<html><head><title>Claude VENARD - Biography</title></head><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000" TEXT="#FFE1A1" LINK="#A4FEBE" ALINK="#FDFFB4" VLINK="#F5D27D"><CENTER><BR><BR><TABLE BORDER=3 CELLPADDING=3><TR ALIGN=CENTER><TD><FONT SIZE=7>Claude VENARD</FONT></TR></TABLE><P><BR><TABLE BORDER=3 CELLPADDING=6><TR ALIGN=CENTER><TD><FONT SIZE=5><B>MUSEUMS</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P><B><FONT SIZE=4>Witney Museum New York - Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris<BR>Tate Gallery - London - Musée de Montréal - Museum Düsseldorf<BR>Musée de San-Paolo - Musée de Mexico - Musée de Palm Springs<BR>Musée de Bale - Museum München - Musée de Tokyo<BR>Musée de Buenos Aires - Dallas Museum of Art.....</FONT></B><P><BR><TABLE BORDER=3 CELLPADDING=6><TR ALIGN=CENTER><TD><FONT SIZE=5><B>EXHIBITIONS</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P><B><FONT SIZE=4>Paris - Lyon - Geneva - London - Milan - Venice - Stockholm<BR>Copenhagen - Düsseldorf - Munich - Buenos Aires<BR>Tokyo - New York - Dallas - Beverly Hills - Pennsylvania...</FONT></B><P><BR><TABLE BORDER=3 CELLPADDING=6><TR ALIGN=CENTER><TD><FONT SIZE=5><B>BIOGRAPHY</B></FONT></TD></TR></TABLE><P><FONT SIZE=4>French artist born on March 21st 1913, he appeared since 1935 in<BR>CONTEMPORARY ART EXHIBITIONS throughout THE WORLD.<P>VENARD then began to devote himself completly to the ecstasy of <BR>"LA BELLE MATIERE" which from now on characterizes his entire work.<BR> <P>Remaining faithful to a POST - CUBIST composition of the canvas space,<BR> he progressively emphasizes the chromatism of his palette,<BR> up to the most crude tints excecuted in very rich-stained pastes. <P><BR><table BORDER=2 CELLPADDING=10><tr VALIGN=TOP ALIGN=CENTER><td WIDTH=25%><a HREF="clvecate.htm">CATALOGUE</a></td><td WIDTH=25%><a HREF="clveinfe.htm">INFORMATION</a></td><td WIDTH=25%><a HREF="jaglangs.htm">J.A.G</a></td></tr></table><P><BR>Copyright 1996