Geek Gadgets 1
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Text File
422 lines
BEGIN { @INC=('./lib', '../lib') }
use File::Find;
use File::Path qw(mkpath);
use Config;
use subs qw(unlink rename link chmod);
$mainperldir = "/usr/bin";
$exe_ext = $Config{exe_ext};
while (@ARGV) {
$nonono = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-n';
$versiononly = 1 if $ARGV[0] eq '-v';
umask 022;
@scripts = qw(cppstdin
utils/c2ph utils/h2ph utils/h2xs utils/pstruct
utils/perlbug utils/perldoc
x2p/s2p x2p/find2perl
pod/pod2man pod/pod2html pod/pod2latex pod/pod2text);
# pod documentation now handled by separate installman script.
# These two are archaic leftovers.
@manpages = qw(x2p/a2p.man x2p/s2p.man);
@pods = (<pod/*.pod>);
$ver = $];
$release = substr($ver,0,3); # Not used presently.
$patchlevel = substr($ver,3,2);
die "Patchlevel of perl ($patchlevel)",
"and patchlevel of config.sh ($Config{'PATCHLEVEL'}) don't match\n"
if $patchlevel != $Config{'PATCHLEVEL'};
# Fetch some frequently-used items from %Config
$installbin = $Config{installbin};
$installscript = $Config{installscript};
$installprivlib = $Config{installprivlib};
$installarchlib = $Config{installarchlib};
$installsitelib = $Config{installsitelib};
$installsitearch = $Config{installsitearch};
$installman1dir = $Config{installman1dir};
$man1ext = $Config{man1ext};
# Did we build libperl as a shared library?
$d_shrplib = $Config{d_shrplib};
$shrpdir = $Config{shrpdir};
# Shared library and dynamic loading suffixes.
$so = $Config{so};
$dlext = $Config{dlext};
$d_dosuid = $Config{d_dosuid};
$binexp = $Config{binexp};
# Do some quick sanity checks.
if ($d_dosuid && $>) { die "You must run as root to install suidperl\n"; }
$installbin || die "No installbin directory in config.sh\n";
-d $installbin || mkpath($installbin, 1, 0777);
-d $installbin || die "$installbin is not a directory\n";
-w $installbin || die "$installbin is not writable by you\n"
unless $installbin =~ m#^/afs/# || $nonono;
-x 'perl' . $exe_ext || die "perl isn't executable!\n";
-x 'suidperl' . $exe_ext|| die "suidperl isn't executable!\n" if $d_dosuid;
-x 't/TEST' || warn "WARNING: You've never run 'make test'!!!",
" (Installing anyway.)\n";
if ($d_shrplib) {
if (!<libperl*.$so*>) {
warn "WARNING: Can't find libperl*.$so* to install into $shrpdir.",
" (Installing other things anyway.)\n";
} else {
mkpath($shrpdir, 1, 0777);
-w $shrpdir || $nonono || die "$shrpdir is not writable by you\n";
&cmd("cp libperl*.$so* $shrpdir");
# First we install the version-numbered executables.
&cmd("cp perl$exe_ext $installbin/perl$ver$exe_ext");
if ($d_dosuid) {
&cmd("cp suidperl$exe_ext $installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
&chmod(04711, "$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext");
exit 0 if $versiononly;
# Make links to ordinary names if installbin directory isn't current directory.
if (! &samepath($installbin, '.')) {
&safe_unlink("$installbin/perl$exe_ext", "$installbin/suidperl$exe_ext");
&link("$installbin/perl$ver$exe_ext", "$installbin/perl$exe_ext");
&link("$installbin/sperl$ver$exe_ext", "$installbin/suidperl$exe_ext")
if $d_dosuid;
if (! &samepath($installbin, 'x2p')) {
&cmd("cp x2p/a2p$exe_ext $installbin/a2p$exe_ext");
&chmod(0755, "$installbin/a2p$exe_ext");
# Install scripts.
mkpath($installscript, 1, 0777);
for (@scripts) {
if (-f $_) { # cppstdin might not exist on this system.
