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GNU Info File  |  1996-10-12  |  49KB  |  895 lines

  1. This is Info file octave.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input
  2. file octave.texi.
  3.    Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 John W. Eaton.
  4.    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
  5. manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
  6. preserved on all copies.
  7.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
  8. this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
  9. the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
  10. permission notice identical to this one.
  11.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
  12. manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
  13. versions.
  14. File: octave.info,  Node: The Mode Line,  Next: Basic Windows,  Prev: Window Commands,  Up: Window Commands
  15. The Mode Line
  16. -------------
  17.    A "mode line" is a line of inverse video which appears at the bottom
  18. of an info window.  It describes the contents of the window just above
  19. it; this information includes the name of the file and node appearing in
  20. that window, the number of screen lines it takes to display the node,
  21. and the percentage of text that is above the top of the window.  It can
  22. also tell you if the indirect tags table for this info file needs to be
  23. updated, and whether or not the info file was compressed when stored on
  24. disk.
  25.    Here is a sample mode line for a window containing an uncompressed
  26. file named `dir', showing the node `Top'.
  27.      -----Info: (dir)Top, 40 lines --Top---------------------------------------
  28.                  ^^   ^   ^^^        ^^
  29.                (file)Node #lines    where
  30.    When a node comes from a file which is compressed on disk, this is
  31. indicated in the mode line with two small `z''s.  In addition, if the
  32. info file containing the node has been split into subfiles, the name of
  33. the subfile containing the node appears in the modeline as well:
  34.      --zz-Info: (emacs)Top, 291 lines --Top-- Subfile: emacs-1.Z---------------
  35.    When Info makes a node internally, such that there is no
  36. corresponding info file on disk, the name of the node is surrounded by
  37. asterisks (`*').  The name itself tells you what the contents of the
  38. window are; the sample mode line below shows an internally constructed
  39. node showing possible completions:
  40.      -----Info: *Completions*, 7 lines --All-----------------------------------
  41. File: octave.info,  Node: Basic Windows,  Next: The Echo Area,  Prev: The Mode Line,  Up: Window Commands
  42. Window Commands
  43. ---------------
  44.    It can be convenient to view more than one node at a time.  To allow
  45. this, Info can display more than one "window".  Each window has its own
  46. mode line (*note The Mode Line::.) and history of nodes viewed in that
  47. window (*note `history-node': Node Commands.).
  48. `C-x o' (`next-window')
  49.      Selects the next window on the screen.  Note that the echo area
  50.      can only be selected if it is already in use, and you have left it
  51.      temporarily.  Normally, `C-x o' simply moves the cursor into the
  52.      next window on the screen, or if you are already within the last
  53.      window, into the first window on the screen.  Given a numeric
  54.      argument, `C-x o' moves over that many windows.  A negative
  55.      argument causes `C-x o' to select the previous window on the
  56.      screen.
  57. `M-x prev-window'
  58.      Selects the previous window on the screen.  This is identical to
  59.      `C-x o' with a negative argument.
  60. `C-x 2' (`split-window')
  61.      Splits the current window into two windows, both showing the same
  62.      node.  Each window is one half the size of the original window,
  63.      and the cursor remains in the original window.  The variable
  64.      `automatic-tiling' can cause all of the windows on the screen to
  65.      be resized for you automatically, please *note automatic-tiling:
  66.      Info Variables. for more information.
  67. `C-x 0' (`delete-window')
  68.      Deletes the current window from the screen.  If you have made too
  69.      many windows and your screen appears cluttered, this is the way to
  70.      get rid of some of them.
  71. `C-x 1' (`keep-one-window')
  72.      Deletes all of the windows excepting the current one.
  73. `ESC C-v' (`scroll-other-window')
  74.      Scrolls the other window, in the same fashion that `C-v' might
  75.      scroll the current window.  Given a negative argument, the "other"
  76.      window is scrolled backward.
  77. `C-x ^' (`grow-window')
  78.      Grows (or shrinks) the current window.  Given a numeric argument,
  79.      grows the current window that many lines; with a negative numeric
  80.      argument, the window is shrunk instead.
  81. `C-x t' (`tile-windows')
  82.      Divides the available screen space among all of the visible
  83.      windows.  Each window is given an equal portion of the screen in
  84.      which to display its contents.  The variable `automatic-tiling'
  85.      can cause `tile-windows' to be called when a window is created or
  86.      deleted.  *Note `automatic-tiling': Info Variables.
