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Animdat 1.1 Todd Sankey
1.0 Notice
This software is provided as is with no implicit guarantee, blah
In short, its free so use it if you want to. I ask nothing in
return except that you notify me if you find anything wrong or
have any suggested changes. If you feel an overwhelming need to
alleviate the stark nature of my coffers, then any contributions
will be gladly accepted and in return I will notify you of all
future releases.
1.1 : July 22, 1992
Frank van der Hulst added % (mod) operator and ported it to a
Sparcstation. I included his gcc make file.
I added gate variables at his suggestion.
I added the ability to compile with long scene names. The generated
files are named "root_filename_nnn.dat" where nnn is the scene number.
This is not the default however as for DOS machines it could exceed
the 8 character limit on file names.
I improved(?) the documentation after several complaints.
(What do you mean you don't understand, you've got the source
1.0 : July 2, 1992
Original release.
2.0 Usage guide
Animdat allows you to create several files from a template
file and a variable definition file. I use it for creating
animation sequences from a template .DAT file for rendering using
DKBTrace, so I will describe it in this context.
Basically Animdat allows you to place variables inside any file.
There are two main classes of variables supported: replacement
variables and gate variables. Variables are identified by a name
which must start with an alphabetic character, can be up to 256
characters in length, and are case sensitive.
Variable definitions in the .VAR file must be one definition per
line (although blank lines are permissible) and must
not exceed the maximum line length of 256 characters.
Animdat reads and parses the variable definition (.VAR) file and
then processes the template (.DAT) file to create the new files
(scene files).
2.1 Defining Variables
Variables are defined in the .VAR file. Definitions come in
three flavours: mathematical, file name, and string.
2.1.1 Mathematical Variables
A mathematical variable is one whose definition is a correct,
mathematical expression using standard algebraic notation.
The expression can include any legal operators, constant values,
and variable names.
The definition of a mathematical variable appears like:
var_name = mathematical expression[, initial value]
The comma and initial value are optional parameters which give
the variable a predefined value. This allows a variable to be
defined in terms of itself either directly or indirectly.
var_one = var_one + 1.0, 1.0
This will create a variable called var_one which will start off
with a value of 1.0 and will increment by 1 for every file
When ANIMDAT encounters a mathematical variable in the .DAT file,
the variable is evaluated and its value (as a double precision
floating point) is placed in the scene file.
The supported operators are, in decreasing precedence:
unary -, +, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, log, exp, rnd
^ (exponentiation)
*, /, % (modulo)
binary +, -
<, >, <=, >=, =
Precedence can be overridden by using parentheses.
Comparison operators (<, >, <=, >=, =) evaluate to a numerical
1.0 if the condition is true and 0.0 if the condition is false.
So they can be used to produce "multi-definition" variables.
scene = scene + 1.0, 0.0
function = (scene < 10.5) * (1.0) + (scene>10.5) * (2.0)
Here function will have the value 1.0 for the first 10 scenes and
the value 2.0 for all subsequent scenes.
In evaluating mathematical variables, ANIMDAT first checks if the
variable is dependent on any other variables. If it is, these
variables are updated and evaluated first.
2.1.2 Filename Variables
Filename variables allow a variable to get its value from another
file. For example, if the values desired are beyond the
capabilities of ANIMDAT's built in functions, they can be
generated externally and placed in another file. Then define the
variable as:
var-name2 = #filename
Every time the variable is evaluated, the file named is searched
for the next numerical value. The variable then takes on that
value. Filename variables can be used in the definition of
mathematical variables.
The named file must contain at least one value for each file
generated. If it does not, its value is undetermined after
running out of values.
2.1.3 String Variables
String variables replace the variable name in the template file
with a literal string. Their value can not change from one scene
file to the next, so it has only limited use. A string variable
can not be used in the definition of any other variable.
A string variable is defined as:
var-name3 = "literal string"
2.2 Using Variables
Variables are used in the template (.DAT) file. Currently
variables can be used in 2 main ways: replacement and gating.
2.2.1 Using a Variable as a Replacement Variable
Replacement variables are placed in the template (.DAT) file as
@variable_name@. They are identified by the '@' character.
In creating the scene files, the variable name
in the .DAT file is replaced by its definition from the .VAR
file after evaluating the variable. The evaluation depends on
how it is defined: mathematical, file name, or string.
- In the .VAR file -
scene = scene + 1.0, 0
- In the .DAT template file -
This is scene @scene@.
This will produce files where in each file @scene@ will be replaced
by the number of the generated file.
2.2.2 Using a Variable as a Gate Variable
Gate variables are used to conditionally include a block of text
in the template file. They appear in the template file as:
block of text
The block is started with the '&' character. Immediately
following this with no white space in between is a variable name.
The variable is evaluated and if its value is less than or equal
to 0.0 then the block is NOT included in the generated file. If
its value is greater than 0.0, the block is included in the
generated file.
The variable is defined in the .VAR file identically to a
mathematical variable or a filename variable.
- in the .VAR file -
scene = scene + 1.0, 0.0
gate_var = scene < 10.5
- in the .DAT file -
some stuff
The block will be included in the first 10 files generated and in
none of the subsequent files.
The block must be terminated by a trailing '&' character. This
terminator must be followed by at least 1 white space character.
Blocks can be nested.
2.3 Predefined Variables
ANIMDAT includes three predefined variables: num_scenes,
cur_scene, and x.
num_scenes appears in the .VAR file and is used to define the
number of files to be generated. Its definition is
num_scenes = constant_value
Where constant_value is any real number. Since fractional
files are impossible, the value is truncated to the nearest lower
integer. This definition must appear somewhere in the .VAR file
or else an error will occur.
cur_scene does not appear in the .VAR file but is simply a
variable provided by ANIMDAT. Its definition is equivalent to:
cur_scene = cur_scene + 1.0, 0.0
so that it goes from 1 to num_scenes, incrementing by 1 for each
generated file.
x is a general-purpose variable that increases monatonically from
0 to 1. Its equivalent definition is:
x = cur_scene/num_scenes
Comments are allowed in the .VAR file like so:
{ comment }.
The parser then interprets the comment as a space.
2.5 The Command Line
The command line for ANIMDAT is:
animdat root_filename
ANIMDAT then looks for "root_filename.dat" as the template file,
and "root_filename.var" as the variable definition file.
2.6 Examples
Enclosed are two files: bball.var and bball.dat. Running:
animdat bball
will produce 26 dat files (scene001.dat to scene026.dat) which when
rendered and joined produce a realistic and mathematically
accurate animation of a bouncing ball.
3.0 The Author
The author can be reached at:
Yours truly,
Todd Sankey.