Internet 1996 World Exposition
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Perl Script
185 lines
# STOLE THE FOLLOWING FROM ai cluster /com/doc/web-support/cgi-hacks
# Useful routines for writing CGI scripts (and general puttering about)
# '&find_form_args' takes as (first) argument the expected field names
# separated by '|', as in:
# &find_form_args("name|address|phone|wants_pepperoni");
# On return, the variables whose names are those of the form fields are
# set to the appropriate values (unescaped, if necessary, so that for
# type-in fields what you get is what the user typed). These would be
# $name, $address, $phone, and $wants_pepperoni in the above example.
# Second argument, if any, is the name of an associative array, indexed
# by field-name, which gets the values supplied for unexpected fields (i.e.,
# those with names not listed in the first argument). If no second
# argument is supplied, and an unexpected field is found, we &cgidie;
# this is to help catch misspellings, and also may help with security
# (so that a malicious client can't cause arbitrary variables to be set,
# with potentially disruptive effects).
# Return value is true if we clearly got arguments, false if the
# caller looked as if he was looking for a coversheet. This is to
# facilitate such stuff as:
# do { print <<EOF; exit(0); } unless (&find_form_args (...));
# Content-type: text/html
# ... contents of cover sheet
sub find_form_args
local($var_ptrn, $catch_array) = @_;
local($var_rx) = '^(' . $var_ptrn . ')=';
local($is_get) = ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET');
local($nvars) = 0;
if ($is_get) { $qry = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; }
else { read (STDIN, $qry, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); }
$qry =~ s/\+/ /g;
foreach (split (/\&/, $qry))
if (s/$var_rx//)
{ eval "\$$1 = &unescape(\$_);"; }
elsif ($catch_array ne '' && s/^([^=]*)=//)
{ eval "\$$catch_array{&unescape(\$1)} = &unescape(\$_);"; }
{ &cgidie ("Unexpected field received for this form: $_"); }
# Return...
($nvars > 0) || (! $is_get);
# Error handling ... the well-tempered CGI script doesn't croak without
# making sure that someone has a chance to see its dying gasp; that means
# giving it a proper Content-type line (and hoping it doesn't get too
# screwed up).
# The first argument is an error message, which gets potential HTML syntax
# ('<', '>', '&') escaped out so that it is seen by the user verbatim. The
# second argument is optional; if present, it is treated as HTML (i.e.,
# left as is), for scripts which want to die a particularly elaborate
# death.
# Note that if the script has already produced output before calling this,
# things will be a little garbled all around, but still somewhat better than
# nothing.
sub cgidie
local ($header, $body) = @_;
$header = &HTMLize ($header);
if ($body eq '') { $body = $header; $header = '' }
if ($header eq '') { $header = "Error in processing your request"; }
print <<EOF;
Content-type: text/html
<title> $header </title>
<h1> $header </h1>
# Self-referencing URL generation... the value of this function is, loosely
# speaking, the URL of the directory which the script resides in ... more
# precisely, it is the script's own URL (sans any PATH_INFO), with the name
# of the script itself, and the preceding '/', stripped off.
sub my_dir_url
local ($sname) = $ENV{"SERVER_NAME"};
local ($sport) = $ENV{"SERVER_PORT"};
local ($hroot) = &dirstring($ENV{"SCRIPT_NAME"});
# Useful string conversions...
# '&unescape' translates the %.. escapes used in URLs back into what the user
# originally typed.
# '&HTMLize' translates a random ASCII string into HTML by HTML-escaping
# stuff that might be mistaken for HTML syntax.
# '&capitalize' does the obvious.
sub unescape { local ($_) = @_; s/%(..)/pack ('H2', $1)/eg; $_ }
sub HTMLize { local ($_) = @_; s/\&/&/g; s/\>/>/g; s/\</</g; $_; }
sub capitalize { local($_) = @_; local ($l);
y/A-Z/a-z/; s+[a-z]+$l = $&; $l =~ y/a-z/A-Z/; $l+e; $_ }
# Wrestling with filenames
# '&nodirs' strips the directories off of a pathname.
# '&dirstring' returns what &nodirs strips off (less the final '/');
sub dirstring { local ($_) = @_; s+/[^/]*$++; $_ }
sub nodirs { local ($_) = @_; s+^.*/++; $_ }
# Routines to deal with the filesystem.
# Note that most of these die if they can't do their jobs.
# Exceptions ... 'read_file and 'print_file' return distinctive comments
# if they can't get at the file, which (I expect to) show up in the final
# output...
sub create_file {
local ($file, $contents) = @_; local (*dummy);
open (dummy, ">$file") || &cgidie ("Couldn't create $file");
( (print dummy $contents) || &cgidie ("Couldn't write to $file"))
unless ($contents eq '');
close dummy;
sub copy_file {
local ($dest, $source) = @_;
local (*dst, *src);
open (dst, ">$dest") || &cgidie("Couldn't write to $dest");
open (src, "$source") || &cgidie("Couldn't read from $source");
while (<src>) { (print dst) || &cgidie ("Couldn't write to $dest"); }
close (dst); close (src);
sub print_file {
local ($name) = @_; local (*file); local ($hname) = &HTMLize($name);
if (! open (file, $name)) { print "<b>Couldn't open $hname!!!</b>"; return }
while (<file>) { print }
close (file)
sub read_file {
local ($name) = @_; local (*file, $it); local ($hname) = &HTMLize($name);
if (! open (file, $name)) { return "<b>Couldn't open $hname!!!</b>"; }
$it = '';
while (<file>) { $it .= $_ }
close (file);