lex law, a law legal legalistic legacy legate delegate delegation legislate legislature privilege
mater mother alma mater maternal maternity matrix matriculate matrimonial matron
movere to go; to set oneself in motion move movie mobile motion motive motor mobility mobilize demote promote
onym (Greek) name; named pseudonym anonymous synonym antonym patronymic synonymous
pendere to be hanging pending pendant pendulum penchant pension depend append appendix compendium independent
populus people; the citizens of a state people populace popular populous population public publish republic publicity plebiscite
quaere to ask; to inquire query quest question questionnaire querulous acquire inquire conquer inquisition require
sagire to trace; to track; to keenly understand seek beseech ransack ramshackle presage sagacious
sequela that which follows; consequence sequence sequential sequel non sequitur consequence consecutive execute persecute prosecute subsequent
stabulum a dwelling place stable stability stabilize stabilizer instability constable establish establishment disestablish
terra dry land; the earth; a region or country terra firma terrace terrain terrestrial territory territorial inter disinterment Mediterranean subterranean
tuber a swelling; a knot in a tree tuber tubercle tuberculosis protuberance truffle trifle tumor tumultuous
via a way; a road via viable viaduct viaticum convey convoy deviate devious obviate trivia