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  1. animus          mind or spirit                                                                                      animal              animosity           magnanimous         unanimous           pusillanimous       inanimate           animate             animation           equanimity                              
  2. captio          a taking; a siezing                                                                                 captive             captivate           captious            capture             captor              caption             captivity                                                                       
  3. cratos          power                                                                                               democracy           aristrocratic       autocratic          plutocracy                                                                                                                                  
  4. dogma, dox      to believe; to seem right                                                                           dogmatic            doxology            paradox             orthodox            heterodox           dogma                                                                                               
  5. finis           the end, limit, or boundary of an estate or field                                                   final               fine                finance             finish              finite              finitude            infinity            definite            refined             confinement         
  6. gram, graph     to write (from a letter of the Greek alphabet)                                                      grammar             gramophone          anagram             telegram            epigram             grammatical         program             telegraph           photograph                              
  7. imaginare       to form an image of; to imagine                                                                     image               imagery             imaginable          imagination         imago               inimitable          imitate             imitation           imaginary                               
  8. ligare          to tie, to bind                                                                                     ligament            ligature            liable              liability           alliance            rally               reliable            obligate            religate            religion            
  9. memorare        to recall to mind; to remember; to narrate                                                          memory              memorize            memorable           memorabilia         memoranda           immemorial          commemorate         remember            remembrance                             
  10. nasci           to be born                                                                                          native              naive               nation              nationality         natal               natural             nascent             supernatural        innate              pregnancy           
  11. orare           to pray; to plead; to speak                                                                         oration             orator              oratory             oracle              adorable            adore               inexorable          perorative                                                  
  12. persona         a mask; a character; a person                                                                       person              persona             personable          personal            personality         impersonate         personify           personnel           parson              parsonage           
  13. posse           to have power; to be able                                                                           possible            possibility         potency             potent              potentate           potential           puissance           power               despot              despotic            
  14. quinque         five; at intervals of five                                                                          quintessence        quintet             quintuplet          quintillion         quintal                                                                                                                 
  15. salire, saltare to leap; to rush forth; to dance                                                                    sally               salient             salacious           assail              assault             desultory           exult               insult              insolent            result              
  16. servus          a slave                                                                                             serve               servant             service             serviette           servile             servitude           serf                deserve             disservice          subservient         
  17. stigare         to prick; to point                                                                                  instigate           distinguish         distinct            distinctive         instinct            style               stylish             stiletto            stimulant           stimulate           
  18. theos           a god                                                                                               theocentric         theism              theocracy           theodicy            theology            theologian          theophany           theosophy                                                   
  19. turbare         to agitate; to stir up                                                                              turbid              turbulence          trouble             troublesome         turbine             turbo               disturbance         perturb                                                     
  20. vincere         to conquer; to win                                                                                  victor              victorious          vincible            invincible          convict             convince            evict               evince              vanquish                                