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GNU Info File  |  1995-02-23  |  38KB  |  650 lines

  1. This is Info file octave.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
  2. file octave.texi.
  3.    Copyright (C) 1993, 1994, 1995 John W. Eaton.
  4.    Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
  5. manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
  6. preserved on all copies.
  7.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
  8. this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
  9. the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
  10. permission notice identical to this one.
  11.    Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this
  12. manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified
  13. versions.
  14. File: octave.info,  Node: Function Index,  Next: Operator Index,  Prev: Variable Index,  Up: Top
  15. Function Index
  16. **************
  17. * Menu:
  18. * -ascii:                               Basic Input and Output.
  19. * -ascii:                               Basic Input and Output.
  20. * -binary:                              Basic Input and Output.
  21. * -binary:                              Basic Input and Output.
  22. * -float-binary:                        Basic Input and Output.
  23. * -force:                               Basic Input and Output.
  24. * -mat-binary:                          Basic Input and Output.
  25. * -mat-binary:                          Basic Input and Output.
  26. * -save-builtins:                       Basic Input and Output.
  27. * .octaverc:                            Startup Files.
  28. * abcddim (A, B, C, D):                 Control Theory.
  29. * abs (X):                              Complex Arithmetic.
  30. * acos:                                 Trigonometry.
  31. * acosh:                                Trigonometry.
  32. * acot:                                 Trigonometry.
  33. * acoth:                                Trigonometry.
  34. * acsc:                                 Trigonometry.
  35. * acsch:                                Trigonometry.
  36. * all:                                  Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  37. * angle (X):                            Complex Arithmetic.
  38. * any:                                  Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  39. * are (A, B, C, OPT):                   Control Theory.
  40. * arg (X):                              Complex Arithmetic.
  41. * asec:                                 Trigonometry.
  42. * asech:                                Trigonometry.
  43. * asin:                                 Trigonometry.
  44. * asinh:                                Trigonometry.
  45. * atan:                                 Trigonometry.
  46. * atan2:                                Trigonometry.
  47. * atanh:                                Trigonometry.
  48. * axis (LIMITS):                        Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  49. * balance:                              Basic Matrix Functions.
  50. * bar (X, Y):                           Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  51. * beta:                                 Special Functions.
  52. * betai (A, B, X):                      Special Functions.
  53. * bug_report:                           Reporting Bugs.
  54. * bug_report:                           Bug Lists.
  55. * c2d (A, B, T):                        Control Theory.
  56. * casesen:                              Amusements.
  57. * cd:                                   Interacting with the OS.
  58. * ceil (X):                             Utility Functions.
  59. * chdir:                                Interacting with the OS.
  60. * chol (A):                             Matrix Factorizations.
  61. * clc:                                  Interacting with the OS.
  62. * clear PATTERN ...:                    Miscellaneous Utilities.
  63. * clearplot:                            Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  64. * clg:                                  Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  65. * clock:                                Timing Utilities.
  66. * closeplot:                            Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  67. * colloc:                               Orthogonal Collocation.
  68. * colormap:                             Image Processing.
  69. * columns (A):                          Miscellaneous Utilities.
  70. * compan (C):                           Polynomial Manipulations.
  71. * complement:                           Sets.
  72. * computer:                             System Information.
  73. * cond (A):                             Basic Matrix Functions.
  74. * conj (X):                             Complex Arithmetic.
  75. * contour (Z, N, X, Y):                 Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  76. * conv (A, B):                          Polynomial Manipulations.
  77. * corrcoef (X [, Y]):                   Statistics.
  78. * cos:                                  Trigonometry.
  79. * cosh:                                 Trigonometry.
  80. * cot:                                  Trigonometry.
  81. * coth:                                 Trigonometry.
  82. * cov (X [, Y]):                        Statistics.
  83. * cputime:                              Timing Utilities.
  84. * create_set:                           Sets.
  85. * csc:                                  Trigonometry.
  86. * csch:                                 Trigonometry.
  87. * cumprod (X):                          Sums and Products.
