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  1. bellum          warlike; violent                                                                                    bellicose           belligerent         belligerence        belliferous                                                                                                                                 
  2. clamare         to shout; to call out                                                                               clamor              proclaim            claimant            acclaim             exclaim             proclamation        claim                                                                           
  3. cyclo (kuklos)  a circle or circular                                                                                bicycle             tricycle            cyclograph          cyclic              cyclotron                                                                                                               
  4. esse            to be; to be in existence; to exist                                                                 essence             essential           quintessence        interest            disinterest         absence             presence            presentable         represent           entity              
  5. fundere         to pour; to melt together                                                                           found               foundry             fuse                fusion              confound            confuse             diffuse             effusion            profusion           suffusion           
  6. heteros         other; the other of two                                                                             heterodox           heterodyne          heterogeneous       heterosexual                                                                                                                                
  7. latus           wide; broad; on the side of; to the side of                                                         lateral             latitude            latitudinarian      collateral          equilateral         bilateral           dilate                                                                          
  8. machina         an invention; a trick; a machine                                                                    machine             machinist           machinery           machination         mechanics           mechanism           mechanize           mechanistic                                                 
  9. mittere         to let go; cause to go; to send                                                                     mission             missile             missive             message             messenger           commission          dismissal           emission            intermission        submit              
  10. oculus          an eye                                                                                              ocular              ogle                inoculate           inveigle            binocular           antler                                                                                              
  11. pater           father                                                                                              padre               paternal            paternity           patronage           patriotic           expatriate          compatriate         repatriate          patriarch           patrimony           
  12. poena           penalty; a punishement; pain                                                                        pain                painstaking         penal               penalty             penance             penitent            penitentiary        subpoena            repent              punitive            
  13. puer            a boy; a child                                                                                      pedal               pedagogue           pedant              pedantic            puerile                                                                                                                 
  14. rogare          to question; to ask; to petition                                                                    rogue               abrogate            arrogance           derogatory          interrogate         interrogative       rogation            surrogate                                                   
  15. scribere        to write                                                                                            scribe              script              scripture           scribble            ascribe             circumscribe        conscript           description         inscription         superscript         
  16. spargere        to scatter or strew about                                                                           sparse              spark               sparkling           sprinkle            aspersion           disperse            intersperse                                                                     
  17. tendere         to stretch; to be stretched                                                                         tend                tendency            tendentious         tender              tensile             tension             tenterhooks         extension           intensity           pretentious         
  18. transire        to go across; to go over                                                                            transient           transit             transition          transitive          transitory          trance              entrance            trounce                                                     
  19. venire          to come                                                                                             venture             adventure           advent              convenient          avenue              circumvention       covenant            event               intervene           prevention          
  20. zoo             pertaining to animals                                                                               zoology             zoological          protozoic           zodiac              zoophyte                                                                                                                