Public Const AC_SNAP_A_ISQUAD As Long = &H1 ' if set, the area is a quadriliteral, else a trinagle (ps[3] unused) (attention: MUST be lowest bit)
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_P0 As Long = &H2 ' if set, first point of areas (ps[0]) is also used as snap point
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_P1 As Long = &H4 ' if set, second point of area (ps[1]) is also used as snap point
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_P2 As Long = &H8 ' if set, third point of areas (ps[2]) is also used as snap point
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_P3 As Long = &H10 ' if set, fourth point of area (ps[3]) is also used as snap point (ignored, if SNAP_A_ISQUAD not set)
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_E0 As Long = &H20 ' if set, first edge of areas (ps[0]->ps[1]) is also used as snap edge
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_E1 As Long = &H40 ' if set, second edge of area (ps[1]->ps[2]) is also used as snap edge
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_E2 As Long = &H80 ' if set, third edge of areas (ps[2]->ps[3]) is also used as snap edge
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_SNAP_E3 As Long = &H100 ' if set, fourth edge of area (ps[3]->ps[0]) is also used as snap edge (ignored, if SNAP_A_ISQUAD not set)
Public Const AC_SNAP_A_ISTWOSIDED As Long = &H200 ' if set, the area snaps from both sides, otherwise only from the 'left'
' Art der Behandlung von TreppenhΣusern fⁿr II. BV
Public Const AC_IIBV_STAIRCASE_IGNORE As Long = 0 ' Treppen werden ignoriert
Public Const AC_IIBV_STAIRCASE_LIKE_ROOFS As Long = 1 ' FlΣchen unter Treppen werden wie FlΣchen im Dachgescho▀ behandelt
Public Const AC_IIBV_STAIRCASE_SUB_LOWER_THAN As Long = 2 ' Raumteile unter Treppen werden abgezogen, sofern die Raumh÷he geringer als die eingestellte Maximalh÷he ist