  88. * cumsum (X):                           Sums and Products.
  89. * dare (A, B, C, R, OPT):               Control Theory.
  90. * dassl:                                Differential-Algebraic Equations.
  91. * dassl_options:                        Differential-Algebraic Equations.
  92. * date:                                 Timing Utilities.
  93. * deconv (Y, A):                        Polynomial Manipulations.
  94. * det (A):                              Basic Matrix Functions.
  95. * dgram (A, B):                         Control Theory.
  96. * diag:                                 Special Utility Matrices.
  97. * diary:                                Command History Functions.
  98. * dir:                                  Interacting with the OS.
  99. * disp:                                 Basic Input and Output.
  100. * dlqe (A, G, C, SIGW, SIGV [, Z]):     Control Theory.
  101. * dlqr (A, B, Q, R [, Z]):              Control Theory.
  102. * dlyap (A, B):                         Control Theory.
  103. * document SYMBOL TEXT:                 Miscellaneous Utilities.
  104. * edit_history:                         Command History Functions.
  105. * eig:                                  Basic Matrix Functions.
  106. * erf:                                  Special Functions.
  107. * erfc (Z):                             Special Functions.
  108. * erfinv:                               Special Functions.
  109. * error (MSG):                          Miscellaneous Utilities.
  110. * etime:                                Timing Utilities.
  111. * eval:                                 Evaluating Strings as Commands.
  112. * exist (NAME):                         Miscellaneous Utilities.
  113. * exit:                                 Amusements.
  114. * exit:                                 Running Octave.
  115. * exp (X):                              Utility Functions.
  116. * expm:                                 Functions of a Matrix.
  117. * eye:                                  Special Utility Matrices.
  118. * fclose:                               Opening and Closing Files.
  119. * feof:                                 Other I/O Functions.
  120. * ferror:                               Other I/O Functions.
  121. * feval:                                Evaluating Strings as Commands.
  122. * fflush:                               Input and Output.
  123. * fft (A):                              Signal Processing.
  124. * fft2 (A):                             Signal Processing.
  125. * fftconv (A, B, N):                    Signal Processing.
  126. * fftfilt (B, X, N):                    Signal Processing.
  127. * fgets:                                Other I/O Functions.
  128. * file_in_path (PATH, FILE):            Miscellaneous Utilities.
  129. * filter (B, A, X):                     Signal Processing.
  130. * find:                                 Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  131. * finite:                               Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  132. * fix (X):                              Utility Functions.
  133. * fliplr:                               Rearranging Matrices.
  134. * flipud:                               Rearranging Matrices.
  135. * floor (X):                            Utility Functions.
  136. * flops:                                Amusements.
  137. * fopen:                                Opening and Closing Files.
  138. * format:                               Basic Input and Output.
  139. * fprintf (FILE, TEMPLATE, ...):        Formatted Output.
  140. * fread (FILE, SIZE, PRECISION):        Binary I/O.
  141. * freport:                              Other I/O Functions.
  142. * freqz:                                Signal Processing.
  143. * frewind:                              Other I/O Functions.
  144. * fscanf (FILE, TEMPLATE):              Formatted Input.
  145. * fseek:                                Other I/O Functions.
  146. * fsolve:                               Nonlinear Equations.
  147. * fsolve_options:                       Nonlinear Equations.
  148. * ftell:                                Other I/O Functions.
  149. * fwrite (FILE, DATA, PRECISION):       Binary I/O.
  150. * gamma (Z):                            Special Functions.
  151. * gammai (A, X):                        Special Functions.
  152. * gcd (X, ...):                         Utility Functions.
  153. * getenv:                               Interacting with the OS.
  154. * givens:                               Basic Matrix Functions.
  155. * gls (Y, X, O):                        Linear Least Squares.
  156. * gplot:                                Plotting.
  157. * gray (N):                             Image Processing.
  158. * gray2ind:                             Image Processing.
  159. * grid:                                 Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  160. * gsplot:                               Plotting.
  161. * hadamard (K):                         Famous Matrices.