  87. File: octave.info,  Node: The Echo Area,  Prev: Basic Windows,  Up: Window Commands
  88. The Echo Area
  89. -------------
  90.    The "echo area" is a one line window which appears at the bottom of
  91. the screen.  It is used to display informative or error messages, and to
  92. read lines of input from you when that is necessary.  Almost all of the
  93. commands available in the echo area are identical to their Emacs
  94. counterparts, so please refer to that documentation for greater depth of
  95. discussion on the concepts of editing a line of text.  The following
  96. table briefly lists the commands that are available while input is being
  97. read in the echo area:
  98. `C-f' (`echo-area-forward')
  99.      Moves forward a character.
  100. `C-b' (`echo-area-backward')
  101.      Moves backward a character.
  102. `C-a' (`echo-area-beg-of-line')
  103.      Moves to the start of the input line.
  104. `C-e' (`echo-area-end-of-line')
  105.      Moves to the end of the input line.
  106. `M-f' (`echo-area-forward-word')
  107.      Moves forward a word.
  108. `M-b' (`echo-area-backward-word')
  109.      Moves backward a word.
  110. `C-d' (`echo-area-delete')
  111.      Deletes the character under the cursor.
  112. `DEL' (`echo-area-rubout')
  113.      Deletes the character behind the cursor.
  114. `C-g' (`echo-area-abort')
  115.      Cancels or quits the current operation.  If completion is being
  116.      read, `C-g' discards the text of the input line which does not
  117.      match any completion.  If the input line is empty, `C-g' aborts
  118.      the calling function.
  119. `RET' (`echo-area-newline')
  120.      Accepts (or forces completion of) the current input line.
  121. `C-q' (`echo-area-quoted-insert')
  122.      Inserts the next character verbatim.  This is how you can insert
  123.      control characters into a search string, for example.
  124. PRINTING CHARACTER (`echo-area-insert')
  125.      Inserts the character.
  126. `M-TAB' (`echo-area-tab-insert')
  127.      Inserts a TAB character.
  128. `C-t' (`echo-area-transpose-chars')
  129.      Transposes the characters at the cursor.
  130.    The next group of commands deal with "killing", and "yanking" text.
  131. For an in depth discussion of killing and yanking, *note Killing and
  132. Deleting: (emacs)Killing.
  133. `M-d' (`echo-area-kill-word')
  134.      Kills the word following the cursor.
  135. `M-DEL' (`echo-area-backward-kill-word')
  136.      Kills the word preceding the cursor.
  137. `C-k' (`echo-area-kill-line')
  138.      Kills the text from the cursor to the end of the line.
  139. `C-x DEL' (`echo-area-backward-kill-line')
  140.      Kills the text from the cursor to the beginning of the line.
  141. `C-y' (`echo-area-yank')
  142.      Yanks back the contents of the last kill.
  143. `M-y' (`echo-area-yank-pop')
  144.      Yanks back a previous kill, removing the last yanked text first.
  145.    Sometimes when reading input in the echo area, the command that
  146. needed input will only accept one of a list of several choices.  The
  147. choices represent the "possible completions", and you must respond with
  148. one of them.  Since there are a limited number of responses you can
  149. make, Info allows you to abbreviate what you type, only typing as much
  150. of the response as is necessary to uniquely identify it.  In addition,
  151. you can request Info to fill in as much of the response as is possible;
  152. this is called "completion".
  153.    The following commands are available when completing in the echo
  154. area:
  155. `TAB' (`echo-area-complete')
  156. `SPC'
  157.      Inserts as much of a completion as is possible.
  158. `?' (`echo-area-possible-completions')
  159.      Displays a window containing a list of the possible completions of
  160.      what you have typed so far.  For example, if the available choices
  161.      are:
  162.           bar
  163.           foliate
  164.           food
  165.           forget
  166.      and you have typed an `f', followed by `?', the possible
  167.      completions would contain:
  168.           foliate
  169.           food
  170.           forget
  171.      i.e., all of the choices which begin with `f'.  Pressing SPC or
  172.      TAB would result in `fo' appearing in the echo area, since all of
  173.      the choices which begin with `f' continue with `o'.  Now, typing
  174.      `l' followed by `TAB' results in `foliate' appearing in the echo
  175.      area, since that is the only choice which begins with `fol'.
  176. `ESC C-v' (`echo-area-scroll-completions-window')
  177.      Scrolls the completions window, if that is visible, or the "other"
  178.      window if not.
  179. File: octave.info,  Node: Printing Nodes,  Next: Other Info Commands,  Prev: Window Commands,  Up: Using Info
  180. Printing Out Nodes
  181. ==================
  182.    You may wish to print out the contents of a node as  a quick
  183. reference document for later use.  Info provides you with a command for
  184. doing this.  In general, we recommend that you use TeX to format the
  185. document and print sections of it, by running `tex' on the texinfo
  186. source file.
  187. `M-x print-node'
  188.      Pipes the contents of the current node through the command in the
  189.      environment variable `INFO_PRINT_COMMAND'.  If the variable doesn't
  190.      exist, the node is simply piped to `lpr'.
  191. File: octave.info,  Node: Other Info Commands,  Next: Info Variables,  Prev: Printing Nodes,  Up: Using Info
  192. Miscellaneous Info Commands
  193. ===========================
  194.    GNU Info contains several commands which self-document GNU Info:
  195. `M-x describe-command'
  196.      Reads the name of an Info command in the echo area and then
  197.      displays a brief description of what that command does.
  198. `M-x describe-key'
  199.      Reads a key sequence in the echo area, and then displays the name
  200.      and documentation of the Info command that the key sequence
  201.      invokes.