&cmd("cp $_ $installscript");
s#.*/##; &chmod(0755, "$installscript/$_");
# Install pod pages. Where? I guess in $installprivlib/pod.
mkpath("${installprivlib}/pod", 1, 0777);
foreach $file (@pods) {
# $file is a name like pod/perl.pod
cp_if_diff($file, "${installprivlib}/${file}");
# Install old man pages.
if ($installman1dir ne '') {
mkpath($installman1dir, 1, 0777);
if (! &samepath($installman1dir, '.')) {
for (@manpages) {
($new = $_) =~ s/man$/$man1ext/;
$new =~ s#.*/##;
print STDERR " Installing $installman1dir/$new\n";
next if $nonono;
open(MI,$_) || warn "Can't open $_: $!\n";
open(MO,">$installman1dir/$new") ||
warn "Can't install $installman1dir/$new: $!\n";
print MO ".ds RP Release $release Patchlevel $patchlevel\n";
while (<MI>) {
print MO;
close MI;
close MO;
# Install library files.
$do_installarchlib = $do_installprivlib = 0;
mkpath($installprivlib, 1, 0777);
mkpath($installarchlib, 1, 0777);
mkpath($installsitelib, 1, 0777) if ($installsitelib);
mkpath($installsitearch, 1, 0777) if ($installsitearch);
if (chdir "lib") {
$do_installarchlib = ! &samepath($installarchlib, '.');
$do_installprivlib = ! &samepath($installprivlib, '.');
if ($do_installarchlib || $do_installprivlib) {
find(\&installlib, '.');
chdir ".." || die "Can't cd back to source directory: $!\n";
else {
warn "Can't cd to lib to install lib files: $!\n";
# Install header files and libraries.
mkpath("$installarchlib/CORE", 1, 0777);
foreach $file (<*.h libperl*.*>) {
# AIX needs perl.exp installed as well.
cp_if_diff("perl.exp" ,"$installarchlib/CORE/perl.exp") if ($^O eq 'aix');
# If they have built sperl.o...
cp_if_diff("sperl.o" ,"$installarchlib/CORE/sperl.o") if (-f 'sperl.o');
# Offer to install perl in a "standard" location
$mainperl_is_instperl = 0;
if (-w $mainperldir && ! &samepath($mainperldir, $installbin) && !$nonono) {
# First make sure $mainperldir/perl is not already the same as
# the perl we just installed
if (-x "$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext") {
# Try to be clever about mainperl being a symbolic link
# to binexp/perl if binexp and installbin are different.
$mainperl_is_instperl =
&samepath("$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext", "$installbin/perl$exe_ext") ||
(($binexp ne $installbin) &&
(-l "$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext") &&
((readlink "$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext") eq "$binexp/perl$exe_ext"));
if ((! $mainperl_is_instperl) &&
(&yn("Many scripts expect perl to be installed as " .
"$mainperldir/perl.\n" .
"Do you wish to have $mainperldir/perl be the same as\n" .
"$binexp/perl? [y] ")))
eval 'link("$installbin/perl$exe_ext", "$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext")' ||
eval 'symlink("$binexp/perl$exe_ext", "$mainperldir/perl$exe_ext")' ||
&cmd("cp $installbin/perl$exe_ext $mainperldir$exe_ext");
$mainperl_is_instperl = 1;
# Check to make sure there aren't other perls around in installer's
# path. This is probably UNIX-specific. Check all absolute directories
# in the path except for where public executables are supposed to live.
# Also skip $mainperl if the user opted to have it be a link to the
# installed perl.
$dirsep = ($^O eq 'os2') ? ';' : ':' ;
($path = $ENV{"PATH"}) =~ s:\\:/:g ;
@path = split(/$dirsep/, $path);
@otherperls = ();
for (@path) {
next unless m,^/,;
next if ($_ eq $binexp);
# Use &samepath here because some systems have other dirs linked
# to $mainperldir (like SunOS)
next if ($mainperl_is_instperl && &samepath($_, $mainperldir));
push(@otherperls, "$_/perl$exe_ext")
if (-x "$_/perl$exe_ext" && ! -d "$_/perl$exe_ext");
if (@otherperls) {
print STDERR "\nWarning: perl appears in your path in the following " .