  162. * hankel (C, R):                        Famous Matrices.
  163. * help:                                 Help.
  164. * hess (A):                             Matrix Factorizations.
  165. * hilb (N):                             Famous Matrices.
  166. * hist (Y, X):                          Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  167. * history:                              Command History Functions.
  168. * hold:                                 Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  169. * home:                                 Interacting with the OS.
  170. * ifft (A):                             Signal Processing.
  171. * ifft2:                                Signal Processing.
  172. * imag (X):                             Complex Arithmetic.
  173. * image:                                Image Processing.
  174. * imagesc:                              Image Processing.
  175. * imshow:                               Image Processing.
  176. * ind2gray:                             Image Processing.
  177. * ind2rgb:                              Image Processing.
  178. * input:                                Basic Input and Output.
  179. * int2str:                              String Functions.
  180. * intersection:                         Sets.
  181. * inv (A):                              Basic Matrix Functions.
  182. * inverse (A):                          Basic Matrix Functions.
  183. * invhilb (N):                          Famous Matrices.
  184. * isempty (A):                          Miscellaneous Utilities.
  185. * ishold:                               Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  186. * isieee:                               System Information.
  187. * isinf:                                Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  188. * isnan:                                Finding Elements and Checking Conditions.
  189. * isstr (A):                            Miscellaneous Utilities.
  190. * is_controllable (A, B, TOL):          Control Theory.
  191. * is_global (A):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  192. * is_leap_year:                         Timing Utilities.
  193. * is_matrix (A):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  194. * is_observable (A, C, TOL):            Control Theory.
  195. * is_scalar (A):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  196. * is_square (X):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  197. * is_struct:                            Data Structures.
  198. * is_symmetric (X, TOL):                Miscellaneous Utilities.
  199. * is_vector (A):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  200. * kbhit:                                Other I/O Functions.
  201. * keyboard:                             Basic Input and Output.
  202. * kron (A, B):                          Functions of a Matrix.
  203. * kurtosis (X):                         Statistics.
  204. * lcm (X, ...):                         Utility Functions.
  205. * length (A):                           Miscellaneous Utilities.
  206. * lgamma:                               Special Functions.
  207. * linspace:                             Special Utility Matrices.
  208. * list_primes:                          Amusements.
  209. * load:                                 Basic Input and Output.
  210. * loadimage:                            Image Processing.
  211. * log (X):                              Utility Functions.
  212. * log10 (X):                            Utility Functions.
  213. * log2 (X):                             Utility Functions.
  214. * loglog (ARGS):                        Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  215. * logm (A):                             Functions of a Matrix.
  216. * logspace:                             Special Utility Matrices.
  217. * lqe (A, G, C, SIGW, SIGV, Z):         Control Theory.
  218. * lqr (A, B, Q, R, Z):                  Control Theory.
  219. * ls:                                   Interacting with the OS.
  220. * lsode:                                Ordinary Differential Equations.
  221. * lsode_options:                        Ordinary Differential Equations.
  222. * lu (A):                               Matrix Factorizations.
  223. * lyap (A, B, C):                       Control Theory.
  224. * mahalanobis (X, Y):                   Statistics.
  225. * max (X):                              Utility Functions.
  226. * mean (A):                             Statistics.
  227. * median (A):                           Statistics.
  228. * menu (TITLE, OPT1, ...):              Miscellaneous Utilities.
  229. * mesh (X, Y, Z):                       Three-Dimensional Plotting.
  230. * meshdom (X, Y):                       Three-Dimensional Plotting.
  231. * min (X):                              Utility Functions.
  232. * nargchk (NARGIN_MIN, NARGIN_MAX, N):  Miscellaneous Utilities.
  233. * newtroot:                             Evaluating Strings as Commands.
  234. * norm (A, P):                          Basic Matrix Functions.
  235. * npsol:                                Nonlinear Programming.
  236. * npsol_options:                        Nonlinear Programming.
  237. * null (A, TOL):                        Basic Matrix Functions.
  238. * num2str:                              String Functions.
