Talken)
1-57042-136-6 [3]
Above includes "Weyr Search"
1. Dove Audio
301 N. Canon Drive
Beverly Hills, Ca. 90210
2. Brilliance Corp.
1810-B Industrial Drive
P.O.Box 887
Grand Haven, Michigan 49417
3. Time Warner Audio
9229 Sunset Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90069
Capt. Gym Z. Quirk (Known to some as Taki Kogoma) quirk@swcp.com
Just an article detector on the Information Supercollider.
Very Disturbed Nerd w/o portollio: Just ask AGIS.net