"locations beyond where\nwe just installed it:\n";
for (@otherperls) {
print STDERR " ", $_, "\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR " Installation complete\n";
exit 0;
sub yn {
local($prompt) = @_;
local($default) = $prompt =~ m/\[([yn])\]\s*$/i;
print STDERR $prompt;
chop($answer = <STDIN>);
$answer = $default if $answer =~ m/^\s*$/;
($answer =~ m/^[yY]/);
sub unlink {
local(@names) = @_;
my($cnt) = 0;
foreach $name (@names) {
next unless -e $name;
chmod 0777, $name if $^O eq 'os2';
print STDERR " unlink $name\n";
( CORE::unlink($name) and ++$cnt
or warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n" ) unless $nonono;
return $cnt;
sub safe_unlink {
local(@names) = @_;
foreach $name (@names) {
next unless -e $name;
next if $nonono;
chmod 0777, $name if $^O eq 'os2';
print STDERR " unlink $name\n";
next if CORE::unlink($name);
warn "Couldn't unlink $name: $!\n";
if ($! =~ /busy/i) {
print STDERR " mv $name $name.old\n";
&rename($name, "$name.old") || warn "Couldn't rename $name: $!\n";
sub cmd {
local($cmd) = @_;
print STDERR " $cmd\n";
unless ($nonono) {
system $cmd;
warn "Command failed!!!\n" if $?;
sub rename {
local($from,$to) = @_;
if (-f $to and not unlink($to)) {
for ($i = 1; $i < 50; $i++) {
last if CORE::rename($to, "$to.$i");
warn("Cannot rename to `$to.$i': $!"), return 0
if $i >= 50; # Give up!
link($from,$to) || return 0;
sub link {
local($from,$to) = @_;
print STDERR " ln $from $to\n";
eval {
CORE::link($from,$to) || warn "Couldn't link $from to $to: $!\n" unless $nonono;
if ($@) {
system( $cp, $from, $to )
&& warn "Couldn't copy $from to $to: $!\n" unless $nonono;
sub chmod {
local($mode,$name) = @_;
printf STDERR " chmod %o %s\n", $mode, $name;
CORE::chmod($mode,$name) || warn sprintf("Couldn't chmod %o %s: $!\n",$mode,$name)
unless $nonono;
sub samepath {
local($p1, $p2) = @_;
local($dev1, $ino1, $dev2, $ino2);
if ($p1 ne $p2) {
($dev1, $ino1) = stat($p1);
($dev2, $ino2) = stat($p2);
($dev1 == $dev2 && $ino1 == $ino2);
else {
sub installlib {
my $dir = $File::Find::dir;
$dir =~ s#^\.(?![^/])/?##;
my $name = $_;
# ignore patch backups and the .exists files.
return if $name =~ m{\.orig$|~$|^\.exists};
$name = "$dir/$name" if $dir ne '';
my $installlib = $installprivlib;
if ((substr($dir, 0, 4) eq 'auto') || ($name eq 'Config.pm')) {
$installlib = $installarchlib;
return unless $do_installarchlib;
} else {
return unless $do_installprivlib;
if (-f $_) {
if (/\.al$/ || /\.ix$/) {
$installlib = $installprivlib;
#We're installing *.al and *.ix files into $installprivlib,
#but we have to delete old *.al and *.ix files from the 5.000
#This might not work because $archname might have changed.
system "cmp", "-s", $_, "$installlib/$name";
if ($?) {
mkpath("$installlib/$dir", 1, 0777);
cp_if_diff($_, "$installlib/$name");
# HP-UX (at least) needs to maintain execute permissions
# on dynamically-loaded libraries.
if ($name =~ /\.(so|$dlext)$/o) {
&chmod(0555, "$installlib/$name");
else {
&chmod(0444, "$installlib/$name");
} elsif (-d $_) {
mkpath("$installlib/$name", 1, 0777);
# Copy $from to $to, only if $from is different than $to.
# Also preserve modification times for .a libraries.
# On some systems, if you do
# ranlib libperl.a
# cp libperl.a /usr/local/lib/perl5/archlib/CORE/libperl.a
# and then try to link against the installed libperl.a, you might
# get an error message to the effect that the symbol table is older
# than the library.
sub cp_if_diff {
-f $from || die "$0: $from not found";
system "cmp", "-s", $from, $to;
if ($?) {
my ($atime, $mtime);
unlink($to); # In case we don't have write permissions.
cmd("cp $from $to");
# Restore timestamps if it's a .a library.
if ($to =~ /\.a$/) {
($atime, $mtime) = (stat $from)[8,9];
utime $atime, $mtime, $to;