  239. * ocean (N):                            Image Processing.
  240. * OCTAVE_HOME/lib/octave/VERSION/startup/octaverc: Startup Files.
  241. * octave_tmp_file_name:                 Miscellaneous Utilities.
  242. * ols (Y, X):                           Linear Least Squares.
  243. * ones:                                 Special Utility Matrices.
  244. * orth (A, TOL):                        Basic Matrix Functions.
  245. * pause:                                Other Functions.
  246. * perror (NAME, NUM):                   Miscellaneous Utilities.
  247. * pinv (X, TOL):                        Basic Matrix Functions.
  248. * plot (ARGS):                          Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  249. * polar (THETA, RHO):                   Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  250. * poly (A):                             Polynomial Manipulations.
  251. * polyderiv (C):                        Polynomial Manipulations.
  252. * polyinteg (C):                        Polynomial Manipulations.
  253. * polyreduce (C):                       Polynomial Manipulations.
  254. * polyval (C, X):                       Polynomial Manipulations.
  255. * polyvalm (C, X):                      Polynomial Manipulations.
  256. * printf (TEMPLATE, ...):               Formatted Output.
  257. * prod (X):                             Sums and Products.
  258. * purge_tmp_files:                      Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  259. * pwd:                                  Interacting with the OS.
  260. * qpsol:                                Quadratic Programming.
  261. * qpsol_options:                        Quadratic Programming.
  262. * qr (A):                               Matrix Factorizations.
  263. * quad:                                 Functions of one Variable.
  264. * quad_options:                         Functions of one Variable.
  265. * quit:                                 Amusements.
  266. * quit:                                 Running Octave.
  267. * qzhess (A, B):                        Functions of a Matrix.
  268. * qzval (A, B):                         Functions of a Matrix.
  269. * rand:                                 Special Utility Matrices.
  270. * rank (A, TOL):                        Basic Matrix Functions.
  271. * real (X):                             Complex Arithmetic.
  272. * rem (X, Y):                           Utility Functions.
  273. * replot:                               Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  274. * reshape:                              Rearranging Matrices.
  275. * residue (B, A, TOL):                  Polynomial Manipulations.
  276. * rgb2ind:                              Image Processing.
  277. * roots (V):                            Polynomial Manipulations.
  278. * rot90:                                Rearranging Matrices.
  279. * round (X):                            Utility Functions.
  280. * rows (A):                             Miscellaneous Utilities.
  281. * run_history:                          Command History Functions.
  282. * save:                                 Basic Input and Output.
  283. * saveimage:                            Image Processing.
  284. * scanf (TEMPLATE):                     Formatted Input.
  285. * schur:                                Matrix Factorizations.
  286. * sec:                                  Trigonometry.
  287. * sech:                                 Trigonometry.
  288. * semilogx (ARGS):                      Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  289. * semilogy (ARGS):                      Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  290. * set:                                  Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  291. * setstr:                               String Functions.
  292. * shell_cmd:                            Interacting with the OS.
  293. * show:                                 Two-Dimensional Plotting.
  294. * sign (X):                             Utility Functions.
  295. * sin:                                  Trigonometry.
  296. * sinc (X):                             Signal Processing.
  297. * sinh:                                 Trigonometry.
  298. * size (A [, N]):                       Miscellaneous Utilities.
  299. * skewness (X):                         Statistics.
  300. * sombrero (N):                         Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  301. * sort:                                 Rearranging Matrices.
  302. * sprintf (TEMPLATE, ...):              Formatted Output.
  303. * sqrt (X):                             Utility Functions.
  304. * sqrtm (A):                            Functions of a Matrix.
  305. * sscanf (STRING, TEMPLATE):            Formatted Input.
  306. * stairs (X, Y):                        Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  307. * std (A):                              Statistics.
  308. * strcmp:                               String Functions.
  309. * sum (X):                              Sums and Products.
  310. * sumsq (X):                            Sums and Products.
  311. * svd (A):                              Matrix Factorizations.
  312. * syl (A, B, C):                        Functions of a Matrix.
