Instruction on the use of the Learning Objectives, Slides, and accompanying Scripts in developing and presenting ETAP training sessions
Basic Concepts
The regulations, directives, instructions, and memoranda which govern AFSPC personnel in their use of computer processing represent a formidable mass of material to read and to understand. The approach taken in developing this material has been to extract the essential elements of information from the regulations and guidance documents, and to designate this digested material as Learning Objectives for computer security. Each Learning Objective has been cited by source document and paragraph to facilitate further research as needed to validate the content of the Learning Objective as a theme.
A PowerPoint ETAP Slide was then developed for each Learning Objective. The ETAP Slides represent three categories of information and content: a) PCS Training Slides, b) REFRESHER Training Slides, and c) SUPPLEMENTAL Slides. Each category is provided in a separate volume for ease of use.
Each ETAP Slide, in all categories, was then provided with Script material. The PCS Training Slides contain full scripts, identified as PCS Scripts, ready for presentation. The REFRESHER Training Slides also contain full scripts, identified as REFRESHER Scripts, ready for presentation. The SUPPLEMENTAL Slides contain the essential theme of the paragraph only. The SUPPLEMENTAL Slides represent a resource for further work, while significantly enhancing the capabilities of AFSPC personnel to produce a training program with minimal difficulty, and with considerable flexibility.