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/ Games: Windows 2 / cdv_games_windows_2_cd.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  213KB  |  1417x1421  |  16-bit (61,082 colors)
Labels: audio cd | car | clock | compact disk | door | person | road | sky | windowpane
OCR: windows Games All rights of produc and the owner of e work produce reser rvea UT authorised copying, hiring, lending public pe forman COMPACT ce and broadca sting of this record Leistur prohibited ngsschut Alle Techte Urhebe vo behal- und OISC ten uner dlaubte Kein erleih Vervie faltis ung Keine DATA STORAGE Verm nietung, uffuhrung oder Sendung START return Software producer author ised rforman OMPACT ngsschuta rechte disc rlaubte Verleih Verviel Ifaltig lietur