  313. * system:                               Interacting with the OS.
  314. * tan:                                  Trigonometry.
  315. * tanh:                                 Trigonometry.
  316. * texas_lotto:                          Amusements.
  317. * tic:                                  Timing Utilities.
  318. * title (STRING):                       Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  319. * toc:                                  Timing Utilities.
  320. * toeplitz (C, R):                      Famous Matrices.
  321. * trace (A):                            Basic Matrix Functions.
  322. * tril:                                 Rearranging Matrices.
  323. * triu:                                 Rearranging Matrices.
  324. * type NAME ...:                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  325. * tzero (A, B, C, D, BAL):              Control Theory.
  326. * undo_string_escapes:                  String Functions.
  327. * union:                                Sets.
  328. * usage (MSG):                          Miscellaneous Utilities.
  329. * vander (C):                           Famous Matrices.
  330. * va_arg:                               Variable-length Argument Lists.
  331. * va_start:                             Variable-length Argument Lists.
  332. * version:                              System Information.
  333. * vr_val:                               Variable-length Return Lists.
  334. * warning (MSG):                        Miscellaneous Utilities.
  335. * which NAME ...:                       Miscellaneous Utilities.
  336. * who OPTIONS PATTERN ...:              Miscellaneous Utilities.
  337. * whos:                                 Miscellaneous Utilities.
  338. * xlabel (STRING):                      Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  339. * ylabel (STRING):                      Miscellaneous Plotting Functions.
  340. * zeros:                                Special Utility Matrices.
  341. * [K, P, E] = lqr (A, B, Q, R, Z):      Control Theory.
  342. * ~/.octaverc:                          Startup Files.
  343. File: octave.info,  Node: Operator Index,  Next: Readline Index,  Prev: Function Index,  Up: Top
  344. Operator Index
  345. **************
  346. * Menu:
  347. * !:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  348. * !=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  349. * ":                                    String Constants.
  350. * &:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  351. * &&:                                   Short-circuit Boolean Operators.
  352. * ':                                    String Constants.
  353. * ':                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  354. * *:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  355. * **:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  356. * +:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  357. * ++:                                   Assignment Ops.
  358. * ,:                                    Matrices.
  359. * -:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  360. * -:                                    Assignment Ops.
  361. * .':                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  362. * .*:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  363. * .**:                                  Arithmetic Ops.
  364. * .+:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  365. * .-:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  366. * ./:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  367. * .\:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  368. * .^:                                   Arithmetic Ops.
  369. * /:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  370. * ::                                    Ranges.
  371. * ;:                                    Matrices.
  372. * <:                                    Comparison Ops.
  373. * <=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  374. * <>:                                   Comparison Ops.
  375. * =:                                    Assignment Ops.
  376. * ==:                                   Comparison Ops.
  377. * >:                                    Comparison Ops.
  378. * >=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  379. * [:                                    Matrices.
  380. * \:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  381. * ]:                                    Matrices.
  382. * ^:                                    Arithmetic Ops.
  383. * |:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  384. * ||:                                   Short-circuit Boolean Operators.
  385. * ~:                                    Element-by-element Boolean Operators.
  386. * ~=:                                   Comparison Ops.
  387. File: octave.info,  Node: Readline Index,  Next: Info Index,  Prev: Operator Index,  Up: Top
  388. Readline Index
  389. **************
  390. * Menu:
  391. * abort (C-g):                          Miscellaneous Commands.
  392. * accept-line (Newline, Return):        Commands For History.
  393. * backward-char (C-b):                  Commands For Moving.
  394. * backward-delete-char (Rubout):        Commands For Text.
  395. * backward-kill-line ():                Commands For Killing.
  396. * backward-kill-word (M-DEL):           Commands For Killing.
  397. * backward-word (M-b):                  Commands For Moving.
  398. * beginning-of-history (M-<):           Commands For History.
  399. * beginning-of-line (C-a):              Commands For Moving.
  400. * capitalize-word (M-c):                Commands For Text.
