Harvey Norman Games
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CLASH OF SPEARS: Registration Form (v1.5)
Registration for Clash of Spears is $10 (+$2 shipping), which includes the
software ONLY (no printed docs or anything like that). Features of the
registered version include save / load game capabilities and different maps
to play on.
***For a network license, enclose an additional $10 (for a total of $22).
This allows you to install Clash Of Spears to ONE local area network;
additional nets REQUIRE you to purchase an additional network license.
However, you can make the network files shareable, so that more than one
person is playing the game at the same time.***
First, fill out this registration form by typing or printing clearly (no
cursive). Then, enclose payment (check/cash/money order), seal the
envelope, and drop it in the mail box. You should recieve your game in
3 - 4 weeks.
City: ___________________________ State: _____ Zip: _________ - _________
(if you're ordering from out of the country, write your address on the
back of this order form EXACTLY as it should appear on the envelope.
There is an additional $5 fee for international orders (for a total of
$17. Also, keep in mind that we only accept US funds - or an
international mandate or money order.)
NOTE: If you send me your own pre-formatted High Density disk, you can
save $1.00 (for a total registration price of $11 or $21 net). Mark
the "enclosed" box if you are going to do this.
Please mark the disk size you would like: [_] 3.5" [_] 5.25"
[_] Enclosed (see above)
Please indicate method of payment: [_] Cash (US$ Only)
(the cost is $10 + $2 S/H, or $20 + $2 S/H for [_] Money Order
a network license). Make checks payable to [_] Check (US bank only)
Now, a little bit about your system: (this is optional - I'm taking a survey)
Type Graphics Misc
[_] 486+ [_] VGA [_] Sound Blaster
[_] 386DX33 [_] SVGA [_] Gravis UltraSound
[_] 386DX25 [_] HiColor [_] Roland
[_] 386SX20 [_] Other__________ [_] Other_____________
[_] 386SX16
[_] 286 [_] 2400bps Modem [_] 9600bps Modem
[_] *Check here if your [_] 14.4kbps Modem [_] 38.4kbps+ Modem
CPU is non-Intel!
[_] Other Equipment: _______________________________________________
If you are on a network, what is it? (check more than one)
Number of Nodes: [_] < 10 [_] 10 - 30
[_] 31 - 50 [_] > 50
[_] IBM Token Ring [_] Ethernet [_] Peer to Peer
[_] Novell [_] Novell / Windows [_] Novell 32 bit
[_] UNIX / VAX / Other beast machine
And finally, some space for SUGGESTIONS: (so I can start working on v1.7!)
That's it! I'll try to ship the registered version out to you as soon as
I can, but again, allow about 3-4 weeks for delivery.
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