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/ Greeting Card Maker 2.0 / GCM_V2.ISO / craybl__.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-06-08  |  26KB
Labels: bulletin board | reckoner | sky
OCR: abcdef ghijklmnopa! r2tuvwXyz ABCDEA FGHIJKL MNOPQR STUVW) XyZ 0123456789 l@#$% &* The quick brown fox jump2 over the lazy 6op The quick brown fox jump2 over the lqzy dog. The quick brown fox jump2 oVer the lazy dog. The quick br Own jum p2 oVer the lazy 6op 48 The quick br Own fox jump2 OVer the lazy 6op 60 The quick br Own fc X jum p2 OVer the The quick br own jum ghijK Opqr2tuvwXyZ 2dwn jumpe