  202. `M-x describe-variable'
  203.      Reads the name of a variable in the echo area and then displays a
  204.      brief description of what the variable affects.
  205. `M-x where-is'
  206.      Reads the name of an Info command in the echo area, and then
  207.      displays a key sequence which can be typed in order to invoke that
  208.      command.
  209. `C-h' (`get-help-window')
  210.      Creates (or moves into) the window displaying `*Help*', and places
  211.      a node containing a quick reference card into it.  This window
  212.      displays the most concise information about GNU Info available.
  213. `h' (`get-info-help-node')
  214.      Tries hard to visit the node `(info)Help'.  The info file
  215.      `info.texi' distributed with GNU Info contains this node.  Of
  216.      course, the file must first be processed with `makeinfo', and then
  217.      placed into the location of your info directory.
  218.    Here are the commands for creating a numeric argument:
  219. `C-u' (`universal-argument')
  220.      Starts (or multiplies by 4) the current numeric argument.  `C-u' is
  221.      a good way to give a small numeric argument to cursor movement or
  222.      scrolling commands; `C-u C-v' scrolls the screen 4 lines, while
  223.      `C-u C-u C-n' moves the cursor down 16 lines.
  224. `M-1' (`add-digit-to-numeric-arg')
  225. `M-2' ... `M-9'
  226.      Adds the digit value of the invoking key to the current numeric
  227.      argument.  Once Info is reading a numeric argument, you may just
  228.      type the digits of the argument, without the Meta prefix.  For
  229.      example, you might give `C-l' a numeric argument of 32 by typing:
  230.           `C-u 3 2 C-l'
  231.      or
  232.           `M-3 2 C-l'
  233.    `C-g' is used to abort the reading of a multi-character key
  234. sequence, to cancel lengthy operations (such as multi-file searches) and
  235. to cancel reading input in the echo area.
  236. `C-g' (`abort-key')
  237.      Cancels current operation.
  238.    The `q' command of Info simply quits running Info.
  239. `q' (`quit')
  240.      Exits GNU Info.
  241.    If the operating system tells GNU Info that the screen is 60 lines
  242. tall, and it is actually only 40 lines tall, here is a way to tell Info
  243. that the operating system is correct.
  244. `M-x set-screen-height'
  245.      Reads a height value in the echo area and sets the height of the
  246.      displayed screen to that value.
  247.    Finally, Info provides a convenient way to display footnotes which
  248. might be associated with the current node that you are viewing:
  249. `ESC C-f' (`show-footnotes')
  250.      Shows the footnotes (if any) associated with the current node in
  251.      another window.  You can have Info automatically display the
  252.      footnotes associated with a node when the node is selected by
  253.      setting the variable `automatic-footnotes'.  *Note
  254.      `automatic-footnotes': Info Variables.
  255. File: octave.info,  Node: Info Variables,  Prev: Other Info Commands,  Up: Using Info
  256. Manipulating Variables
  257. ======================
  258.    GNU Info contains several "variables" whose values are looked at by
  259. various Info commands.  You can change the values of these variables,
  260. and thus change the behavior of Info to more closely match your
  261. environment and info file reading manner.
  262. `M-x set-variable'
  263.      Reads the name of a variable, and the value for it, in the echo
  264.      area and then sets the variable to that value.  Completion is
  265.      available when reading the variable name; often, completion is
  266.      available when reading the value to give to the variable, but that
  267.      depends on the variable itself.  If a variable does *not* supply
  268.      multiple choices to complete over, it expects a numeric value.
  269. `M-x describe-variable'
  270.      Reads the name of a variable in the echo area and then displays a
  271.      brief description of what the variable affects.
  272.    Here is a list of the variables that you can set in Info.
  273. `automatic-footnotes'
  274.      When set to `On', footnotes appear and disappear automatically.
  275.      This variable is `On' by default.  When a node is selected, a
  276.      window containing the footnotes which appear in that node is
  277.      created, and the footnotes are displayed within the new window.
  278.      The window that Info creates to contain the footnotes is called
  279.      `*Footnotes*'.  If a node is selected which contains no footnotes,
  280.      and a `*Footnotes*' window is on the screen, the `*Footnotes*'
  281.      window is deleted.  Footnote windows created in this fashion are
  282.      not automatically tiled so that they can use as little of the
  283.      display as is possible.
  284. `automatic-tiling'
  285.      When set to `On', creating or deleting a window resizes other
  286.      windows.  This variable is `Off' by default.  Normally, typing
  287.      `C-x 2' divides the current window into two equal parts.  When
  288.      `automatic-tiling' is set to `On', all of the windows are resized
  289.      automatically, keeping an equal number of lines visible in each
  290.      window.  There are exceptions to the automatic tiling;
  291.      specifically, the windows `*Completions*' and `*Footnotes*' are
  292.      *not* resized through automatic tiling; they remain their original
  293.      size.
