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  1. autos           self                                                                                                authentic           autocracy           autograph           automatic           automaton           autonomous          autobiography                                                                   
  2. civitas         state; city                                                                                         civic               civilian            civilize            civilization        civil               civility                                                                                            
  3. currere         to run                                                                                              course              concourse           cursor              cursory             discourse           current             concurrent          incursion           precursor           recur               
  4. eradere         to scrape; to rub                                                                                   rase                erase               erasure             abrade              abrasion            race                razor               rasp                raspberry           rascal              
  5. frons           fronthead; any projection                                                                           front               frontage            frontal             frontier            frontispiece        affront             confront            effrontery                                                  
  6. heres           an heir                                                                                             heir                heiress             heirloom            hereditary          heredity            heritage            inherit             inheritance         disinherit                              
  7. languere        to feel faint; to feel relaxed                                                                      languid             languish            lack                lackadaisical       slack               lag                 laggard             laissez-faire       lax                 relaxation          
  8. lux             light (especially the light of day)                                                                 light               Lucy                lucid               lucubrate           luminary            luminous            lunar               lunatic             loony               illuminate          
  9. miscere         to mix; to mingle                                                                                   mix                 mixing              mixture             miscellaneous       admixture           intermix                                                                                            
  10. nuntius         a messenger                                                                                         nuncio              announce            annunciation        enunciate           denounce            internuncio         pronounce           renounce                                                    
  11. passus          a step; a pace; stretching of the legs                                                              pace                pass                impassable          passage             Passover            passenger           surpass             passport            password            trespass            
  12. plicare         to fold                                                                                             pliable             pliers              plait               apply               application         appliance           complicate          imply               display             implicate           
  13. psyche          the mind or soul                                                                                    psychic             psychiatrist        psychology          psychopath          psychoanalysis      psychosis                                                                                           
  14. rodere          to gnaw                                                                                             rat                 rodent              erode               erosion             corrode             corrosive                                                                                           
  15. scire           to know; to decide                                                                                  science             conscience          conscientious       conscionable        conscious           nescient            nice                omniscient          plebiscite          prescience          
  16. sophia          wise; mentally capable                                                                              philosophy          sophism             sophist             sophistication      sophomore           sophistical                                                                                         
  17. tempus          time; a season of the year                                                                          temporary           tempo               temporal            extemporaneous      temporization       tempest             contemporary        contemporaneous                                             
  18. tradere         to hand on; to deliver; to betray                                                                   tradition           traitor             treason             treasonous          extradite           extradition         betray                                                                          
  19. venerare        to love; to show affection for                                                                      venerable           venerate            Venus               venial              venom               venomous            venison                                                                         
  20. vulgus          the common people                                                                                   vulgar              vulgarity           Vulgate             divulge             promulgate          promulgator                                                                                         