Labels:text | screenshot | yellow | font OCR: The purpose of this game is to find a key g , hidden in one of the @ on the level one map , and bring it to the gate of billium (called bill gates) This will bring you to level two, where you must find a wand - , hidden in one of the @ on the level two map , and bring it to MERLIN's castle. You are the light blue player _- '-> who starts south of the blue castle. s You use the arrow keys to move around , and you move according to the die at the bottom of your screen : if the rectangle around the die is light blue, DE E it is your turn to move , and if the die shows eg. 4 BB you can move 4 steps in one direction, if a dead end you can turn back. You play against 1 .. 3 computer players . , you can set the number of computer players by pressing the key P in the main screen. At the start of e ...