  294. `visible-bell'
  295.      When set to `On', GNU Info attempts to flash the screen instead of
  296.      ringing the bell.  This variable is `Off' by default.  Of course,
  297.      Info can only flash the screen if the terminal allows it; in the
  298.      case that the terminal does not allow it, the setting of this
  299.      variable has no effect.  However, you can make Info perform
  300.      quietly by setting the `errors-ring-bell' variable to `Off'.
  301. `errors-ring-bell'
  302.      When set to `On', errors cause the bell to ring.  The default
  303.      setting of this variable is `On'.
  304. `gc-compressed-files'
  305.      When set to `On', Info garbage collects files which had to be
  306.      uncompressed.  The default value of this variable is `Off'.
  307.      Whenever a node is visited in Info, the info file containing that
  308.      node is read into core, and Info reads information about the tags
  309.      and nodes contained in that file.  Once the tags information is
  310.      read by Info, it is never forgotten.  However, the actual text of
  311.      the nodes does not need to remain in core unless a particular info
  312.      window needs it.  For non-compressed files, the text of the nodes
  313.      does not remain in core when it is no longer in use.  But
  314.      de-compressing a file can be a time consuming operation, and so
  315.      Info tries hard not to do it twice.  `gc-compressed-files' tells
  316.      Info it is okay to garbage collect the text of the nodes of a file
  317.      which was compressed on disk.
  318. `show-index-match'
  319.      When set to `On', the portion of the matched search string is
  320.      highlighted in the message which explains where the matched search
  321.      string was found.  The default value of this variable is `On'.
  322.      When Info displays the location where an index match was found,
  323.      (*note `next-index-match': Searching Commands.), the portion of the
  324.      string that you had typed is highlighted by displaying it in the
  325.      inverse case from its surrounding characters.
  326. `scroll-behaviour'
  327.      Controls what happens when forward scrolling is requested at the
  328.      end of a node, or when backward scrolling is requested at the
  329.      beginning of a node.  The default value for this variable is
  330.      `Continuous'.  There are three possible values for this variable:
  331.     `Continuous'
  332.           Tries to get the first item in this node's menu, or failing
  333.           that, the `Next' node, or failing that, the `Next' of the
  334.           `Up'.  This behavior is identical to using the `]'
  335.           (`global-next-node') and `[' (`global-prev-node') commands.
  336.     `Next Only'
  337.           Only tries to get the `Next' node.
  338.     `Page Only'
  339.           Simply gives up, changing nothing.  If `scroll-behaviour' is
  340.           `Page Only', no scrolling command can change the node that is
  341.           being viewed.
  342. `scroll-step'
  343.      The number of lines to scroll when the cursor moves out of the
  344.      window.  Scrolling happens automatically if the cursor has moved
  345.      out of the visible portion of the node text when it is time to
  346.      display.  Usually the scrolling is done so as to put the cursor on
  347.      the center line of the current window.  However, if the variable
  348.      `scroll-step' has a nonzero value, Info attempts to scroll the
  349.      node text by that many lines; if that is enough to bring the
  350.      cursor back into the window, that is what is done.  The default
  351.      value of this variable is 0, thus placing the cursor (and the text
  352.      it is attached to) in the center of the window.  Setting this
  353.      variable to 1 causes a kind of "smooth scrolling" which some
  354.      people prefer.
  355. `ISO-Latin'
  356.      When set to `On', Info accepts and displays ISO Latin characters.
  357.      By default, Info assumes an ASCII character set.  `ISO-Latin' tells
  358.      Info that it is running in an environment where the European
  359.      standard character set is in use, and allows you to input such
  360.      characters to Info, as well as display them.
  361. File: octave.info,  Node: Concept Index,  Next: Variable Index,  Prev: Using Info,  Up: Top
  362. Concept Index
  363. *************
  364. * Menu:
  365. * , in Info windows:                    Searching Commands.
  366. * 0, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  367. * 1 ... 9, in Info windows:             Selecting Xrefs.
  368. * <, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  369. * >, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  370. * ?, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  371. * ?, in the Info echo area:             The Echo Area.
  372. * [, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  373. * ], in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  374. * abort-key:                            Other Info Commands.
  375. * add-digit-to-numeric-arg:             Other Info Commands.
  376. * automatic-footnotes:                  Info Variables.
  377. * automatic-tiling:                     Info Variables.
  378. * b, in Info windows:                   Cursor Commands.
  379. * backward-char:                        Cursor Commands.
  380. * backward-word:                        Cursor Commands.
  381. * beginning-of-line:                    Cursor Commands.
  382. * beginning-of-node:                    Cursor Commands.
  383. * C-a, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  384. * C-a, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  385. * C-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  386. * C-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  387. * C-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  388. * C-e, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  389. * C-e, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  390. * C-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  391. * C-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  392. * C-g, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  393. * C-g, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  394. * C-h, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  395. * C-k, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  396. * C-l, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  397. * C-n, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  398. * C-p, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  399. * C-q, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  400. * C-r, in Info windows:                 Searching Commands.
  401. * C-s, in Info windows:                 Searching Commands.