  401. * clear-screen (C-l):                   Commands For Moving.
  402. * complete (TAB):                       Commands For Completion.
  403. * delete-char (C-d):                    Commands For Text.
  404. * digit-argument (M-0, M-1, ... M-):    Numeric Arguments.
  405. * do-uppercase-version (M-a, M-b, ...): Miscellaneous Commands.
  406. * downcase-word (M-l):                  Commands For Text.
  407. * editing-mode:                         Readline Init Syntax.
  408. * end-of-history (M->):                 Commands For History.
  409. * end-of-line (C-e):                    Commands For Moving.
  410. * forward-char (C-f):                   Commands For Moving.
  411. * forward-search-history (C-s):         Commands For History.
  412. * forward-word (M-f):                   Commands For Moving.
  413. * horizontal-scroll-mode:               Readline Init Syntax.
  414. * interaction, readline:                Readline Interaction.
  415. * kill-line (C-k):                      Commands For Killing.
  416. * kill-word (M-d):                      Commands For Killing.
  417. * mark-modified-lines:                  Readline Init Syntax.
  418. * next-history (C-n):                   Commands For History.
  419. * possible-completions (M-?):           Commands For Completion.
  420. * prefer-visible-bell:                  Readline Init Syntax.
  421. * prefix-meta (ESC):                    Miscellaneous Commands.
  422. * previous-history (C-p):               Commands For History.
  423. * quoted-insert (C-q, C-v):             Commands For Text.
  424. * re-read-init-file (C-x C-r):          Miscellaneous Commands.
  425. * reverse-search-history (C-r):         Commands For History.
  426. * revert-line (M-r):                    Miscellaneous Commands.
  427. * self-insert (a, b, A, 1, !, ...):     Commands For Text.
  428. * tab-insert (M-TAB):                   Commands For Text.
  429. * transpose-chars (C-t):                Commands For Text.
  430. * transpose-words (M-t):                Commands For Text.
  431. * undo (C-_):                           Miscellaneous Commands.
  432. * universal-argument ():                Numeric Arguments.
  433. * unix-line-discard (C-u):              Commands For Killing.
  434. * unix-word-rubout (C-w):               Commands For Killing.
  435. * upcase-word (M-u):                    Commands For Text.
  436. * yank (C-y):                           Commands For Killing.
  437. * yank-pop (M-y):                       Commands For Killing.
  438. File: octave.info,  Node: Info Index,  Prev: Readline Index,  Up: Top
  439. Info Index
  440. **********
  441. * Menu:
  442. * , in Info windows:                    Searching Commands.
  443. * 0, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  444. * 1 ... 9, in Info windows:             Selecting Xrefs.
  445. * 1 ... 9, in Info windows:             Selecting Xrefs.
  446. * <, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  447. * >, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  448. * ?, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  449. * ?, in the Info echo area:             The Echo Area.
  450. * abort-key:                            Other Info Commands.
  451. * add-digit-to-numeric-arg:             Other Info Commands.
  452. * automatic-footnotes:                  Info Variables.
  453. * automatic-tiling:                     Info Variables.
  454. * b, in Info windows:                   Cursor Commands.
  455. * backward-char:                        Cursor Commands.
  456. * backward-word:                        Cursor Commands.
  457. * beginning-of-line:                    Cursor Commands.
  458. * beginning-of-node:                    Cursor Commands.
  459. * C-a, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  460. * C-a, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  461. * C-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  462. * C-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  463. * C-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  464. * C-e, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  465. * C-e, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  466. * C-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  467. * C-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  468. * C-g, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  469. * C-g, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  470. * C-h, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  471. * C-k, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  472. * C-l, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  473. * C-n, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  474. * C-p, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  475. * C-q, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  476. * C-r, in Info windows:                 Searching Commands.
  477. * C-s, in Info windows:                 Searching Commands.
  478. * C-t, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  479. * C-u, in Info windows:                 Other Info Commands.
