<CD-RAT><Entry><HWD>PART\PART 4</HWD><Activity><GapFillInput layer="1" h="380" w="620" y="10" x="10" show-wordpool="0" wordpool-position="above"><Title alignment="left" isOn="1">PART 4: Key word transformations<br /></Title><Instruction alignment="left" isOn="1">For questions <B>1-8</B>, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. <B>Do not change the word given</B>. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning.<br /></Instruction><ReferenceObject soundIsOn="0" videoIsOn="0" defaultHeight="200" alignment="left" isOn="0" /><ScrollableAssets /><Content><Question><B>Example</B><br />He was lucky at first, but his luck soon changed.<br /><I>ran</I><br />His luck <I><U>soon ran out, although</U></I> he was lucky at first.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>1 </B>I’ll finish the report if they give me enough time to do it.<br /><I>long</I><br />I’ll finish the report <Gap><Score num="1" />as long as they</Gap> give me enough time to do it.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>2 </B>I found the job rather boring, but at least it paid well.<br /><I>even</I><br />At least the job paid well, <Gap><Score num="1" />even though it was|even if it was</Gap> rather boring.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>3 </B>Peter was the best organiser of events in the office.<br /><I>could</I><br />Peter <Gap><Score num="1" />could organise events better than</Gap> anyone else in the office.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>4 </B>Carlos knew how to drive by the time he was eighteen.<br /><I>able</I><br />Carlos <Gap><Score num="1" />was able to drive</Gap> by the time he was eighteen.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>5 </B>I don’t know how to type, but it would be useful if I could.<br /><I>only</I><br />If <Gap><Score num="1" />only I knew how to|I only knew how to</Gap> type, it would be useful.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>6 </B>Nick became famous as a writer very quickly.<br /><I>take</I><br />It didn’t <Gap><Score num="1" />take Nick long to</Gap> become famous as a writer.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>7 </B>It seems as though a lot of couples get divorced nowadays.<br /><I>down</I><br />A lot of marriages <Gap><Score num="1" />seem to break down</Gap> nowadays.<LineBreak size="12" /><br /><B>8 </B>In my job I get free car parking in the city.<br /><I>pay</I><br />In my job I don’t <Gap><Score num="1" />have to pay for</Gap> car parking in the city.</Question></Content></GapFillInput><Feedback playallOn="1" showAnswersOn="1" animatedFeedbackOn="1" testModeOn="0" instantFeedbackOn="0"><Sounds /></Feedback><GenericActivity hintsNextTo="0" timerIsOn="0" CDPrefsFolder="preferences/" CDPrefsFile="cd1.xml"><ActivityCanvas graphicAlpha="100" folder="" file="" colourAlpha="100" colour="transparent" /><SoundLibrary y="10" x="10" isOn="0" /><VideoLibrary h="252" w="385" y="78" x="10" isOn="0" /><Assets /></GenericActivity></Activity></Entry></CD-RAT>