  402. * C-t, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  403. * C-u, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  404. * C-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  405. * C-w, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  406. * C-x 0, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  407. * C-x 1, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  408. * C-x 2, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  409. * C-x ^, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  410. * C-x b, in Info windows:               Node Commands.
  411. * C-x C-b, in Info windows:             Node Commands.
  412. * C-x C-f, in Info windows:             Node Commands.
  413. * C-x DEL, in the Info echo area:       The Echo Area.
  414. * C-x k, in Info windows:               Node Commands.
  415. * C-x o, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  416. * C-x t, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  417. * C-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  418. * cancelling the current operation:     Other Info Commands.
  419. * cancelling typeahead:                 Other Info Commands.
  420. * commands, describing:                 Other Info Commands.
  421. * cursor, moving:                       Cursor Commands.
  422. * d, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  423. * DEL, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  424. * DEL, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  425. * delete-window:                        Basic Windows.
  426. * describe-command:                     Other Info Commands.
  427. * describe-key:                         Other Info Commands.
  428. * describe-variable:                    Info Variables.
  429. * dir-node:                             Node Commands.
  430. * echo area:                            The Echo Area.
  431. * echo-area-abort:                      The Echo Area.
  432. * echo-area-backward:                   The Echo Area.
  433. * echo-area-backward-kill-line:         The Echo Area.
  434. * echo-area-backward-kill-word:         The Echo Area.
  435. * echo-area-backward-word:              The Echo Area.
  436. * echo-area-beg-of-line:                The Echo Area.
  437. * echo-area-complete:                   The Echo Area.
  438. * echo-area-delete:                     The Echo Area.
  439. * echo-area-end-of-line:                The Echo Area.
  440. * echo-area-forward:                    The Echo Area.
  441. * echo-area-forward-word:               The Echo Area.
  442. * echo-area-insert:                     The Echo Area.
  443. * echo-area-kill-line:                  The Echo Area.
  444. * echo-area-kill-word:                  The Echo Area.
  445. * echo-area-newline:                    The Echo Area.
  446. * echo-area-possible-completions:       The Echo Area.
  447. * echo-area-quoted-insert:              The Echo Area.
  448. * echo-area-rubout:                     The Echo Area.
  449. * echo-area-scroll-completions-window:  The Echo Area.
  450. * echo-area-tab-insert:                 The Echo Area.
  451. * echo-area-transpose-chars:            The Echo Area.
  452. * echo-area-yank:                       The Echo Area.
  453. * echo-area-yank-pop:                   The Echo Area.
  454. * end-of-line:                          Cursor Commands.
  455. * end-of-node:                          Cursor Commands.
  456. * errors-ring-bell:                     Info Variables.
  457. * ESC C-f, in Info windows:             Other Info Commands.
  458. * ESC C-v, in Info windows:             Basic Windows.
  459. * ESC C-v, in the Info echo area:       The Echo Area.
  460. * f, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  461. * find-menu:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  462. * first-node:                           Node Commands.
  463. * footnotes, displaying:                Other Info Commands.
  464. * forward-char:                         Cursor Commands.
  465. * forward-word:                         Cursor Commands.
  466. * functions, describing:                Other Info Commands.
  467. * g, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  468. * gc-compressed-files:                  Info Variables.
  469. * get-help-window:                      Other Info Commands.
  470. * get-info-help-node:                   Other Info Commands.
  471. * global-next-node:                     Node Commands.
  472. * global-prev-node:                     Node Commands.
  473. * goto-node:                            Node Commands.
  474. * grow-window:                          Basic Windows.
  475. * h, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  476. * history-node:                         Node Commands.
  477. * i, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  478. * index-search:                         Searching Commands.
  479. * INFO_PRINT_COMMAND, environment variable: Printing Nodes.
  480. * isearch-backward:                     Searching Commands.
  481. * isearch-forward:                      Searching Commands.
  482. * ISO Latin characters:                 Info Variables.
  483. * ISO-Latin:                            Info Variables.
  484. * keep-one-window:                      Basic Windows.
  485. * keys, describing:                     Other Info Commands.
  486. * kill-node:                            Node Commands.
  487. * l, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  488. * last-menu-item:                       Selecting Xrefs.
  489. * last-node:                            Node Commands.
  490. * list-visited-nodes:                   Node Commands.
  491. * m, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  492. * M-1 ... M-9, in Info windows:         Other Info Commands.
  493. * M-<, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  494. * M->, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  495. * M-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  496. * M-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  497. * M-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  498. * M-DEL, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  499. * M-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  500. * M-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  501. * M-r, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  502. * M-TAB, in Info windows:               Selecting Xrefs.
  503. * M-TAB, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  504. * M-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  505. * M-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  506. * menu-digit:                           Selecting Xrefs.
  507. * menu-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  508. * move-to-next-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  509. * move-to-prev-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  510. * move-to-window-line:                  Cursor Commands.
  511. * n, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  512. * next-index-match:                     Searching Commands.
  513. * next-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  514. * next-node:                            Node Commands.
  515. * next-window:                          Basic Windows.