  480. * C-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  481. * C-w, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  482. * C-x 0, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  483. * C-x 1, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  484. * C-x 2, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  485. * C-x b, in Info windows:               Node Commands.
  486. * C-x C-b, in Info windows:             Node Commands.
  487. * C-x C-f, in Info windows:             Node Commands.
  488. * C-x DEL, in the Info echo area:       The Echo Area.
  489. * C-x k, in Info windows:               Node Commands.
  490. * C-x o, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  491. * C-x t, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  492. * C-x ^, in Info windows:               Basic Windows.
  493. * C-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  494. * cancelling the current operation:     Other Info Commands.
  495. * cancelling typeahead:                 Other Info Commands.
  496. * commands, describing:                 Other Info Commands.
  497. * cursor, moving:                       Cursor Commands.
  498. * d, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  499. * DEL, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  500. * DEL, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  501. * delete-window:                        Basic Windows.
  502. * describe-command:                     Other Info Commands.
  503. * describe-key:                         Other Info Commands.
  504. * describe-variable:                    Info Variables.
  505. * dir-node:                             Node Commands.
  506. * echo area:                            The Echo Area.
  507. * echo-area-abort:                      The Echo Area.
  508. * echo-area-backward:                   The Echo Area.
  509. * echo-area-backward-kill-line:         The Echo Area.
  510. * echo-area-backward-kill-word:         The Echo Area.
  511. * echo-area-backward-word:              The Echo Area.
  512. * echo-area-beg-of-line:                The Echo Area.
  513. * echo-area-complete:                   The Echo Area.
  514. * echo-area-delete:                     The Echo Area.
  515. * echo-area-end-of-line:                The Echo Area.
  516. * echo-area-forward:                    The Echo Area.
  517. * echo-area-forward-word:               The Echo Area.
  518. * echo-area-insert:                     The Echo Area.
  519. * echo-area-kill-line:                  The Echo Area.
  520. * echo-area-kill-word:                  The Echo Area.
  521. * echo-area-newline:                    The Echo Area.
  522. * echo-area-possible-completions:       The Echo Area.
  523. * echo-area-quoted-insert:              The Echo Area.
  524. * echo-area-rubout:                     The Echo Area.
  525. * echo-area-scroll-completions-window:  The Echo Area.
  526. * echo-area-tab-insert:                 The Echo Area.
  527. * echo-area-transpose-chars:            The Echo Area.
  528. * echo-area-yank:                       The Echo Area.
  529. * echo-area-yank-pop:                   The Echo Area.
  530. * end-of-line:                          Cursor Commands.
  531. * end-of-node:                          Cursor Commands.
  532. * errors-ring-bell:                     Info Variables.
  533. * ESC C-f, in Info windows:             Other Info Commands.
  534. * ESC C-v, in Info windows:             Basic Windows.
  535. * ESC C-v, in the Info echo area:       The Echo Area.
  536. * f, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  537. * find-menu:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  538. * first-node:                           Node Commands.
  539. * footnotes, displaying:                Other Info Commands.
  540. * forward-char:                         Cursor Commands.
  541. * forward-word:                         Cursor Commands.
  542. * functions, describing:                Other Info Commands.
  543. * g, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  544. * gc-compressed-files:                  Info Variables.
  545. * get-help-window:                      Other Info Commands.
  546. * get-info-help-node:                   Other Info Commands.
  547. * global-next-node:                     Node Commands.
  548. * global-prev-node:                     Node Commands.
  549. * goto-node:                            Node Commands.
  550. * grow-window:                          Basic Windows.
  551. * h, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  552. * history-node:                         Node Commands.
  553. * i, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  554. * index-search:                         Searching Commands.
  555. * INFO_PRINT_COMMAND, environment variable: Printing Nodes.
  556. * isearch-backward:                     Searching Commands.
  557. * isearch-forward:                      Searching Commands.
  558. * ISO Latin characters:                 Info Variables.
  559. * ISO-Latin:                            Info Variables.
  560. * keep-one-window:                      Basic Windows.
  561. * keys, describing:                     Other Info Commands.