  516. * nodes, selection of in Info windows:  Node Commands.
  517. * numeric arguments:                    Other Info Commands.
  518. * p, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  519. * prev-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  520. * prev-node:                            Node Commands.
  521. * prev-window:                          Basic Windows.
  522. * print-node:                           Printing Nodes.
  523. * printing:                             Printing Nodes.
  524. * printing characters, in the Info echo area: The Echo Area.
  525. * q, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  526. * quit:                                 Other Info Commands.
  527. * quitting:                             Other Info Commands.
  528. * r, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  529. * redraw-display:                       Scrolling Commands.
  530. * RET, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  531. * RET, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  532. * s, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  533. * screen, changing the height of:       Other Info Commands.
  534. * scroll-backward:                      Scrolling Commands.
  535. * scroll-behaviour:                     Info Variables.
  536. * scroll-forward:                       Scrolling Commands.
  537. * scroll-other-window:                  Basic Windows.
  538. * scroll-step:                          Info Variables.
  539. * scrolling through node structure:     Scrolling Commands.
  540. * scrolling, in Info windows:           Scrolling Commands.
  541. * search:                               Searching Commands.
  542. * searching:                            Searching Commands.
  543. * select-reference-this-line:           Selecting Xrefs.
  544. * select-visited-node:                  Node Commands.
  545. * set-screen-height:                    Other Info Commands.
  546. * set-variable:                         Info Variables.
  547. * show-footnotes:                       Other Info Commands.
  548. * show-index-match:                     Info Variables.
  549. * SPC, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  550. * SPC, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  551. * split-window:                         Basic Windows.
  552. * t, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  553. * TAB, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  554. * TAB, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  555. * tile-windows:                         Basic Windows.
  556. * tiling:                               Basic Windows.
  557. * toggle-wrap:                          Scrolling Commands.
  558. * top-node:                             Node Commands.
  559. * u, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  560. * universal-argument:                   Other Info Commands.
  561. * up-node:                              Node Commands.
  562. * variables, describing:                Info Variables.
  563. * variables, setting:                   Info Variables.
  564. * view-file:                            Node Commands.
  565. * visible-bell:                         Info Variables.
  566. * where-is:                             Other Info Commands.
  567. * windows, creating:                    Basic Windows.
  568. * windows, deleting:                    Basic Windows.
  569. * windows, manipulating:                Window Commands.
  570. * windows, selecting:                   Basic Windows.
  571. * xref-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  572. File: octave.info,  Node: Variable Index,  Next: Function Index,  Prev: Concept Index,  Up: Top
  573. Variable Index
  574. **************
  575. * Menu:
  576. * ISO-Latin:                            Info Variables.
  577. * keep-one-window:                      Basic Windows.
  578. * keys, describing:                     Other Info Commands.
  579. * kill-node:                            Node Commands.
  580. * l, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  581. * last-menu-item:                       Selecting Xrefs.
  582. * last-node:                            Node Commands.
  583. * list-visited-nodes:                   Node Commands.
  584. * m, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  585. * M-1 ... M-9, in Info windows:         Other Info Commands.
  586. * M-<, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  587. * M->, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  588. * M-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  589. * M-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  590. * M-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  591. * M-DEL, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  592. * M-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  593. * M-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  594. * M-r, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  595. * M-TAB, in Info windows:               Selecting Xrefs.
  596. * M-TAB, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  597. * M-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  598. * M-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  599. * menu-digit:                           Selecting Xrefs.
  600. * menu-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  601. * move-to-next-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  602. * move-to-prev-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  603. * move-to-window-line:                  Cursor Commands.
  604. * n, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  605. * next-index-match:                     Searching Commands.
  606. * next-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  607. * next-node:                            Node Commands.
  608. * next-window:                          Basic Windows.
  609. * nodes, selection of in Info windows:  Node Commands.
  610. * numeric arguments:                    Other Info Commands.
  611. * p, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  612. * prev-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  613. * prev-node:                            Node Commands.
  614. * prev-window:                          Basic Windows.
  615. * print-node:                           Printing Nodes.
  616. * printing:                             Printing Nodes.
  617. * printing characters, in the Info echo area: The Echo Area.
  618. * q, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  619. * quit:                                 Other Info Commands.
  620. * quitting:                             Other Info Commands.
  621. * r, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  622. * redraw-display:                       Scrolling Commands.
  623. * RET, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  624. * RET, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  625. * s, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  626. * screen, changing the height of:       Other Info Commands.
  627. * scroll-backward:                      Scrolling Commands.
  628. * scroll-behaviour:                     Info Variables.
  629. * scroll-forward:                       Scrolling Commands.
  630. * scroll-other-window:                  Basic Windows.
  631. * scroll-step:                          Info Variables.
  632. * scrolling through node structure:     Scrolling Commands.
  633. * scrolling, in Info windows:           Scrolling Commands.
  634. * search:                               Searching Commands.
  635. * searching:                            Searching Commands.
  636. * select-reference-this-line:           Selecting Xrefs.
  637. * select-visited-node:                  Node Commands.
  638. * set-screen-height:                    Other Info Commands.
  639. * set-variable:                         Info Variables.
  640. * show-footnotes:                       Other Info Commands.
  641. * show-index-match:                     Info Variables.
  642. * SPC, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  643. * SPC, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  644. * split-window:                         Basic Windows.
  645. * t, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  646. * TAB, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  647. * TAB, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  648. * tile-windows:                         Basic Windows.
  649. * tiling:                               Basic Windows.
  650. * toggle-wrap:                          Scrolling Commands.
  651. * top-node:                             Node Commands.
  652. * u, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  653. * universal-argument:                   Other Info Commands.
  654. * up-node:                              Node Commands.
  655. * variables, describing:                Info Variables.
  656. * variables, setting:                   Info Variables.
  657. * view-file:                            Node Commands.
  658. * visible-bell:                         Info Variables.
  659. * where-is:                             Other Info Commands.
  660. * windows, creating:                    Basic Windows.
  661. * windows, deleting:                    Basic Windows.
  662. * windows, manipulating:                Window Commands.
  663. * windows, selecting:                   Basic Windows.
  664. * xref-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  665. File: octave.info,  Node: Function Index,  Next: Operator Index,  Prev: Variable Index,  Up: Top
  666. Function Index
  667. **************
  668. * Menu:
  669. * ISO-Latin:                            Info Variables.
  670. * keep-one-window:                      Basic Windows.
  671. * keys, describing:                     Other Info Commands.
  672. * kill-node:                            Node Commands.
  673. * l, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  674. * last-menu-item:                       Selecting Xrefs.
  675. * last-node:                            Node Commands.
  676. * list-visited-nodes:                   Node Commands.
  677. * m, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  678. * M-1 ... M-9, in Info windows:         Other Info Commands.
  679. * M-<, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  680. * M->, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  681. * M-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  682. * M-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  683. * M-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  684. * M-DEL, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  685. * M-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  686. * M-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  687. * M-r, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  688. * M-TAB, in Info windows:               Selecting Xrefs.
  689. * M-TAB, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  690. * M-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  691. * M-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  692. * menu-digit:                           Selecting Xrefs.
  693. * menu-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  694. * move-to-next-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  695. * move-to-prev-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  696. * move-to-window-line:                  Cursor Commands.
  697. * n, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  698. * next-index-match:                     Searching Commands.
  699. * next-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  700. * next-node:                            Node Commands.
  701. * next-window:                          Basic Windows.
  702. * nodes, selection of in Info windows:  Node Commands.
  703. * numeric arguments:                    Other Info Commands.
  704. * p, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  705. * prev-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  706. * prev-node:                            Node Commands.
  707. * prev-window:                          Basic Windows.
  708. * print-node:                           Printing Nodes.
  709. * printing:                             Printing Nodes.
  710. * printing characters, in the Info echo area: The Echo Area.
  711. * q, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  712. * quit:                                 Other Info Commands.
  713. * quitting:                             Other Info Commands.
  714. * r, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  715. * redraw-display:                       Scrolling Commands.
  716. * RET, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  717. * RET, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  718. * s, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  719. * screen, changing the height of:       Other Info Commands.
  720. * scroll-backward:                      Scrolling Commands.
  721. * scroll-behaviour:                     Info Variables.
  722. * scroll-forward:                       Scrolling Commands.
  723. * scroll-other-window:                  Basic Windows.
  724. * scroll-step:                          Info Variables.
  725. * scrolling through node structure:     Scrolling Commands.
  726. * scrolling, in Info windows:           Scrolling Commands.
  727. * search:                               Searching Commands.
  728. * searching:                            Searching Commands.
  729. * select-reference-this-line:           Selecting Xrefs.
  730. * select-visited-node:                  Node Commands.
  731. * set-screen-height:                    Other Info Commands.
  732. * set-variable:                         Info Variables.
  733. * show-footnotes:                       Other Info Commands.
  734. * show-index-match:                     Info Variables.
  735. * SPC, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  736. * SPC, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  737. * split-window:                         Basic Windows.
  738. * t, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  739. * TAB, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  740. * TAB, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  741. * tile-windows:                         Basic Windows.
  742. * tiling:                               Basic Windows.
  743. * toggle-wrap:                          Scrolling Commands.
  744. * top-node:                             Node Commands.
  745. * u, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  746. * universal-argument:                   Other Info Commands.
  747. * up-node:                              Node Commands.
  748. * variables, describing:                Info Variables.
  749. * variables, setting:                   Info Variables.
  750. * view-file:                            Node Commands.
  751. * visible-bell:                         Info Variables.
  752. * where-is:                             Other Info Commands.
  753. * windows, creating:                    Basic Windows.
  754. * windows, deleting:                    Basic Windows.
  755. * windows, manipulating:                Window Commands.
  756. * windows, selecting:                   Basic Windows.
  757. * xref-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  758. File: octave.info,  Node: Operator Index,  Next: Readline Index,  Prev: Function Index,  Up: Top
  759. Operator Index
  760. **************
  761. * Menu:
  762. * !:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  763. * !=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  764. * ":                                    String Constants.