  562. * kill-node:                            Node Commands.
  563. * l, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  564. * last-menu-item:                       Selecting Xrefs.
  565. * last-node:                            Node Commands.
  566. * list-visited-nodes:                   Node Commands.
  567. * m, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  568. * M-1 ... M-9, in Info windows:         Other Info Commands.
  569. * M-<, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  570. * M->, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  571. * M-b, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  572. * M-b, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  573. * M-d, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  574. * M-DEL, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  575. * M-f, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  576. * M-f, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  577. * M-r, in Info windows:                 Cursor Commands.
  578. * M-TAB, in Info windows:               Selecting Xrefs.
  579. * M-TAB, in the Info echo area:         The Echo Area.
  580. * M-v, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  581. * M-y, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  582. * menu-digit:                           Selecting Xrefs.
  583. * menu-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  584. * move-to-next-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  585. * move-to-prev-xref:                    Selecting Xrefs.
  586. * move-to-window-line:                  Cursor Commands.
  587. * n, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  588. * next-index-match:                     Searching Commands.
  589. * next-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  590. * next-node:                            Node Commands.
  591. * next-window:                          Basic Windows.
  592. * nodes, selection of in Info windows:  Node Commands.
  593. * numeric arguments:                    Other Info Commands.
  594. * p, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  595. * prev-line:                            Cursor Commands.
  596. * prev-node:                            Node Commands.
  597. * prev-window:                          Basic Windows.
  598. * print-node:                           Printing Nodes.
  599. * printing:                             Printing Nodes.
  600. * printing characters, in the Info echo area: The Echo Area.
  601. * q, in Info windows:                   Other Info Commands.
  602. * quit:                                 Other Info Commands.
  603. * quitting:                             Other Info Commands.
  604. * r, in Info windows:                   Selecting Xrefs.
  605. * redraw-display:                       Scrolling Commands.
  606. * RET, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  607. * RET, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  608. * s, in Info windows:                   Searching Commands.
  609. * screen, changing the height of:       Other Info Commands.
  610. * scroll-backward:                      Scrolling Commands.
  611. * scroll-behaviour:                     Info Variables.
  612. * scroll-forward:                       Scrolling Commands.
  613. * scroll-other-window:                  Basic Windows.
  614. * scroll-step:                          Info Variables.
  615. * scrolling through node structure:     Scrolling Commands.
  616. * scrolling, in Info windows:           Scrolling Commands.
  617. * search:                               Searching Commands.
  618. * searching:                            Searching Commands.
  619. * select-reference-this-line:           Selecting Xrefs.
  620. * select-visited-node:                  Node Commands.
  621. * set-screen-height:                    Other Info Commands.
  622. * set-variable:                         Info Variables.
  623. * show-footnotes:                       Other Info Commands.
  624. * show-index-match:                     Info Variables.
  625. * SPC, in Info windows:                 Scrolling Commands.
  626. * SPC, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  627. * split-window:                         Basic Windows.
  628. * t, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  629. * TAB, in Info windows:                 Selecting Xrefs.
  630. * TAB, in the Info echo area:           The Echo Area.
  631. * tile-windows:                         Basic Windows.
  632. * tiling:                               Basic Windows.
  633. * toggle-wrap:                          Scrolling Commands.
  634. * top-node:                             Node Commands.
  635. * u, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  636. * universal-argument:                   Other Info Commands.
  637. * up-node:                              Node Commands.
  638. * variables, describing:                Info Variables.
  639. * variables, setting:                   Info Variables.
  640. * view-file:                            Node Commands.
  641. * visible-bell:                         Info Variables.
  642. * where-is:                             Other Info Commands.
  643. * windows, creating:                    Basic Windows.
  644. * windows, deleting:                    Basic Windows.
  645. * windows, manipulating:                Window Commands.
  646. * windows, selecting:                   Basic Windows.
  647. * xref-item:                            Selecting Xrefs.
  648. * [, in Info windows:                   Node Commands.
  649. * ], in Info windows:                   Node Commands.