  765. * &:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  766. * &&:                                   Short-circuit Boolean Operators.
  767. * ' <1>:                                String Constants.
  768. * ':                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  769. * *:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  770. * **:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  771. * +:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  772. * ++:                                   Assignment Ops.
  773. * ,:                                    Matrices.
  774. * -:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  775. * -:                                    Assignment Ops.
  776. * .':                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  777. * .*:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  778. * .**:                                  Arithmetic Ops.
  779. * .+:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  780. * .-:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  781. * ./:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  782. * .\:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  783. * .^:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  784. * /:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  785. * ::                                    Ranges.
  786. * ;:                                    Matrices.
  787. * <:                                    Comparison Ops.
  788. * <=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  789. * <>:                                   Comparison Ops.
  790. * =:                                    Assignment Ops.
  791. * ==:                                   Comparison Ops.
  792. * >:                                    Comparison Ops.
  793. * >=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  794. * [:                                    Matrices.
  795. * \:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  796. * ]:                                    Matrices.
  797. * ^:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  798. * |:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  799. * ||:                                   Short-circuit Boolean Operators.
  800. * ~:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  801. * ~=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  802. File: octave.info,  Node: Readline Index,  Next: Info Index,  Prev: Operator Index,  Up: Top
  803. Readline Index
  804. **************
  805. * Menu:
  806. * ISO-Latin:                            Info Variables.
  807. * keep-one-window:                      Basic Windows.
  808. * keys, describing:                     Other Info Commands.
  809. * kill-node:                            Node Commands.
  810. * l, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  811. * last-menu-item:                       Selecting Xrefs.
  812. * last-node:                            Node Commands.
  813. * list-visited-nodes:                   Node Commands.
  814. * m, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  815. * M-1 ... M-9, in Info windows:         Other Info Commands.
  816. * M-<, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  817. * M->, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  818. * M-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  819. * M-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  820. * M-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  821. * M-DEL, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  822. * M-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  823. * M-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  824. * M-r, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  825. * M-TAB, in Info windows:               Selecting Xrefs.
  826. * M-TAB, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  827. * M-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  828. * M-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  829. * menu-digit:                           Selecting Xrefs.
  830. * menu-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  831. * move-to-next-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  832. * move-to-prev-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  833. * move-to-window-line:                  Cursor Commands.
  834. * n, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  835. * next-index-match:                     Searching Commands.
  836. * next-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  837. * next-node:                            Node Commands.
  838. * next-window:                          Basic Windows.
  839. * nodes, selection of in Info windows:  Node Commands.
  840. * numeric arguments:                    Other Info Commands.
  841. * p, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  842. * prev-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  843. * prev-node:                            Node Commands.
  844. * prev-window:                          Basic Windows.
  845. * print-node:                           Printing Nodes.
  846. * printing:                             Printing Nodes.
  847. * printing characters, in the Info echo area: The Echo Area.
  848. * q, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  849. * quit:                                 Other Info Commands.
  850. * quitting:                             Other Info Commands.
  851. * r, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  852. * redraw-display:                       Scrolling Commands.
  853. * RET, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  854. * RET, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  855. * s, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  856. * screen, changing the height of:       Other Info Commands.
  857. * scroll-backward:                      Scrolling Commands.
  858. * scroll-behaviour:                     Info Variables.
  859. * scroll-forward:                       Scrolling Commands.
  860. * scroll-other-window:                  Basic Windows.
  861. * scroll-step:                          Info Variables.
  862. * scrolling through node structure:     Scrolling Commands.
  863. * scrolling, in Info windows:           Scrolling Commands.
  864. * search:                               Searching Commands.
  865. * searching:                            Searching Commands.
  866. * select-reference-this-line:           Selecting Xrefs.
  867. * select-visited-node:                  Node Commands.
  868. * set-screen-height:                    Other Info Commands.
  869. * set-variable:                         Info Variables.
  870. * show-footnotes:                       Other Info Commands.
  871. * show-index-match:                     Info Variables.
  872. * SPC, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  873. * SPC, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  874. * split-window:                         Basic Windows.
  875. * t, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  876. * TAB, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  877. * TAB, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  878. * tile-windows:                         Basic Windows.
  879. * tiling:                               Basic Windows.
  880. * toggle-wrap:                          Scrolling Commands.
  881. * top-node:                             Node Commands.
  882. * u, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  883. * universal-argument:                   Other Info Commands.
  884. * up-node:                              Node Commands.
  885. * variables, describing:                Info Variables.
  886. * variables, setting:                   Info Variables.
  887. * view-file:                            Node Commands.
  888. * visible-bell:                         Info Variables.
  889. * where-is:                             Other Info Commands.
  890. * windows, creating:                    Basic Windows.
  891. * windows, deleting:                    Basic Windows.
  892. * windows, manipulating:                Window Commands.
  893. * windows, selecting:                   Basic Windows.
  894. * xref-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.